diff options
-rw-r--r--ratpoison/.ratpoisonrc.conf.un~bin6562 -> 97641 bytes
18 files changed, 100 insertions, 427 deletions
diff --git a/ratpoison/.ratpoison b/ratpoison/.ratpoison
deleted file mode 120000
index 6b7f260..0000000
--- a/ratpoison/.ratpoison
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.ratpoison \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ratpoison/.ratpoisonrc.conf.un~ b/ratpoison/.ratpoisonrc.conf.un~
index b43b148..9d8c008 100644
--- a/ratpoison/.ratpoisonrc.conf.un~
+++ b/ratpoison/.ratpoisonrc.conf.un~
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ratpoison/clipboard b/ratpoison/clipboard
index 9033ac1..2cb6c2c 100755
--- a/ratpoison/clipboard
+++ b/ratpoison/clipboard
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Clipboard menu
@@ -28,14 +28,15 @@ function entries() {
for i in $(seq 1 9); do
- repr=$(xcb -p $i | tr '\n$*?"'\''' ' ' | cut --bytes 0-59)
+ repr=$(xcb -p $i | tr '\n$*?"'\''' ' ' | cut --bytes 1-59)
if [ $command = menu_paste ]; then
cmd_item="$0 paste $i"
cmd_item="$0 set $i"
#printf '%q %q ' $i "$repr" "$cmd_item"
- echo -n "\"$i $repr\" \"$cmd_item\" "
+# echo -n "\"$i: $repr\" \"$cmd_item\" "
+ echo -n "\"$i:$repr \" \"$cmd_item\" "
diff --git a/ratpoison/numpad/ratnumpad.conf b/ratpoison/numpad/ratnumpad.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f3cc280..0000000
--- a/ratpoison/numpad/ratnumpad.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Use numpad to move the rat
-definekey top KP_End ratrelwarp -10 10
-definekey top KP_Down ratrelwarp 0 10
-definekey top KP_Next ratrelwarp 10 10
-definekey top KP_Left ratrelwarp -10 0
-definekey top KP_Begin ratclick 1
-definekey top S-KP_Begin ratclick 1
-definekey top KP_Right ratrelwarp 10 0
-definekey top KP_Home ratrelwarp -10 -10
-definekey top KP_Up ratrelwarp 0 -10
-definekey top KP_Prior ratrelwarp 10 -10
-definekey top KP_Delete banish
diff --git a/ratpoison/numpad/ratnumund.conf b/ratpoison/numpad/ratnumund.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d4919..0000000
--- a/ratpoison/numpad/ratnumund.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Use numpad to move the rat
-undefinekey top KP_End
-undefinekey top KP_Down
-undefinekey top KP_Next
-undefinekey top KP_Left
-undefinekey top KP_Begin
-undefinekey top S-KP_Begin
-undefinekey top KP_Right
-undefinekey top KP_Home
-undefinekey top KP_Up
-undefinekey top KP_Prior
-undefinekey top KP_Delete
diff --git a/ratpoison/paneltoggle b/ratpoison/paneltoggle
index cb5f367..5e665bb 100755
--- a/ratpoison/paneltoggle
+++ b/ratpoison/paneltoggle
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+# This shell script is PUBLIC DOMAIN. You may do whatever you want with it.
if [ ! -e $TOGGLE ]; then
diff --git a/ratpoison/pentfocus b/ratpoison/pentfocus
index b0d40de..e8be6f8 100755
--- a/ratpoison/pentfocus
+++ b/ratpoison/pentfocus
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
ratpoison -c 'ratwarp 1332 568'
+sleep 0.01
ratpoison -c 'ratclick 1'
ratpoison -c banish
diff --git a/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard b/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard
index 673e969..dd4bc29 100644
--- a/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard
+++ b/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard
@@ -17,41 +17,41 @@ chdir
newkmap clipboard_paste
newkmap clipboard_set
-exec .ratpoison/clipboard init
+exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard init
bind p readkey clipboard_paste
bind y readkey clipboard_set
# Menu version of paste and set
-definekey clipboard_paste p exec .ratpoison/clipboard menu_paste
-definekey clipboard_set y exec .ratpoison/clipboard menu_set
+definekey clipboard_paste p exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard menu_paste
+definekey clipboard_set y exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard menu_set
# Clear buffers
-definekey clipboard_set C exec .ratpoison/clipboard init
+definekey clipboard_set C exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard init
# Push/pop
-definekey clipboard_paste a exec .ratpoison/clipboard pop
-definekey clipboard_set a exec .ratpoison/clipboard push
+definekey clipboard_paste a exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard pop
+definekey clipboard_set a exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard push
# pop queue
-definekey clipboard_paste q exec .ratpoison/clipboard pop_queue
-definekey clipboard_paste 1 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 1
-definekey clipboard_paste 2 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 2
-definekey clipboard_paste 3 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 3
-definekey clipboard_paste 4 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 4
-definekey clipboard_paste 5 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 5
-definekey clipboard_paste 6 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 6
-definekey clipboard_paste 7 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 7
-definekey clipboard_paste 8 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 8
-definekey clipboard_paste 9 exec .ratpoison/clipboard paste 9
-definekey clipboard_set 1 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 1
-definekey clipboard_set 2 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 2
-definekey clipboard_set 3 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 3
-definekey clipboard_set 4 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 4
-definekey clipboard_set 5 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 5
-definekey clipboard_set 6 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 6
-definekey clipboard_set 7 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 7
-definekey clipboard_set 8 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 8
-definekey clipboard_set 9 exec .ratpoison/clipboard set 9
+definekey clipboard_paste q exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard pop_queue
+definekey clipboard_paste 1 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 1
+definekey clipboard_paste 2 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 2
+definekey clipboard_paste 3 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 3
+definekey clipboard_paste 4 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 4
+definekey clipboard_paste 5 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 5
+definekey clipboard_paste 6 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 6
+definekey clipboard_paste 7 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 7
+definekey clipboard_paste 8 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 8
+definekey clipboard_paste 9 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard paste 9
+definekey clipboard_set 1 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 1
+definekey clipboard_set 2 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 2
+definekey clipboard_set 3 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 3
+definekey clipboard_set 4 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 4
+definekey clipboard_set 5 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 5
+definekey clipboard_set 6 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 6
+definekey clipboard_set 7 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 7
+definekey clipboard_set 8 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 8
+definekey clipboard_set 9 exec ~/.ratpoison/clipboard set 9
diff --git a/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf b/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
index ce18f56..3b9fd89 100644
--- a/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
+++ b/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-# info: C=control, M=meta/alt, s=super, S=shift
+# info: C=control, M=meta/alt, s=super, S=shift, H = Hyper
+# xnest for testing
escape grave
definekey top s-grave meta
+definekey top Arabic_dammatan meta
-#Test windows
-set framesels '0123456789'
-#Palaver voice
-definekey top s-Home exec /home/vasko/downloads/Palaver-master/hotkey
+#unmanage Nautilus Desktop
+unmanage Desktop
+# set font with unicode support
+set font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#Style message box
set bgcolour #fdf6e3
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ bind Tab nextscreen
set wingravity center
# Use the name of the program rather than the title in the window list
-set winname class
+set winname title
#Pest control.
@@ -45,30 +46,26 @@ exec nitrogen --restore
#Border & Padding
alias showpadding set border 3
alias hidepadding set border 0
-barinpadding 1
+barinpadding 0
alias showborder set barpadding 0 0
alias hideborder set barpadding 0 0
set fwcolor #657b83
set bwcolor #839496
-# Use numpad to move the rat
-#source .ratpoison/numpad/ratnumpad.conf
-bind KP_Multiply source .ratpoison/numpad/ratnumpad.conf
-bind KP_Subtract source .ratpoison/numpad/ratnumund.conf
# Panel
-alias rpbar exec sleep 20 && rpbar
-alias rpbarsend exec rpbarsend
+alias rpbar exec sleep 21 && rpbar
+alias rpbarsend exec ~/.ratpoison/rpbarsend
# tell ratpoison to ignore rpbar
unmanage rpbar
# leave space for bars
# start rpbar
-alias panel exec xfce4-panel --disable-wm-check
+alias panel exec xfce4-panel --disable-wm-check && rpbar
@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ addhook newwindow rpbarsend
unmanage conky
unmanage xfce4-panel
unmanage ratbar.pl
-alias showpanel set padding 0 26 0 0
+alias showpanel set padding 0 27 0 0
alias hidepanel set padding 0 0 0 0
@@ -138,6 +135,21 @@ definekey top S-F10 exec rpws 22
definekey top S-F11 exec rpws 23
definekey top S-F12 exec rpws 24
+#definekey top s-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F1'
+#definekey top s-F2 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F2'
+#definekey top s-F3 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F3'
+#definekey top s-F4 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F4'
+#definekey top s-F5 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F5'
+#definekey top s-F6 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F6'
+#definekey top s-F7 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F7'
+#definekey top s-F8 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F8'
+#definekey top s-F9 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F9'
+#definekey top s-F10 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F10'
+#definekey top s-F11 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F11'
+#definekey top s-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F12'
definekey top S-F12 exec rpws 13
definekey top M-S-F12 rpwsm13
@@ -160,27 +172,29 @@ bind K exchangeup
bind w window_menu
bind a title
bind t time
-definekey top s-l exec xscreensaver-command -lock
+definekey top s-l exec i3lock
+definekey top s-s exec ~/bin/sus
definekey top s-L redisplay
-bind c exec gksudo gnome-control-center
+bind c exec gnome-control-center
+bind C exec sudo gnome-control-center
bind v hsplit
bind V hsplit 2/3
bind s vsplit
bind S vsplit 2/3
bind d remove
bind space exec urxvt
-bind S-space exec gksu gnome-terminal
bind o only
bind semicolon colon
bind e exec
bind u undo
-bind I info
+bind i info
bind x delete
bind X kill
bind Escape abort
-exec a=123
-definekey top s-B exec ratpoison -c "echo `echo $a`"
+#Paste goodness
+bind g exec ~/bin/imgur
+bind P exec gist -P -p -t txt | perl -pe chomp | xclip
alias bordtoggle exec ~/.ratpoison/bordtoggle
alias bordscript exec ~/.ratpoison/borderscript
@@ -217,7 +231,12 @@ definekey top s-f exec firefox
definekey top s-m exec /home/vasko/.ratpoison/pentfocus
definekey top s-v exec vlc
definekey top s-g exec gvim
-definekey top s-l exec libreoffice
+#definekey top s-l exec libreoffice
+# Voice control
+definekey top KP_Enter exec ~/Dropbox/speech/run-duplex.sh
# Volume Control
diff --git a/ratpoison/screenrc b/ratpoison/screenrc
index cb29f66..7917907 100644
--- a/ratpoison/screenrc
+++ b/ratpoison/screenrc
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ bind 'o' only
bind 'r' resize
# bind buffer
bind b eval writebuf "exec !!! $HOME/.ratpoison/screenout"
diff --git a/ratpoison/screenrc.admin b/ratpoison/screenrc.admin
index 42516d7..dc60e36 100644
--- a/ratpoison/screenrc.admin
+++ b/ratpoison/screenrc.admin
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ screen -t Admin3 3
screen -t Admin4 4
screen -t Root0 5
select 5
-exec sudo su
+exec su
screen -t Root1 6
select 6
-exec sudo su
+exec su
screen -t Root2 7
select 7
-exec sudo su
+exec su
select 0
diff --git a/ratpoison/screenrc.irssi b/ratpoison/screenrc.irssi
index 8775960..0be6047 100644
--- a/ratpoison/screenrc.irssi
+++ b/ratpoison/screenrc.irssi
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
# change to home directory and source screenrc from ratpoison directory
-escape ^xX
source .ratpoison/screenrcnobar
diff --git a/ratpoison/screenrcnobar b/ratpoison/screenrcnobar
index 64aedfd..57fccbf 100644
--- a/ratpoison/screenrcnobar
+++ b/ratpoison/screenrcnobar
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ vbell off
startup_message off
altscreen on
+multiuser on
+acladd vasko
# look and feel
activity "Activity in %t(%n)"
diff --git a/ratpoison/volind b/ratpoison/volind
index 3444201..c562ef6 100755
--- a/ratpoison/volind
+++ b/ratpoison/volind
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ bottom=`echo $volm | awk '{print int($1 * 0.2 + 0.5)}'`
if [[ "$volm" -eq "100" ]]; then
- let volm=M+
+ let volm=99
diff --git a/ratpoison/window_menu b/ratpoison/window_menu
index 60f9af7..46b4bd3 100755
--- a/ratpoison/window_menu
+++ b/ratpoison/window_menu
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# - If order=last, the windows are listed in the order that you last visited them in.
# - If order=sequential, the windows are listed in number order.
# Yes, bash is really necessary, because it's version of printf makes this
# script possible. Regular bourne shell printf does NOT.
@@ -13,22 +14,22 @@ order=sequential
window_index_str=$(ratpoison -c "info" | sed 's/^.*\([0-9]\)(.*$/\1/')
if [ "$window_index_str" = "No window." ]; then
group_index=$($HOME/.ratpoison/workspace current)
- ratmenu -style dreary -fg "#657b83" -bg "#eee8d5" "No windows in group $group_index"
+ $ratmenu -style dreary -fg "#657b83" -bg "#eee8d5" "No windows in group $group_index"
ratpoison -c "echo $window_index_str"
echo "$window_index_str">/tmp/log
window_index=$[ $window_index_str + 1 ]
if [ $order = sequential ]; then
- ( printf "ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5' -io $window_index \
- \"Select a Window\" /bin/true";
+ ( printf "$ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5' -io $window_index \
+ ";
ratpoison -c "windows %n %n %t" | sort -n | while read w x z; do
a=$(printf "%3q" $x); b="ratpoison -c \"select $x\"";
printf " %q\\ %q %q" "$a" "$z" "$b";
done; echo \;) | sh
elif [ $order = last ]; then
- ( printf "ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5' -io $window_index \
- \"Select a Window\" /bin/true";
+ ( printf "$ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5' -io $window_index \
+ ";
ratpoison -c "windows %l %n %t" | sort -rn | while read w x z; do
a=$(printf "%3q" $x); b="ratpoison -c \"select $x\"";
printf " %q\\ %q %q" "$a" "$z" "$b";
diff --git a/ratpoison/workspace b/ratpoison/workspace
deleted file mode 100755
index c314d0a..0000000
--- a/ratpoison/workspace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Copyright (c) 2006 Daniel M. Webb
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Mike O'Connor
-# All rights reserved.
-# Author Daniel M. Webb <public@danielwebb.us>
-# Original Author Mike O'Connor <stew@vireo.org>
-# Modified by Shawn Betts.
-# code was adapeted from rpws that comes from ratpoison containing the follwing copyright:
-# Copyright (C) 2003 Shawn Betts
-# Author: Shawn Betts
-use strict;
-use Fcntl qw (:flock);
-use Getopt::Std;
-my $ratpoison = $ENV{ "RATPOISON" } || "ratpoison";
-my $tmp=$ENV{ "TMP" } || "/tmp";
-my $lockfile = $ENV{ "WORKSPACE_LOCKFILE" } || "$tmp/workspace.$<.lock";
-my $number_of_workspaces = 1;
-my @ws_names;
-my @ws_toggle_memory_trigger;
-$ws_names[0] = "default"; # workspace 0 can't be renamed due to bug
-for( my $i = 1; $i <= 13; $i++ )
- $ws_names[$i] = "workspace$i";
- $ws_toggle_memory_trigger[$i] = "true";
-# Load configuration now that defaults are set
-require "$ENV{HOME}/.ratpoison/workspace.conf";
-set_workspaces(\$number_of_workspaces, \@ws_names, \@ws_toggle_memory_trigger);
-sub help
- system("pod2usage", $0);
- print( "for more detailed documentation run \"perldoc $0\"\n" );
-sub rp_call
- my $result = `$ratpoison -c "@_"`;
- chomp( $result );
- chomp( $result );
- return $result;
-sub ws_init_ws
- my $num = shift;
- if ($num > 0)
- {
- rp_call( "gnew $ws_names[$num]" );
- }
- my $fd = fdump();
- rp_call( "setenv fspl$num $fd" );
-sub fdump
- return rp_call( "fdump" );
-sub ws_init
- my $num = shift;
- # Backup the frames
- my $fd = fdump();
- rp_call( "select -" );
- rp_call( "only" );
- my $i;
- for( my $i = 0; $i < $number_of_workspaces; $i++ )
- {
- ws_init_ws( $i );
- rp_call( "setenv toggle_memory$i 0" );
- }
- # Rename group 0 now that there are other groups
- # (it can't be deleted if it already exists)
- #rp_call( "gdelete 0" );
- #rp_call( "gnew $ws_names[0]" );
- # NOTE: group 0 apparently can't be deleted even if empty, so can't be renamed.
- # Start in workspace 0.
- $fd = fdump();
- rp_call( "gselect default" );
- rp_call( "setenv fspl0 $fd" );
- rp_call( "setenv cur_workspace 0" );
- # restore the frames
- rp_call( "frestore $fd" );
- if( -e "$lockfile" )
- {
- unlink ("$lockfile" );
- }
-sub ws_save_frames
- my $ws = rp_call( "getenv cur_workspace" );
- my $fd = fdump();
- rp_call( "setenv fspl$ws $fd" );
-sub ws_restore
- my $new_ws = shift;
- my $cur_ws = rp_call( "getenv cur_workspace" );
- # For togglers, give a warning if same ws is chosen.
- # For non-togglers, selecting same ws toggles back
- if ($new_ws == $cur_ws and $ws_toggle_memory_trigger[$cur_ws] eq "true")
- {
-# rp_call( "echo Already on workspace $new_ws" );
- }
- else
- {
- if ($new_ws == $cur_ws)
- {
- # Special case of choosing non-toggler goes back to previous
- $new_ws = rp_call( "getenv toggle_memory$cur_ws" );
- }
- ws_save_frames();
- if ($ws_toggle_memory_trigger[$cur_ws] eq "true")
- {
- rp_call( "setenv toggle_memory$new_ws $cur_ws" );
- }
- `killall xbindkeys`;
- my $rc_dir = `dirname $0`; chomp($rc_dir);
- my $rcfilename="$rc_dir/macro/xbindkeysrc/" . "xbindkeysrc.$ws_names[$new_ws]";
- if (-f $rcfilename) {
- print "running xbindkeys -f $rcfilename\n";
- `xbindkeys -f $rcfilename`;
- }
- rp_call( "gselect $ws_names[$new_ws]");
- my $last = rp_call( "getenv fspl$new_ws" );
- rp_call( "frestore $last" );
- rp_call( "setenv cur_workspace $new_ws" );
- # Get window number/name too
- my $window_info=rp_call("info");
- my $window_number = $window_info;
- $window_number =~ s/^\(.*?\) (\d+).*$/$1/;
- my $window_name = $window_info;
- $window_name =~ s/^\(.*?\) \d+\((.*)\)$/$1/;
-# rp_call( "echo Workspace: $ws_names[$new_ws]\nWindow : $window_number - $window_name" );
- }
-sub ws_toggle
- my $cur_ws = rp_call( "getenv cur_workspace" );
- my $new_ws = rp_call( "getenv toggle_memory$cur_ws" );
- ws_restore($new_ws);
-# unfinished:
-sub list_all_windows
- my $cur_ws = rp_call( "getenv cur_workspace" );
- print("ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5'");
- # FIXME: 6 should be replaced with actual number of workspaces
- foreach my $i (0..6)
- {
- rp_call( "gselect $ws_names[$i]");
- my $result = `$ratpoison -c "windows %n %t"`;
- foreach my $line (split (/\n/, $result))
- {
- my @window = split(/ /, $line);
- print(" \"$ws_names[$i] : $line\" \"$0 $i; ratpoison -c \\\"select $window[0]\\\" \"");
- }
- }
- ws_restore($cur_ws);
-sub add_aliases
- foreach my $i (0..$number_of_workspaces-1) {
- rp_call ( "alias workspace$i exec $0 $i" );
- }
- rp_call ( "alias workspace_toggle exec $0 toggle" );
- rp_call ( "alias rpwsn exec $0 next" );
- rp_call ( "alias rpwsp exec $0 prev" );
- rp_call ( "alias rpwsmn exec $0 movenext" );
- rp_call ( "alias rpwsmp exec $0 moveprev" );
-sub add_keys
- foreach my $i (0..$number_of_workspaces-1) {
- rp_call ( "bind C-$i workspace$i" );
- }
- rp_call ( "bind C-g workspace_toggle" );
-my $arg = shift @ARGV;
-if( $arg eq "help" ) {
- help();
-} elsif( $arg eq "init" ) {
- my %opts;
- ws_init();
- getopts('ka', \%opts);
- add_aliases() if $opts{'a'} || $opts{'k'};
- add_keys() if $opts{'k'};
-} else {
- open LOCK, ">>$lockfile" or die "Cannot open lockfile: $lockfile";
- flock(LOCK, LOCK_EX);
- if ( $arg eq "toggle" ) {
- ws_toggle();
- } elsif ( $arg eq "list_all" ) {
- list_all_windows();
- } elsif ( $arg eq "current" ) {
- my $cws = rp_call( "getenv cur_workspace" );
- print "$cws";
- } elsif ($arg >= 0 and $arg <= 13) {
- ws_restore( $arg );
- } else {
- help();
- }
-=head1 NAME
-workspace - Implements multiple workspaces in ratpoison
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- workspace init [-k] [-a] - setup workspace with $number_of_workspaces workspaces
- ($number_of_workspaces is set in the workspace.conf file).
- -a sets up command aliases;
- -k sets up key bindings and aliases.
- workspace help - this documentation
- workspace n - switch to this workspace
- workspace toggle - switch to previous workspace (other than default)
- workspace toggle_default - switch back and forth to between default workspace
- workspace current - print the index of the current workspace
- B<workspace> implements multiple workspaces in ratpoison by making calls
- to fdump, freestore. It was adapted from rpws which comes with
- ratpoison in the contrib directory.
-=head1 USAGE
-Add the following line in ~/.ratpoisonrc
- exec /path/to/workspace init -k
-This creates 6 aliases workspace1, workspace2, etc. It also binds the keys C-1,
-C-2, etc to each workspaceN alias. Workspace names can be configured at the
-top of this script.
-The toggle command is analogous to the ratpoison "other" command for windows,
-except it is for workspaces and is implemented in this script instead of within
-If $ws_toggle_memory_trigger is true for a workspace, that workspace sets
-the toggle memory on return. If it's false, it will just toggle back to the
-previous workspace but the memory will stay the same.
-If there is a file /path/to/workspace/macro/xbindkeysrc/xbindkeysrc.<workspace N name>,
-then xbindkeys will be run with this file as configuration.
-=head1 FILES
- workspace requires use of a lockfile. It defaults to using
-/tmp/workspace.<UID>.lock but this can be changed by setting the
-environment variable WORKSPACE_LOCKFILE to your desired lockfile.
-=head1 AUTHOR
- Mike O'Connor <stew@vireo.org>
- Copyright (c) 2005 Mike O'Connor
- All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
diff --git a/ratpoison/workspace.conf b/ratpoison/workspace.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d610f8..0000000
--- a/ratpoison/workspace.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-sub set_workspaces {
- my $number_of_workspaces = shift;
- my $ws_names = shift;
- my $ws_toggle_memory_trigger = shift;
- $$number_of_workspaces = 13;
- # user-customized workspace names:
- $$ws_names[1] = "ranger";
- $$ws_names[2] = "firefox";
- $$ws_names[3] = "feeds";
- $$ws_names[4] = "admin";
- $$ws_names[5] = "school";
- $$ws_names[6] = "projects";
- $$ws_names[7] = "notes";
- $$ws_names[8] = "random";
- $$ws_names[9] = "mail";
- $$ws_names[10] = "irc";
- $$ws_names[11] = "wifi";
- $$ws_names[12] = "music";
- # Does changing to this workspace set the toggle memory of the workspace you came from?
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[0] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[1] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[2] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[3] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[4] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[5] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[6] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[7] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[8] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[9] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[10] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[11] = "true";
- $$ws_toggle_memory_trigger[12] = "true";
-return 1;
diff --git a/ratpoison/workspace_menu b/ratpoison/workspace_menu
index 020f887..6ffcb14 100755
--- a/ratpoison/workspace_menu
+++ b/ratpoison/workspace_menu
@@ -7,12 +7,18 @@
# script possible. Regular bourne shell printf does NOT.
-( printf "ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5' -io $[ $($workspace_command current) + 1 ]";
+( printf "$ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5' -io $[ $($workspace_command current) + 1 ]";
ratpoison -c "groups" | while read s; do
n=$(echo $s | sed 's/\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/');
- w=$(echo $s | sed 's/[0-9]\+.\(.*\)/\1/');
+# w=$(echo $s | sed 's/[0-9]\+.\(.*\)/\1/');
+ w=$(ratpoison -c "gselect $(($n-1))" -c "windows %t" -c "gprev")
a=$(printf "%3q %q" $n $w); b="$workspace_command $n";
+ if [ $n -ne 0 ];then
printf " %q %q" "$a" "$b";
+ else
+ printf " %q %q" "Go to workspace:" "/bin/true";
+ fi
done; echo \;) | sh