path: root/config/uzbl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/uzbl')
6 files changed, 188 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/config/uzbl/config b/config/uzbl/config
index b66b5cc..c69255e 100644
--- a/config/uzbl/config
+++ b/config/uzbl/config
@@ -3,12 +3,33 @@
# === Core settings ==========================================================
+# Polipo proxy for caching
+set proxy_url =
# common directory locations
set prefix = @(echo $PREFIX)@
set data_home = @(echo $XDG_DATA_HOME)@
set cache_home = @(echo $XDG_CACHE_HOME)@
set config_home = @(echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME)@
+# colors
+set color1 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR1)@
+set color2 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR2)@
+set color3 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR3)@
+set color4 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR4)@
+set color5 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR5)@
+set color6 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR6)@
+set color7 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR7)@
+set color8 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR8)@
+set color9 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR9)@
+set color10 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR10)@
+set color11 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR11)@
+set color12 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR12)@
+set color13 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR13)@
+set color14 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR14)@
+set color15 = @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR15)@
# Interface paths.
set fifo_dir = /tmp
set socket_dir = /tmp
@@ -35,7 +56,7 @@ set set_mode = set mode =
set set_status = set status_message =
# Spawn path shortcuts. In spawn the first dir+path match is used in "dir1:dir2:dir3:executable"
-set scripts_dir = @data_home/uzbl:@prefix/share/uzbl/examples/data:scripts
+set scripts_dir = @data_home/uzbl/scripts:@prefix/share/uzbl/examples/data:scripts
# === Hardcoded handlers =====================================================
@@ -44,7 +65,7 @@ set scripts_dir = @data_home/uzbl:@prefix/share/uzbl/examples/data:scripts
set scheme_handler = sync_spawn @scripts_dir/scheme.py
#set request_handler = sync_spawn @scripts_dir/request.py
set authentication_handler = sync_spawn @scripts_dir/auth.py
-set download_handler = sync_spawn @scripts_dir/download.sh
+set download_handler = sync_spawn /home/vasko/.config/uzbl/scripts/download.sh
# === Dynamic event handlers =================================================
@@ -67,7 +88,7 @@ set download_handler = sync_spawn @scripts_dir/download.sh
@on_event LOAD_START @set_mode
# Load commit handlers
-@on_event LOAD_COMMIT @set_status <span foreground="green">recv</span>
+@on_event LOAD_COMMIT @set_status <span foreground="@color2">recv</span>
# add some javascript to the page for other 'js' and 'script' commands to access later.
@on_event LOAD_COMMIT js uzbl = {};
@@ -101,21 +122,21 @@ set show_status = 0
set status_top = 0
set status_background = #1c1c1c
-set modcmd_style = weight="bold" foreground="red"
-set keycmd_style = weight="light" foreground="red"
-set prompt_style = foreground="grey"
+set modcmd_style = weight="bold" foreground="@color13"
+set keycmd_style = weight="light" foreground="@color13"
+set prompt_style = foreground="@color2"
set cursor_style = underline="single"
-set completion_style = foreground="green"
+set completion_style = foreground="@color2"
set hint_style = weight="bold"
set mode_section = <span background="khaki" foreground="black">[\@[\@mode_indicator]\@]</span>
set keycmd_section = [<span \@prompt_style>\@[\@keycmd_prompt]\@</span><span \@modcmd_style>\@modcmd</span><span \@keycmd_style>\@keycmd</span><span \@completion_style>\@completion_list</span>]
-set progress_section = <span foreground="#606060">\@[\@progress.output]\@</span>
-set scroll_section = <span foreground="#606060">\@[\@scroll_message]\@</span>
-set uri_section = <span foreground="#99FF66">\@[\@uri]\@</span>
-set name_section = <span foreground="khaki">\@[\@NAME]\@</span>
-set status_section = <span foreground="orange">\@status_message</span>
-set selected_section = <span foreground="#606060">\@[\@SELECTED_URI]\@</span>
+set progress_section = <span foreground="@color6">\@[\@progress.output]\@</span>
+set scroll_section = <span foreground="@color7">\@[\@scroll_message]\@</span>
+set uri_section = <span foreground="@color5">\@[\@uri]\@</span>
+set name_section = <span foreground="@color8">\@[\@NAME]\@</span>
+set status_section = <span foreground="@color4">\@status_message</span>
+set selected_section = <span foreground="@color3">\@[\@SELECTED_URI]\@</span>
set download_section = <span foreground="white">\@downloads</span>
@@ -134,7 +155,8 @@ set progress.pending =
# === Useragent setup ========================================================
-set useragent = Uzbl (Webkit @{WEBKIT_MAJOR}.@{WEBKIT_MINOR}) (@(+uname -sm)@ [@ARCH_UZBL])
+#set useragent = Uzbl (Webkit @{WEBKIT_MAJOR}.@{WEBKIT_MINOR}) (@(+uname -sm)@ [@ARCH_UZBL])
+set useragent = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/7046A194A
# === Configure cookie blacklist ========================================================
# Accept 'session cookies' from uzbl.org (when you have a whitelist all other cookies are dropped)
@@ -232,13 +254,15 @@ set ebind = @mode_bind global,-insert
@cbind :_ = %s
# open a new window or a new tab (see the on_event NEW_WINDOW settings above)
-@cbind w = event REQ_NEW_WINDOW
+#@cbind w = event REQ_NEW_WINDOW
+@cbind w<wiki:>_ = spawn /home/vasko/.config/uzbl/scripts/gowiki.pl %s
+@cbind W<wiki:>_ = spawn /home/vasko/.config/uzbl/scripts/gowikio.pl %s
# Page movement binds
@cbind j = scroll vertical 20
@cbind k = scroll vertical -20
-@cbind h = scroll horizontal -20
-@cbind l = scroll horizontal 20
+@cbind H = scroll horizontal -20
+@cbind L = scroll horizontal 20
@cbind <Page_Up> = scroll vertical -100%
@cbind <Page_Down> = scroll vertical 100%
@cbind <Ctrl>f = scroll vertical 100%
@@ -271,7 +295,8 @@ set ebind = @mode_bind global,-insert
# Appearance binds
#@cbind t = toggle show_status
-@cbind t<uri:>_ = spawn /usr/bin/uzbl-browser --uri %s
+@cbind t<tab:>_ = spawn /home/vasko/.config/uzbl/scripts/gonew.pl %s
# Page searching binds
@cbind /* = search %s
@@ -294,7 +319,7 @@ set ebind = @mode_bind global,-insert
#@cbind s<var:>_<value:>_ = set %1 = %2
# Exit binding
@cbind ZZ = exit
-@cbind x = exit
+@cbind :wq = exit
# Dump config to stdout
@cbind !dump = sh 'echo dump_config > "$UZBL_FIFO"'
# Reload all variables in the config
@@ -306,7 +331,9 @@ set ebind = @mode_bind global,-insert
#@cbind <Ctrl><Mod1>t = sh 'urxvt -e socat unix-connect:"$UZBL_SOCKET" -'
# Uri opening prompts
-@cbind o<uri:>_ = uri %s
+#@cbind o<uri:>_ = uri %s
+@cbind o<goto:>_ = spawn /home/vasko/.config/uzbl/scripts/goto.pl %s
+#@cbind o _ = spawn /home/vasko/.config/uzbl/scripts/goto.js '%s'
# Or have it load the current uri into the keycmd for editing
@cbind O<uri:\@uri>_ = uri %s
@@ -400,14 +427,14 @@ set formfiller = spawn @scripts_dir/formfiller.sh
@cbind gO<uri:>_ = event NEW_TAB_NEXT %s
# Closing / resting
-@cbind gC = exit
+@cbind x = exit
@cbind gQ = event CLEAN_TABS
# Tab navigating
@cbind g< = event FIRST_TAB
@cbind g> = event LAST_TAB
-@cbind gt = event NEXT_TAB
-@cbind gT = event PREV_TAB
+@cbind l = event NEXT_TAB
+@cbind h = event PREV_TAB
@cbind gi<index:>_ = event GOTO_TAB %s
# Preset loading
@@ -437,23 +464,23 @@ set insert = @mode_config insert
set stack = @mode_config stack
# Command mode config.
-@command keycmd_style = foreground="red"
-@command status_background = #202020
+@command keycmd_style = foreground="@color13"
+@command status_background = #1c1c1c
@command mode_indicator = Cmd
@command keycmd_events = 1
@command forward_keys = 0
@command modcmd_updates = 1
# Insert mode config.
-@insert status_background = #303030
+@insert status_background = #1c1c1c
@insert mode_indicator = Ins
@insert forward_keys = 1
@insert keycmd_events = 0
@insert modcmd_updates = 0
# Multi-stage-binding mode config.
-@stack keycmd_style = foreground="red"
-@stack status_background = #202020
+@stack keycmd_style = foreground="@color13"
+@stack status_background = #1c1c1c
@stack mode_indicator = Bnd
@stack prompt_style = foreground="#888" weight="light"
@stack keycmd_events = 1
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/download.sh b/config/uzbl/scripts/download.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..398f271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/uzbl/scripts/download.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# uzbl's example configuration sets this script up as its download_handler.
+# this script is run when uzbl encounters a URL that it can't display, and when
+# a download is requested using the 'download' command.
+# if the script prints a file path to stdout, uzbl will save the download to
+# that path using it's internal downloader.
+# if nothing is printed to stdout, the internal download will be cancelled.
+# you could do your own download handling in your script that way.
+# if $5 is set, it is the path that was passed to uzbl's "download" command.
+# we want to use that if it's available.
+[ -n "$5" ] && echo "$5" && exit
+. "$UZBL_UTIL_DIR/uzbl-dir.sh"
+# the URL that is being downloaded
+safe_uri="$( echo "$uri" | sed -e 's/\W/-/g' )"
+# a filename suggested by the server or based on the URL
+# the mimetype of the file being downloaded
+# the size of the downloaded file in bytes. this is not always accurate, since
+# the server might not have sent a size with its response headers.
+case "$suggested_filename" in
+ # example: save torrents to a separate directory
+ *.torrent)
+ path="/home/vasko/Torrents/$suggested_filename"
+ ;;
+ # Default case
+ *)
+ path="/home/vasko/Downloads/$suggested_filename"
+ ;;
+source ~/.colors;
+if ! /home/vasko/.ratpoison/ratmenu -style dreary -fg \"$COLOR11\" -bg \"$COLOR0\" -io 2 "Download \"$suggested_filename\"?" false Yes true No false;then
+# Do nothing if we don't want to save the file
+[ -z "$path" ] && exit 0
+# Check if the file exists
+if [ ! -e "$path" ]; then
+ echo "$path"
+ exit 0
+# Try to make a unique filename
+while [ -e "$path.$count" ]; do
+ count=$(( $count + 1 ))
+echo "$path.$count"
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/gonew.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/gonew.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..480dc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/uzbl/scripts/gonew.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+my @cmd = @ARGV;
+my $fifo = $ENV{'UZBL_FIFO'};
+#If there are no dots in the first word or more than one word is suppllied expect a phrase for google. Else go to the uri specified.
+if (index(@cmd[0], '.') == -1 || scalar @cmd > 1)
+ # Replace this with your search engine
+ qx(echo "event new_tab http://www.google.com/search?q=@ARGV" > $fifo);
+ qx(echo "event new_tab @cmd" > $fifo);
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/goto.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/goto.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ea7269e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/uzbl/scripts/goto.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+my @cmd = @ARGV;
+my $fifo = $ENV{'UZBL_FIFO'};
+#If there are no dots in the first word or more than one word is suppllied expect a phrase for google. Else go to the uri specified.
+if (index(@cmd[0], '.') == -1 || scalar @cmd > 1)
+ # Replace this with your search engine
+ qx(echo "uri http://www.google.com/search?q=@ARGV" >> $fifo);
+ qx(echo "uri @cmd" >> $fifo);
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/gowiki.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/gowiki.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..61f636d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/uzbl/scripts/gowiki.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+my @cmd = @ARGV;
+my $fifo = $ENV{'UZBL_FIFO'};
+#If there are no dots in the first word or more than one word is suppllied expect a phrase for google. Else go to the uri specified.
+if (index(@cmd[0], '.') == -1 || scalar @cmd > 1)
+ # Replace this with your search engine
+ qx(echo "uri" >> $fifo);
+ qx(echo "uri @cmd" >> $fifo);
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/gowikio.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/gowikio.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..743c69c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/uzbl/scripts/gowikio.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+my @cmd = @ARGV;
+my $fifo = $ENV{'UZBL_FIFO'};
+#If there are no dots in the first word or more than one word is suppllied expect a phrase for google. Else go to the uri specified.
+if (index(@cmd[0], '.') == -1 || scalar @cmd > 1)
+ # Replace this with your search engine
+ qx(echo "uri http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=@ARGV" >> $fifo);
+ qx(echo "uri @cmd" >> $fifo);