path: root/config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config')
-rw-r--r--config/ranger/__pycache__/commands.cpython-34.pyobin39277 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xconfig/ratpoison/create_framebin9832 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--config/ratpoison/py/colorz.pycbin3064 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xconfig/ratpoison/ratmenubin24598 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xconfig/ratpoison/rpbarbin31106 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xconfig/ratpoison/rpbarobin31057 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xconfig/ratpoison/rpbarsendbin13793 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xconfig/ratpoison/xtoolwaitbin13112 -> 0 bytes
117 files changed, 0 insertions, 9668 deletions
diff --git a/config/bspwm/bspwmrc b/config/bspwm/bspwmrc
deleted file mode 100755
index 57f3916..0000000
--- a/config/bspwm/bspwmrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# /bin/sh
-# for multi-mon: bspc monitor HDMI1 -d 1 4 6 7 8
-source ~/.config/bspwm/colors
-bspc config border_width 3
-bspc config window_gap 12
-bspc config split_ratio 0.50
-bspc config focused_border_color $COLOR0
-bspc config active_border_color $COLOR0
-bspc config normal_border_color $COLOR11
-bspc config top_padding 24
-bspc config borderless_monocle true
-bspc config gapless_monocle true
-bspc config apply_floating_atom true
-bspc config history_aware_focus true
-bspc config ignore_ewmh_focus true
diff --git a/config/bspwm/colors b/config/bspwm/colors
deleted file mode 100755
index 63977ca..0000000
--- a/config/bspwm/colors
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-source ~/.colors
-bspc config focused_border_color $COLOR11
-bspc config active_border_color $COLOR11
-bspc config normal_border_color $COLOR0
diff --git a/config/compton.conf b/config/compton.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 883e0f7..0000000
--- a/config/compton.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Shadow
-backend = "glx";
-vsync = "opengl-swc";
-shadow = true;
-no-dnd-shadow = true;
-no-dock-shadow = true;
-clear-shadow = true;
-shadow-radius = 6;
-shadow-offset-x = -9;
-shadow-offset-y = -8;
-shadow-opacity = 0.7;
-frame-opacity = 0.8;
-shadow-exclude = [ "_BSPWM_FLOATING_WINDOW:32c = 0" ];
diff --git a/config/ranger/__pycache__/commands.cpython-34.pyo b/config/ranger/__pycache__/commands.cpython-34.pyo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5809388..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/__pycache__/commands.cpython-34.pyo
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/config/ranger/bookmarks b/config/ranger/bookmarks
deleted file mode 100644
index b48b4c2..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/bookmarks
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-k:/home/vasko/Downloads/leaked photos/Jennifer Lawrence
diff --git a/config/ranger/commands.py b/config/ranger/commands.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d290e7..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/commands.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1244 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Roman Zimbelmann <hut@lavabit.com>
-# This configuration file is licensed under the same terms as ranger.
-# ===================================================================
-# This file contains ranger's commands.
-# It's all in python; lines beginning with # are comments.
-# Note that additional commands are automatically generated from the methods
-# of the class ranger.core.actions.Actions.
-# You can customize commands in the file ~/.config/ranger/commands.py.
-# It has the same syntax as this file. In fact, you can just copy this
-# file there with `ranger --copy-config=commands' and make your modifications.
-# But make sure you update your configs when you update ranger.
-# ===================================================================
-# Every class defined here which is a subclass of `Command' will be used as a
-# command in ranger. Several methods are defined to interface with ranger:
-# execute(): called when the command is executed.
-# cancel(): called when closing the console.
-# tab(): called when <TAB> is pressed.
-# quick(): called after each keypress.
-# The return values for tab() can be either:
-# None: There is no tab completion
-# A string: Change the console to this string
-# A list/tuple/generator: cycle through every item in it
-# The return value for quick() can be:
-# False: Nothing happens
-# True: Execute the command afterwards
-# The return value for execute() and cancel() doesn't matter.
-# ===================================================================
-# Commands have certain attributes and methods that facilitate parsing of
-# the arguments:
-# self.line: The whole line that was written in the console.
-# self.args: A list of all (space-separated) arguments to the command.
-# self.quantifier: If this command was mapped to the key "X" and
-# the user pressed 6X, self.quantifier will be 6.
-# self.arg(n): The n-th argument, or an empty string if it doesn't exist.
-# self.rest(n): The n-th argument plus everything that followed. For example,
-# If the command was "search foo bar a b c", rest(2) will be "bar a b c"
-# self.start(n): The n-th argument and anything before it. For example,
-# If the command was "search foo bar a b c", rest(2) will be "bar a b c"
-# ===================================================================
-# And this is a little reference for common ranger functions and objects:
-# self.fm: A reference to the "fm" object which contains most information
-# about ranger.
-# self.fm.notify(string): Print the given string on the screen.
-# self.fm.notify(string, bad=True): Print the given string in RED.
-# self.fm.reload_cwd(): Reload the current working directory.
-# self.fm.thisdir: The current working directory. (A File object.)
-# self.fm.thisfile: The current file. (A File object too.)
-# self.fm.thistab.get_selection(): A list of all selected files.
-# self.fm.execute_console(string): Execute the string as a ranger command.
-# self.fm.open_console(string): Open the console with the given string
-# already typed in for you.
-# self.fm.move(direction): Moves the cursor in the given direction, which
-# can be something like down=3, up=5, right=1, left=1, to=6, ...
-# File objects (for example self.fm.thisfile) have these useful attributes and
-# methods:
-# cf.path: The path to the file.
-# cf.basename: The base name only.
-# cf.load_content(): Force a loading of the directories content (which
-# obviously works with directories only)
-# cf.is_directory: True/False depending on whether it's a directory.
-# For advanced commands it is unavoidable to dive a bit into the source code
-# of ranger.
-# ===================================================================
-from ranger.api.commands import *
-class alias(Command):
- """:alias <newcommand> <oldcommand>
- Copies the oldcommand as newcommand.
- """
- context = 'browser'
- resolve_macros = False
- def execute(self):
- if not self.arg(1) or not self.arg(2):
- self.fm.notify('Syntax: alias <newcommand> <oldcommand>', bad=True)
- else:
- self.fm.commands.alias(self.arg(1), self.rest(2))
-class cd(Command):
- """:cd [-r] <dirname>
- The cd command changes the directory.
- The command 'cd -' is equivalent to typing ``.
- Using the option "-r" will get you to the real path.
- """
- def execute(self):
- import os.path
- if self.arg(1) == '-r':
- self.shift()
- destination = os.path.realpath(self.rest(1))
- if os.path.isfile(destination):
- destination = os.path.dirname(destination)
- else:
- destination = self.rest(1)
- if not destination:
- destination = '~'
- if destination == '-':
- self.fm.enter_bookmark('`')
- else:
- self.fm.cd(destination)
- def tab(self):
- import os
- from os.path import dirname, basename, expanduser, join
- cwd = self.fm.thisdir.path
- rel_dest = self.rest(1)
- bookmarks = [v.path for v in self.fm.bookmarks.dct.values()
- if rel_dest in v.path ]
- # expand the tilde into the user directory
- if rel_dest.startswith('~'):
- rel_dest = expanduser(rel_dest)
- # define some shortcuts
- abs_dest = join(cwd, rel_dest)
- abs_dirname = dirname(abs_dest)
- rel_basename = basename(rel_dest)
- rel_dirname = dirname(rel_dest)
- try:
- # are we at the end of a directory?
- if rel_dest.endswith('/') or rel_dest == '':
- _, dirnames, _ = next(os.walk(abs_dest))
- # are we in the middle of the filename?
- else:
- _, dirnames, _ = next(os.walk(abs_dirname))
- dirnames = [dn for dn in dirnames \
- if dn.startswith(rel_basename)]
- except (OSError, StopIteration):
- # os.walk found nothing
- pass
- else:
- dirnames.sort()
- dirnames = bookmarks + dirnames
- # no results, return None
- if len(dirnames) == 0:
- return
- # one result. since it must be a directory, append a slash.
- if len(dirnames) == 1:
- return self.start(1) + join(rel_dirname, dirnames[0]) + '/'
- # more than one result. append no slash, so the user can
- # manually type in the slash to advance into that directory
- return (self.start(1) + join(rel_dirname, dirname) for dirname in dirnames)
-class chain(Command):
- """:chain <command1>; <command2>; ...
- Calls multiple commands at once, separated by semicolons.
- """
- def execute(self):
- for command in self.rest(1).split(";"):
- self.fm.execute_console(command)
-class shell(Command):
- escape_macros_for_shell = True
- def execute(self):
- if self.arg(1) and self.arg(1)[0] == '-':
- flags = self.arg(1)[1:]
- command = self.rest(2)
- else:
- flags = ''
- command = self.rest(1)
- if not command and 'p' in flags:
- command = 'cat %f'
- if command:
- if '%' in command:
- command = self.fm.substitute_macros(command, escape=True)
- self.fm.execute_command(command, flags=flags)
- def tab(self):
- from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables
- if self.arg(1) and self.arg(1)[0] == '-':
- command = self.rest(2)
- else:
- command = self.rest(1)
- start = self.line[0:len(self.line) - len(command)]
- try:
- position_of_last_space = command.rindex(" ")
- except ValueError:
- return (start + program + ' ' for program \
- in get_executables() if program.startswith(command))
- if position_of_last_space == len(command) - 1:
- selection = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
- if len(selection) == 1:
- return self.line + selection[0].shell_escaped_basename + ' '
- else:
- return self.line + '%s '
- else:
- before_word, start_of_word = self.line.rsplit(' ', 1)
- return (before_word + ' ' + file.shell_escaped_basename \
- for file in self.fm.thisdir.files \
- if file.shell_escaped_basename.startswith(start_of_word))
-class open_with(Command):
- def execute(self):
- app, flags, mode = self._get_app_flags_mode(self.rest(1))
- self.fm.execute_file(
- files = [f for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()],
- app = app,
- flags = flags,
- mode = mode)
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_through_executables()
- def _get_app_flags_mode(self, string):
- """Extracts the application, flags and mode from a string.
- examples:
- "mplayer f 1" => ("mplayer", "f", 1)
- "aunpack 4" => ("aunpack", "", 4)
- "p" => ("", "p", 0)
- "" => None
- """
- app = ''
- flags = ''
- mode = 0
- split = string.split()
- if len(split) == 0:
- pass
- elif len(split) == 1:
- part = split[0]
- if self._is_app(part):
- app = part
- elif self._is_flags(part):
- flags = part
- elif self._is_mode(part):
- mode = part
- elif len(split) == 2:
- part0 = split[0]
- part1 = split[1]
- if self._is_app(part0):
- app = part0
- if self._is_flags(part1):
- flags = part1
- elif self._is_mode(part1):
- mode = part1
- elif self._is_flags(part0):
- flags = part0
- if self._is_mode(part1):
- mode = part1
- elif self._is_mode(part0):
- mode = part0
- if self._is_flags(part1):
- flags = part1
- elif len(split) >= 3:
- part0 = split[0]
- part1 = split[1]
- part2 = split[2]
- if self._is_app(part0):
- app = part0
- if self._is_flags(part1):
- flags = part1
- if self._is_mode(part2):
- mode = part2
- elif self._is_mode(part1):
- mode = part1
- if self._is_flags(part2):
- flags = part2
- elif self._is_flags(part0):
- flags = part0
- if self._is_mode(part1):
- mode = part1
- elif self._is_mode(part0):
- mode = part0
- if self._is_flags(part1):
- flags = part1
- return app, flags, int(mode)
- def _is_app(self, arg):
- return not self._is_flags(arg) and not arg.isdigit()
- def _is_flags(self, arg):
- from ranger.core.runner import ALLOWED_FLAGS
- return all(x in ALLOWED_FLAGS for x in arg)
- def _is_mode(self, arg):
- return all(x in '0123456789' for x in arg)
-class set_(Command):
- """:set <option name>=<python expression>
- Gives an option a new value.
- """
- name = 'set' # don't override the builtin set class
- def execute(self):
- name = self.arg(1)
- name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
- self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value)
- def tab(self):
- name, value, name_done = self.parse_setting_line()
- settings = self.fm.settings
- if not name:
- return sorted(self.firstpart + setting for setting in settings)
- if not value and not name_done:
- return (self.firstpart + setting for setting in settings \
- if setting.startswith(name))
- if not value:
- return self.firstpart + str(settings[name])
- if bool in settings.types_of(name):
- if 'true'.startswith(value.lower()):
- return self.firstpart + 'True'
- if 'false'.startswith(value.lower()):
- return self.firstpart + 'False'
-class setlocal(set_):
- """:setlocal path=<python string> <option name>=<python expression>
- Gives an option a new value.
- """
- PATH_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*path="?(.*?)"?\s*$')
- def execute(self):
- import os.path
- match = self.PATH_RE.match(self.arg(1))
- if match:
- path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(match.group(1)))
- self.shift()
- elif self.fm.thisdir:
- path = self.fm.thisdir.path
- else:
- path = None
- if path:
- name = self.arg(1)
- name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
- self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value, localpath=path)
-class setintag(setlocal):
- """:setintag <tag or tags> <option name>=<option value>
- Sets an option for directories that are tagged with a specific tag.
- """
- def execute(self):
- tags = self.arg(1)
- self.shift()
- name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
- self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value, tags=tags)
-class quit(Command):
- """:quit
- Closes the current tab. If there is only one tab, quit the program.
- """
- def execute(self):
- if len(self.fm.tabs) <= 1:
- self.fm.exit()
- self.fm.tab_close()
-class quitall(Command):
- """:quitall
- Quits the program immediately.
- """
- def execute(self):
- self.fm.exit()
-class quit_bang(quitall):
- """:quit!
- Quits the program immediately.
- """
- name = 'quit!'
- allow_abbrev = False
-class terminal(Command):
- """:terminal
- Spawns an "x-terminal-emulator" starting in the current directory.
- """
- def execute(self):
- import os
- from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables
- command = os.environ.get('TERMCMD', os.environ.get('TERM'))
- if command not in get_executables():
- command = 'x-terminal-emulator'
- if command not in get_executables():
- command = 'xterm'
- self.fm.run(command, flags='f')
-class delete(Command):
- """:delete
- Tries to delete the selection.
- "Selection" is defined as all the "marked files" (by default, you
- can mark files with space or v). If there are no marked files,
- use the "current file" (where the cursor is)
- When attempting to delete non-empty directories or multiple
- marked files, it will require a confirmation.
- """
- allow_abbrev = False
- def execute(self):
- import os
- if self.rest(1):
- self.fm.notify("Error: delete takes no arguments! It deletes "
- "the selected file(s).", bad=True)
- return
- cwd = self.fm.thisdir
- cf = self.fm.thisfile
- if not cwd or not cf:
- self.fm.notify("Error: no file selected for deletion!", bad=True)
- return
- confirm = self.fm.settings.confirm_on_delete
- many_files = (cwd.marked_items or (cf.is_directory and not cf.is_link \
- and len(os.listdir(cf.path)) > 0))
- if confirm != 'never' and (confirm != 'multiple' or many_files):
- self.fm.ui.console.ask("Confirm deletion of: %s (y/N)" %
- ', '.join(f.basename for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()),
- self._question_callback, ('n', 'N', 'y', 'Y'))
- else:
- # no need for a confirmation, just delete
- self.fm.delete()
- def _question_callback(self, answer):
- if answer == 'y' or answer == 'Y':
- self.fm.delete()
-class mark_tag(Command):
- """:mark_tag [<tags>]
- Mark all tags that are tagged with either of the given tags.
- When leaving out the tag argument, all tagged files are marked.
- """
- do_mark = True
- def execute(self):
- cwd = self.fm.thisdir
- tags = self.rest(1).replace(" ","")
- if not self.fm.tags:
- return
- for fileobj in cwd.files:
- try:
- tag = self.fm.tags.tags[fileobj.realpath]
- except KeyError:
- continue
- if not tags or tag in tags:
- cwd.mark_item(fileobj, val=self.do_mark)
- self.fm.ui.status.need_redraw = True
- self.fm.ui.need_redraw = True
-class console(Command):
- """:console <command>
- Open the console with the given command.
- """
- def execute(self):
- position = None
- if self.arg(1)[0:2] == '-p':
- try:
- position = int(self.arg(1)[2:])
- self.shift()
- except:
- pass
- self.fm.open_console(self.rest(1), position=position)
-class load_copy_buffer(Command):
- """:load_copy_buffer
- Load the copy buffer from confdir/copy_buffer
- """
- copy_buffer_filename = 'copy_buffer'
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.container.file import File
- from os.path import exists
- try:
- fname = self.fm.confpath(self.copy_buffer_filename)
- f = open(fname, 'r')
- except:
- return self.fm.notify("Cannot open %s" % \
- (fname or self.copy_buffer_filename), bad=True)
- self.fm.copy_buffer = set(File(g) \
- for g in f.read().split("\n") if exists(g))
- f.close()
- self.fm.ui.redraw_main_column()
-class save_copy_buffer(Command):
- """:save_copy_buffer
- Save the copy buffer to confdir/copy_buffer
- """
- copy_buffer_filename = 'copy_buffer'
- def execute(self):
- fname = None
- try:
- fname = self.fm.confpath(self.copy_buffer_filename)
- f = open(fname, 'w')
- except:
- return self.fm.notify("Cannot open %s" % \
- (fname or self.copy_buffer_filename), bad=True)
- f.write("\n".join(f.path for f in self.fm.copy_buffer))
- f.close()
-class unmark_tag(mark_tag):
- """:unmark_tag [<tags>]
- Unmark all tags that are tagged with either of the given tags.
- When leaving out the tag argument, all tagged files are unmarked.
- """
- do_mark = False
-class mkdir(Command):
- """:mkdir <dirname>
- Creates a directory with the name <dirname>.
- """
- def execute(self):
- from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists
- from os import mkdir
- dirname = join(self.fm.thisdir.path, expanduser(self.rest(1)))
- if not lexists(dirname):
- mkdir(dirname)
- else:
- self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True)
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class touch(Command):
- """:touch <fname>
- Creates a file with the name <fname>.
- """
- def execute(self):
- from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists
- fname = join(self.fm.thisdir.path, expanduser(self.rest(1)))
- if not lexists(fname):
- open(fname, 'a').close()
- else:
- self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True)
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class edit(Command):
- """:edit <filename>
- Opens the specified file in vim
- """
- def execute(self):
- if not self.arg(1):
- self.fm.edit_file(self.fm.thisfile.path)
- else:
- self.fm.edit_file(self.rest(1))
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class eval_(Command):
- """:eval [-q] <python code>
- Evaluates the python code.
- `fm' is a reference to the FM instance.
- To display text, use the function `p'.
- Examples:
- :eval fm
- :eval len(fm.directories)
- :eval p("Hello World!")
- """
- name = 'eval'
- resolve_macros = False
- def execute(self):
- if self.arg(1) == '-q':
- code = self.rest(2)
- quiet = True
- else:
- code = self.rest(1)
- quiet = False
- import ranger
- global cmd, fm, p, quantifier
- fm = self.fm
- cmd = self.fm.execute_console
- p = fm.notify
- quantifier = self.quantifier
- try:
- try:
- result = eval(code)
- except SyntaxError:
- exec(code)
- else:
- if result and not quiet:
- p(result)
- except Exception as err:
- p(err)
-class rename(Command):
- """:rename <newname>
- Changes the name of the currently highlighted file to <newname>
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.container.file import File
- from os import access
- new_name = self.rest(1)
- if not new_name:
- return self.fm.notify('Syntax: rename <newname>', bad=True)
- if new_name == self.fm.thisfile.basename:
- return
- if access(new_name, os.F_OK):
- return self.fm.notify("Can't rename: file already exists!", bad=True)
- self.fm.rename(self.fm.thisfile, new_name)
- f = File(new_name)
- self.fm.thisdir.pointed_obj = f
- self.fm.thisfile = f
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class chmod(Command):
- """:chmod <octal number>
- Sets the permissions of the selection to the octal number.
- The octal number is between 0 and 777. The digits specify the
- permissions for the user, the group and others.
- A 1 permits execution, a 2 permits writing, a 4 permits reading.
- Add those numbers to combine them. So a 7 permits everything.
- """
- def execute(self):
- mode = self.rest(1)
- if not mode:
- mode = str(self.quantifier)
- try:
- mode = int(mode, 8)
- if mode < 0 or mode > 0o777:
- raise ValueError
- except ValueError:
- self.fm.notify("Need an octal number between 0 and 777!", bad=True)
- return
- for file in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
- try:
- os.chmod(file.path, mode)
- except Exception as ex:
- self.fm.notify(ex)
- try:
- # reloading directory. maybe its better to reload the selected
- # files only.
- self.fm.thisdir.load_content()
- except:
- pass
-class bulkrename(Command):
- """:bulkrename
- This command opens a list of selected files in an external editor.
- After you edit and save the file, it will generate a shell script
- which does bulk renaming according to the changes you did in the file.
- This shell script is opened in an editor for you to review.
- After you close it, it will be executed.
- """
- def execute(self):
- import sys
- import tempfile
- from ranger.container.file import File
- from ranger.ext.shell_escape import shell_escape as esc
- py3 = sys.version > "3"
- # Create and edit the file list
- filenames = [f.basename for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
- listfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- if py3:
- listfile.write("\n".join(filenames).encode("utf-8"))
- else:
- listfile.write("\n".join(filenames))
- listfile.flush()
- self.fm.execute_file([File(listfile.name)], app='editor')
- listfile.seek(0)
- if py3:
- new_filenames = listfile.read().decode("utf-8").split("\n")
- else:
- new_filenames = listfile.read().split("\n")
- listfile.close()
- if all(a == b for a, b in zip(filenames, new_filenames)):
- self.fm.notify("No renaming to be done!")
- return
- # Generate and execute script
- cmdfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- cmdfile.write(b"# This file will be executed when you close the editor.\n")
- cmdfile.write(b"# Please double-check everything, clear the file to abort.\n")
- if py3:
- cmdfile.write("\n".join("mv -vi -- " + esc(old) + " " + esc(new) \
- for old, new in zip(filenames, new_filenames) \
- if old != new).encode("utf-8"))
- else:
- cmdfile.write("\n".join("mv -vi -- " + esc(old) + " " + esc(new) \
- for old, new in zip(filenames, new_filenames) if old != new))
- cmdfile.flush()
- self.fm.execute_file([File(cmdfile.name)], app='editor')
- self.fm.run(['/bin/sh', cmdfile.name], flags='w')
- cmdfile.close()
-class relink(Command):
- """:relink <newpath>
- Changes the linked path of the currently highlighted symlink to <newpath>
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.container.file import File
- new_path = self.rest(1)
- cf = self.fm.thisfile
- if not new_path:
- return self.fm.notify('Syntax: relink <newpath>', bad=True)
- if not cf.is_link:
- return self.fm.notify('%s is not a symlink!' % cf.basename, bad=True)
- if new_path == os.readlink(cf.path):
- return
- try:
- os.remove(cf.path)
- os.symlink(new_path, cf.path)
- except OSError as err:
- self.fm.notify(err)
- self.fm.reset()
- self.fm.thisdir.pointed_obj = cf
- self.fm.thisfile = cf
- def tab(self):
- if not self.rest(1):
- return self.line+os.readlink(self.fm.thisfile.path)
- else:
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class help_(Command):
- """:help
- Display ranger's manual page.
- """
- name = 'help'
- def execute(self):
- if self.quantifier == 1:
- self.fm.dump_keybindings()
- elif self.quantifier == 2:
- self.fm.dump_commands()
- elif self.quantifier == 3:
- self.fm.dump_settings()
- else:
- self.fm.display_help()
-class copymap(Command):
- """:copymap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]
- Copies a "browser" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
- """
- context = 'browser'
- def execute(self):
- if not self.arg(1) or not self.arg(2):
- return self.fm.notify("Not enough arguments", bad=True)
- for arg in self.args[2:]:
- self.fm.ui.keymaps.copy(self.context, self.arg(1), arg)
-class copypmap(copymap):
- """:copypmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]
- Copies a "pager" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
- """
- context = 'pager'
-class copycmap(copymap):
- """:copycmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]
- Copies a "console" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
- """
- context = 'console'
-class copytmap(copymap):
- """:copycmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]
- Copies a "taskview" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
- """
- context = 'taskview'
-class unmap(Command):
- """:unmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]
- Remove the given "browser" mappings
- """
- context = 'browser'
- def execute(self):
- for arg in self.args[1:]:
- self.fm.ui.keymaps.unbind(self.context, arg)
-class cunmap(unmap):
- """:cunmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]
- Remove the given "console" mappings
- """
- context = 'browser'
-class punmap(unmap):
- """:punmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]
- Remove the given "pager" mappings
- """
- context = 'pager'
-class tunmap(unmap):
- """:tunmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]
- Remove the given "taskview" mappings
- """
- context = 'taskview'
-class map_(Command):
- """:map <keysequence> <command>
- Maps a command to a keysequence in the "browser" context.
- Example:
- map j move down
- map J move down 10
- """
- name = 'map'
- context = 'browser'
- resolve_macros = False
- def execute(self):
- self.fm.ui.keymaps.bind(self.context, self.arg(1), self.rest(2))
-class cmap(map_):
- """:cmap <keysequence> <command>
- Maps a command to a keysequence in the "console" context.
- Example:
- cmap <ESC> console_close
- cmap <C-x> console_type test
- """
- context = 'console'
-class tmap(map_):
- """:tmap <keysequence> <command>
- Maps a command to a keysequence in the "taskview" context.
- """
- context = 'taskview'
-class pmap(map_):
- """:pmap <keysequence> <command>
- Maps a command to a keysequence in the "pager" context.
- """
- context = 'pager'
-class scout(Command):
- """:scout [-FLAGS] <pattern>
- Swiss army knife command for searching, traveling and filtering files.
- The command takes various flags as arguments which can be used to
- influence its behaviour:
- -a = automatically open a file on unambiguous match
- -e = open the selected file when pressing enter
- -f = filter files that match the current search pattern
- -g = interpret pattern as a glob pattern
- -i = ignore the letter case of the files
- -k = keep the console open when changing a directory with the command
- -l = letter skipping; e.g. allow "rdme" to match the file "readme"
- -m = mark the matching files after pressing enter
- -M = unmark the matching files after pressing enter
- -p = permanent filter: hide non-matching files after pressing enter
- -s = smart case; like -i unless pattern contains upper case letters
- -t = apply filter and search pattern as you type
- -v = inverts the match
- Multiple flags can be combined. For example, ":scout -gpt" would create
- a :filter-like command using globbing.
- """
- AUTO_OPEN = 'a'
- FILTER = 'f'
- SM_GLOB = 'g'
- KEEP_OPEN = 'k'
- MARK = 'm'
- UNMARK = 'M'
- SM_REGEX = 'r'
- SMART_CASE = 's'
- AS_YOU_TYPE = 't'
- INVERT = 'v'
- def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
- Command.__init__(self, *args, **kws)
- self._regex = None
- self.flags, self.pattern = self.parse_flags()
- def execute(self):
- thisdir = self.fm.thisdir
- flags = self.flags
- pattern = self.pattern
- regex = self._build_regex()
- count = self._count(move=True)
- self.fm.thistab.last_search = regex
- self.fm.set_search_method(order="search")
- if self.MARK in flags or self.UNMARK in flags:
- value = flags.find(self.MARK) > flags.find(self.UNMARK)
- if self.FILTER in flags:
- for f in thisdir.files:
- thisdir.mark_item(f, value)
- else:
- for f in thisdir.files:
- if regex.search(f.basename):
- thisdir.mark_item(f, value)
- if self.PERM_FILTER in flags:
- thisdir.filter = regex if pattern else None
- # clean up:
- self.cancel()
- if self.OPEN_ON_ENTER in flags or \
- self.AUTO_OPEN in flags and count == 1:
- if os.path.exists(pattern):
- self.fm.cd(pattern)
- else:
- self.fm.move(right=1)
- if self.KEEP_OPEN in flags and thisdir != self.fm.thisdir:
- # reopen the console:
- self.fm.open_console(self.line[0:-len(pattern)])
- if thisdir != self.fm.thisdir and pattern != "..":
- self.fm.block_input(0.5)
- def cancel(self):
- self.fm.thisdir.temporary_filter = None
- self.fm.thisdir.refilter()
- def quick(self):
- asyoutype = self.AS_YOU_TYPE in self.flags
- if self.FILTER in self.flags:
- self.fm.thisdir.temporary_filter = self._build_regex()
- if self.PERM_FILTER in self.flags and asyoutype:
- self.fm.thisdir.filter = self._build_regex()
- if self.FILTER in self.flags or self.PERM_FILTER in self.flags:
- self.fm.thisdir.refilter()
- if self._count(move=asyoutype) == 1 and self.AUTO_OPEN in self.flags:
- return True
- return False
- def tab(self):
- self._count(move=True, offset=1)
- def _build_regex(self):
- if self._regex is not None:
- return self._regex
- frmat = "%s"
- flags = self.flags
- pattern = self.pattern
- if pattern == ".":
- return re.compile("")
- # Handle carets at start and dollar signs at end separately
- if pattern.startswith('^'):
- pattern = pattern[1:]
- frmat = "^" + frmat
- if pattern.endswith('$'):
- pattern = pattern[:-1]
- frmat += "$"
- # Apply one of the search methods
- if self.SM_REGEX in flags:
- regex = pattern
- elif self.SM_GLOB in flags:
- regex = re.escape(pattern).replace("\\*", ".*").replace("\\?", ".")
- elif self.SM_LETTERSKIP in flags:
- regex = ".*".join(re.escape(c) for c in pattern)
- else:
- regex = re.escape(pattern)
- regex = frmat % regex
- # Invert regular expression if necessary
- if self.INVERT in flags:
- regex = "^(?:(?!%s).)*$" % regex
- # Compile Regular Expression
- options = re.LOCALE | re.UNICODE
- if self.IGNORE_CASE in flags or self.SMART_CASE in flags and \
- pattern.islower():
- options |= re.IGNORECASE
- try:
- self._regex = re.compile(regex, options)
- except:
- self._regex = re.compile("")
- return self._regex
- def _count(self, move=False, offset=0):
- count = 0
- cwd = self.fm.thisdir
- pattern = self.pattern
- if not pattern:
- return 0
- if pattern == '.':
- return 0
- if pattern == '..':
- return 1
- deq = deque(cwd.files)
- deq.rotate(-cwd.pointer - offset)
- i = offset
- regex = self._build_regex()
- for fsobj in deq:
- if regex.search(fsobj.basename):
- count += 1
- if move and count == 1:
- cwd.move(to=(cwd.pointer + i) % len(cwd.files))
- self.fm.thisfile = cwd.pointed_obj
- if count > 1:
- return count
- i += 1
- return count == 1
-class grep(Command):
- """:grep <string>
- Looks for a string in all marked files or directories
- """
- def execute(self):
- if self.rest(1):
- action = ['grep', '--line-number']
- action.extend(['-e', self.rest(1), '-r'])
- action.extend(f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection())
- self.fm.execute_command(action, flags='p')
-# Version control commands
-# --------------------------------
-class stage(Command):
- """
- :stage
- Stage selected files for the corresponding version control system
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
- filelist = [f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
- self.fm.thisdir.vcs_outdated = True
-# for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
-# f.vcs_outdated = True
- try:
- self.fm.thisdir.vcs.add(filelist)
- except VcsError:
- self.fm.notify("Could not stage files.")
- self.fm.reload_cwd()
-class unstage(Command):
- """
- :unstage
- Unstage selected files for the corresponding version control system
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
- filelist = [f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
- self.fm.thisdir.vcs_outdated = True
-# for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
-# f.vcs_outdated = True
- try:
- self.fm.thisdir.vcs.reset(filelist)
- except VcsError:
- self.fm.notify("Could not unstage files.")
- self.fm.reload_cwd()
-class diff(Command):
- """
- :diff
- Displays a diff of selected files against last last commited version
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
- import tempfile
- L = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
- if len(L) == 0: return
- filelist = [f.path for f in L]
- vcs = L[0].vcs
- diff = vcs.get_raw_diff(filelist=filelist)
- if len(diff.strip()) > 0:
- tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- tmp.write(diff.encode('utf-8'))
- tmp.flush()
- pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', ranger.DEFAULT_PAGER)
- self.fm.run([pager, tmp.name])
- else:
- raise Exception("diff is empty")
-class log(Command):
- """
- :log
- Displays the log of the current repo or files
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
- import tempfile
- L = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
- if len(L) == 0: return
- filelist = [f.path for f in L]
- vcs = L[0].vcs
- log = vcs.get_raw_log(filelist=filelist)
- tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- tmp.write(log.encode('utf-8'))
- tmp.flush()
- pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', ranger.DEFAULT_PAGER)
- self.fm.run([pager, tmp.name])
diff --git a/config/ranger/history b/config/ranger/history
deleted file mode 100644
index c083dbf..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/history
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-cd /
-search anti
-search mock
-open_with antiword
-open_with catdoc
-search john
-search mayer
-search promise
diff --git a/config/ranger/rc.conf b/config/ranger/rc.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f2ccf2..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/rc.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-# ===================================================================
-# This file contains the default startup commands for ranger.
-# To change them, it is recommended to create the file
-# ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf and add your custom commands there.
-# If you copy this whole file there, you may want to set the environment
-# variable RANGER_LOAD_DEFAULT_RC to FALSE to avoid loading it twice.
-# The purpose of this file is mainly to define keybindings and settings.
-# For running more complex python code, please create a plugin in "plugins/" or
-# a command in "commands.py".
-# Each line is a command that will be run before the user interface
-# is initialized. As a result, you can not use commands which rely
-# on the UI such as :delete or :mark.
-# ===================================================================
-# ===================================================================
-# == Options
-# ===================================================================
-# How many columns are there, and what are their relative widths?
-set column_ratios 1,3,4
-# Which files should be hidden? (regular expression)
-set hidden_filter ^\.|\.(?:pyc|pyo|bak|swp)$|^lost\+found$|^__(py)?cache__$
-# Show hidden files? You can toggle this by typing 'zh'
-set show_hidden false
-# Ask for a confirmation when running the "delete" command?
-# Valid values are "always" (default), "never", "multiple"
-# With "multiple", ranger will ask only if you delete multiple files at once.
-set confirm_on_delete multiple
-# Which script is used to generate file previews?
-# ranger ships with scope.sh, a script that calls external programs (see
-# README for dependencies) to preview images, archives, etc.
-set preview_script ~/.config/ranger/scope.sh
-# Use the external preview script or display simple plain text previews?
-set use_preview_script true
-# Open all images in this directory when running certain image viewers
-# like feh or sxiv? You can still open selected files by marking them.
-set open_all_images true
-# Be aware of version control systems and display information.
-set vcs_aware false
-# State of the three backends git, hg, bzr. The possible states are
-# disabled, local (only show local info), enabled (show local and remote
-# information).
-set vcs_backend_git enabled
-set vcs_backend_hg disabled
-set vcs_backend_bzr disabled
-# Preview images in full color with the external command "w3mimgpreview"?
-# This requires the console web browser "w3m" and a supported terminal.
-# It has been successfully tested with "xterm" and "urxvt" without tmux.
-set preview_images true
-# Use a unicode "..." character to mark cut-off filenames?
-set unicode_ellipsis false
-# Show dotfiles in the bookmark preview box?
-set show_hidden_bookmarks true
-# Which colorscheme to use? These colorschemes are available by default:
-# default, jungle, snow
-set colorscheme default
-# Preview files on the rightmost column?
-# And collapse (shrink) the last column if there is nothing to preview?
-set preview_files true
-set preview_directories true
-set collapse_preview true
-# Save the console history on exit?
-set save_console_history true
-# Draw the status bar on top of the browser window (default: bottom)
-set status_bar_on_top false
-# Draw a progress bar in the status bar which displays the average state of all
-# currently running tasks which support progress bars?
-set draw_progress_bar_in_status_bar true
-# Draw borders around columns?
-set draw_borders true
-# Display the directory name in tabs?
-set dirname_in_tabs false
-# Enable the mouse support?
-set mouse_enabled true
-# Display the file size in the main column or status bar?
-set display_size_in_main_column true
-set display_size_in_status_bar true
-# Display files tags in all columns or only in main column?
-set display_tags_in_all_columns true
-# Set a title for the window?
-set update_title false
-# Set the title to "ranger" in the tmux program?
-set update_tmux_title false
-# Shorten the title if it gets long? The number defines how many
-# directories are displayed at once, 0 turns off this feature.
-set shorten_title 3
-# Abbreviate $HOME with ~ in the titlebar (first line) of ranger?
-set tilde_in_titlebar false
-# How many directory-changes or console-commands should be kept in history?
-set max_history_size 20
-set max_console_history_size 50
-# Try to keep so much space between the top/bottom border when scrolling:
-set scroll_offset 8
-# Flush the input after each key hit? (Noticable when ranger lags)
-set flushinput true
-# Padding on the right when there's no preview?
-# This allows you to click into the space to run the file.
-set padding_right true
-# Save bookmarks (used with mX and `X) instantly?
-# This helps to synchronize bookmarks between multiple ranger
-# instances but leads to *slight* performance loss.
-# When false, bookmarks are saved when ranger is exited.
-set autosave_bookmarks true
-# You can display the "real" cumulative size of directories by using the
-# command :get_cumulative_size or typing "dc". The size is expensive to
-# calculate and will not be updated automatically. You can choose
-# to update it automatically though by turning on this option:
-set autoupdate_cumulative_size false
-# Turning this on makes sense for screen readers:
-set show_cursor false
-# One of: size, basename, mtime, type
-set sort natural
-# Additional sorting options
-set sort_reverse false
-set sort_case_insensitive true
-set sort_directories_first true
-# Enable this if key combinations with the Alt Key don't work for you.
-# (Especially on xterm)
-set xterm_alt_key false
-# ===================================================================
-# == Local Options
-# ===================================================================
-# You can set local options that only affect a single directory.
-# Examples:
-# setlocal path=~/downloads sort mtime
-# ===================================================================
-# == Command Aliases in the Console
-# ===================================================================
-alias e edit
-alias q quit
-alias q! quitall
-alias qall quitall
-alias setl setlocal
-alias filter scout -prt
-alias find scout -aet
-alias mark scout -mr
-alias unmark scout -Mr
-alias search scout -rs
-alias search_inc scout -rts
-alias travel scout -aefiklst
-# ===================================================================
-# == Define keys for the browser
-# ===================================================================
-# Basic
-map Q quit!
-map q quit
-copymap q ZZ ZQ
-map R reload_cwd
-map <C-r> reset
-map <C-l> redraw_window
-map <C-c> abort
-map <esc> change_mode normal
-map i display_file
-map ? help
-map W display_log
-map w taskview_open
-map S shell $SHELL
-map : console
-map ; console
-map ! console shell
-map @ console -p6 shell %%s
-map # console shell -p
-map s console shell
-map r chain draw_possible_programs; console open_with
-map f console find
-map cd console cd
-# Tagging / Marking
-map t tag_toggle
-map ut tag_remove
-map "<any> tag_toggle tag=%any
-map <Space> mark_files toggle=True
-map v mark_files all=True toggle=True
-map uv mark_files all=True val=False
-map V toggle_visual_mode
-map uV toggle_visual_mode reverse=True
-# For the nostalgics: Midnight Commander bindings
-map <F1> help
-map <F3> display_file
-map <F4> edit
-map <F5> copy
-map <F6> cut
-map <F7> console mkdir
-map <F8> console delete
-map <F10> exit
-# In case you work on a keyboard with dvorak layout
-map <UP> move up=1
-map <DOWN> move down=1
-map <LEFT> move left=1
-map <RIGHT> move right=1
-map <HOME> move to=0
-map <END> move to=-1
-map <PAGEDOWN> move down=1 pages=True
-map <PAGEUP> move up=1 pages=True
-map <CR> move right=1
-map <DELETE> console delete
-map <INSERT> console touch
-# VIM-like
-copymap <UP> k
-copymap <DOWN> j
-copymap <LEFT> h
-copymap <RIGHT> l
-copymap <HOME> gg
-copymap <END> G
-copymap <PAGEDOWN> <C-F>
-copymap <PAGEUP> <C-B>
-map J move down=0.5 pages=True
-map K move up=0.5 pages=True
-copymap J <C-D>
-copymap K <C-U>
-# Jumping around
-map H history_go -1
-map L history_go 1
-map ] move_parent 1
-map [ move_parent -1
-map } traverse
-map gh cd ~
-map ge cd /etc
-map gu cd /usr
-map gd cd /dev
-map gl cd -r .
-map gL cd -r %f
-map go cd /opt
-map gv cd /var
-map gm cd /media
-map gM cd /mnt
-map gs cd /srv
-map gr cd /
-map gR eval fm.cd(ranger.RANGERDIR)
-map g/ cd /
-map g? cd /usr/share/doc/ranger
-# External Programs
-map E edit
-map du shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size
-map dU shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size | sort -rh
-map yp shell -d echo -n %d/%f | xsel -i
-map yd shell -d echo -n %d | xsel -i
-map yn shell -d echo -n %f | xsel -i
-# Filesystem Operations
-map = chmod
-map cw console rename
-map A eval fm.open_console('rename ' + fm.thisfile.basename)
-map I eval fm.open_console('rename ' + fm.thisfile.basename, position=7)
-map pp paste
-map po paste overwrite=True
-map pl paste_symlink relative=False
-map pL paste_symlink relative=True
-map phl paste_hardlink
-map pht paste_hardlinked_subtree
-map dd cut
-map ud uncut
-map da cut mode=add
-map dr cut mode=remove
-map yy copy
-map uy uncut
-map ya copy mode=add
-map yr copy mode=remove
-# Temporary workarounds
-map dgg eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(to=0), narg=quantifier)
-map dG eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(to=-1), narg=quantifier)
-map dj eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(down=1), narg=quantifier)
-map dk eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(up=1), narg=quantifier)
-map ygg eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(to=0), narg=quantifier)
-map yG eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(to=-1), narg=quantifier)
-map yj eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(down=1), narg=quantifier)
-map yk eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(up=1), narg=quantifier)
-# Searching
-map / console search
-map n search_next
-map N search_next forward=False
-map ct search_next order=tag
-map cs search_next order=size
-map ci search_next order=mimetype
-map cc search_next order=ctime
-map cm search_next order=mtime
-map ca search_next order=atime
-# Tabs
-map <C-n> tab_new ~
-map <C-w> tab_close
-map <TAB> tab_move 1
-map <S-TAB> tab_move -1
-map <A-Right> tab_move 1
-map <A-Left> tab_move -1
-map gt tab_move 1
-map gT tab_move -1
-map gn tab_new ~
-map gc tab_close
-map uq tab_restore
-map <a-1> tab_open 1
-map <a-2> tab_open 2
-map <a-3> tab_open 3
-map <a-4> tab_open 4
-map <a-5> tab_open 5
-map <a-6> tab_open 6
-map <a-7> tab_open 7
-map <a-8> tab_open 8
-map <a-9> tab_open 9
-# Sorting
-map or toggle_option sort_reverse
-map os chain set sort=size; set sort_reverse=False
-map ob chain set sort=basename; set sort_reverse=False
-map on chain set sort=natural; set sort_reverse=False
-map om chain set sort=mtime; set sort_reverse=False
-map oc chain set sort=ctime; set sort_reverse=False
-map oa chain set sort=atime; set sort_reverse=False
-map ot chain set sort=type; set sort_reverse=False
-map oS chain set sort=size; set sort_reverse=True
-map oB chain set sort=basename; set sort_reverse=True
-map oN chain set sort=natural; set sort_reverse=True
-map oM chain set sort=mtime; set sort_reverse=True
-map oC chain set sort=ctime; set sort_reverse=True
-map oA chain set sort=atime; set sort_reverse=True
-map oT chain set sort=type; set sort_reverse=True
-map dc get_cumulative_size
-# Settings
-map zc toggle_option collapse_preview
-map zd toggle_option sort_directories_first
-map zh toggle_option show_hidden
-map <C-h> toggle_option show_hidden
-map zi toggle_option flushinput
-map zm toggle_option mouse_enabled
-map zp toggle_option preview_files
-map zP toggle_option preview_directories
-map zs toggle_option sort_case_insensitive
-map zu toggle_option autoupdate_cumulative_size
-map zv toggle_option use_preview_script
-map zf console filter
-# Bookmarks
-map `<any> enter_bookmark %any
-map '<any> enter_bookmark %any
-map m<any> set_bookmark %any
-map um<any> unset_bookmark %any
-map m<bg> draw_bookmarks
-copymap m<bg> um<bg> `<bg> '<bg>
-# Generate all the chmod bindings with some python help:
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +u{0} shell -d chmod u+{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +g{0} shell -d chmod g+{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +o{0} shell -d chmod o+{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +a{0} shell -d chmod a+{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +{0} shell -d chmod u+{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -u{0} shell -d chmod u-{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -g{0} shell -d chmod g-{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -o{0} shell -d chmod o-{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -a{0} shell -d chmod a-{0} %s".format(arg))
-eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -{0} shell -d chmod u-{0} %s".format(arg))
-# ===================================================================
-# == Define keys for the console
-# ===================================================================
-# Note: Unmapped keys are passed directly to the console.
-# Basic
-cmap <tab> eval fm.ui.console.tab()
-cmap <s-tab> eval fm.ui.console.tab(-1)
-cmap <ESC> eval fm.ui.console.close()
-cmap <CR> eval fm.ui.console.execute()
-cmap <C-l> redraw_window
-copycmap <ESC> <C-c>
-copycmap <CR> <C-j>
-# Move around
-cmap <up> eval fm.ui.console.history_move(-1)
-cmap <down> eval fm.ui.console.history_move(1)
-cmap <left> eval fm.ui.console.move(left=1)
-cmap <right> eval fm.ui.console.move(right=1)
-cmap <home> eval fm.ui.console.move(right=0, absolute=True)
-cmap <end> eval fm.ui.console.move(right=-1, absolute=True)
-# Line Editing
-cmap <backspace> eval fm.ui.console.delete(-1)
-cmap <delete> eval fm.ui.console.delete(0)
-cmap <C-w> eval fm.ui.console.delete_word()
-cmap <C-k> eval fm.ui.console.delete_rest(1)
-cmap <C-u> eval fm.ui.console.delete_rest(-1)
-cmap <C-y> eval fm.ui.console.paste()
-# And of course the emacs way
-copycmap <up> <C-p>
-copycmap <down> <C-n>
-copycmap <left> <C-b>
-copycmap <right> <C-f>
-copycmap <home> <C-a>
-copycmap <end> <C-e>
-copycmap <delete> <C-d>
-copycmap <backspace> <C-h>
-# Note: There are multiple ways to express backspaces. <backspace> (code 263)
-# and <backspace2> (code 127). To be sure, use both.
-copycmap <backspace> <backspace2>
-# This special expression allows typing in numerals:
-cmap <allow_quantifiers> false
-# ===================================================================
-# == Pager Keybindings
-# ===================================================================
-# Movement
-pmap <down> pager_move down=1
-pmap <up> pager_move up=1
-pmap <left> pager_move left=4
-pmap <right> pager_move right=4
-pmap <home> pager_move to=0
-pmap <end> pager_move to=-1
-pmap <pagedown> pager_move down=1.0 pages=True
-pmap <pageup> pager_move up=1.0 pages=True
-pmap <C-d> pager_move down=0.5 pages=True
-pmap <C-u> pager_move up=0.5 pages=True
-copypmap <UP> k <C-p>
-copypmap <DOWN> j <C-n> <CR>
-copypmap <LEFT> h
-copypmap <RIGHT> l
-copypmap <HOME> g
-copypmap <END> G
-copypmap <C-d> d
-copypmap <C-u> u
-copypmap <PAGEDOWN> n f <C-F> <Space>
-copypmap <PAGEUP> p b <C-B>
-# Basic
-pmap <ESC> pager_close
-copypmap <ESC> q Q i <F3>
-pmap E edit_file
-# ===================================================================
-# == Taskview Keybindings
-# ===================================================================
-# Movement
-tmap <up> taskview_move up=1
-tmap <down> taskview_move down=1
-tmap <home> taskview_move to=0
-tmap <end> taskview_move to=-1
-tmap <pagedown> taskview_move down=1.0 pages=True
-tmap <pageup> taskview_move up=1.0 pages=True
-tmap <C-d> taskview_move down=0.5 pages=True
-tmap <C-u> taskview_move up=0.5 pages=True
-copytmap <UP> k <C-p>
-copytmap <DOWN> j <C-n> <CR>
-copytmap <HOME> g
-copytmap <END> G
-copytmap <C-u> u
-copytmap <PAGEDOWN> n f <C-F> <Space>
-copytmap <PAGEUP> p b <C-B>
-# Changing priority and deleting tasks
-tmap J eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(-1)
-tmap K eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(0)
-tmap dd eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_remove()
-tmap <pagedown> eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(-1)
-tmap <pageup> eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(0)
-tmap <delete> eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_remove()
-# Basic
-tmap <ESC> taskview_close
-copytmap <ESC> q Q w <C-c>
-map D delete
diff --git a/config/ranger/rifle.conf b/config/ranger/rifle.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b911b6..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/rifle.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# vim: ft=cfg
-# This is the configuration file of "rifle", ranger's file executor/opener.
-# Each line consists of conditions and a command. For each line the conditions
-# are checked and if they are met, the respective command is run.
-# Syntax:
-# <condition1> , <condition2> , ... = command
-# The command can contain these environment variables:
-# $1-$9 | The n-th selected file
-# $@ | All selected files
-# If you use the special command "ask", rifle will ask you what program to run.
-# Prefixing a condition with "!" will negate its result.
-# These conditions are currently supported:
-# match <regexp> | The regexp matches $1
-# ext <regexp> | The regexp matches the extension of $1
-# mime <regexp> | The regexp matches the mime type of $1
-# name <regexp> | The regexp matches the basename of $1
-# path <regexp> | The regexp matches the absolute path of $1
-# has <program> | The program is installed (i.e. located in $PATH)
-# file | $1 is a file
-# directory | $1 is a directory
-# number <n> | change the number of this command to n
-# terminal | stdin, stderr and stdout are connected to a terminal
-# X | $DISPLAY is not empty (i.e. Xorg runs)
-# There are also pseudo-conditions which have a "side effect":
-# flag <flags> | Change how the program is run. See below.
-# label <label> | Assign a label or name to the command so it can
-# | be started with :open_with <label> in ranger
-# | or `rifle -p <label>` in the standalone executable.
-# else | Always true.
-# Flags are single characters which slightly transform the command:
-# f | Fork the program, make it run in the background.
-# | New command = setsid $command >& /dev/null &
-# r | Execute the command with root permissions
-# | New command = sudo $command
-# t | Run the program in a new terminal. If $TERMCMD is not defined,
-# | rifle will attempt to extract it from $TERM.
-# | New command = $TERMCMD -e $command
-# Note: The "New command" serves only as an illustration, the exact
-# implementation may differ.
-# Note: When using rifle in ranger, there is an additional flag "c" for
-# only running the current file even if you have marked multiple files.
-# Directories
-mime ^inode/directory, label ranger = urxvt -e ranger -- "$@"
-# Websites
-# Rarely installed browsers get higher priority; It is assumed that if you
-# install a rare browser, you probably use it. Firefox/konqueror/w3m on the
-# other hand are often only installed as fallback browsers.
-ext x?html?, has uzbl-browser, X, flag f = uzbl-browser -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has surf, X, flag f = surf -- file://"$1"
-ext x?html?, has vimprobable, X, flag f = vimprobable -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has vimprobable2, X, flag f = vimprobable2 -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has jumanji, X, flag f = jumanji -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has luakit, X, flag f = luakit -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has uzbl, X, flag f = uzbl -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has uzbl-core, X, flag f = uzbl-core -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has midori, X, flag f = midori -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has chromium, X, flag f = chromium -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has opera, X, flag f = opera -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has firefox, X, flag f = firefox -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has seamonkey, X, flag f = seamonkey -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has iceweasel, X, flag f = iceweasel -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has epiphany, X, flag f = epiphany -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has konqueror, X, flag f = konqueror -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has elinks, terminal = elinks "$@"
-ext x?html?, has links2, terminal = links2 "$@"
-ext x?html?, has links, terminal = links "$@"
-ext x?html?, has lynx, terminal = lynx -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has w3m, terminal = w3m "$@"
-# Misc
-# Define the "editor" for text files as first action
-mime ^text, label editor = "urxvt -e vim" -- "$@"
-mime ^text, label pager = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
-!mime ^text, label editor, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "vim" -- "$@"
-!mime ^text, label pager, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
-ext 1 = man "$1"
-ext s[wmf]c, has zsnes, X = zsnes "$1"
-ext nes, has fceux, X = fceux "$1"
-ext exe = wine "$1"
-name ^[mM]akefile$ = make
-# Code
-ext py = urxvt -e python -- "$1"
-ext pl = urxvt -e perl -- "$1"
-ext rb = urxvt -e ruby -- "$1"
-ext sh = urxvt -e sh -- "$1"
-ext php = urxvt -e php -- "$1"
-# Audio without X
-mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer = mpv -- "$@"
-mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer = mplayer -- "$@"
-mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer2 = mplayer2 -- "$@"
-ext midi?, terminal, has wildmidi = wildmidi -- "$@"
-# Video/Audio with a GUI
-mime ^video|audio, has mpv, X, flag f = mpv -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has gmplayer, X, flag f = gmplayer -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has smplayer, X, flag f = smplayer "$@"
-mime ^video, has mplayer2, X, flag f = mplayer2 -- "$@"
-mime ^video, has mplayer2, X, flag f = mplayer2 -fs -- "$@"
-mime ^video, has mplayer, X, flag f = mplayer -- "$@"
-mime ^video, has mplayer, X, flag f = mplayer -fs -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has vlc, X, flag f = vlc -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has totem, X, flag f = totem -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has totem, X, flag f = totem --fullscreen -- "$@"
-# Video without X:
-mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mplayer2 = mplayer2 -- "$@"
-mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mplayer = mplayer -- "$@"
-# Image Viewing:
-mime ^image, has eog, X, flag f = eog -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has sxiv, X, flag f = sxiv -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has feh, X, flag f = feh -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has mirage, X, flag f = mirage -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has gimp, X, flag f = gimp -- "$@"
-ext xcf, X, flag f = gimp -- "$@"
-# Documents
-ext pdf, has llpp, X, flag f = llpp "$@"
-ext pdf, has zathura, X, flag f = zathura -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has mupdf, X, flag f = mupdf -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has apvlv, X, flag f = apvlv -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has xpdf, X, flag f = xpdf -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has evince, X, flag f = evince -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has okular, X, flag f = okular -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has epdfview, X, flag f = epdfview -- "$@"
-ext docx?, has catdoc, terminal = catdoc -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
-ext sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has gnumeric, X, flag f = gnumeric -- "$@"
-ext sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has kspread, X, flag f = kspread -- "$@"
-ext od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has libreoffice, X, flag f = libreoffice "$@"
-ext od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has soffice, X, flag f = soffice "$@"
-ext od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has ooffice, X, flag f = ooffice "$@"
-ext djvu, has evince, X, flag f = evince -- "$@"
-# Archives
-# This requires atool
-ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has als = als -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
-ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has als = als -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
-ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has aunpack = aunpack -- "$@"
-ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has aunpack = aunpack -- "$@"
-# Fallback:
-ext tar|gz, has tar = tar vvtf "$@" | "$PAGER"
-ext tar|gz, has tar = tar vvxf "$@"
-# Misc
-label wallpaper, number 11, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-scale "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 12, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-tile "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 13, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-center "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 14, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-fill "$1"
-# Define the editor for non-text files + pager as last action
- !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = ask
-label editor, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "vim" -- "$@"
-label pager, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
diff --git a/config/ranger/rifle.conf.save b/config/ranger/rifle.conf.save
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ec1ece..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/rifle.conf.save
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-((q# vim: ft=cfg
-# This is the configuration file of "rifle", ranger's file executor/opener.
-# Each line consists of conditions and a command. For each line the conditions
-# are checked and if they are met, the respective command is run.
-# Syntax:
-# <condition1> , <condition2> , ... = command
-# The command can contain these environment variables:
-# $1-$9 | The n-th selected file
-# $@ | All selected files
-# If you use the special command "ask", rifle will ask you what program to run.
-# Prefixing a condition with "!" will negate its result.
-# These conditions are currently supported:
-# match <regexp> | The regexp matches $1
-# ext <regexp> | The regexp matches the extension of $1
-# mime <regexp> | The regexp matches the mime type of $1
-# name <regexp> | The regexp matches the basename of $1
-# path <regexp> | The regexp matches the absolute path of $1
-# has <program> | The program is installed (i.e. located in $PATH)
-# file | $1 is a file
-# directory | $1 is a directory
-# number <n> | change the number of this command to n
-# terminal | stdin, stderr and stdout are connected to a terminal
-# X | $DISPLAY is not empty (i.e. Xorg runs)
-# There are also pseudo-conditions which have a "side effect":
-# flag <flags> | Change how the program is run. See below.
-# label <label> | Assign a label or name to the command so it can
-# | be started with :open_with <label> in ranger
-# | or `rifle -p <label>` in the standalone executable.
-# else | Always true.
-# Flags are single characters which slightly transform the command:
-# f | Fork the program, make it run in the background.
-# | New command = setsid $command >& /dev/null &
-# r | Execute the command with root permissions
-# | New command = sudo $command
-# t | Run the program in a new terminal. If $TERMCMD is not defined,
-# | rifle will attempt to extract it from $TERM.
-# | New command = $TERMCMD -e $command
-# Note: The "New command" serves only as an illustration, the exact
-# implementation may differ.
-# Note: When using rifle in ranger, there is an additional flag "c" for
-# only running the current file even if you have marked multiple files.
-# Directories
-mime ^inode/directory, label ranger = urxvt -e ranger -- "$@"
-# Websites
-# Rarely installed browsers get higher priority; It is assumed that if you
-# install a rare browser, you probably use it. Firefox/konqueror/w3m on the
-# other hand are often only installed as fallback browsers.
-ext x?html?, has surf, X, flag f = surf -- file://"$1"
-ext x?html?, has vimprobable, X, flag f = vimprobable -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has vimprobable2, X, flag f = vimprobable2 -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has jumanji, X, flag f = jumanji -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has luakit, X, flag f = luakit -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has uzbl, X, flag f = uzbl -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has uzbl-browser, X, flag f = uzbl-browser -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has uzbl-core, X, flag f = uzbl-core -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has midori, X, flag f = midori -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has chromium, X, flag f = chromium -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has opera, X, flag f = opera -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has firefox, X, flag f = firefox -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has seamonkey, X, flag f = seamonkey -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has iceweasel, X, flag f = iceweasel -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has epiphany, X, flag f = epiphany -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has konqueror, X, flag f = konqueror -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has elinks, terminal = elinks "$@"
-ext x?html?, has links2, terminal = links2 "$@"
-ext x?html?, has links, terminal = links "$@"
-ext x?html?, has lynx, terminal = lynx -- "$@"
-ext x?html?, has w3m, terminal = w3m "$@"
-# Misc
-# Define the "editor" for text files as first action
-mime ^text, label editor = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
-mime ^text, label pager = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
-!mime ^text, label editor, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
-!mime ^text, label pager, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
-ext 1 = man "$1"
-ext s[wmf]c, has zsnes, X = zsnes "$1"
-ext nes, has fceux, X = fceux "$1"
-ext exe = wine "$1"
-name ^[mM]akefile$ = make
-# Code
-ext py = python -- "$1"
-ext pl = perl -- "$1"
-ext rb = ruby -- "$1"
-ext sh = sh -- "$1"
-ext php = php -- "$1"
-# Audio without X
-mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer = mplayer -- "$@"
-mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer2 = mplayer2 -- "$@"
-ext midi?, terminal, has wildmidi = wildmidi -- "$@"
-# Video/Audio with a GUI
-mime ^video|audio, has gmplayer, X, flag f = gmplayer -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has smplayer, X, flag f = smplayer "$@"
-mime ^video, has mplayer2, X, flag f = mplayer2 -- "$@"
-mime ^video, has mplayer2, X, flag f = mplayer2 -fs -- "$@"
-mime ^video, has mplayer, X, flag f = mplayer -- "$@"
-mime ^video, has mplayer, X, flag f = mplayer -fs -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has vlc, X, flag f = vlc -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has totem, X, flag f = totem -- "$@"
-mime ^video|audio, has totem, X, flag f = totem --fullscreen -- "$@"
-# Video without X:
-mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mplayer2 = mplayer2 -- "$@"
-mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mplayer = mplayer -- "$@"
-# Image Viewing:
-mime ^image, has eog, X, flag f = eog -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has sxiv, X, flag f = sxiv -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has feh, X, flag f = feh -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has mirage, X, flag f = mirage -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has gimp, X, flag f = gimp -- "$@"
-ext xcf, X, flag f = gimp -- "$@"
-# Documents
-ext pdf, has llpp, X, flag f = llpp "$@"
-ext pdf, has zathura, X, flag f = zathura -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has mupdf, X, flag f = mupdf -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has apvlv, X, flag f = apvlv -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has xpdf, X, flag f = xpdf -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has evince, X, flag f = evince -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has okular, X, flag f = okular -- "$@"
-ext pdf, has epdfview, X, flag f = epdfview -- "$@"
-ext docx?, has catdoc, terminal = catdoc -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
-ext sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has gnumeric, X, flag f = gnumeric -- "$@"
-ext sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has kspread, X, flag f = kspread -- "$@"
-ext od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has libreoffice, X, flag f = libreoffice "$@"
-ext od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has soffice, X, flag f = soffice "$@"
-ext od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has ooffice, X, flag f = ooffice "$@"
-ext djvu, has evince, X, flag f = evince -- "$@"
-# Archives
-# This requires atool
-ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has als = als -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
-ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has als = als -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
-ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has aunpack = aunpack -- "$@"
-ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has aunpack = aunpack -- "$@"
-# Fallback:
-ext tar|gz, has tar = tar vvtf "$@" | "$PAGER"
-ext tar|gz, has tar = tar vvxf "$@"
-# Misc
-label wallpaper, number 11, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-scale "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 12, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-tile "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 13, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-center "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 14, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-fill "$1"
-# Define the editor for non-text files + pager as last action
- !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = ask
-label editor, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
-label pager, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
diff --git a/config/ranger/scope.sh b/config/ranger/scope.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 64bab71..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/scope.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-# ranger supports enhanced previews. If the option "use_preview_script"
-# is set to True and this file exists, this script will be called and its
-# output is displayed in ranger. ANSI color codes are supported.
-# NOTES: This script is considered a configuration file. If you upgrade
-# ranger, it will be left untouched. (You must update it yourself.)
-# Also, ranger disables STDIN here, so interactive scripts won't work properly
-# Meanings of exit codes:
-# code | meaning | action of ranger
-# -----+------------+-------------------------------------------
-# 0 | success | success. display stdout as preview
-# 1 | no preview | failure. display no preview at all
-# 2 | plain text | display the plain content of the file
-# 3 | fix width | success. Don't reload when width changes
-# 4 | fix height | success. Don't reload when height changes
-# 5 | fix both | success. Don't ever reload
-# Meaningful aliases for arguments:
-path="$1" # Full path of the selected file
-width="$2" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
-height="$3" # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
-maxln=200 # Stop after $maxln lines. Can be used like ls | head -n $maxln
-# Find out something about the file:
-mimetype=$(file --mime-type -Lb "$path")
-# Functions:
-# runs a command and saves its output into $output. Useful if you need
-# the return value AND want to use the output in a pipe
-try() { output=$(eval '"$@"'); }
-# writes the output of the previouosly used "try" command
-dump() { echo "$output"; }
-# a common post-processing function used after most commands
-trim() { head -n "$maxln"; }
-# wraps highlight to treat exit code 141 (killed by SIGPIPE) as success
-highlight() { command highlight "$@"; test $? = 0 -o $? = 141; }
-case "$extension" in
- # Archive extensions:
- 7z|a|ace|alz|arc|arj|bz|bz2|cab|cpio|deb|gz|jar|lha|lz|lzh|lzma|lzo|\
- rpm|rz|t7z|tar|tbz|tbz2|tgz|tlz|txz|tZ|tzo|war|xpi|xz|Z|zip)
- try als "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
- try acat "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 3; }
- try bsdtar -lf "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
- exit 1;;
- rar)
- try unrar -p- lt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
- # PDF documents:
- pdf)
- try pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q "$path" - && \
- { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
- # BitTorrent Files
- torrent)
- try transmission-show "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
- # HTML Pages:
- htm|html|xhtml)
- try w3m -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
- try lynx -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
- try elinks -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
- ;; # fall back to highlight/cat if the text browsers fail
-case "$mimetype" in
- # Syntax highlight for text files:
- text/* | */xml)
- try highlight --out-format=ansi "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 2;;
- # Ascii-previews of images:
- image/*)
- img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="$width" "$path" && exit 4 || exit 1;;
- # Display information about media files:
- video/* | audio/*)
- exiftool "$path" && exit 5
- # Use sed to remove spaces so the output fits into the narrow window
- try mediainfo "$path" && { dump | trim | sed 's/ \+:/: /;'; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
-exit 1
diff --git a/config/ranger/tagged b/config/ranger/tagged
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ff421c..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/tagged
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/.tools b/config/ratpoison/.tools
deleted file mode 120000
index 5c56ccd..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/.tools
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/home/vasko/dotfiles/tools \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/README.md b/config/ratpoison/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6970672..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# wp
-wp is a small tool I use to generate color schemes from images, and manage desktop wallpapers.
-The color extraction scripts were taken from [this blog post](http://charlesleifer.com/blog/using-python-and-k-means-to-find-the-dominant-colors-in-images/)
- with normalization reddit user radiosilence.
-## Dependencies
-As far as I know this only relies on PIL, python image library. I was able to fulfill this dependency with the `python-pillow` package on Arch Linux.
-On other systems, `pip install Pillow`.
-## Usage
-$ wp add [file]
-Generates color files .[file].colors and .[file].Xres which can be sourced by shell
-scripts and xrdb respectivly. The color files and the image are added to the backgrounds directory.
-$ wp change [file]
-Changes the background image to a random image from the ~/.wallpapers directory, or the file passed, and loads the .Xres file
-into xrdb so xterm or urxvt will use the colors. It also links a script to ~/.colors. If you `source ~/.colors` in a script
-you can use the generated colors with `$COLOR0`, `$COLOR1`, ...
-$ wp rm [file]
-Removes the image and it's color files from the backgrounds directory.
-$ wp ls
-Lists the images in the backgrounds folder.
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/borderscript b/config/ratpoison/borderscript
deleted file mode 100755
index 1495bec..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/borderscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-frames=`ratpoison -c fdump | tr -d -C '(' | wc -c`
-if [[ $frames == 1 ]];then
-ratpoison -c "hideborder"
-ratpoison -c "hidepadding"
-ratpoison -c "showborder"
-ratpoison -c "showpadding"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/bordtoggle b/config/ratpoison/bordtoggle
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b57c17..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/bordtoggle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# This shell script is PUBLIC DOMAIN. You may do whatever you want with it.
-if [ ! -e $TOGGLE ]; then
- touch $TOGGLE
- ratpoison -c "hideborder"
- rm $TOGGLE
- ratpoison -c "showborder"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/clipboard b/config/ratpoison/clipboard
deleted file mode 100755
index 093a6d1..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/clipboard
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Clipboard menu
-# usage:
-# clipboard init - clear all buffers
-# clipboard menu_paste - pop up a menu to select which buffer to paste
-# clipboard menu_set - pop up a menu to select which buffer to save
-# the current X selection to
-# clipboard paste N - N is buffer 1-9
-# clipboard set N - N is buffer 1-9
-# clipboard push - stack/queue push (push to buffer 1)
-# clipboard pop - stack pop (last in first out - pop from buffer 1)
-# clipboard pop_queue - queue pop (first in first out - pop from top of stack)
-# Current stack depth is held in slot 10, and slot 0 is used as temp space for
-# stack rotation.
-source ~/.colors
-function entries() {
- # title entry
- if [ $command = menu_paste ]; then
- echo -n "\"Paste from slot:\" /bin/true "
- else
- echo -n "\"Yank to slot:\" /bin/true "
- fi
- for i in $(seq 1 9); do
- repr=$(xcb -p $i | tr '\n$*?"'\''' ' ' | cut --bytes 1-59)
- if [ $command = menu_paste ]; then
- cmd_item="$0 paste $i"
- else
- cmd_item="$0 set $i"
- fi
- #printf '%q %q ' $i "$repr" "$cmd_item"
-# echo -n "\"$i: $repr\" \"$cmd_item\" "
- echo -n "\"$i:$repr \" \"$cmd_item\" "
- done
-function menu() {
- echo ~/.config/ratpoison/ratmenu -label "\"clipboard $command\"" \
- -style dreary -fg \"$COLOR11\" -bg \"$COLOR0\" -io 2 $(entries) | sh
-function get_stack_depth() {
- stack_depth=$(xcb -p 10)
- echo "stack_depth=$stack_depth" >/dev/stderr
-function set_stack_depth() {
- echo "setting stack_depth=$1" >/dev/stderr
- echo $1 | xcb -n 11 -s 10
-function increment_stack_depth() {
- get_stack_depth
- set_stack_depth $[ $stack_depth + 1 ]
-function decrement_stack_depth() {
- get_stack_depth
- set_stack_depth $[ $stack_depth - 1 ]
-if [ $command = init ]; then
- # Clear all buffers
- xcb -n 10 -s 0-9 </dev/null
- set_stack_depth 0
-elif [ $command = menu_paste -o $command = menu_set ]; then
- menu
-elif [ $command = paste ]; then
- xcb -p $option | xclip
- ~/bin/paste
-elif [ $command = set ]; then
- xclip -o | xcb -n 10 -s $option
-elif [ $command = push ]; then
- get_stack_depth
- if [ $stack_depth -lt 9 ]; then
- xcb -n 10 -r 1
- $0 set 1
- increment_stack_depth
- fi
-elif [ $command = pop ]; then
- get_stack_depth
- if [ $stack_depth -gt 0 ]; then
- $0 paste 1
- # Clear buffer 0 so that rotation won't put its contents into spot 9
- xcb -n 10 -s 0 < /dev/null
- xcb -n 10 -r -1
- decrement_stack_depth
- fi
-elif [ $command = pop_queue ]; then
- get_stack_depth
- if [ $stack_depth -gt 0 ]; then
- $0 paste $stack_depth
- # Clear buffer at top of stack
- xcb -n 10 -s $stack_depth < /dev/null
- decrement_stack_depth
- fi
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/cmusplaying b/config/ratpoison/cmusplaying
deleted file mode 100755
index 133b6f9..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/cmusplaying
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-echo `cmus-remote -Q | awk '/ artist/ {$1=$2=""; print $0}'` - `cmus-remote -Q 2>/dev/null | grep title | awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}'`
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/cmusvolind b/config/ratpoison/cmusvolind
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e95e1e..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/cmusvolind
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-volm=`cmus-remote -Q | awk '/vol_left/ {print $3}'`
-if [[ "$volm" -eq "100" ]]; then
- let volm=99
-echo M$volm
-bottom=`echo $volm | awk '{print int($1 * 0.2 + 0.5)}'`
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x8C"
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x80"
-echo -e "\xE2\x94\x90"
-while [ $top -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- echo -n \
- echo -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- let top=$(($top-1))
-while [ $bottom -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x96\x88"
- echo -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- let bottom=$(($bottom-1))
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x94"
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x80"
-echo -e "\xE2\x94\x98"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/create_frame b/config/ratpoison/create_frame
deleted file mode 100755
index e39f7dc..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/create_frame
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/exec_to_workspace b/config/ratpoison/exec_to_workspace
deleted file mode 100755
index c7968f2..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/exec_to_workspace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Wrapper to executute a shell command in the background followed by a change to a
-# workspace
-# $1 - workspace to change to
-# $2+ - shell command
-wg=$1; shift
-rpws $wg
-eval $cmd &
-ratpoison -c 'barsend'
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/firesend b/config/ratpoison/firesend
deleted file mode 100755
index b1e2d37..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/firesend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-$HOME/.config/ratpoison/exec_to_workspace II vimb $@ > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/functions b/config/ratpoison/functions
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9ab02..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/functions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-function indent {
- echo ":: $*"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/imgur b/config/ratpoison/imgur
deleted file mode 100755
index 59e4199..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/imgur
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-function uploadImage {
- curl -s -F "image=@$1" -F "key=486690f872c678126a2c09a9e196ce1b" https://imgur.com/api/upload.xml | grep -E -o "<original_image>(.)*</original_image>" | grep -E -o "http://i.imgur.com/[^<]*"
-scrot ~/Pictures/scrot.png
-uploadImage ~/Pictures/scrot.png | perl -pe chomp | xclip
-notify-send "Image uploaded, link in selection"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/lock b/config/ratpoison/lock
deleted file mode 100755
index b2c0741..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/lock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-i3lock -n -i ~/.wallpaper.png -z --ringcolor="${COLOR0}ff" --keyhlcolor="${COLOR11}ff" &
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/anti-forensic b/config/ratpoison/menu/anti-forensic
deleted file mode 100755
index 8735c08..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/anti-forensic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "anti-forensic" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "ropeadope" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ropeadope && zsh'" \
- "sdel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sdel -h && zsh'" \
- "sfill" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sfill -h && zsh'" \
- "smem-secure-delete" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smem-secure-delete -h && zsh'" \
- "srm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'srm -h && zsh'" \
- "sswap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sswap -h && zsh'" \
- "the_cleaner.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'the_cleaner.sh -h && zsh'" \
- "steghide" "urxvt -e bash -c 'steghide --help && zsh'" \
- "steghide" "urxvt -e bash -c 'steghide --help && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/automation b/config/ratpoison/menu/automation
deleted file mode 100755
index fb5e773..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/automation
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "automation" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "armitage" "urxvt -e bash -c 'armitage -h && zsh'" \
- "teamserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'teamserver && zsh'" \
- "binex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binex -h && zsh'" \
- "blueranger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blueranger && zsh'" \
- "cewl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cewl -h && zsh'" \
- "cewl-fab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cewl-fab && zsh'" \
- "checksec" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checksec --help && zsh'" \
- "checksec" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checksec --help && zsh'" \
- "cisco-snmp-enumeration" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-snmp-enumeration && zsh'" \
- "clusterd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'clusterd -h && zsh'" \
- "cmsmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cmsmap -h && zsh'" \
- "crunch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crunch -h && zsh'" \
- "dumb0" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dumb0 -h && zsh'" \
- "easy-creds" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easy-creds && zsh'" \
- "easyda" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easyda && zsh'" \
- "faraday" "urxvt -e bash -c 'faraday && zsh'" \
- "delAllHost.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllHost.py && zsh'" \
- "delAllServiceClosed.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllServiceClosed.py && zsh'" \
- "fplugin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fplugin && zsh'" \
- "getAllCreds.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllCreds.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllHosts.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllHosts.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIps.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIps.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIpsInterfaces.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIpsInterfaces.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllOs.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllOs.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllTelnet.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllTelnet.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVnc.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVnc.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVulnsCSV.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVulnsCSV.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllWebservers.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllWebservers.py && zsh'" \
- "fstealer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fstealer -h && zsh'" \
- "gooscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gooscan -h && zsh'" \
- "hackersh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hackersh -h && zsh'" \
- "intersect-create" "urxvt -e bash -c 'intersect-create && zsh'" \
- "inurlbr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inurlbr -h && zsh'" \
- "unix-jboss-autopwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unix-jboss-autopwn && zsh'" \
- "win-jboss-autopwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'win-jboss-autopwn && zsh'" \
- "linset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'linset && zsh'" \
- "maskprocessor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maskprocessor -h && zsh'" \
- "mp64" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mp64 --help && zsh'" \
- "mitmap.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmap.sh -h && zsh'" \
- "mutator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mutator -h && zsh'" \
- "nfspy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nfspy -h && zsh'" \
- "nfspysh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nfspysh -h && zsh'" \
- "nfsshell" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nfsshell -h && zsh'" \
- "owtf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'owtf && zsh'" \
- "panoptic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'panoptic -h && zsh'" \
- "phemail" "urxvt -e bash -c 'phemail -h && zsh'" \
- "pmcma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pmcma && zsh'" \
- "regeorg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'regeorg -h && zsh'" \
- "rsmangler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rsmangler -h && zsh'" \
- "sakis3g" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sakis3g --help && zsh'" \
- "shellme" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shellme -h && zsh'" \
- "shodan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shodan && zsh'" \
- "simple-ducky" "urxvt -e bash -c 'simple-ducky && zsh'" \
- "svcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "svcrash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svcrash -h && zsh'" \
- "svmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svmap -h && zsh'" \
- "svreport" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svreport -h && zsh'" \
- "svwar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svwar -h && zsh'" \
- "sn00p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sn00p -h && zsh'" \
- "sploitctl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sploitctl -H && zsh'" \
- "ssl-phuck3r" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssl-phuck3r -h && zsh'" \
- "statsprocessor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'statsprocessor --help && zsh'" \
- "tiger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tiger -h && zsh'" \
- "tlssled" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tlssled -h && zsh'" \
- "unix-privsc-check" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unix-privsc-check && zsh'" \
- "username-anarchy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'username-anarchy -h && zsh'" \
- "usernamer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usernamer -h && zsh'" \
- "veil" "urxvt -e bash -c 'veil && zsh'" \
- "vlan-hopping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vlan-hopping && zsh'" \
- "voiphopper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'voiphopper -h && zsh'" \
- "wikigen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wikigen && zsh'" \
- "wnmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wnmap -h && zsh'" \
- "yinjector" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yinjector -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/backdoor b/config/ratpoison/menu/backdoor
deleted file mode 100755
index 0cd2939..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/backdoor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "backdoor" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "backcookie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'backcookie -h && zsh'" \
- "backdoor-factory" "urxvt -e bash -c 'backdoor-factory -h && zsh'" \
- "bgrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bgrep && zsh'" \
- "udp_server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'udp_server && zsh'" \
- "hotpatcher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hotpatcher -h && zsh'" \
- "meterssh-monitor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'meterssh-monitor && zsh'" \
- "ms-sys" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ms-sys -h && zsh'" \
- "msvpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msvpwn -h && zsh'" \
- "openstego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'openstego -h && zsh'" \
- "pyrasite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyrasite -h && zsh'" \
- "pyrasite-memory-viewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyrasite-memory-viewer && zsh'" \
- "pyrasite-shell" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyrasite-shell && zsh'" \
- "rrs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rrs -h && zsh'" \
- "sb0x" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sb0x -h && zsh'" \
- "trixd00r" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trixd00r -H && zsh'" \
- "u3-pwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'u3-pwn && zsh'" \
- "unicorn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unicorn && zsh'" \
- "webacoo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webacoo -h && zsh'" \
- "webspa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webspa -help && zsh'" \
- "weevely" "urxvt -e bash -c 'weevely -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/binary b/config/ratpoison/menu/binary
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d7696e..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/binary
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "binary" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "afl-clang" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-clang && zsh'" \
- "afl-clang++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-clang++ && zsh'" \
- "afl-cmin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-cmin && zsh'" \
- "afl-fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-fuzz && zsh'" \
- "afl-g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-g++ && zsh'" \
- "afl-gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-gcc && zsh'" \
- "afl-gotcpu" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-gotcpu && zsh'" \
- "afl-plot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-plot && zsh'" \
- "afl-showmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-showmap && zsh'" \
- "afl-tmin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-tmin && zsh'" \
- "afl-whatsup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-whatsup && zsh'" \
- "androapkinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androapkinfo && zsh'" \
- "androaxml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androaxml && zsh'" \
- "androcsign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androcsign && zsh'" \
- "androdd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androdd && zsh'" \
- "androdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androdiff && zsh'" \
- "androgexf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androgexf && zsh'" \
- "androlyze" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androlyze && zsh'" \
- "andromercury" "urxvt -e bash -c 'andromercury && zsh'" \
- "androrisk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androrisk && zsh'" \
- "androsign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androsign && zsh'" \
- "androsim" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androsim && zsh'" \
- "androxgmml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androxgmml && zsh'" \
- "apkviewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'apkviewer -h && zsh'" \
- "backdoor-factory" "urxvt -e bash -c 'backdoor-factory -h && zsh'" \
- "bdf-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bdf-proxy && zsh'" \
- "binwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binwalk && zsh'" \
- "binwally" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binwally -h && zsh'" \
- "bsdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bsdiff && zsh'" \
- "bspatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bspatch && zsh'" \
- "bsdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bsdiff && zsh'" \
- "bspatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bspatch && zsh'" \
- "bmore" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmore && zsh'" \
- "bvedit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bvedit -h && zsh'" \
- "bvi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bvi -h && zsh'" \
- "bview" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bview -h && zsh'" \
- "bytecode-viewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bytecode-viewer && zsh'" \
- "damm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'damm -h && zsh'" \
- "detect-it-easy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'detect-it-easy && zsh'" \
- "dissector" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dissector -h && zsh'" \
- "haystack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'haystack -h && zsh'" \
- "haystack-dump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'haystack-dump -h && zsh'" \
- "haystack-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'haystack-gui && zsh'" \
- "haystack-reverse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'haystack-reverse -h && zsh'" \
- "hex2bin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hex2bin && zsh'" \
- "mot2bin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mot2bin && zsh'" \
- "imagejs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'imagejs && zsh'" \
- "jwscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jwscan -h && zsh'" \
- "melkor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'melkor -h && zsh'" \
- "ms-sys" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ms-sys -h && zsh'" \
- "msvpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msvpwn -h && zsh'" \
- "ezhexviewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ezhexviewer && zsh'" \
- "olebrowse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'olebrowse && zsh'" \
- "oleid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'oleid -h && zsh'" \
- "olemeta" "urxvt -e bash -c 'olemeta -h && zsh'" \
- "oletimes" "urxvt -e bash -c 'oletimes && zsh'" \
- "olevba" "urxvt -e bash -c 'olevba && zsh'" \
- "pyxswf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyxswf && zsh'" \
- "rtfobj" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtfobj && zsh'" \
- "pdf2graph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2graph && zsh'" \
- "pdf2pdfa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2pdfa && zsh'" \
- "pdf2ruby" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2ruby && zsh'" \
- "pdfcocoon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcocoon && zsh'" \
- "pdfcop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcop && zsh'" \
- "pdfdecompress" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfdecompress && zsh'" \
- "pdfdecrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfdecrypt && zsh'" \
- "pdfencrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfencrypt && zsh'" \
- "pdfexplode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfexplode && zsh'" \
- "pdfextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfextract && zsh'" \
- "pdfmetadata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfmetadata && zsh'" \
- "pdfsh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfsh && zsh'" \
- "pdfwalker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfwalker && zsh'" \
- "pdf2graph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2graph && zsh'" \
- "pdf2pdfa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2pdfa && zsh'" \
- "pdf2ruby" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2ruby && zsh'" \
- "pdfcocoon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcocoon && zsh'" \
- "pdfcop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcop && zsh'" \
- "pdfdecompress" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfdecompress && zsh'" \
- "pdfdecrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfdecrypt && zsh'" \
- "pdfencrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfencrypt && zsh'" \
- "pdfexplode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfexplode && zsh'" \
- "pdfextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfextract && zsh'" \
- "pdfmetadata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfmetadata && zsh'" \
- "pdfsh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfsh && zsh'" \
- "pdfwalker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfwalker && zsh'" \
- "packerid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'packerid -h && zsh'" \
- "peframe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'peframe && zsh'" \
- "ropgadget" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ropgadget && zsh'" \
- "soot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'soot -h && zsh'" \
- "trid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trid -h && zsh'" \
- "upx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'upx -h && zsh'" \
- "upx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'upx -h && zsh'" \
- "callgrind_annotate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'callgrind_annotate && zsh'" \
- "callgrind_control" "urxvt -e bash -c 'callgrind_control && zsh'" \
- "cg_annotate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_annotate && zsh'" \
- "cg_diff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_diff && zsh'" \
- "cg_merge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_merge && zsh'" \
- "ms_print" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ms_print && zsh'" \
- "valgrind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind && zsh'" \
- "valgrind-di-server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind-di-server && zsh'" \
- "valgrind-listener" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind-listener && zsh'" \
- "vgdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vgdb && zsh'" \
- "callgrind_annotate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'callgrind_annotate && zsh'" \
- "callgrind_control" "urxvt -e bash -c 'callgrind_control && zsh'" \
- "cg_annotate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_annotate && zsh'" \
- "cg_diff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_diff && zsh'" \
- "cg_merge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_merge && zsh'" \
- "ms_print" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ms_print && zsh'" \
- "valgrind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind && zsh'" \
- "valgrind-di-server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind-di-server && zsh'" \
- "valgrind-listener" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind-listener && zsh'" \
- "vgdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vgdb && zsh'" \
- "viper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'viper -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/bluetooth b/config/ratpoison/menu/bluetooth
deleted file mode 100755
index 52416f5..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/bluetooth
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "bluetooth" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "bluebugger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluebugger -h && zsh'" \
- "bluelog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluelog -h && zsh'" \
- "bluepot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluepot && zsh'" \
- "blueprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blueprint -h && zsh'" \
- "blueranger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blueranger && zsh'" \
- "bluescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluescan && zsh'" \
- "bluesnarfer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluesnarfer -h && zsh'" \
- "braces" "urxvt -e bash -c 'braces -h && zsh'" \
- "bss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bss -h && zsh'" \
- "psm_scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'psm_scan -h && zsh'" \
- "rfcomm_scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfcomm_scan -h && zsh'" \
- "btscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'btscanner --help && zsh'" \
- "carwhisperer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'carwhisperer -h && zsh'" \
- "crackle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crackle && zsh'" \
- "fl0p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fl0p -h && zsh'" \
- "ghettotooth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ghettotooth && zsh'" \
- "hidattack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hidattack -h && zsh'" \
- "obexstress" "urxvt -e bash -c 'obexstress -h && zsh'" \
- "redfang" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redfang --help && zsh'" \
- "spooftooph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spooftooph -h && zsh'" \
- "tanya" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tanya && zsh'" \
- "tbear" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tbear -h && zsh'" \
- "tbsearch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tbsearch && zsh'" \
- "ubertooth-btle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubertooth-btle -h && zsh'" \
- "ubertooth-dump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubertooth-dump -h && zsh'" \
- "ubertooth-follow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubertooth-follow -h && zsh'" \
- "ubertooth-hop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubertooth-hop -h && zsh'" \
- "ubertooth-lap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubertooth-lap -h && zsh'" \
- "ubertooth-specan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubertooth-specan -h && zsh'" \
- "ubertooth-uap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubertooth-uap -h && zsh'" \
- "ubertooth-util" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubertooth-util -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/code-audit b/config/ratpoison/menu/code-audit
deleted file mode 100755
index 6313a61..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/code-audit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "code-audit" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "cflow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cflow -h && zsh'" \
- "cppcheck" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cppcheck -h && zsh'" \
- "cppcheck-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cppcheck-gui && zsh'" \
- "cppcheck-htmlreport" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cppcheck-htmlreport -h && zsh'" \
- "cppcheck" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cppcheck -h && zsh'" \
- "cppcheck-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cppcheck-gui && zsh'" \
- "cppcheck-htmlreport" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cppcheck-htmlreport -h && zsh'" \
- "dscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dscanner -h && zsh'" \
- "flawfinder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flawfinder -h && zsh'" \
- "procyon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'procyon && zsh'" \
- "pscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pscan -h && zsh'" \
- "splint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'splint -h && zsh'" \
- "splint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'splint -h && zsh'" \
- "callgrind_annotate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'callgrind_annotate && zsh'" \
- "callgrind_control" "urxvt -e bash -c 'callgrind_control && zsh'" \
- "cg_annotate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_annotate && zsh'" \
- "cg_diff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_diff && zsh'" \
- "cg_merge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_merge && zsh'" \
- "ms_print" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ms_print && zsh'" \
- "valgrind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind && zsh'" \
- "valgrind-di-server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind-di-server && zsh'" \
- "valgrind-listener" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind-listener && zsh'" \
- "vgdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vgdb && zsh'" \
- "callgrind_annotate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'callgrind_annotate && zsh'" \
- "callgrind_control" "urxvt -e bash -c 'callgrind_control && zsh'" \
- "cg_annotate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_annotate && zsh'" \
- "cg_diff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_diff && zsh'" \
- "cg_merge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cg_merge && zsh'" \
- "ms_print" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ms_print && zsh'" \
- "valgrind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind && zsh'" \
- "valgrind-di-server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind-di-server && zsh'" \
- "valgrind-listener" "urxvt -e bash -c 'valgrind-listener && zsh'" \
- "vgdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vgdb && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/cracker b/config/ratpoison/menu/cracker
deleted file mode 100755
index 8579b6e..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/cracker
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "cracker" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "acccheck" "urxvt -e bash -c 'acccheck -h && zsh'" \
- "aesfix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aesfix && zsh'" \
- "aeskeyfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aeskeyfind -h && zsh'" \
- "against" "urxvt -e bash -c 'against && zsh'" \
- "asleap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'asleap -h && zsh'" \
- "genkeys" "urxvt -e bash -c 'genkeys -h && zsh'" \
- "balbuzard" "urxvt -e bash -c 'balbuzard && zsh'" \
- "bbcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbcrack && zsh'" \
- "bbharvest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbharvest && zsh'" \
- "bbtrans" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbtrans && zsh'" \
- "beleth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'beleth -h && zsh'" \
- "bgp-md5crack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bgp-md5crack -h && zsh'" \
- "pxedump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pxedump -h && zsh'" \
- "usbdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usbdump -h && zsh'" \
- "bkhive" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bkhive -h && zsh'" \
- "bh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bh && zsh'" \
- "blackhash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blackhash && zsh'" \
- "bob_admin-sse2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bob_admin-sse2 -h && zsh'" \
- "bob_client-sse2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bob_client-sse2 -h && zsh'" \
- "bob_server-sse2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bob_server-sse2 -h && zsh'" \
- "brutessh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'brutessh -h && zsh'" \
- "bully" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bully -h && zsh'" \
- "cewl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cewl -h && zsh'" \
- "cewl-fab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cewl-fab && zsh'" \
- "chapcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chapcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "checkpwd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checkpwd -h && zsh'" \
- "checkpwd_nopw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checkpwd_nopw && zsh'" \
- "sqlplus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlplus -h && zsh'" \
- "chntpw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chntpw -h && zsh'" \
- "cpnt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cpnt && zsh'" \
- "reged" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reged && zsh'" \
- "chntpw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chntpw -h && zsh'" \
- "cpnt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cpnt && zsh'" \
- "reged" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reged && zsh'" \
- "cintruder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cintruder -h && zsh'" \
- "CAT" "urxvt -e bash -c 'CAT && zsh'" \
- "cisco-auditing-tool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-auditing-tool && zsh'" \
- "cisco-ocs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-ocs && zsh'" \
- "cisco-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "cisco-snmp-enumeration" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-snmp-enumeration && zsh'" \
- "c5c" "urxvt -e bash -c 'c5c --help && zsh'" \
- "cisco7crack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco7crack -h && zsh'" \
- "cmospwd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cmospwd -h && zsh'" \
- "cowpatty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cowpatty -h && zsh'" \
- "genpmk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'genpmk -h && zsh'" \
- "crackhor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crackhor -h && zsh'" \
- "crackle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crackle && zsh'" \
- "crack-standalone" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crack-standalone -h && zsh'" \
- "crackclient" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crackclient -h && zsh'" \
- "crackserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crackserver -h && zsh'" \
- "crowbar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crowbar --help && zsh'" \
- "crunch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'crunch -h && zsh'" \
- "cupp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cupp && zsh'" \
- "dbpwaudit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dbpwaudit -h && zsh'" \
- "DBPwAudit.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'DBPwAudit.jar && zsh'" \
- "delldrac" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delldrac -h && zsh'" \
- "depant" "urxvt -e bash -c 'depant && zsh'" \
- "device-pharmer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'device-pharmer -h && zsh'" \
- "dislocker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dislocker -h && zsh'" \
- "dpeparser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dpeparser -h && zsh'" \
- "eapmd5pass" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eapmd5pass && zsh'" \
- "enabler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'enabler && zsh'" \
- "facebrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'facebrute -h && zsh'" \
- "fang" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fang -h && zsh'" \
- "fcrackzip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fcrackzip --help && zsh'" \
- "fzipinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fzipinfo --help && zsh'" \
- "fcrackzip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fcrackzip --help && zsh'" \
- "fzipinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fzipinfo --help && zsh'" \
- "fern" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fern && zsh'" \
- "findmyhash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'findmyhash -h && zsh'" \
- "findmyhash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'findmyhash -h && zsh'" \
- "ftp-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftp-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "ftp-spider" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftp-spider -h && zsh'" \
- "hashcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-cleanup-rules" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-cleanup-rules && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-combinator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-combinator && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-combinator3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-combinator3 && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-combipow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-combipow && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-cutb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-cutb && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-expander" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-expander -h && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-gate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-gate && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-generate-rules" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-generate-rules && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-hcstatgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-hcstatgen && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-keyspace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-keyspace && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-len" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-len && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-mli2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-mli2 && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-morph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-morph && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-permute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-permute -h && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-permute_exist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-permute_exist && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-prepare" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-prepare -h && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-req-exclude" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-req-exclude && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-req-include" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-req-include && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-rli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-rli && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-rli2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-rli2 && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-splitlen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-splitlen && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-strip-bsn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-strip-bsn && zsh'" \
- "hashcat-strip-bsr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashcat-strip-bsr && zsh'" \
- "hasher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hasher -h && zsh'" \
- "hashpump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashpump -h && zsh'" \
- "hashtag" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashtag -h && zsh'" \
- "hdcp-genkey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hdcp-genkey && zsh'" \
- "hdmi-sniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hdmi-sniff -h && zsh'" \
- "hostbox-ssh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hostbox-ssh -h && zsh'" \
- "dpl4hydra.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dpl4hydra.sh -h && zsh'" \
- "hydra" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hydra -h && zsh'" \
- "hydra-wizard.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hydra-wizard.sh && zsh'" \
- "pw-inspector" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pw-inspector -h && zsh'" \
- "iax-scan-hosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iax-scan-hosts -h && zsh'" \
- "iax-scan-users" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iax-scan-users -h && zsh'" \
- "ibrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ibrute -h && zsh'" \
- "iheartxor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iheartxor && zsh'" \
- "iisbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iisbf && zsh'" \
- "ikecrack-snarf-1.00.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ikecrack-snarf-1.00.pl && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "ingumagui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ingumagui && zsh'" \
- "interrogate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'interrogate -h && zsh'" \
- "jbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jbrute --help && zsh'" \
- "calc_stat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'calc_stat && zsh'" \
- "genmkvpwd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'genmkvpwd && zsh'" \
- "hccap2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hccap2john && zsh'" \
- "john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'john && zsh'" \
- "john-mailer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'john-mailer && zsh'" \
- "keepass2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'keepass2john && zsh'" \
- "mkvcalcproba" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mkvcalcproba && zsh'" \
- "pdf2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2john && zsh'" \
- "pwsafe2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pwsafe2john && zsh'" \
- "racf2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'racf2john && zsh'" \
- "rar2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rar2john && zsh'" \
- "raw2dyna" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raw2dyna && zsh'" \
- "relbench" "urxvt -e bash -c 'relbench && zsh'" \
- "ssh2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssh2john && zsh'" \
- "tgtsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tgtsnarf && zsh'" \
- "unafs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unafs && zsh'" \
- "undrop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'undrop && zsh'" \
- "unique" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unique && zsh'" \
- "unshadow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unshadow && zsh'" \
- "zip2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zip2john && zsh'" \
- "calc_stat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'calc_stat && zsh'" \
- "genmkvpwd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'genmkvpwd && zsh'" \
- "hccap2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hccap2john && zsh'" \
- "john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'john && zsh'" \
- "john-mailer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'john-mailer && zsh'" \
- "keepass2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'keepass2john && zsh'" \
- "mkvcalcproba" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mkvcalcproba && zsh'" \
- "pdf2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2john && zsh'" \
- "pwsafe2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pwsafe2john && zsh'" \
- "racf2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'racf2john && zsh'" \
- "rar2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rar2john && zsh'" \
- "raw2dyna" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raw2dyna && zsh'" \
- "relbench" "urxvt -e bash -c 'relbench && zsh'" \
- "ssh2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssh2john && zsh'" \
- "tgtsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tgtsnarf && zsh'" \
- "unafs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unafs && zsh'" \
- "undrop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'undrop && zsh'" \
- "unique" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unique && zsh'" \
- "unshadow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unshadow && zsh'" \
- "zip2john" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zip2john && zsh'" \
- "johnny" "urxvt -e bash -c 'johnny && zsh'" \
- "keimpx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'keimpx -h && zsh'" \
- "khc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'khc && zsh'" \
- "ldap-brute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ldap-brute -h && zsh'" \
- "levye" "urxvt -e bash -c 'levye -h && zsh'" \
- "linset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'linset && zsh'" \
- "lodowep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lodowep -h && zsh'" \
- "masscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'masscan --help && zsh'" \
- "mdcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdcrack && zsh'" \
- "medusa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'medusa -h && zsh'" \
- "mfoc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mfoc -h && zsh'" \
- "mkbrutus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mkbrutus -h && zsh'" \
- "morxbook" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxbook && zsh'" \
- "morxbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxbrute && zsh'" \
- "morxbtcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxbtcrack && zsh'" \
- "morxcoinpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxcoinpwn && zsh'" \
- "morxcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "ncrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncrack -h && zsh'" \
- "ncrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncrack -h && zsh'" \
- "cudaHashcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cudaHashcat && zsh'" \
- "oclHashcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'oclHashcat && zsh'" \
- "OCS" "urxvt -e bash -c 'OCS && zsh'" \
- "onesixtyone" "urxvt -e bash -c 'onesixtyone && zsh'" \
- "ophcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ophcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "ophcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ophcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "owabf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'owabf -h && zsh'" \
- "maskgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maskgen -h && zsh'" \
- "policygen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'policygen -h && zsh'" \
- "rulegen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rulegen -h && zsh'" \
- "statsgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'statsgen -h && zsh'" \
- "passcracking" "urxvt -e bash -c 'passcracking && zsh'" \
- "passe-partout" "urxvt -e bash -c 'passe-partout -h && zsh'" \
- "patator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'patator --help && zsh'" \
- "pdfcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcrack && zsh'" \
- "pdgmail" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdgmail -h && zsh'" \
- "PHoss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'PHoss -h && zsh'" \
- "php_mt_seed" "urxvt -e bash -c 'php_mt_seed && zsh'" \
- "phrasendrescher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'phrasendrescher -h && zsh'" \
- "pipal" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pipal && zsh'" \
- "pyrit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyrit -h && zsh'" \
- "rcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rcrack && zsh'" \
- "rtdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtdump && zsh'" \
- "rtgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtgen && zsh'" \
- "rtsort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtsort && zsh'" \
- "rarcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarcrack --help && zsh'" \
- "rcracki_mt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rcracki_mt && zsh'" \
- "rdesktop-brute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rdesktop-brute -h && zsh'" \
- "reaver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reaver && zsh'" \
- "wash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wash && zsh'" \
- "regeorg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'regeorg -h && zsh'" \
- "rid-enum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rid-enum -h && zsh'" \
- "rlogin-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rlogin-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "rootbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rootbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "rpdscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rpdscan -h && zsh'" \
- "rsakeyfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rsakeyfind && zsh'" \
- "samdump2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'samdump2 && zsh'" \
- "samydeluxe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'samydeluxe -h && zsh'" \
- "sb0x" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sb0x -h && zsh'" \
- "sidguess" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sidguess && zsh'" \
- "sipcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sipcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "sipdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sipdump -h && zsh'" \
- "nbdecode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbdecode && zsh'" \
- "smbbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smbbf -h && zsh'" \
- "smbdumpusers" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smbdumpusers && zsh'" \
- "smbgetserverinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smbgetserverinfo && zsh'" \
- "snmpbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpbrute && zsh'" \
- "sparta" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sparta && zsh'" \
- "speedport-arcadyan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'speedport-arcadyan && zsh'" \
- "speedpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'speedpwn -h && zsh'" \
- "sqlbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlbf && zsh'" \
- "ssh-privkey-crack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssh-privkey-crack && zsh'" \
- "sshatter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshatter && zsh'" \
- "sshscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshscan -h && zsh'" \
- "sshtrix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshtrix -H && zsh'" \
- "sslnuke" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslnuke && zsh'" \
- "sucrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sucrack && zsh'" \
- "tftpbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tftpbrute && zsh'" \
- "keyfinder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'keyfinder && zsh'" \
- "thc-pptp-bruter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thc-pptp-bruter && zsh'" \
- "thc-smartbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thc-smartbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "ufo-wardriving" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ufo-wardriving && zsh'" \
- "VNC_bypauth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'VNC_bypauth && zsh'" \
- "vncrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vncrack && zsh'" \
- "wifite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifite && zsh'" \
- "wirouterkeyrec" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wirouterkeyrec && zsh'" \
- "wr_iwlist.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wr_iwlist.sh && zsh'" \
- "wmat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wmat && zsh'" \
- "wordbrutepress" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wordbrutepress && zsh'" \
- "wpbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wpbf -h && zsh'" \
- "wyd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wyd && zsh'" \
- "xorbruteforcer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xorbruteforcer && zsh'" \
- "zackattack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zackattack -h && zsh'" \
- "zulu" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zulu && zsh'" \
- "zykeys" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zykeys && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/crypto b/config/ratpoison/menu/crypto
deleted file mode 100755
index ea4b6fb..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/crypto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "crypto" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "aespipe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aespipe -h && zsh'" \
- "athena-ssl-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'athena-ssl-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "auto_xor_decrypter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'auto_xor_decrypter -h && zsh'" \
- "b2sum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'b2sum -h && zsh'" \
- "bletchley-analyze" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bletchley-analyze && zsh'" \
- "bletchley-decode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bletchley-decode && zsh'" \
- "bletchley-encode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bletchley-encode && zsh'" \
- "bletchley-http2py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bletchley-http2py && zsh'" \
- "bletchley-nextrand" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bletchley-nextrand && zsh'" \
- "check-weak-dh-ssh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'check-weak-dh-ssh -h && zsh'" \
- "ciphertest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ciphertest && zsh'" \
- "ciphr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ciphr -h && zsh'" \
- "codetective" "urxvt -e bash -c 'codetective -h && zsh'" \
- "cnark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cnark && zsh'" \
- "dislocker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dislocker -h && zsh'" \
- "hash-identifer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hash-identifer && zsh'" \
- "hasher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hasher -h && zsh'" \
- "hashfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashfind -h && zsh'" \
- "hashid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashid && zsh'" \
- "hashpump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashpump -h && zsh'" \
- "hdcp-genkey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hdcp-genkey && zsh'" \
- "httpsscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpsscanner -h && zsh'" \
- "kraken" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kraken -h && zsh'" \
- "lbb.db" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lbb.db && zsh'" \
- "littleblackbox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'littleblackbox -h && zsh'" \
- "luksipc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'luksipc -h && zsh'" \
- "morxcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "morxkeyfmt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxkeyfmt && zsh'" \
- "nomorexor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nomorexor && zsh'" \
- "openstego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'openstego -h && zsh'" \
- "outguess" "urxvt -e bash -c 'outguess && zsh'" \
- "pip3line" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pip3line && zsh'" \
- "pip3linecmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pip3linecmd && zsh'" \
- "posttester" "urxvt -e bash -c 'posttester -h && zsh'" \
- "pwd-hash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pwd-hash -h && zsh'" \
- "sandy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sandy -h && zsh'" \
- "sbd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sbd -h && zsh'" \
- "snapception" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snapception --help && zsh'" \
- "snow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snow -h && zsh'" \
- "sslcaudit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslcaudit -h && zsh'" \
- "sslmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslmap -h && zsh'" \
- "sslscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslscan && zsh'" \
- "sslstrip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslstrip -h && zsh'" \
- "tlspretense" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tlspretense && zsh'" \
- "makeder.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'makeder.sh && zsh'" \
- "tlspretense" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tlspretense && zsh'" \
- "view.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'view.sh && zsh'" \
- "xorbruteforcer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xorbruteforcer && zsh'" \
- "xorsearch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xorsearch && zsh'" \
- "xortool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xortool -h && zsh'" \
- "xortool-xor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xortool-xor && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/cryptography b/config/ratpoison/menu/cryptography
deleted file mode 100755
index 1d8527d..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/cryptography
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "cryptography" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "c5c" "urxvt -e bash -c 'c5c --help && zsh'" \
- "cisco7crack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco7crack -h && zsh'" \
- "pacumen_classify_pcap.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pacumen_classify_pcap.py && zsh'" \
- "pacumen_timeseries.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pacumen_timeseries.py && zsh'" \
- "pacumen_train.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pacumen_train.py && zsh'" \
- "pacumen_visualize.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pacumen_visualize.py && zsh'" \
- "train_all.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'train_all.py && zsh'" \
- "xval.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xval.py && zsh'" \
- "spipe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spipe && zsh'" \
- "spiped" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spiped && zsh'" \
- "tlsenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tlsenum -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/database b/config/ratpoison/menu/database
deleted file mode 100755
index ccfc385..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/database
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "database" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "sqlcheck" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlcheck -h && zsh'" \
- "sqldata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqldata -h && zsh'" \
- "getsids" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getsids && zsh'" \
- "metacoretex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'metacoretex && zsh'" \
- "mysql2sqlite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mysql2sqlite -h && zsh'" \
- "pgdbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pgdbf -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/debugger b/config/ratpoison/menu/debugger
deleted file mode 100755
index fd66ba9..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/debugger
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "debugger" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "edb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'edb && zsh'" \
- "gcore" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gcore && zsh'" \
- "gdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gdb -h && zsh'" \
- "gdbserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gdbserver --help && zsh'" \
- "gcore" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gcore && zsh'" \
- "gdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gdb -h && zsh'" \
- "gdbserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gdbserver --help && zsh'" \
- "malwasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malwasm && zsh'" \
- "ollydbg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ollydbg && zsh'" \
- "peda" "urxvt -e bash -c 'peda -h && zsh'" \
- "r2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'r2 -h && zsh'" \
- "r2agent" "urxvt -e bash -c 'r2agent -h && zsh'" \
- "rabin2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rabin2 -h && zsh'" \
- "radare2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radare2 -h && zsh'" \
- "radiff2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radiff2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rafind2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rafind2 -h && zsh'" \
- "ragg2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragg2 -h && zsh'" \
- "ragg2-cc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragg2-cc && zsh'" \
- "rahash2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahash2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rarun2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarun2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rasm2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasm2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rax2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rax2 && zsh'" \
- "shellnoob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shellnoob -h && zsh'" \
- "vdbbin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vdbbin -h && zsh'" \
- "vivbin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vivbin -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/decompiler b/config/ratpoison/menu/decompiler
deleted file mode 100755
index f1c3f58..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/decompiler
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "decompiler" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "flasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flasm -h && zsh'" \
- "jadx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jadx -h && zsh'" \
- "jadx-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jadx-gui && zsh'" \
- "jadx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jadx -h && zsh'" \
- "jadx-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jadx-gui && zsh'" \
- "jd-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jd-gui && zsh'" \
- "luyten" "urxvt -e bash -c 'luyten && zsh'" \
- "procyon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'procyon && zsh'" \
- "recstudio" "urxvt -e bash -c 'recstudio && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/defensive b/config/ratpoison/menu/defensive
deleted file mode 100755
index 7a36e60..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/defensive
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "defensive" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "aiengine" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aiengine -h && zsh'" \
- "argus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus -h && zsh'" \
- "argus-lsof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-lsof && zsh'" \
- "argus-snmp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-snmp && zsh'" \
- "argus-vmstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-vmstat && zsh'" \
- "argusbug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argusbug && zsh'" \
- "argusclientbug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argusclientbug && zsh'" \
- "ra" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ra -h && zsh'" \
- "rabins" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rabins -h && zsh'" \
- "racluster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'racluster -h && zsh'" \
- "raconvert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raconvert -h && zsh'" \
- "racount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'racount -h && zsh'" \
- "radark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radark -h && zsh'" \
- "radecode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radecode && zsh'" \
- "radium" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radium -h && zsh'" \
- "radump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radump && zsh'" \
- "raevent" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raevent -h && zsh'" \
- "rafilteraddr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rafilteraddr && zsh'" \
- "ragraph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragraph && zsh'" \
- "ragrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragrep && zsh'" \
- "rahisto" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahisto && zsh'" \
- "rahosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahosts && zsh'" \
- "ralabel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ralabel && zsh'" \
- "ranonymize" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ranonymize && zsh'" \
- "rapath" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rapath && zsh'" \
- "rapolicy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rapolicy && zsh'" \
- "raports" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raports && zsh'" \
- "rarpwatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarpwatch && zsh'" \
- "raservices" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raservices && zsh'" \
- "rasort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasort -h && zsh'" \
- "rasplit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasplit -h && zsh'" \
- "rasql" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasql -h && zsh'" \
- "rasqlinsert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasqlinsert && zsh'" \
- "rasqltimeindex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasqltimeindex && zsh'" \
- "rastream" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rastream -h && zsh'" \
- "rastrip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rastrip -h && zsh'" \
- "ratemplate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratemplate && zsh'" \
- "ratimerange" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratimerange && zsh'" \
- "ratop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratop && zsh'" \
- "rauserdata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rauserdata && zsh'" \
- "arpalert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpalert -h && zsh'" \
- "tool_code.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tool_code.sh && zsh'" \
- "arpon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpon -h && zsh'" \
- "artillery" "urxvt -e bash -c 'artillery && zsh'" \
- "bamfbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bamfbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "bamfdetect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bamfdetect -h && zsh'" \
- "beholder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'beholder -h && zsh'" \
- "centry" "urxvt -e bash -c 'centry -h && zsh'" \
- "chkrootkit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chkrootkit -h && zsh'" \
- "dbpwaudit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dbpwaudit -h && zsh'" \
- "DBPwAudit.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'DBPwAudit.jar && zsh'" \
- "exiv2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'exiv2 -h && zsh'" \
- "metacopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'metacopy -h && zsh'" \
- "path-test" "urxvt -e bash -c 'path-test && zsh'" \
- "exiv2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'exiv2 -h && zsh'" \
- "metacopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'metacopy -h && zsh'" \
- "path-test" "urxvt -e bash -c 'path-test && zsh'" \
- "inetsim" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inetsim --help && zsh'" \
- "jhead" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jhead -h && zsh'" \
- "jhead" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jhead -h && zsh'" \
- "malmon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malmon -h && zsh'" \
- "malmon-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malmon-scan && zsh'" \
- "mat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mat -h && zsh'" \
- "mat-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mat-gui && zsh'" \
- "nsia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsia -h && zsh'" \
- "nsia.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsia.jar && zsh'" \
- "onionshare" "urxvt -e bash -c 'onionshare -h && zsh'" \
- "onionshare-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'onionshare-gui && zsh'" \
- "portspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'portspoof -h && zsh'" \
- "rkhunter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rkhunter -h && zsh'" \
- "rkhunter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rkhunter -h && zsh'" \
- "sdel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sdel -h && zsh'" \
- "sfill" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sfill -h && zsh'" \
- "smem-secure-delete" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smem-secure-delete -h && zsh'" \
- "srm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'srm -h && zsh'" \
- "sswap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sswap -h && zsh'" \
- "the_cleaner.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'the_cleaner.sh -h && zsh'" \
- "sj-commit-results" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sj-commit-results -h && zsh'" \
- "sj-iptcpopt-probe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sj-iptcpopt-probe -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjoke" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjoke -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjoke-autotest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjoke-autotest -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjokectl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjokectl -h && zsh'" \
- "snort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snort -h && zsh'" \
- "u2boat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'u2boat && zsh'" \
- "u2spewfoo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'u2spewfoo && zsh'" \
- "suricata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'suricata && zsh'" \
- "tor-autocircuit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-autocircuit && zsh'" \
- "truecrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'truecrypt -t -h && zsh'" \
- "truecrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'truecrypt -t -h && zsh'" \
- "vidalia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vidalia && zsh'" \
- "vidalia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vidalia && zsh'" \
- "wireless-ids" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wireless-ids -h && zsh'" \
- "wordpot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wordpot -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/disassembler b/config/ratpoison/menu/disassembler
deleted file mode 100755
index c5b35e8..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/disassembler
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "disassembler" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "androapkinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androapkinfo && zsh'" \
- "androaxml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androaxml && zsh'" \
- "androcsign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androcsign && zsh'" \
- "androdd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androdd && zsh'" \
- "androdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androdiff && zsh'" \
- "androgexf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androgexf && zsh'" \
- "androlyze" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androlyze && zsh'" \
- "andromercury" "urxvt -e bash -c 'andromercury && zsh'" \
- "androrisk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androrisk && zsh'" \
- "androsign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androsign && zsh'" \
- "androsim" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androsim && zsh'" \
- "androxgmml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androxgmml && zsh'" \
- "apkviewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'apkviewer -h && zsh'" \
- "apktool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'apktool && zsh'" \
- "binwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binwalk && zsh'" \
- "bokken" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bokken -h && zsh'" \
- "dissy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dissy -h && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "ingumagui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ingumagui && zsh'" \
- "x86dis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'x86dis && zsh'" \
- "maltrieve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltrieve -h && zsh'" \
- "maltrievecategorizer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltrievecategorizer && zsh'" \
- "marc4dasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'marc4dasm -h && zsh'" \
- "asm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'asm -h && zsh'" \
- "constgrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'constgrep -h && zsh'" \
- "cyclic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cyclic -h && zsh'" \
- "disasm-pwntools" "urxvt -e bash -c 'disasm-pwntools -h && zsh'" \
- "hex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hex && zsh'" \
- "shellcraft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shellcraft -h && zsh'" \
- "unhex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhex && zsh'" \
- "r2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'r2 -h && zsh'" \
- "r2agent" "urxvt -e bash -c 'r2agent -h && zsh'" \
- "rabin2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rabin2 -h && zsh'" \
- "radare2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radare2 -h && zsh'" \
- "radiff2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radiff2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rafind2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rafind2 -h && zsh'" \
- "ragg2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragg2 -h && zsh'" \
- "ragg2-cc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragg2-cc && zsh'" \
- "rahash2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahash2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rarun2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarun2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rasm2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasm2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rax2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rax2 && zsh'" \
- "baksmali" "urxvt -e bash -c 'baksmali -h && zsh'" \
- "smali" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smali -h && zsh'" \
- "viper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'viper -h && zsh'" \
- "vdbbin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vdbbin -h && zsh'" \
- "vivbin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vivbin -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/dos b/config/ratpoison/menu/dos
deleted file mode 100755
index 87d5a96..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/dos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "dos" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "davoset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'davoset && zsh'" \
- "dnsdrdos" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsdrdos -H && zsh'" \
- "fhttp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fhttp -h && zsh'" \
- "goldeneye" "urxvt -e bash -c 'goldeneye -h && zsh'" \
- "hulk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hulk -h && zsh'" \
- "hawk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hawk --help && zsh'" \
- "hwk-eagle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hwk-eagle --help && zsh'" \
- "iaxflood" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iaxflood && zsh'" \
- "inviteflood" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inviteflood -h && zsh'" \
- "mz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mz -h && zsh'" \
- "nkiller2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nkiller2 -h && zsh'" \
- "phpstress" "urxvt -e bash -c 'phpstress -h && zsh'" \
- "bombardment" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bombardment && zsh'" \
- "siege" "urxvt -e bash -c 'siege -h && zsh'" \
- "siege.config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'siege.config && zsh'" \
- "siege2csv.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'siege2csv.pl && zsh'" \
- "bombardment" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bombardment && zsh'" \
- "siege" "urxvt -e bash -c 'siege -h && zsh'" \
- "siege.config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'siege.config && zsh'" \
- "siege2csv.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'siege2csv.pl && zsh'" \
- "slowhttptest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'slowhttptest -h && zsh'" \
- "slowloris" "urxvt -e bash -c 'slowloris && zsh'" \
- "sps" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sps -h && zsh'" \
- "synflood" "urxvt -e bash -c 'synflood -h && zsh'" \
- "synner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'synner -h && zsh'" \
- "t50" "urxvt -e bash -c 't50 --help && zsh'" \
- "get_mem_dump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get_mem_dump && zsh'" \
- "tcgetkey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcgetkey && zsh'" \
- "6to4test.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c '6to4test.sh && zsh'" \
- "address6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'address6 && zsh'" \
- "alive6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'alive6 && zsh'" \
- "covert_send6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'covert_send6 && zsh'" \
- "covert_send6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'covert_send6d && zsh'" \
- "denial6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'denial6 && zsh'" \
- "detect-new-ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'detect-new-ip6 && zsh'" \
- "detect_sniffer6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'detect_sniffer6 && zsh'" \
- "dnsdict6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsdict6 && zsh'" \
- "dnsrevenum6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsrevenum6 && zsh'" \
- "dnssecwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnssecwalk && zsh'" \
- "dos-new-ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dos-new-ip6 && zsh'" \
- "dos_mld.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dos_mld.sh && zsh'" \
- "dump_dhcp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump_dhcp6 -h && zsh'" \
- "dump_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump_router6 && zsh'" \
- "exploit6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'exploit6 && zsh'" \
- "extract_hosts6.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extract_hosts6.sh && zsh'" \
- "extract_networks6.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extract_networks6.sh && zsh'" \
- "fake_advertise6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_advertise6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_dhcps6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dhcps6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_dns6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dns6d && zsh'" \
- "fake_dnsupdate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dnsupdate6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mipv6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mipv6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mld26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mld26 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mld6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mld6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mldrouter6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mldrouter6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_pim6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_pim6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_router26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_router26 && zsh'" \
- "fake_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_router6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_solicitate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_solicitate6 && zsh'" \
- "firewall6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'firewall6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_advertise6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_advertise6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_dhcpc6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_dhcpc6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mld26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mld26 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mld6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mld6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mldrouter6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mldrouter6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_redir6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_redir6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_router26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_router26 && zsh'" \
- "flood_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_router6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_rs6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_rs6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_solicitate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_solicitate6 && zsh'" \
- "four2six" "urxvt -e bash -c 'four2six && zsh'" \
- "fragmentation6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fragmentation6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcpc6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcpc6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcpc6-usage.pdf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcpc6-usage.pdf && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcps6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcps6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_ip6 && zsh'" \
- "grep6.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grep6.pl && zsh'" \
- "implementation6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'implementation6 && zsh'" \
- "implementation6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'implementation6d && zsh'" \
- "inject_alive6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inject_alive6 && zsh'" \
- "inverse_lookup6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inverse_lookup6 && zsh'" \
- "kill_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kill_router6 && zsh'" \
- "ndpexhaust26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndpexhaust26 && zsh'" \
- "ndpexhaust6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndpexhaust6 && zsh'" \
- "node_query6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'node_query6 && zsh'" \
- "parasite6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'parasite6 && zsh'" \
- "passive_discovery6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'passive_discovery6 && zsh'" \
- "randicmp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'randicmp6 && zsh'" \
- "redir6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redir6 && zsh'" \
- "redirsniff6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redirsniff6 && zsh'" \
- "rsmurf6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rsmurf6 && zsh'" \
- "sendpees6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sendpees6 && zsh'" \
- "sendpeesmp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sendpeesmp6 && zsh'" \
- "six2four.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'six2four.sh && zsh'" \
- "smurf6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smurf6 && zsh'" \
- "thc-ipv6-setup.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thc-ipv6-setup.sh && zsh'" \
- "thcping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thcping6 && zsh'" \
- "thcsyn6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thcsyn6 && zsh'" \
- "toobig6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'toobig6 && zsh'" \
- "trace6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trace6 && zsh'" \
- "thc-ssl-dos" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thc-ssl-dos -h && zsh'" \
- "torshammer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torshammer && zsh'" \
- "ufonet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ufonet -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/drone b/config/ratpoison/menu/drone
deleted file mode 100755
index 31700c8..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/drone
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "drone" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "missionplanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'missionplanner -h && zsh'" \
- "skyjack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'skyjack --help && zsh'" \
- "snoopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snoopy && zsh'" \
- "snoopy-auth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snoopy-auth && zsh'" \
- "sslstrip-snoopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslstrip-snoopy && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/exploitation b/config/ratpoison/menu/exploitation
deleted file mode 100755
index 26fa347..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/exploitation
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "exploitation" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "armitage" "urxvt -e bash -c 'armitage -h && zsh'" \
- "teamserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'teamserver && zsh'" \
- "arpoison" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpoison -h && zsh'" \
- "bbqsql" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbqsql -h && zsh'" \
- "bed" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bed -h && zsh'" \
- "beef" "urxvt -e bash -c 'beef -h && zsh'" \
- "bfbtester" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bfbtester -h && zsh'" \
- "binex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binex -h && zsh'" \
- "connectbackserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'connectbackserver && zsh'" \
- "trojanserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trojanserver -h && zsh'" \
- "chiron-combinations" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-combinations && zsh'" \
- "chiron-nd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-nd && zsh'" \
- "chiron-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-proxy && zsh'" \
- "chiron-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-scanner && zsh'" \
- "chiron_combinations.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_combinations.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_local_link.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_local_link.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_proxy.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_proxy.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_scanner.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_scanner.py && zsh'" \
- "cisco-global-exploiter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-global-exploiter -h && zsh'" \
- "cisco-snmp-enumeration" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-snmp-enumeration && zsh'" \
- "cisco-snmp-slap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-snmp-slap -h && zsh'" \
- "cisco-torch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-torch -h && zsh'" \
- "cmsmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cmsmap -h && zsh'" \
- "darkd0rk3r" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkd0rk3r ; rm -rf darkd0rk3r-*.txt && zsh'" \
- "darkmysqli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkmysqli -h && zsh'" \
- "doona" "urxvt -e bash -c 'doona -h && zsh'" \
- "dotdotpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dotdotpwn -h && zsh'" \
- "encodeshellcode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'encodeshellcode -h && zsh'" \
- "exploit-db" "urxvt -e bash -c 'exploit-db -h && zsh'" \
- "eyepwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eyepwn && zsh'" \
- "faraday" "urxvt -e bash -c 'faraday && zsh'" \
- "delAllHost.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllHost.py && zsh'" \
- "delAllServiceClosed.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllServiceClosed.py && zsh'" \
- "fplugin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fplugin && zsh'" \
- "getAllCreds.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllCreds.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllHosts.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllHosts.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIps.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIps.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIpsInterfaces.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIpsInterfaces.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllOs.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllOs.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllTelnet.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllTelnet.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVnc.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVnc.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVulnsCSV.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVulnsCSV.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllWebservers.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllWebservers.py && zsh'" \
- "fimap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fimap -h && zsh'" \
- "fs-nyarl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fs-nyarl -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosreader0.94" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosreader0.94 && zsh'" \
- "ferret" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ferret && zsh'" \
- "hamster-http" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hamster-http -h && zsh'" \
- "hcraft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hcraft && zsh'" \
- "hqlmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hqlmap -h && zsh'" \
- "htexploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'htexploit -h && zsh'" \
- "incept" "urxvt -e bash -c 'incept && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "ingumagui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ingumagui && zsh'" \
- "irpas-ass" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-ass && zsh'" \
- "irpas-cdp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-cdp && zsh'" \
- "irpas-dfkaa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-dfkaa && zsh'" \
- "irpas-dhcpx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-dhcpx && zsh'" \
- "irpas-file2cable" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-file2cable && zsh'" \
- "irpas-hsrp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-hsrp && zsh'" \
- "irpas-icmp_redirect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-icmp_redirect && zsh'" \
- "irpas-igrp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-igrp && zsh'" \
- "irpas-irdp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-irdp && zsh'" \
- "irpas-irdpresponder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-irdpresponder && zsh'" \
- "irpas-itrace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-itrace && zsh'" \
- "irpas-netenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-netenum && zsh'" \
- "irpas-netmask" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-netmask && zsh'" \
- "irpas-protos" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-protos && zsh'" \
- "irpas-tctrace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-tctrace && zsh'" \
- "irpas-timestamp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'irpas-timestamp && zsh'" \
- "unix-jboss-autopwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unix-jboss-autopwn && zsh'" \
- "win-jboss-autopwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'win-jboss-autopwn && zsh'" \
- "zbassocflood" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbassocflood && zsh'" \
- "zbconvert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbconvert && zsh'" \
- "zbdsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbdsniff && zsh'" \
- "zbdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbdump && zsh'" \
- "zbfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbfind && zsh'" \
- "zbgoodfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbgoodfind && zsh'" \
- "zbid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbid && zsh'" \
- "zbkey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbkey && zsh'" \
- "zbopenear" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbopenear -h && zsh'" \
- "zbreplay" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbreplay && zsh'" \
- "zbscapy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbscapy && zsh'" \
- "zbstumbler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbstumbler -h && zsh'" \
- "zbwardrive" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbwardrive && zsh'" \
- "zbwireshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbwireshark && zsh'" \
- "leroy-jenkins" "urxvt -e bash -c 'leroy-jenkins && zsh'" \
- "lfi-autopwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-autopwn && zsh'" \
- "lfi-exploiter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-exploiter -h && zsh'" \
- "lfi_fuzzploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi_fuzzploit && zsh'" \
- "lfi-sploiter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-sploiter -h && zsh'" \
- "liffy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'liffy -h && zsh'" \
- "loki" "urxvt -e bash -c 'loki && zsh'" \
- "mpls_tunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mpls_tunnel && zsh'" \
- "clientgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'clientgen && zsh'" \
- "maligno_srv" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maligno_srv && zsh'" \
- "msfbinscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfbinscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfcli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfcli -h && zsh'" \
- "msfconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfconsole -h && zsh'" \
- "msfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfelfscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfelfscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfencode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfencode -h && zsh'" \
- "msfmachscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfmachscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpayload" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpayload -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpescan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrop -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpc -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpcd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpcd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfupdate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfupdate -h && zsh'" \
- "msfvenom" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfvenom -h && zsh'" \
- "stager_reverse_https.bin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stager_reverse_https.bin && zsh'" \
- "stty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stty && zsh'" \
- "minimysqlator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'minimysqlator && zsh'" \
- "miranda" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miranda && zsh'" \
- "miranda-upnp-portmapper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miranda-upnp-portmapper -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmap.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmap.sh -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmf -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmdump -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "nimbostratus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nimbostratus -h && zsh'" \
- "opensvp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'opensvp -h && zsh'" \
- "osueta" "urxvt -e bash -c 'osueta -h && zsh'" \
- "otori" "urxvt -e bash -c 'otori -h && zsh'" \
- "padbuster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'padbuster -h && zsh'" \
- "pblind.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pblind.py && zsh'" \
- "peda" "urxvt -e bash -c 'peda -h && zsh'" \
- "pirana" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pirana -h && zsh'" \
- "pmcma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pmcma && zsh'" \
- "pompem" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pompem && zsh'" \
- "rebind_dns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rebind_dns -h && zsh'" \
- "rfcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfcat -h && zsh'" \
- "ropeme-exploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ropeme-exploit && zsh'" \
- "ropeme-readelf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ropeme-readelf && zsh'" \
- "ropeme-ropshell" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ropeme-ropshell && zsh'" \
- "ropeme-search-gadgets" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ropeme-search-gadgets && zsh'" \
- "ropgadget" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ropgadget && zsh'" \
- "ropper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ropper && zsh'" \
- "seautomate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'seautomate && zsh'" \
- "seproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'seproxy && zsh'" \
- "setoolkit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'setoolkit && zsh'" \
- "seupdate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'seupdate && zsh'" \
- "shellme" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shellme -h && zsh'" \
- "shellnoob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shellnoob -h && zsh'" \
- "shocker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shocker -h && zsh'" \
- "simple-ducky" "urxvt -e bash -c 'simple-ducky && zsh'" \
- "svcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "svcrash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svcrash -h && zsh'" \
- "svmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svmap -h && zsh'" \
- "svreport" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svreport -h && zsh'" \
- "svwar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svwar -h && zsh'" \
- "sn00p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sn00p -h && zsh'" \
- "snoopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snoopy && zsh'" \
- "snoopy-auth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snoopy-auth && zsh'" \
- "sslstrip-snoopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslstrip-snoopy && zsh'" \
- "sploitctl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sploitctl -H && zsh'" \
- "sqlmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlmap -hh && zsh'" \
- "sqlninja" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlninja -h && zsh'" \
- "sqlsus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlsus -h && zsh'" \
- "stackflow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stackflow -h && zsh'" \
- "subterfuge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'subterfuge && zsh'" \
- "tcpjunk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpjunk -h && zsh'" \
- "6to4test.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c '6to4test.sh && zsh'" \
- "address6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'address6 && zsh'" \
- "alive6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'alive6 && zsh'" \
- "covert_send6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'covert_send6 && zsh'" \
- "covert_send6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'covert_send6d && zsh'" \
- "denial6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'denial6 && zsh'" \
- "detect-new-ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'detect-new-ip6 && zsh'" \
- "detect_sniffer6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'detect_sniffer6 && zsh'" \
- "dnsdict6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsdict6 && zsh'" \
- "dnsrevenum6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsrevenum6 && zsh'" \
- "dnssecwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnssecwalk && zsh'" \
- "dos-new-ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dos-new-ip6 && zsh'" \
- "dos_mld.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dos_mld.sh && zsh'" \
- "dump_dhcp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump_dhcp6 -h && zsh'" \
- "dump_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump_router6 && zsh'" \
- "exploit6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'exploit6 && zsh'" \
- "extract_hosts6.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extract_hosts6.sh && zsh'" \
- "extract_networks6.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extract_networks6.sh && zsh'" \
- "fake_advertise6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_advertise6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_dhcps6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dhcps6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_dns6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dns6d && zsh'" \
- "fake_dnsupdate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dnsupdate6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mipv6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mipv6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mld26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mld26 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mld6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mld6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mldrouter6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mldrouter6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_pim6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_pim6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_router26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_router26 && zsh'" \
- "fake_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_router6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_solicitate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_solicitate6 && zsh'" \
- "firewall6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'firewall6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_advertise6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_advertise6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_dhcpc6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_dhcpc6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mld26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mld26 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mld6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mld6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mldrouter6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mldrouter6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_redir6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_redir6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_router26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_router26 && zsh'" \
- "flood_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_router6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_rs6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_rs6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_solicitate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_solicitate6 && zsh'" \
- "four2six" "urxvt -e bash -c 'four2six && zsh'" \
- "fragmentation6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fragmentation6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcpc6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcpc6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcpc6-usage.pdf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcpc6-usage.pdf && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcps6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcps6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_ip6 && zsh'" \
- "grep6.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grep6.pl && zsh'" \
- "implementation6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'implementation6 && zsh'" \
- "implementation6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'implementation6d && zsh'" \
- "inject_alive6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inject_alive6 && zsh'" \
- "inverse_lookup6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inverse_lookup6 && zsh'" \
- "kill_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kill_router6 && zsh'" \
- "ndpexhaust26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndpexhaust26 && zsh'" \
- "ndpexhaust6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndpexhaust6 && zsh'" \
- "node_query6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'node_query6 && zsh'" \
- "parasite6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'parasite6 && zsh'" \
- "passive_discovery6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'passive_discovery6 && zsh'" \
- "randicmp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'randicmp6 && zsh'" \
- "redir6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redir6 && zsh'" \
- "redirsniff6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redirsniff6 && zsh'" \
- "rsmurf6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rsmurf6 && zsh'" \
- "sendpees6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sendpees6 && zsh'" \
- "sendpeesmp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sendpeesmp6 && zsh'" \
- "six2four.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'six2four.sh && zsh'" \
- "smurf6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smurf6 && zsh'" \
- "thc-ipv6-setup.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thc-ipv6-setup.sh && zsh'" \
- "thcping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thcping6 && zsh'" \
- "thcsyn6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thcsyn6 && zsh'" \
- "toobig6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'toobig6 && zsh'" \
- "trace6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trace6 && zsh'" \
- "unicorn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unicorn && zsh'" \
- "veil" "urxvt -e bash -c 'veil && zsh'" \
- "VNC_bypauth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'VNC_bypauth && zsh'" \
- "websploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'websploit && zsh'" \
- "witchxtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'witchxtool -h && zsh'" \
- "xsser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xsser -h && zsh'" \
- "yinjector" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yinjector -h && zsh'" \
- "zarp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zarp -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/fingerprint b/config/ratpoison/menu/fingerprint
deleted file mode 100755
index 9fad377..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/fingerprint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "fingerprint" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "arp-fingerprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-fingerprint -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "get-iab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-iab -h && zsh'" \
- "get-oui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-oui -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-fingerprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-fingerprint -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "get-iab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-iab -h && zsh'" \
- "get-oui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-oui -h && zsh'" \
- "asp-audit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'asp-audit && zsh'" \
- "blindelephant" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blindelephant -h && zsh'" \
- "cisco-torch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-torch -h && zsh'" \
- "cms-explorer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cms-explorer -h && zsh'" \
- "httsquash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httsquash && zsh'" \
- "letdown" "urxvt -e bash -c 'letdown && zsh'" \
- "reverseraider" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reverseraider && zsh'" \
- "dnsmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsmap && zsh'" \
- "dnsmap-bulk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsmap-bulk && zsh'" \
- "faraday" "urxvt -e bash -c 'faraday && zsh'" \
- "delAllHost.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllHost.py && zsh'" \
- "delAllServiceClosed.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllServiceClosed.py && zsh'" \
- "fplugin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fplugin && zsh'" \
- "getAllCreds.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllCreds.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllHosts.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllHosts.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIps.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIps.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIpsInterfaces.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIpsInterfaces.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllOs.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllOs.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllTelnet.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllTelnet.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVnc.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVnc.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVulnsCSV.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVulnsCSV.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllWebservers.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllWebservers.py && zsh'" \
- "fhttp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fhttp -h && zsh'" \
- "fl0p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fl0p -h && zsh'" \
- "fpdns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fpdns && zsh'" \
- "ftpmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftpmap -h && zsh'" \
- "htrosbif" "urxvt -e bash -c 'htrosbif -h && zsh'" \
- "httprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httprint -h && zsh'" \
- "jomplug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jomplug -h && zsh'" \
- "kolkata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kolkata && zsh'" \
- "aprof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aprof && zsh'" \
- "lbmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lbmap -h && zsh'" \
- "mwebfp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mwebfp -h && zsh'" \
- "nimbostratus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nimbostratus -h && zsh'" \
- "p0f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'p0f -h && zsh'" \
- "p0f-client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'p0f-client -h && zsh'" \
- "p0f-sendsyn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'p0f-sendsyn -h && zsh'" \
- "p0f-sendsyn6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'p0f-sendsyn6 && zsh'" \
- "plecost" "urxvt -e bash -c 'plecost && zsh'" \
- "propecia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'propecia && zsh'" \
- "sinfp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sinfp -h && zsh'" \
- "smtmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smtmap && zsh'" \
- "smtpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smtpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "sn00p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sn00p -h && zsh'" \
- "sparta" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sparta && zsh'" \
- "wafp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wafp -h && zsh'" \
- "xprobe2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xprobe2 -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/firmware b/config/ratpoison/menu/firmware
deleted file mode 100755
index 89012aa..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/firmware
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "firmware" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "binwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binwalk && zsh'" \
- "binwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binwalk && zsh'" \
- "binwalk-script" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binwalk-script && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/forensic b/config/ratpoison/menu/forensic
deleted file mode 100755
index 5095d28..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/forensic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "forensic" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "aesfix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aesfix && zsh'" \
- "aeskeyfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aeskeyfind -h && zsh'" \
- "affcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affcat && zsh'" \
- "affcompare" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affcompare && zsh'" \
- "affconvert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affconvert && zsh'" \
- "affcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affcopy && zsh'" \
- "affcrypto" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affcrypto && zsh'" \
- "affdiskprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affdiskprint && zsh'" \
- "affinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affinfo && zsh'" \
- "affix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affix && zsh'" \
- "affrecover" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affrecover && zsh'" \
- "affsegment" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affsegment && zsh'" \
- "affsign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affsign && zsh'" \
- "affstats" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affstats && zsh'" \
- "affuse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affuse && zsh'" \
- "affverify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affverify && zsh'" \
- "affxml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'affxml && zsh'" \
- "aimage" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aimage -h && zsh'" \
- "air" "urxvt -e bash -c 'air && zsh'" \
- "air-counter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'air-counter && zsh'" \
- "tailer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tailer --help && zsh'" \
- "androick" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androick && zsh'" \
- "autopsy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'autopsy -h && zsh'" \
- "pxedump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pxedump -h && zsh'" \
- "usbdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usbdump -h && zsh'" \
- "bmaptool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmaptool -h && zsh'" \
- "BEViewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BEViewer -h && zsh'" \
- "BEViewer.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BEViewer.jar && zsh'" \
- "bulk_extractor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bulk_extractor && zsh'" \
- "plugin_test" "urxvt -e bash -c 'plugin_test && zsh'" \
- "canari" "urxvt -e bash -c 'canari -h && zsh'" \
- "dispatcher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dispatcher -h && zsh'" \
- "pysudo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pysudo -h && zsh'" \
- "captipper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'captipper && zsh'" \
- "casefile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'casefile --help && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego.ico" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego.ico && zsh'" \
- "chaosmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosmap && zsh'" \
- "chkrootkit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chkrootkit -h && zsh'" \
- "chntpw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chntpw -h && zsh'" \
- "cpnt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cpnt && zsh'" \
- "reged" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reged && zsh'" \
- "chntpw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chntpw -h && zsh'" \
- "cpnt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cpnt && zsh'" \
- "reged" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reged && zsh'" \
- "chromefreak" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chromefreak -h && zsh'" \
- "dc3dd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dc3dd --help && zsh'" \
- "dcfldd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dcfldd --help && zsh'" \
- "dcfldd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dcfldd --help && zsh'" \
- "ddrescue" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ddrescue --help && zsh'" \
- "ddrescuelog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ddrescuelog --help && zsh'" \
- "ddrescue" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ddrescue --help && zsh'" \
- "ddrescuelog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ddrescuelog --help && zsh'" \
- "dumpzilla" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dumpzilla -h && zsh'" \
- "dbxparse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dbxparse -h && zsh'" \
- "exiv2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'exiv2 -h && zsh'" \
- "metacopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'metacopy -h && zsh'" \
- "path-test" "urxvt -e bash -c 'path-test && zsh'" \
- "exiv2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'exiv2 -h && zsh'" \
- "metacopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'metacopy -h && zsh'" \
- "path-test" "urxvt -e bash -c 'path-test && zsh'" \
- "extundelete" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extundelete -h && zsh'" \
- "extundelete" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extundelete -h && zsh'" \
- "foremost" "urxvt -e bash -c 'foremost -h && zsh'" \
- "fs-nyarl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fs-nyarl -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosreader0.94" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosreader0.94 && zsh'" \
- "galleta" "urxvt -e bash -c 'galleta && zsh'" \
- "grokevt-addlog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grokevt-addlog && zsh'" \
- "grokevt-builddb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grokevt-builddb && zsh'" \
- "grokevt-dumpmsgs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grokevt-dumpmsgs && zsh'" \
- "grokevt-findlogs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grokevt-findlogs && zsh'" \
- "grokevt-parselog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grokevt-parselog && zsh'" \
- "guymager" "urxvt -e bash -c 'guymager && zsh'" \
- "haystack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'haystack -h && zsh'" \
- "haystack-dump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'haystack-dump -h && zsh'" \
- "haystack-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'haystack-gui && zsh'" \
- "haystack-reverse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'haystack-reverse -h && zsh'" \
- "INDXParse.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'INDXParse.py && zsh'" \
- "MFTINDX.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MFTINDX.py && zsh'" \
- "MFTView.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MFTView.py && zsh'" \
- "SDS_get_index.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'SDS_get_index.py && zsh'" \
- "extract_mft_record_slack.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extract_mft_record_slack.py && zsh'" \
- "fuse-mft.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuse-mft.py && zsh'" \
- "get_file_info.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get_file_info.py && zsh'" \
- "list_mft.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'list_mft.py && zsh'" \
- "tree_mft.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tree_mft.py && zsh'" \
- "interrogate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'interrogate -h && zsh'" \
- "iosforensic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iosforensic -h && zsh'" \
- "ipba2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipba2 && zsh'" \
- "iphoneanalyzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iphoneanalyzer -h && zsh'" \
- "mac-robber" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mac-robber -h && zsh'" \
- "dupemap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dupemap && zsh'" \
- "magicrescue" "urxvt -e bash -c 'magicrescue && zsh'" \
- "magicsort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'magicsort && zsh'" \
- "make-pdf-javascript" "urxvt -e bash -c 'make-pdf-javascript && zsh'" \
- "malheur" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malheur -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego.ico" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego.ico && zsh'" \
- "ant" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant && zsh'" \
- "ant.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant.bat && zsh'" \
- "ant.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant.cmd && zsh'" \
- "antRun" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun && zsh'" \
- "antRun.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun.bat && zsh'" \
- "antRun.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun.pl && zsh'" \
- "antenv.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antenv.cmd && zsh'" \
- "complete-ant-cmd.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'complete-ant-cmd.pl && zsh'" \
- "envset.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'envset.cmd && zsh'" \
- "lcp.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lcp.bat && zsh'" \
- "runant.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runant.pl && zsh'" \
- "runant.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runant.py && zsh'" \
- "runrc.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runrc.cmd && zsh'" \
- "malwaredetect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malwaredetect && zsh'" \
- "mboxgrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mboxgrep && zsh'" \
- "hashdeep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hashdeep -h && zsh'" \
- "md5deep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'md5deep -h && zsh'" \
- "sha1deep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sha1deep -h && zsh'" \
- "sha256deep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sha256deep -h && zsh'" \
- "tigerdeep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tigerdeep -h && zsh'" \
- "whirlpooldeep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'whirlpooldeep -h && zsh'" \
- "gmdb2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gmdb2 && zsh'" \
- "mdb-array" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-array && zsh'" \
- "mdb-export" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-export && zsh'" \
- "mdb-header" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-header && zsh'" \
- "mdb-hexdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-hexdump && zsh'" \
- "mdb-parsecsv" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-parsecsv && zsh'" \
- "mdb-prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-prop && zsh'" \
- "mdb-schema" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-schema && zsh'" \
- "mdb-sql" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-sql && zsh'" \
- "mdb-tables" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-tables && zsh'" \
- "mdb-ver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdb-ver && zsh'" \
- "memdump_kernel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'memdump_kernel -h && zsh'" \
- "memfetch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'memfetch && zsh'" \
- "mobius" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mobius && zsh'" \
- "mp3nema" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mp3nema -h && zsh'" \
- "ms-sys" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ms-sys -h && zsh'" \
- "nfex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nfex -h && zsh'" \
- "ezhexviewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ezhexviewer && zsh'" \
- "olebrowse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'olebrowse && zsh'" \
- "oleid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'oleid -h && zsh'" \
- "olemeta" "urxvt -e bash -c 'olemeta -h && zsh'" \
- "oletimes" "urxvt -e bash -c 'oletimes && zsh'" \
- "olevba" "urxvt -e bash -c 'olevba && zsh'" \
- "pyxswf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyxswf && zsh'" \
- "rtfobj" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtfobj && zsh'" \
- "pasco" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pasco && zsh'" \
- "pdf-parser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf-parser && zsh'" \
- "pdfbook-analyzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfbook-analyzer -h && zsh'" \
- "pdfid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfid && zsh'" \
- "pdfresurrect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfresurrect -h && zsh'" \
- "peepdf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'peepdf -h && zsh'" \
- "ofs2rva" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ofs2rva && zsh'" \
- "pedis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pedis && zsh'" \
- "pehash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pehash && zsh'" \
- "pepack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pepack && zsh'" \
- "pescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pescan && zsh'" \
- "pesec" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pesec && zsh'" \
- "pestr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pestr && zsh'" \
- "readpe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'readpe && zsh'" \
- "rva2ofs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rva2ofs && zsh'" \
- "recoverjpeg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'recoverjpeg && zsh'" \
- "recovermov" "urxvt -e bash -c 'recovermov && zsh'" \
- "remove-duplicates" "urxvt -e bash -c 'remove-duplicates && zsh'" \
- "sort-pictures" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sort-pictures && zsh'" \
- "reglookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reglookup && zsh'" \
- "reglookup-recover" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reglookup-recover && zsh'" \
- "reglookup-timeline" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reglookup-timeline && zsh'" \
- "replayproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'replayproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "rifiuti" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rifiuti --help-all && zsh'" \
- "rifiuti-vista" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rifiuti-vista -h && zsh'" \
- "rkhunter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rkhunter -h && zsh'" \
- "rkhunter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rkhunter -h && zsh'" \
- "rsakeyfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rsakeyfind && zsh'" \
- "safecopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'safecopy && zsh'" \
- "scalpel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scalpel && zsh'" \
- "scrounge-ntfs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scrounge-ntfs -h && zsh'" \
- "skypefreak" "urxvt -e bash -c 'skypefreak -h && zsh'" \
- "blkcalc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blkcalc && zsh'" \
- "blkcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blkcat && zsh'" \
- "blkls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blkls && zsh'" \
- "blkstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blkstat && zsh'" \
- "fcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fcat && zsh'" \
- "ffind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ffind && zsh'" \
- "fiwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fiwalk && zsh'" \
- "fls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fls -h && zsh'" \
- "fsstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fsstat && zsh'" \
- "hfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hfind && zsh'" \
- "icat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'icat && zsh'" \
- "ifind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ifind && zsh'" \
- "ils" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ils && zsh'" \
- "img_cat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'img_cat && zsh'" \
- "img_stat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'img_stat -h && zsh'" \
- "istat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'istat && zsh'" \
- "jcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jcat && zsh'" \
- "jls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jls && zsh'" \
- "jpeg_extract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jpeg_extract && zsh'" \
- "mactime" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mactime && zsh'" \
- "mmcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mmcat -h && zsh'" \
- "mmls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mmls && zsh'" \
- "mmstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mmstat && zsh'" \
- "sigfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sigfind && zsh'" \
- "sorter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sorter && zsh'" \
- "srch_strings" "urxvt -e bash -c 'srch_strings && zsh'" \
- "tsk_comparedir" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tsk_comparedir && zsh'" \
- "tsk_gettimes" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tsk_gettimes && zsh'" \
- "tsk_loaddb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tsk_loaddb && zsh'" \
- "tsk_recover" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tsk_recover && zsh'" \
- "blkcalc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blkcalc && zsh'" \
- "blkcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blkcat && zsh'" \
- "blkls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blkls && zsh'" \
- "blkstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blkstat && zsh'" \
- "fcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fcat && zsh'" \
- "ffind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ffind && zsh'" \
- "fiwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fiwalk && zsh'" \
- "fls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fls -h && zsh'" \
- "fsstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fsstat && zsh'" \
- "hfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hfind && zsh'" \
- "icat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'icat && zsh'" \
- "ifind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ifind && zsh'" \
- "ils" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ils && zsh'" \
- "img_cat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'img_cat && zsh'" \
- "img_stat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'img_stat -h && zsh'" \
- "istat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'istat && zsh'" \
- "jcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jcat && zsh'" \
- "jls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jls && zsh'" \
- "jpeg_extract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jpeg_extract && zsh'" \
- "mactime" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mactime && zsh'" \
- "mmcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mmcat -h && zsh'" \
- "mmls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mmls && zsh'" \
- "mmstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mmstat && zsh'" \
- "sigfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sigfind && zsh'" \
- "sorter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sorter && zsh'" \
- "srch_strings" "urxvt -e bash -c 'srch_strings && zsh'" \
- "tsk_comparedir" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tsk_comparedir && zsh'" \
- "tsk_gettimes" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tsk_gettimes && zsh'" \
- "tsk_loaddb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tsk_loaddb && zsh'" \
- "tsk_recover" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tsk_recover && zsh'" \
- "snort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snort -h && zsh'" \
- "u2boat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'u2boat && zsh'" \
- "u2spewfoo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'u2spewfoo && zsh'" \
- "automater" "urxvt -e bash -c 'automater -h && zsh'" \
- "trid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trid -h && zsh'" \
- "unhide" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide -h && zsh'" \
- "unhide-linux" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide-linux && zsh'" \
- "unhide-posix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide-posix && zsh'" \
- "unhide-tcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide-tcp && zsh'" \
- "unhide_rb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide_rb && zsh'" \
- "unhide" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide -h && zsh'" \
- "unhide-linux" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide-linux && zsh'" \
- "unhide-posix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide-posix && zsh'" \
- "unhide-tcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide-tcp && zsh'" \
- "unhide_rb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhide_rb && zsh'" \
- "vinetto" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vinetto -h && zsh'" \
- "vol.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vol.py -h && zsh'" \
- "volatility" "urxvt -e bash -c 'volatility -h && zsh'" \
- "wyd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wyd && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/fuzzer b/config/ratpoison/menu/fuzzer
deleted file mode 100755
index 24888c6..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/fuzzer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "fuzzer" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "afl-clang" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-clang && zsh'" \
- "afl-clang++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-clang++ && zsh'" \
- "afl-cmin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-cmin && zsh'" \
- "afl-fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-fuzz && zsh'" \
- "afl-g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-g++ && zsh'" \
- "afl-gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-gcc && zsh'" \
- "afl-gotcpu" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-gotcpu && zsh'" \
- "afl-plot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-plot && zsh'" \
- "afl-showmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-showmap && zsh'" \
- "afl-tmin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-tmin && zsh'" \
- "afl-whatsup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afl-whatsup && zsh'" \
- "backfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'backfuzz -h && zsh'" \
- "bing-lfi-rfi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bing-lfi-rfi -h && zsh'" \
- "birp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'birp -h && zsh'" \
- "bluebox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluebox && zsh'" \
- "bluebox-ng" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluebox-ng -h && zsh'" \
- "bf3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bf3 && zsh'" \
- "bss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bss -h && zsh'" \
- "psm_scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'psm_scan -h && zsh'" \
- "rfcomm_scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfcomm_scan -h && zsh'" \
- "bunny-flow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bunny-flow && zsh'" \
- "bunny-gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bunny-gcc && zsh'" \
- "bunny-main" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bunny-main && zsh'" \
- "bunny-trace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bunny-trace && zsh'" \
- "burpsuite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'burpsuite && zsh'" \
- "cecster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cecster -h && zsh'" \
- "cirt-fuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cirt-fuzzer -help && zsh'" \
- "CAT" "urxvt -e bash -c 'CAT && zsh'" \
- "cisco-auditing-tool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-auditing-tool && zsh'" \
- "conscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'conscan -h && zsh'" \
- "cookie-cadger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cookie-cadger && zsh'" \
- "darkbing" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkbing -h && zsh'" \
- "dizzy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dizzy -h && zsh'" \
- "doona" "urxvt -e bash -c 'doona -h && zsh'" \
- "dotdotpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dotdotpwn -h && zsh'" \
- "dpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dpscan && zsh'" \
- "easyfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easyfuzzer && zsh'" \
- "easyfuzzer-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easyfuzzer-proxy && zsh'" \
- "prepare4easyfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'prepare4easyfuzzer && zsh'" \
- "wbxml2request" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wbxml2request && zsh'" \
- "wsdl2request" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wsdl2request && zsh'" \
- "faraday" "urxvt -e bash -c 'faraday && zsh'" \
- "delAllHost.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllHost.py && zsh'" \
- "delAllServiceClosed.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllServiceClosed.py && zsh'" \
- "fplugin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fplugin && zsh'" \
- "getAllCreds.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllCreds.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllHosts.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllHosts.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIps.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIps.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIpsInterfaces.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIpsInterfaces.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllOs.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllOs.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllTelnet.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllTelnet.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVnc.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVnc.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVulnsCSV.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVulnsCSV.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllWebservers.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllWebservers.py && zsh'" \
- "fhttp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fhttp -h && zsh'" \
- "fimap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fimap -h && zsh'" \
- "firewalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'firewalk -h && zsh'" \
- "frisbeelite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'frisbeelite -h && zsh'" \
- "freport" "urxvt -e bash -c 'freport && zsh'" \
- "ftest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftest && zsh'" \
- "ftestd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftestd && zsh'" \
- "ftp-fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftp-fuzz -h && zsh'" \
- "fusil-clamav" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-clamav && zsh'" \
- "fusil-firefox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-firefox && zsh'" \
- "fusil-gettext" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-gettext && zsh'" \
- "fusil-gimp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-gimp && zsh'" \
- "fusil-gstreamer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-gstreamer && zsh'" \
- "fusil-imagemagick" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-imagemagick && zsh'" \
- "fusil-libc-printf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-libc-printf && zsh'" \
- "fusil-mplayer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-mplayer && zsh'" \
- "fusil-ogg123" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-ogg123 && zsh'" \
- "fusil-php" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-php && zsh'" \
- "fusil-poppler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-poppler && zsh'" \
- "fusil-python" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-python && zsh'" \
- "fusil-vlc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-vlc && zsh'" \
- "fusil-wizzard" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-wizzard && zsh'" \
- "fusil-zzuf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fusil-zzuf && zsh'" \
- "fuzzball2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzzball2 -h && zsh'" \
- "fuzzdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzzdiff && zsh'" \
- "hexorbase" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hexorbase && zsh'" \
- "http-fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'http-fuzz && zsh'" \
- "httpextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpextract -h && zsh'" \
- "httpforge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpforge -h && zsh'" \
- "httpsend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpsend -h && zsh'" \
- "hawk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hawk --help && zsh'" \
- "hwk-eagle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hwk-eagle --help && zsh'" \
- "ikeprober" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ikeprober && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "ingumagui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ingumagui && zsh'" \
- "jbrofuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jbrofuzz && zsh'" \
- "lfi-autopwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-autopwn && zsh'" \
- "lfi_fuzzploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi_fuzzploit && zsh'" \
- "lfi-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "lfi-sploiter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-sploiter -h && zsh'" \
- "lfimap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfimap -h && zsh'" \
- "liffy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'liffy -h && zsh'" \
- "lbb.db" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lbb.db && zsh'" \
- "littleblackbox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'littleblackbox -h && zsh'" \
- "clientgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'clientgen && zsh'" \
- "maligno_srv" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maligno_srv && zsh'" \
- "mdk3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdk3 --help && zsh'" \
- "melkor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'melkor -h && zsh'" \
- "msfbinscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfbinscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfcli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfcli -h && zsh'" \
- "msfconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfconsole -h && zsh'" \
- "msfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfelfscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfelfscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfencode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfencode -h && zsh'" \
- "msfmachscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfmachscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpayload" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpayload -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpescan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrop -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpc -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpcd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpcd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfupdate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfupdate -h && zsh'" \
- "msfvenom" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfvenom -h && zsh'" \
- "stager_reverse_https.bin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stager_reverse_https.bin && zsh'" \
- "stty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stty && zsh'" \
- "nemesis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nemesis -h && zsh'" \
- "nemesis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nemesis -h && zsh'" \
- "netzob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netzob -h && zsh'" \
- "nikto" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nikto -H && zsh'" \
- "nimbostratus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nimbostratus -h && zsh'" \
- "notspikefile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'notspikefile && zsh'" \
- "nsoq" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsoq && zsh'" \
- "ohrwurm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ohrwurm -h && zsh'" \
- "oscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'oscanner -h && zsh'" \
- "reportviewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reportviewer -h && zsh'" \
- "owtf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'owtf && zsh'" \
- "peach" "urxvt -e bash -c 'peach -h && zsh'" \
- "xed" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xed && zsh'" \
- "xed" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xed && zsh'" \
- "pinbin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pinbin && zsh'" \
- "pindb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pindb && zsh'" \
- "pinbin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pinbin && zsh'" \
- "pindb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pindb && zsh'" \
- "pentbox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pentbox && zsh'" \
- "pmcma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pmcma && zsh'" \
- "powerfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'powerfuzzer && zsh'" \
- "pytbull" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pytbull -h && zsh'" \
- "radamsa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radamsa -h && zsh'" \
- "ratproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "dhcp-responder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcp-responder -h && zsh'" \
- "responder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'responder -h && zsh'" \
- "sb0x" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sb0x -h && zsh'" \
- "scout2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scout2 -h && zsh'" \
- "sfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sfo && zsh'" \
- "sfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sfuzz -h && zsh'" \
- "shortfuzzy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shortfuzzy -h && zsh'" \
- "sfscandiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sfscandiff -h && zsh'" \
- "skipfish" "urxvt -e bash -c 'skipfish -h && zsh'" \
- "smartphone-pentest-framework" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smartphone-pentest-framework -h && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "androidagent.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androidagent.jar && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.jar && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "resources.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'resources.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidApp.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidApp.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "resources.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'resources.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "ar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ar && zsh'" \
- "as" "urxvt -e bash -c 'as --help && zsh'" \
- "c++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'c++ && zsh'" \
- "g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'g++ && zsh'" \
- "gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gcc && zsh'" \
- "ld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld && zsh'" \
- "ld.bfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.bfd && zsh'" \
- "ld.gold" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.gold && zsh'" \
- "ld.mcld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.mcld && zsh'" \
- "nm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nm -h && zsh'" \
- "objcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'objcopy && zsh'" \
- "objdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'objdump && zsh'" \
- "ranlib" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ranlib && zsh'" \
- "strip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'strip && zsh'" \
- "a.out" "urxvt -e bash -c 'a.out && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ar && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-as" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-as && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-c++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-c++ && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-cpp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-cpp && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-elfedit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-elfedit && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-g++ && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcc && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.6 && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcov" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcov && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gdb && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gdbtui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gdbtui && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gprof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gprof && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.gold" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.gold && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.mcld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.mcld && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-nm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-nm && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-objdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-objdump && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-readelf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-readelf && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-run" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-run && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-size" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-size && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-strings" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-strings && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-strip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-strip && zsh'" \
- "smtp-fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smtp-fuzz && zsh'" \
- "smtptx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smtptx -h && zsh'" \
- "sn00p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sn00p -h && zsh'" \
- "snmpfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpfuzz && zsh'" \
- "spiderpig-pdffuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spiderpig-pdffuzzer && zsh'" \
- "spike-citrix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-citrix && zsh'" \
- "spike-closed-source_web_server_fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-closed-source_web_server_fuzz && zsh'" \
- "spike-dceoversmb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-dceoversmb && zsh'" \
- "spike-dltest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-dltest && zsh'" \
- "spike-do-post" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-do-post && zsh'" \
- "spike-generic-chunked" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-generic-chunked && zsh'" \
- "spike-generic-listen_tcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-generic-listen_tcp && zsh'" \
- "spike-generic-send_tcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-generic-send_tcp && zsh'" \
- "spike-generic-send_udp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-generic-send_udp && zsh'" \
- "spike-generic-web_server_fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-generic-web_server_fuzz && zsh'" \
- "spike-generic-web_server_fuzz2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-generic-web_server_fuzz2 && zsh'" \
- "spike-gopherd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-gopherd && zsh'" \
- "spike-halflife" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-halflife && zsh'" \
- "spike-line-send_tcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-line-send_tcp && zsh'" \
- "spike-msrpcfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-msrpcfuzz && zsh'" \
- "spike-msrpcfuzz-udp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-msrpcfuzz-udp && zsh'" \
- "spike-ntlm-brute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-ntlm-brute && zsh'" \
- "spike-ntlm2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-ntlm2 && zsh'" \
- "spike-pmspike" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-pmspike && zsh'" \
- "spike-post-fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-post-fuzz && zsh'" \
- "spike-post-spike" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-post-spike && zsh'" \
- "spike-quake" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-quake && zsh'" \
- "spike-quakeserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-quakeserver && zsh'" \
- "spike-sendmsrpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-sendmsrpc && zsh'" \
- "spike-ss-spike" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-ss-spike && zsh'" \
- "spike-statd-spike" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-statd-spike && zsh'" \
- "spike-sunrpcfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-sunrpcfuzz && zsh'" \
- "spike-webfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-webfuzz && zsh'" \
- "spike-x11-spike" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-x11-spike && zsh'" \
- "qtmsfconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'qtmsfconsole && zsh'" \
- "sps" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sps -h && zsh'" \
- "sqlbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "sqlmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlmap -hh && zsh'" \
- "sqlninja" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlninja -h && zsh'" \
- "taof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'taof && zsh'" \
- "tcpcontrol-fuzzer.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpcontrol-fuzzer.pl && zsh'" \
- "tcpjunk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpjunk -h && zsh'" \
- "termineter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'termineter -h && zsh'" \
- "tftp-fuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tftp-fuzz -h && zsh'" \
- "trinity" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trinity -h && zsh'" \
- "umap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'umap -h && zsh'" \
- "uniofuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uniofuzz -h && zsh'" \
- "uniscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uniscan --help && zsh'" \
- "vane" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vane -h && zsh'" \
- "w3af" "urxvt -e bash -c 'w3af -h && zsh'" \
- "w3af-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'w3af-gui && zsh'" \
- "wapiti" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti -h && zsh'" \
- "wapiti-cookie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti-cookie -h && zsh'" \
- "wapiti-getcookie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti-getcookie -h && zsh'" \
- "webscarab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webscarab && zsh'" \
- "webshag_cli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webshag_cli -h && zsh'" \
- "webshag_gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webshag_gui && zsh'" \
- "websploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'websploit && zsh'" \
- "wfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wfuzz && zsh'" \
- "witchxtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'witchxtool -h && zsh'" \
- "wpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "wsfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wsfuzzer && zsh'" \
- "xsser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xsser -h && zsh'" \
- "xsss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xsss && zsh'" \
- "xssscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xssscan -h && zsh'" \
- "xsssniper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xsssniper -h && zsh'" \
- "zaproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zaproxy && zsh'" \
- "zzuf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zzuf -h && zsh'" \
- "zzuf-zzcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zzuf-zzcat && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/hardware b/config/ratpoison/menu/hardware
deleted file mode 100755
index 4722e92..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/hardware
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "hardware" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "arduino" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arduino -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-addr2line" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-addr2line -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-ar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-ar -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-as" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-as -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-c++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-c++ -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-c++filt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-c++filt -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-cpp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-cpp -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-g++ -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-gcc -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-gcc-4.3.2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-gcc-4.3.2 && zsh'" \
- "avr-gccbug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-gccbug -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-ld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-ld -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-nm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-nm -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-objcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-objcopy -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-objdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-objdump -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-ranlib" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-ranlib -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-size" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-size -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-strings" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-strings -h && zsh'" \
- "avr-strip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'avr-strip -h && zsh'" \
- "ar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ar && zsh'" \
- "as" "urxvt -e bash -c 'as --help && zsh'" \
- "ld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld && zsh'" \
- "nm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nm -h && zsh'" \
- "objcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'objcopy && zsh'" \
- "objdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'objdump && zsh'" \
- "ranlib" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ranlib && zsh'" \
- "strip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'strip && zsh'" \
- "d2j-apk-sign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-apk-sign && zsh'" \
- "d2j-asm-verify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-asm-verify && zsh'" \
- "d2j-decrpyt-string" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-decrpyt-string && zsh'" \
- "d2j-dex-asmifier" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-dex-asmifier && zsh'" \
- "d2j-dex-dump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-dex-dump && zsh'" \
- "d2j-dex2jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-dex2jar && zsh'" \
- "d2j-init-deobf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-init-deobf && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jar-access" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jar-access && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jar-remap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jar-remap && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jar2dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jar2dex && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jar2jasmin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jar2jasmin && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jasmin2jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jasmin2jar && zsh'" \
- "hdmi-sniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hdmi-sniff -h && zsh'" \
- "incept" "urxvt -e bash -c 'incept && zsh'" \
- "kautilya" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kautilya && zsh'" \
- "kraken" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kraken -h && zsh'" \
- "marc4dasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'marc4dasm -h && zsh'" \
- "baksmali" "urxvt -e bash -c 'baksmali -h && zsh'" \
- "smali" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smali -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/honeypot b/config/ratpoison/menu/honeypot
deleted file mode 100755
index a8edcd6..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/honeypot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "honeypot" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "artillery" "urxvt -e bash -c 'artillery && zsh'" \
- "beeswarm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'beeswarm && zsh'" \
- "bluepot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluepot && zsh'" \
- "conpot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'conpot --help && zsh'" \
- "fakeap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakeap && zsh'" \
- "fakenetbiosdgm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakenetbiosdgm -h && zsh'" \
- "fakenetbiosns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakenetbiosns -h && zsh'" \
- "fiked" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fiked && zsh'" \
- "heartbleed-honeypot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'heartbleed-honeypot -h && zsh'" \
- "honeyd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'honeyd -h && zsh'" \
- "honeydctl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'honeydctl -h && zsh'" \
- "honeydstats" "urxvt -e bash -c 'honeydstats -h && zsh'" \
- "hsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "hpfeeds-client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hpfeeds-client -h && zsh'" \
- "inetsim" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inetsim --help && zsh'" \
- "dmesg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dmesg && zsh'" \
- "mount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mount && zsh'" \
- "ifconfig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ifconfig && zsh'" \
- "vi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vi && zsh'" \
- "pshitt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pshitt && zsh'" \
- "wifi-honey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifi-honey -h && zsh'" \
- "wordpot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wordpot -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/keylogger b/config/ratpoison/menu/keylogger
deleted file mode 100755
index 63e34b2..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/keylogger
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "keylogger" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "llk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'llk && zsh'" \
- "llkk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'llkk && zsh'" \
- "logkeys" "urxvt -e bash -c 'logkeys -h && zsh'" \
- "logkeys-kill.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'logkeys-kill.sh && zsh'" \
- "logkeys-start.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'logkeys-start.sh && zsh'" \
- "xspy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xspy -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/main b/config/ratpoison/menu/main
deleted file mode 100755
index 7321a01..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/main
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "nfc" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
-"anti-forensic" "~/.tools/menu/anti-forensic" \
-"automation" "~/.tools/menu/automation" \
-"backdoor" "~/.tools/menu/backdoor" \
-"binary" "~/.tools/menu/binary" \
-"bluetooth" "~/.tools/menu/bluetooth" \
-"code-audit" "~/.tools/menu/code-audit" \
-"cracker" "~/.tools/menu/cracker" \
-"crypto" "~/.tools/menu/crypto" \
-"cryptography" "~/.tools/menu/cryptography" \
-"database" "~/.tools/menu/database" \
-"debugger" "~/.tools/menu/debugger" \
-"decompiler" "~/.tools/menu/decompiler" \
-"defensive" "~/.tools/menu/defensive" \
-"disassembler" "~/.tools/menu/disassembler" \
-"dos" "~/.tools/menu/dos" \
-"drone" "~/.tools/menu/drone" \
-"exploitation" "~/.tools/menu/exploitation" \
-"fingerprint" "~/.tools/menu/fingerprint" \
-"firmware" "~/.tools/menu/firmware" \
-"forensic" "~/.tools/menu/forensic" \
-"fuzzer" "~/.tools/menu/fuzzer" \
-"hardware" "~/.tools/menu/hardware" \
-"honeypot" "~/.tools/menu/honeypot" \
-"keylogger" "~/.tools/menu/keylogger" \
-"main" "~/.tools/menu/main" \
-"malware" "~/.tools/menu/malware" \
-"misc" "~/.tools/menu/misc" \
-"mobile" "~/.tools/menu/mobile" \
-"networking" "~/.tools/menu/networking" \
-"nfc" "~/.tools/menu/nfc" \
-"packer" "~/.tools/menu/packer" \
-"proxy" "~/.tools/menu/proxy" \
-"radio" "~/.tools/menu/radio" \
-"recon" "~/.tools/menu/recon" \
-"reversing" "~/.tools/menu/reversing" \
-"scanner" "~/.tools/menu/scanner" \
-"sniffer" "~/.tools/menu/sniffer" \
-"social" "~/.tools/menu/social" \
-"spoof" "~/.tools/menu/spoof" \
-"threat-model" "~/.tools/menu/threat-model" \
-"tunnel" "~/.tools/menu/tunnel" \
-"unpacker" "~/.tools/menu/unpacker" \
-"voip" "~/.tools/menu/voip" \
-"webapp" "~/.tools/menu/webapp" \
-"windows" "~/.tools/menu/windows" \
-"wireless" "~/.tools/menu/wireless" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/malware b/config/ratpoison/menu/malware
deleted file mode 100755
index e444018..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/malware
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "malware" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "androapkinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androapkinfo && zsh'" \
- "androaxml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androaxml && zsh'" \
- "androcsign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androcsign && zsh'" \
- "androdd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androdd && zsh'" \
- "androdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androdiff && zsh'" \
- "androgexf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androgexf && zsh'" \
- "androlyze" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androlyze && zsh'" \
- "andromercury" "urxvt -e bash -c 'andromercury && zsh'" \
- "androrisk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androrisk && zsh'" \
- "androsign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androsign && zsh'" \
- "androsim" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androsim && zsh'" \
- "androxgmml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androxgmml && zsh'" \
- "apkviewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'apkviewer -h && zsh'" \
- "balbuzard" "urxvt -e bash -c 'balbuzard && zsh'" \
- "bbcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbcrack && zsh'" \
- "bbharvest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbharvest && zsh'" \
- "bbtrans" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbtrans && zsh'" \
- "bamfbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bamfbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "bamfdetect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bamfdetect -h && zsh'" \
- "bdlogparser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bdlogparser && zsh'" \
- "captipper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'captipper && zsh'" \
- "clamscanlogparser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'clamscanlogparser && zsh'" \
- "cuckoo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cuckoo && zsh'" \
- "damm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'damm -h && zsh'" \
- "depdep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'depdep -h && zsh'" \
- "fprotlogparser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fprotlogparser && zsh'" \
- "malheur" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malheur -h && zsh'" \
- "malmon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malmon -h && zsh'" \
- "malmon-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malmon-scan && zsh'" \
- "maltrieve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltrieve -h && zsh'" \
- "maltrievecategorizer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltrievecategorizer && zsh'" \
- "malware-check" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malware-check && zsh'" \
- "malwaredetect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malwaredetect && zsh'" \
- "pdf2graph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2graph && zsh'" \
- "pdf2pdfa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2pdfa && zsh'" \
- "pdf2ruby" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2ruby && zsh'" \
- "pdfcocoon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcocoon && zsh'" \
- "pdfcop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcop && zsh'" \
- "pdfdecompress" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfdecompress && zsh'" \
- "pdfdecrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfdecrypt && zsh'" \
- "pdfencrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfencrypt && zsh'" \
- "pdfexplode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfexplode && zsh'" \
- "pdfextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfextract && zsh'" \
- "pdfmetadata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfmetadata && zsh'" \
- "pdfsh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfsh && zsh'" \
- "pdfwalker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfwalker && zsh'" \
- "pdf2graph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2graph && zsh'" \
- "pdf2pdfa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2pdfa && zsh'" \
- "pdf2ruby" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdf2ruby && zsh'" \
- "pdfcocoon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcocoon && zsh'" \
- "pdfcop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfcop && zsh'" \
- "pdfdecompress" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfdecompress && zsh'" \
- "pdfdecrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfdecrypt && zsh'" \
- "pdfencrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfencrypt && zsh'" \
- "pdfexplode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfexplode && zsh'" \
- "pdfextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfextract && zsh'" \
- "pdfmetadata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfmetadata && zsh'" \
- "pdfsh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfsh && zsh'" \
- "pdfwalker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pdfwalker && zsh'" \
- "peepdf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'peepdf -h && zsh'" \
- "peframe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'peframe && zsh'" \
- "pyew" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyew -h && zsh'" \
- "viper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'viper -h && zsh'" \
- "yara" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yara -h && zsh'" \
- "yarac" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yarac && zsh'" \
- "dump_process.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump_process.py && zsh'" \
- "malware_launcher.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malware_launcher.sh && zsh'" \
- "start_zerowine.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'start_zerowine.sh && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/misc b/config/ratpoison/menu/misc
deleted file mode 100755
index b0b22ba..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/misc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "misc" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "afp_client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afp_client && zsh'" \
- "afpcmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpcmd -h && zsh'" \
- "afpfs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpfs && zsh'" \
- "afpfsd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpfsd -h && zsh'" \
- "afpgetstatus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpgetstatus && zsh'" \
- "mount_afp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mount_afp && zsh'" \
- "afp_client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afp_client && zsh'" \
- "afpcmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpcmd -h && zsh'" \
- "afpfs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpfs && zsh'" \
- "afpfsd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpfsd -h && zsh'" \
- "afpgetstatus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpgetstatus && zsh'" \
- "mount_afp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mount_afp && zsh'" \
- "airgraph-ng" "urxvt -e bash -c 'airgraph-ng -h && zsh'" \
- "dump-join" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump-join && zsh'" \
- "bokken" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bokken -h && zsh'" \
- "BEViewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BEViewer -h && zsh'" \
- "BEViewer.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BEViewer.jar && zsh'" \
- "bulk_extractor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bulk_extractor && zsh'" \
- "plugin_test" "urxvt -e bash -c 'plugin_test && zsh'" \
- "bmore" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmore && zsh'" \
- "bvedit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bvedit -h && zsh'" \
- "bvi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bvi -h && zsh'" \
- "bview" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bview -h && zsh'" \
- "centry" "urxvt -e bash -c 'centry -h && zsh'" \
- "checkiban" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checkiban -h && zsh'" \
- "copy-router-config.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'copy-router-config.pl && zsh'" \
- "merge-router-config.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'merge-router-config.pl && zsh'" \
- "dbd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dbd -h && zsh'" \
- "dhcdrop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcdrop -h && zsh'" \
- "dradis-configure" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dradis-configure && zsh'" \
- "dradis-start" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dradis-start && zsh'" \
- "bj" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bj && zsh'" \
- "dsd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dsd -h && zsh'" \
- "dump1090" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump1090 -h && zsh'" \
- "elettra" "urxvt -e bash -c 'elettra && zsh'" \
- "elettra_gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'elettra_gui && zsh'" \
- "ent" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ent && zsh'" \
- "evilgrade" "urxvt -e bash -c 'evilgrade && zsh'" \
- "eh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eh -h && zsh'" \
- "eyewitness" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eyewitness -h && zsh'" \
- "fakemail" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakemail -h && zsh'" \
- "faraday" "urxvt -e bash -c 'faraday && zsh'" \
- "delAllHost.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllHost.py && zsh'" \
- "delAllServiceClosed.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllServiceClosed.py && zsh'" \
- "fplugin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fplugin && zsh'" \
- "getAllCreds.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllCreds.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllHosts.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllHosts.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIps.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIps.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIpsInterfaces.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIpsInterfaces.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllOs.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllOs.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllTelnet.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllTelnet.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVnc.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVnc.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVulnsCSV.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVulnsCSV.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllWebservers.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllWebservers.py && zsh'" \
- "flare" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flare -h && zsh'" \
- "bmc-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmc-config && zsh'" \
- "bmc-device" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmc-device && zsh'" \
- "bmc-info" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmc-info && zsh'" \
- "bmc-watchdog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmc-watchdog && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-chassis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-chassis && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-chassis-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-chassis-config && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-config && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-console" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-console && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-dcmi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-dcmi && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-detect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-detect && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-fru" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-fru && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-locate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-locate && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-oem" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-oem && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-pef-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-pef-config && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-pet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-pet && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-ping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-ping && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-power" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-power && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-raw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-raw && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-sel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-sel && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-sensors" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-sensors && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-sensors-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-sensors-config && zsh'" \
- "ipmiconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmiconsole && zsh'" \
- "ipmidetect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmidetect && zsh'" \
- "ipmidetectd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmidetectd && zsh'" \
- "ipmimonitoring" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmimonitoring && zsh'" \
- "ipmiping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmiping && zsh'" \
- "ipmipower" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmipower && zsh'" \
- "ipmiseld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmiseld && zsh'" \
- "pef-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pef-config && zsh'" \
- "rmcp-ping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rmcp-ping && zsh'" \
- "rmcpping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rmcpping && zsh'" \
- "fstealer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fstealer -h && zsh'" \
- "genlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'genlist && zsh'" \
- "geoipgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoipgen -h && zsh'" \
- "hackersh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hackersh -h && zsh'" \
- "http-put" "urxvt -e bash -c 'http-put -h && zsh'" \
- "infip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'infip -h && zsh'" \
- "inundator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inundator && zsh'" \
- "latcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'latcp && zsh'" \
- "latd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'latd -h && zsh'" \
- "llogin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'llogin -h && zsh'" \
- "moprc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'moprc && zsh'" \
- "leo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'leo -h && zsh'" \
- "leo-install.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'leo-install.py && zsh'" \
- "leoc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'leoc -h && zsh'" \
- "lspst" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lspst && zsh'" \
- "nick2ldif" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nick2ldif && zsh'" \
- "pst2ldif" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pst2ldif && zsh'" \
- "readpst" "urxvt -e bash -c 'readpst && zsh'" \
- "lspst" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lspst && zsh'" \
- "nick2ldif" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nick2ldif && zsh'" \
- "pst2ldif" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pst2ldif && zsh'" \
- "readpst" "urxvt -e bash -c 'readpst && zsh'" \
- "list-urls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'list-urls && zsh'" \
- "luyten" "urxvt -e bash -c 'luyten && zsh'" \
- "macchanger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'macchanger --help && zsh'" \
- "macchanger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'macchanger --help && zsh'" \
- "makepasswd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'makepasswd -h && zsh'" \
- "makepasswd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'makepasswd -h && zsh'" \
- "maskprocessor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maskprocessor -h && zsh'" \
- "mp64" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mp64 --help && zsh'" \
- "mat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mat -h && zsh'" \
- "mat-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mat-gui && zsh'" \
- "MibbleBrowser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MibbleBrowser && zsh'" \
- "MibblePrinter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MibblePrinter && zsh'" \
- "MibbleValidator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MibbleValidator && zsh'" \
- "mutator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mutator -h && zsh'" \
- "mysql2sqlite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mysql2sqlite -h && zsh'" \
- "netactview" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netactview && zsh'" \
- "onionshare" "urxvt -e bash -c 'onionshare -h && zsh'" \
- "onionshare-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'onionshare-gui && zsh'" \
- "openstego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'openstego -h && zsh'" \
- "outguess" "urxvt -e bash -c 'outguess && zsh'" \
- "pcapfix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pcapfix && zsh'" \
- "pyinstaller" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyinstaller && zsh'" \
- "sakis3g" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sakis3g --help && zsh'" \
- "fasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fasm && zsh'" \
- "listing" "urxvt -e bash -c 'listing && zsh'" \
- "sasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sasm && zsh'" \
- "schnappi-dhcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'schnappi-dhcp --help && zsh'" \
- "snow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snow -h && zsh'" \
- "sslcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslcat && zsh'" \
- "sslyze" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslyze -h && zsh'" \
- "stompy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stompy && zsh'" \
- "tcpxtract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpxtract -h && zsh'" \
- "tnscmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tnscmd && zsh'" \
- "tpcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tpcat && zsh'" \
- "ua-tester" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ua-tester && zsh'" \
- "upx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'upx -h && zsh'" \
- "upx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'upx -h && zsh'" \
- "usernamer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usernamer -h && zsh'" \
- "vfeed" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vfeed && zsh'" \
- "wikigen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wikigen && zsh'" \
- "wol-e" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wol-e -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/mobile b/config/ratpoison/menu/mobile
deleted file mode 100755
index 7df69de..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/mobile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "mobile" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "androick" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androick && zsh'" \
- "androidsniffer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androidsniffer -h && zsh'" \
- "gtp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gtp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "iosforensic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iosforensic -h && zsh'" \
- "iphoneanalyzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iphoneanalyzer -h && zsh'" \
- "kal" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kal -h && zsh'" \
- "kraken" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kraken -h && zsh'" \
- "sandy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sandy -h && zsh'" \
- "smartphone-pentest-framework" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smartphone-pentest-framework -h && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "androidagent.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androidagent.jar && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.jar && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "resources.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'resources.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidApp.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidApp.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "resources.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'resources.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "ar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ar && zsh'" \
- "as" "urxvt -e bash -c 'as --help && zsh'" \
- "c++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'c++ && zsh'" \
- "g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'g++ && zsh'" \
- "gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gcc && zsh'" \
- "ld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld && zsh'" \
- "ld.bfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.bfd && zsh'" \
- "ld.gold" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.gold && zsh'" \
- "ld.mcld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.mcld && zsh'" \
- "nm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nm -h && zsh'" \
- "objcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'objcopy && zsh'" \
- "objdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'objdump && zsh'" \
- "ranlib" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ranlib && zsh'" \
- "strip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'strip && zsh'" \
- "a.out" "urxvt -e bash -c 'a.out && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ar && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-as" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-as && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-c++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-c++ && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-cpp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-cpp && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-elfedit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-elfedit && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-g++ && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcc && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.6 && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcov" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcov && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gdb && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gdbtui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gdbtui && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gprof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gprof && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.gold" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.gold && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.mcld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.mcld && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-nm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-nm && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-objdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-objdump && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-readelf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-readelf && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-run" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-run && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-size" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-size && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-strings" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-strings && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-strip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-strip && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/networking b/config/ratpoison/menu/networking
deleted file mode 100755
index 05306fc..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/networking
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "networking" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "afp_client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afp_client && zsh'" \
- "afpcmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpcmd -h && zsh'" \
- "afpfs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpfs && zsh'" \
- "afpfsd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpfsd -h && zsh'" \
- "afpgetstatus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpgetstatus && zsh'" \
- "mount_afp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mount_afp && zsh'" \
- "afp_client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afp_client && zsh'" \
- "afpcmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpcmd -h && zsh'" \
- "afpfs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpfs && zsh'" \
- "afpfsd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpfsd -h && zsh'" \
- "afpgetstatus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'afpgetstatus && zsh'" \
- "mount_afp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mount_afp && zsh'" \
- "aiengine" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aiengine -h && zsh'" \
- "argus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus -h && zsh'" \
- "argus-lsof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-lsof && zsh'" \
- "argus-snmp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-snmp && zsh'" \
- "argus-vmstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-vmstat && zsh'" \
- "argusbug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argusbug && zsh'" \
- "argusclientbug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argusclientbug && zsh'" \
- "ra" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ra -h && zsh'" \
- "rabins" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rabins -h && zsh'" \
- "racluster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'racluster -h && zsh'" \
- "raconvert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raconvert -h && zsh'" \
- "racount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'racount -h && zsh'" \
- "radark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radark -h && zsh'" \
- "radecode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radecode && zsh'" \
- "radium" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radium -h && zsh'" \
- "radump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radump && zsh'" \
- "raevent" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raevent -h && zsh'" \
- "rafilteraddr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rafilteraddr && zsh'" \
- "ragraph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragraph && zsh'" \
- "ragrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragrep && zsh'" \
- "rahisto" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahisto && zsh'" \
- "rahosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahosts && zsh'" \
- "ralabel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ralabel && zsh'" \
- "ranonymize" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ranonymize && zsh'" \
- "rapath" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rapath && zsh'" \
- "rapolicy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rapolicy && zsh'" \
- "raports" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raports && zsh'" \
- "rarpwatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarpwatch && zsh'" \
- "raservices" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raservices && zsh'" \
- "rasort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasort -h && zsh'" \
- "rasplit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasplit -h && zsh'" \
- "rasql" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasql -h && zsh'" \
- "rasqlinsert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasqlinsert && zsh'" \
- "rasqltimeindex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasqltimeindex && zsh'" \
- "rastream" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rastream -h && zsh'" \
- "rastrip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rastrip -h && zsh'" \
- "ratemplate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratemplate && zsh'" \
- "ratimerange" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratimerange && zsh'" \
- "ratop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratop && zsh'" \
- "rauserdata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rauserdata && zsh'" \
- "arp-fingerprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-fingerprint -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "get-iab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-iab -h && zsh'" \
- "get-oui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-oui -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-fingerprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-fingerprint -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "get-iab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-iab -h && zsh'" \
- "get-oui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-oui -h && zsh'" \
- "arpwner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpwner -h && zsh'" \
- "backfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'backfuzz -h && zsh'" \
- "bittwist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bittwist -h && zsh'" \
- "bittwiste" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bittwiste -h && zsh'" \
- "buttinsky" "urxvt -e bash -c 'buttinsky -h && zsh'" \
- "cli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cli && zsh'" \
- "netzobparse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netzobparse && zsh'" \
- "spawner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spawner && zsh'" \
- "stack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stack && zsh'" \
- "cadaver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cadaver -h && zsh'" \
- "cadaver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cadaver -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosreader" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosreader -h && zsh'" \
- "chiron-combinations" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-combinations && zsh'" \
- "chiron-nd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-nd && zsh'" \
- "chiron-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-proxy && zsh'" \
- "chiron-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-scanner && zsh'" \
- "chiron_combinations.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_combinations.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_local_link.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_local_link.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_proxy.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_proxy.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_scanner.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_scanner.py && zsh'" \
- "cidr2range" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cidr2range -h && zsh'" \
- "cisco-snmp-enumeration" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-snmp-enumeration && zsh'" \
- "cisco-snmp-slap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-snmp-slap -h && zsh'" \
- "darkstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkstat -h && zsh'" \
- "darkstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkstat -h && zsh'" \
- "depdep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'depdep -h && zsh'" \
- "dinouml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dinouml -h && zsh'" \
- "dizzy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dizzy -h && zsh'" \
- "dns-reverse-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dns-reverse-proxy -h && zsh'" \
- "dig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dig -h && zsh'" \
- "host" "urxvt -e bash -c 'host && zsh'" \
- "nslookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nslookup && zsh'" \
- "dig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dig -h && zsh'" \
- "host" "urxvt -e bash -c 'host && zsh'" \
- "nslookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nslookup && zsh'" \
- "arpspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpspoof && zsh'" \
- "dnsspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsspoof -h && zsh'" \
- "dsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "filesnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'filesnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "macof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'macof -h && zsh'" \
- "mailsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mailsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "msgsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msgsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "sshmitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshmitm -h && zsh'" \
- "sshow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshow -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpkill" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpkill -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpnice" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpnice -h && zsh'" \
- "urlsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'urlsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "webmitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webmitm -h && zsh'" \
- "webspy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webspy -h && zsh'" \
- "arpspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpspoof && zsh'" \
- "dnsspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsspoof -h && zsh'" \
- "dsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "filesnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'filesnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "macof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'macof -h && zsh'" \
- "mailsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mailsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "msgsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msgsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "sshmitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshmitm -h && zsh'" \
- "sshow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshow -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpkill" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpkill -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpnice" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpnice -h && zsh'" \
- "urlsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'urlsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "webmitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webmitm -h && zsh'" \
- "webspy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webspy -h && zsh'" \
- "dump1090" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump1090 -h && zsh'" \
- "easy-creds" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easy-creds && zsh'" \
- "etherape" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etherape && zsh'" \
- "etherape" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etherape && zsh'" \
- "ettercap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ettercap -h && zsh'" \
- "etterfilter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etterfilter -h && zsh'" \
- "etterlog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etterlog -h && zsh'" \
- "ettercap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ettercap -h && zsh'" \
- "etterfilter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etterfilter -h && zsh'" \
- "etterlog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etterlog -h && zsh'" \
- "fakenetbiosdgm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakenetbiosdgm -h && zsh'" \
- "fakenetbiosns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakenetbiosns -h && zsh'" \
- "filibuster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'filibuster -h && zsh'" \
- "flowinspect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flowinspect -h && zsh'" \
- "fping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping -h && zsh'" \
- "fping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping6 -h && zsh'" \
- "fping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping -h && zsh'" \
- "fping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping6 -h && zsh'" \
- "fraud-bridge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fraud-bridge -h && zsh'" \
- "bmc-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmc-config && zsh'" \
- "bmc-device" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmc-device && zsh'" \
- "bmc-info" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmc-info && zsh'" \
- "bmc-watchdog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bmc-watchdog && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-chassis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-chassis && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-chassis-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-chassis-config && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-config && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-console" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-console && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-dcmi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-dcmi && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-detect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-detect && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-fru" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-fru && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-locate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-locate && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-oem" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-oem && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-pef-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-pef-config && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-pet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-pet && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-ping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-ping && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-power" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-power && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-raw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-raw && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-sel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-sel && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-sensors" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-sensors && zsh'" \
- "ipmi-sensors-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmi-sensors-config && zsh'" \
- "ipmiconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmiconsole && zsh'" \
- "ipmidetect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmidetect && zsh'" \
- "ipmidetectd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmidetectd && zsh'" \
- "ipmimonitoring" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmimonitoring && zsh'" \
- "ipmiping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmiping && zsh'" \
- "ipmipower" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmipower && zsh'" \
- "ipmiseld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipmiseld && zsh'" \
- "pef-config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pef-config && zsh'" \
- "rmcp-ping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rmcp-ping && zsh'" \
- "rmcpping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rmcpping && zsh'" \
- "fs-nyarl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fs-nyarl -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosreader0.94" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosreader0.94 && zsh'" \
- "geoiplookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoiplookup && zsh'" \
- "geoiplookup6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoiplookup6 && zsh'" \
- "geoiplookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoiplookup && zsh'" \
- "geoiplookup6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoiplookup6 && zsh'" \
- "gtp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gtp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "gwcheck" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gwcheck -h && zsh'" \
- "hharp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hharp -h && zsh'" \
- "hpfeeds-client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hpfeeds-client -h && zsh'" \
- "hping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hping --help && zsh'" \
- "hping2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hping2 --help && zsh'" \
- "hping3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hping3 --help && zsh'" \
- "hping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hping --help && zsh'" \
- "hping2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hping2 --help && zsh'" \
- "hping3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hping3 --help && zsh'" \
- "http-traceroute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'http-traceroute -h && zsh'" \
- "httping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httping --help && zsh'" \
- "hyenae" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hyenae --help && zsh'" \
- "hyenaed" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hyenaed --help && zsh'" \
- "idswakeup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'idswakeup -h && zsh'" \
- "ip-https-test" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ip-https-test && zsh'" \
- "ipaudit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipaudit && zsh'" \
- "ipstrings" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipstrings && zsh'" \
- "stamp-h1" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stamp-h1 && zsh'" \
- "total" "urxvt -e bash -c 'total && zsh'" \
- "ipdecap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipdecap -h && zsh'" \
- "arping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arping -h && zsh'" \
- "clockdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'clockdiff && zsh'" \
- "ping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ping && zsh'" \
- "ping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ping6 && zsh'" \
- "rarpd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarpd && zsh'" \
- "rdisc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rdisc && zsh'" \
- "tftpd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tftpd && zsh'" \
- "tracepath" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tracepath -h && zsh'" \
- "tracepath6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tracepath6 -h && zsh'" \
- "arping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arping -h && zsh'" \
- "clockdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'clockdiff && zsh'" \
- "ping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ping && zsh'" \
- "ping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ping6 && zsh'" \
- "rarpd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarpd && zsh'" \
- "rdisc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rdisc && zsh'" \
- "tftpd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tftpd && zsh'" \
- "tracepath" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tracepath -h && zsh'" \
- "tracepath6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tracepath6 -h && zsh'" \
- "jnetmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jnetmap && zsh'" \
- "juncli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'juncli && zsh'" \
- "junkie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'junkie -h && zsh'" \
- "lans" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lans -h && zsh'" \
- "latcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'latcp && zsh'" \
- "latd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'latd -h && zsh'" \
- "llogin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'llogin -h && zsh'" \
- "moprc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'moprc && zsh'" \
- "lft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lft && zsh'" \
- "whob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'whob && zsh'" \
- "loki" "urxvt -e bash -c 'loki && zsh'" \
- "mpls_tunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mpls_tunnel && zsh'" \
- "macchanger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'macchanger --help && zsh'" \
- "macchanger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'macchanger --help && zsh'" \
- "maclookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maclookup -h && zsh'" \
- "mz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mz -h && zsh'" \
- "msfbinscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfbinscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfcli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfcli -h && zsh'" \
- "msfconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfconsole -h && zsh'" \
- "msfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfelfscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfelfscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfencode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfencode -h && zsh'" \
- "msfmachscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfmachscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpayload" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpayload -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpescan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrop -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpc -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpcd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpcd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfupdate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfupdate -h && zsh'" \
- "msfvenom" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfvenom -h && zsh'" \
- "stager_reverse_https.bin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stager_reverse_https.bin && zsh'" \
- "stty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stty && zsh'" \
- "meterssh-monitor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'meterssh-monitor && zsh'" \
- "middler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'middler -h && zsh'" \
- "miredo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miredo -h && zsh'" \
- "miredo-checkconf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miredo-checkconf -h && zsh'" \
- "miredo-server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miredo-server -h && zsh'" \
- "teredo-mire" "urxvt -e bash -c 'teredo-mire -h && zsh'" \
- "miredo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miredo -h && zsh'" \
- "miredo-checkconf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miredo-checkconf -h && zsh'" \
- "miredo-server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miredo-server -h && zsh'" \
- "teredo-mire" "urxvt -e bash -c 'teredo-mire -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmer -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmf -h && zsh'" \
- "moloch-capture" "urxvt -e bash -c 'moloch-capture -h && zsh'" \
- "jade.js" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jade.js && zsh'" \
- "uglifyjs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uglifyjs && zsh'" \
- "uglifyjs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uglifyjs && zsh'" \
- "uglifyjs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uglifyjs && zsh'" \
- "stylus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stylus && zsh'" \
- "monocle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'monocle -h && zsh'" \
- "morxtunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxtunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "mptcp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mptcp -h && zsh'" \
- "mptcp-fragmenter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mptcp-fragmenter && zsh'" \
- "mptcp-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mptcp-scanner && zsh'" \
- "mtr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mtr -h && zsh'" \
- "mtr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mtr -h && zsh'" \
- "nacker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nacker -h && zsh'" \
- "dnscat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnscat -h && zsh'" \
- "dnslogger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnslogger -h && zsh'" \
- "dnstest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnstest -h && zsh'" \
- "dnsxss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsxss -h && zsh'" \
- "nbquery" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbquery -h && zsh'" \
- "nbsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "ipx_cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipx_cmd && zsh'" \
- "ipx_configure" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipx_configure && zsh'" \
- "ipx_interface" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipx_interface && zsh'" \
- "ipx_internal_net" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipx_internal_net && zsh'" \
- "ipx_route" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipx_route && zsh'" \
- "ncopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncopy && zsh'" \
- "ncplogin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncplogin -h && zsh'" \
- "ncplogout" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncplogout -h && zsh'" \
- "ncpmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncpmap -h && zsh'" \
- "ncpmount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncpmount -h && zsh'" \
- "ncpumount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncpumount -h && zsh'" \
- "nprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nprint -h && zsh'" \
- "nsend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsend && zsh'" \
- "nwauth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwauth -h && zsh'" \
- "nwbocreate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwbocreate -h && zsh'" \
- "nwbols" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwbols -h && zsh'" \
- "nwboprops" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwboprops -h && zsh'" \
- "nwborm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwborm -h && zsh'" \
- "nwbpadd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwbpadd -h && zsh'" \
- "nwbpcreate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwbpcreate && zsh'" \
- "nwbprm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwbprm -h && zsh'" \
- "nwbpset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwbpset -h && zsh'" \
- "nwbpvalues" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwbpvalues -h && zsh'" \
- "nwdir" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwdir -h && zsh'" \
- "nwdpvalues" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwdpvalues -h && zsh'" \
- "nwfsctrl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwfsctrl -h && zsh'" \
- "nwfsinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwfsinfo -h && zsh'" \
- "nwfstime" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwfstime -h && zsh'" \
- "nwgrant" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwgrant && zsh'" \
- "nwmsg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwmsg -h && zsh'" \
- "nwpasswd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwpasswd -h && zsh'" \
- "nwpjmv" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwpjmv -h && zsh'" \
- "nwpqjob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwpqjob -h && zsh'" \
- "nwpurge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwpurge -h && zsh'" \
- "nwrevoke" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwrevoke -h && zsh'" \
- "nwrights" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwrights -h && zsh'" \
- "nwsfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwsfind -h && zsh'" \
- "nwtrustee" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwtrustee -h && zsh'" \
- "nwtrustee2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwtrustee2 -h && zsh'" \
- "nwuserlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwuserlist -h && zsh'" \
- "nwvolinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nwvolinfo -h && zsh'" \
- "pqlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pqlist && zsh'" \
- "pqrm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pqrm && zsh'" \
- "pqstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pqstat && zsh'" \
- "pserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pserver -h && zsh'" \
- "slist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'slist && zsh'" \
- "nemesis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nemesis -h && zsh'" \
- "nemesis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nemesis -h && zsh'" \
- "netcmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netcmd -h && zsh'" \
- "netcon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netcon -H && zsh'" \
- "makelist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'makelist -h && zsh'" \
- "netmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netmap -h && zsh'" \
- "ndecode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndecode && zsh'" \
- "nlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nlist && zsh'" \
- "nstrobe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nstrobe && zsh'" \
- "ntrace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ntrace && zsh'" \
- "ntraf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ntraf -h && zsh'" \
- "netscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netscan -h && zsh'" \
- "netsed" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netsed -h && zsh'" \
- "netzob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netzob -h && zsh'" \
- "nfex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nfex -h && zsh'" \
- "nfsshell" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nfsshell -h && zsh'" \
- "ngrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ngrep -h && zsh'" \
- "ngrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ngrep -h && zsh'" \
- "nield" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nield -h && zsh'" \
- "nipper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nipper --help && zsh'" \
- "nkiller2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nkiller2 -h && zsh'" \
- "nsdtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsdtool && zsh'" \
- "nsoq" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsoq && zsh'" \
- "obfsproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'obfsproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "opensvp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'opensvp -h && zsh'" \
- "drone" "urxvt -e bash -c 'drone && zsh'" \
- "ostinato" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ostinato -h && zsh'" \
- "packet-o-matic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'packet-o-matic -h && zsh'" \
- "packETH" "urxvt -e bash -c 'packETH && zsh'" \
- "packETH" "urxvt -e bash -c 'packETH && zsh'" \
- "packit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'packit && zsh'" \
- "pacumen_classify_pcap.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pacumen_classify_pcap.py && zsh'" \
- "pacumen_timeseries.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pacumen_timeseries.py && zsh'" \
- "pacumen_train.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pacumen_train.py && zsh'" \
- "pacumen_visualize.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pacumen_visualize.py && zsh'" \
- "train_all.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'train_all.py && zsh'" \
- "xval.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xval.py && zsh'" \
- "pcapfix" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pcapfix && zsh'" \
- "plcscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'plcscan -h && zsh'" \
- "prometheus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'prometheus -h && zsh'" \
- "ptunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ptunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "pwnat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pwnat -h && zsh'" \
- "pyminifakedns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyminifakedns && zsh'" \
- "dhcp-responder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcp-responder -h && zsh'" \
- "responder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'responder -h && zsh'" \
- "rinetd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rinetd -h && zsh'" \
- "rtpbreak" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtpbreak -h && zsh'" \
- "sbd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sbd -h && zsh'" \
- "UTscapy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'UTscapy -h && zsh'" \
- "scapy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scapy -h && zsh'" \
- "UTscapy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'UTscapy -h && zsh'" \
- "scapy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scapy -h && zsh'" \
- "sessionlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sessionlist && zsh'" \
- "flowcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flowcap && zsh'" \
- "mapsid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mapsid && zsh'" \
- "num2dot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'num2dot && zsh'" \
- "rwaddrcount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwaddrcount && zsh'" \
- "rwallformats" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwallformats && zsh'" \
- "rwappend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwappend && zsh'" \
- "rwbag" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwbag && zsh'" \
- "rwbagbuild" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwbagbuild && zsh'" \
- "rwbagcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwbagcat && zsh'" \
- "rwbagtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwbagtool && zsh'" \
- "rwcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcat && zsh'" \
- "rwcombine" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcombine && zsh'" \
- "rwcompare" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcompare && zsh'" \
- "rwcount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcount && zsh'" \
- "rwcut" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcut && zsh'" \
- "rwdedupe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwdedupe && zsh'" \
- "rwfglob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwfglob && zsh'" \
- "rwfileinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwfileinfo && zsh'" \
- "rwfilter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwfilter && zsh'" \
- "rwflowappend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwflowappend && zsh'" \
- "rwflowpack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwflowpack && zsh'" \
- "rwgeoip2ccmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwgeoip2ccmap && zsh'" \
- "rwgroup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwgroup && zsh'" \
- "rwguess" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwguess && zsh'" \
- "rwip2cc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwip2cc && zsh'" \
- "rwmatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwmatch && zsh'" \
- "rwnetmask" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwnetmask && zsh'" \
- "rwpackchecker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpackchecker && zsh'" \
- "rwpdu2silk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpdu2silk && zsh'" \
- "rwpmapbuild" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpmapbuild && zsh'" \
- "rwpmapcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpmapcat && zsh'" \
- "rwpmaplookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpmaplookup && zsh'" \
- "rwrandomizeip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwrandomizeip && zsh'" \
- "rwreceiver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwreceiver && zsh'" \
- "rwrecgenerator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwrecgenerator && zsh'" \
- "rwresolve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwresolve && zsh'" \
- "rwrtd2split" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwrtd2split && zsh'" \
- "rwscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwscan && zsh'" \
- "rwscanquery" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwscanquery && zsh'" \
- "rwsender" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsender && zsh'" \
- "rwset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwset && zsh'" \
- "rwsetbuild" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsetbuild && zsh'" \
- "rwsetcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsetcat && zsh'" \
- "rwsetmember" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsetmember && zsh'" \
- "rwsettool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsettool && zsh'" \
- "rwsiteinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsiteinfo && zsh'" \
- "rwsort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsort && zsh'" \
- "rwsplit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsplit && zsh'" \
- "rwstats" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwstats && zsh'" \
- "rwswapbytes" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwswapbytes && zsh'" \
- "rwtotal" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwtotal && zsh'" \
- "rwtuc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwtuc && zsh'" \
- "rwuniq" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwuniq && zsh'" \
- "silk_config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'silk_config && zsh'" \
- "simple-lan-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'simple-lan-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "sn00p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sn00p -h && zsh'" \
- "sj-commit-results" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sj-commit-results -h && zsh'" \
- "sj-iptcpopt-probe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sj-iptcpopt-probe -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjoke" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjoke -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjoke-autotest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjoke-autotest -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjokectl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjokectl -h && zsh'" \
- "snmpbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpbrute && zsh'" \
- "snmpfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpfuzz && zsh'" \
- "snmpattack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpattack -h && zsh'" \
- "snmpcheck-nothink" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpcheck-nothink -h && zsh'" \
- "snort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snort -h && zsh'" \
- "u2boat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'u2boat && zsh'" \
- "u2spewfoo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'u2spewfoo && zsh'" \
- "filan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'filan -h && zsh'" \
- "procan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'procan -h && zsh'" \
- "socat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'socat -h && zsh'" \
- "filan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'filan -h && zsh'" \
- "procan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'procan -h && zsh'" \
- "socat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'socat -h && zsh'" \
- "sockstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sockstat -h && zsh'" \
- "sparta" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sparta && zsh'" \
- "spipe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spipe && zsh'" \
- "spiped" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spiped && zsh'" \
- "sps" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sps -h && zsh'" \
- "ssdp-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssdp-scanner && zsh'" \
- "sshuttle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshuttle -h && zsh'" \
- "sshuttle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshuttle -h && zsh'" \
- "ssl-phuck3r" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssl-phuck3r -h && zsh'" \
- "sslh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslh -h && zsh'" \
- "sslh-fork" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslh-fork -h && zsh'" \
- "sslh-select" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslh-select -h && zsh'" \
- "sslh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslh -h && zsh'" \
- "sslh-fork" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslh-fork -h && zsh'" \
- "sslh-select" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslh-select -h && zsh'" \
- "sslsplit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslsplit -h && zsh'" \
- "sslstrip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslstrip -h && zsh'" \
- "mitm_listener" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitm_listener && zsh'" \
- "stunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stunnel && zsh'" \
- "stunnel3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stunnel3 && zsh'" \
- "stunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stunnel && zsh'" \
- "stunnel3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stunnel3 && zsh'" \
- "swaks" "urxvt -e bash -c 'swaks --help && zsh'" \
- "swaks" "urxvt -e bash -c 'swaks --help && zsh'" \
- "t50" "urxvt -e bash -c 't50 --help && zsh'" \
- "tcpcontrol-fuzzer.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpcontrol-fuzzer.pl && zsh'" \
- "tcpdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpdump -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpdump -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpextract -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpflow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpflow -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpflow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpflow -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpbridge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpbridge -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpcapinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpcapinfo && zsh'" \
- "tcpliveplay" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpliveplay && zsh'" \
- "tcpprep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpprep -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpreplay" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpreplay -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpreplay-edit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpreplay-edit && zsh'" \
- "tcprewrite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcprewrite -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpbridge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpbridge -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpcapinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpcapinfo && zsh'" \
- "tcpliveplay" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpliveplay && zsh'" \
- "tcpprep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpprep -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpreplay" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpreplay -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpreplay-edit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpreplay-edit && zsh'" \
- "tcprewrite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcprewrite -h && zsh'" \
- "tcptraceroute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcptraceroute && zsh'" \
- "tcpwatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpwatch && zsh'" \
- "tftp-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tftp-proxy -h && zsh'" \
- "6to4test.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c '6to4test.sh && zsh'" \
- "address6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'address6 && zsh'" \
- "alive6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'alive6 && zsh'" \
- "covert_send6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'covert_send6 && zsh'" \
- "covert_send6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'covert_send6d && zsh'" \
- "denial6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'denial6 && zsh'" \
- "detect-new-ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'detect-new-ip6 && zsh'" \
- "detect_sniffer6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'detect_sniffer6 && zsh'" \
- "dnsdict6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsdict6 && zsh'" \
- "dnsrevenum6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsrevenum6 && zsh'" \
- "dnssecwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnssecwalk && zsh'" \
- "dos-new-ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dos-new-ip6 && zsh'" \
- "dos_mld.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dos_mld.sh && zsh'" \
- "dump_dhcp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump_dhcp6 -h && zsh'" \
- "dump_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump_router6 && zsh'" \
- "exploit6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'exploit6 && zsh'" \
- "extract_hosts6.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extract_hosts6.sh && zsh'" \
- "extract_networks6.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'extract_networks6.sh && zsh'" \
- "fake_advertise6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_advertise6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_dhcps6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dhcps6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_dns6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dns6d && zsh'" \
- "fake_dnsupdate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_dnsupdate6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mipv6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mipv6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mld26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mld26 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mld6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mld6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_mldrouter6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_mldrouter6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_pim6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_pim6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_router26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_router26 && zsh'" \
- "fake_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_router6 && zsh'" \
- "fake_solicitate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fake_solicitate6 && zsh'" \
- "firewall6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'firewall6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_advertise6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_advertise6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_dhcpc6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_dhcpc6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mld26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mld26 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mld6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mld6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_mldrouter6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_mldrouter6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_redir6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_redir6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_router26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_router26 && zsh'" \
- "flood_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_router6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_rs6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_rs6 && zsh'" \
- "flood_solicitate6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flood_solicitate6 && zsh'" \
- "four2six" "urxvt -e bash -c 'four2six && zsh'" \
- "fragmentation6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fragmentation6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcpc6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcpc6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcpc6-usage.pdf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcpc6-usage.pdf && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_dhcps6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_dhcps6 && zsh'" \
- "fuzz_ip6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzz_ip6 && zsh'" \
- "grep6.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grep6.pl && zsh'" \
- "implementation6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'implementation6 && zsh'" \
- "implementation6d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'implementation6d && zsh'" \
- "inject_alive6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inject_alive6 && zsh'" \
- "inverse_lookup6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inverse_lookup6 && zsh'" \
- "kill_router6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kill_router6 && zsh'" \
- "ndpexhaust26" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndpexhaust26 && zsh'" \
- "ndpexhaust6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndpexhaust6 && zsh'" \
- "node_query6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'node_query6 && zsh'" \
- "parasite6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'parasite6 && zsh'" \
- "passive_discovery6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'passive_discovery6 && zsh'" \
- "randicmp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'randicmp6 && zsh'" \
- "redir6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redir6 && zsh'" \
- "redirsniff6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redirsniff6 && zsh'" \
- "rsmurf6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rsmurf6 && zsh'" \
- "sendpees6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sendpees6 && zsh'" \
- "sendpeesmp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sendpeesmp6 && zsh'" \
- "six2four.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'six2four.sh && zsh'" \
- "smurf6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smurf6 && zsh'" \
- "thc-ipv6-setup.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thc-ipv6-setup.sh && zsh'" \
- "thcping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thcping6 && zsh'" \
- "thcsyn6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thcsyn6 && zsh'" \
- "toobig6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'toobig6 && zsh'" \
- "trace6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trace6 && zsh'" \
- "tincd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tincd && zsh'" \
- "tincd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tincd && zsh'" \
- "topera" "urxvt -e bash -c 'topera -h && zsh'" \
- "tor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor -h && zsh'" \
- "tor-gencert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-gencert && zsh'" \
- "tor-resolve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-resolve && zsh'" \
- "torify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torify -h && zsh'" \
- "tor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor -h && zsh'" \
- "tor-gencert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-gencert && zsh'" \
- "tor-resolve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-resolve && zsh'" \
- "torify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torify -h && zsh'" \
- "tunna-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tunna-proxy && zsh'" \
- "tunna-webserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tunna-webserver && zsh'" \
- "udptunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'udptunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "umit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'umit -h && zsh'" \
- "umit_scheduler.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'umit_scheduler.py && zsh'" \
- "uw-offish" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uw-offish -h && zsh'" \
- "vlan-hopping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vlan-hopping && zsh'" \
- "websockify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'websockify -h && zsh'" \
- "capinfos" "urxvt -e bash -c 'capinfos -h && zsh'" \
- "captype" "urxvt -e bash -c 'captype && zsh'" \
- "dftest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dftest && zsh'" \
- "dumpcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dumpcap && zsh'" \
- "editcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'editcap && zsh'" \
- "mergecap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mergecap -h && zsh'" \
- "randpkt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'randpkt && zsh'" \
- "rawshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rawshark && zsh'" \
- "reordercap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reordercap && zsh'" \
- "text2pcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'text2pcap && zsh'" \
- "tshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tshark -h && zsh'" \
- "capinfos" "urxvt -e bash -c 'capinfos -h && zsh'" \
- "captype" "urxvt -e bash -c 'captype && zsh'" \
- "dftest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dftest && zsh'" \
- "dumpcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dumpcap && zsh'" \
- "editcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'editcap && zsh'" \
- "mergecap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mergecap -h && zsh'" \
- "randpkt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'randpkt && zsh'" \
- "rawshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rawshark && zsh'" \
- "reordercap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reordercap && zsh'" \
- "text2pcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'text2pcap && zsh'" \
- "tshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tshark -h && zsh'" \
- "wireshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wireshark && zsh'" \
- "wireshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wireshark && zsh'" \
- "wol-e" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wol-e -h && zsh'" \
- "yersinia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yersinia --help && zsh'" \
- "zackattack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zackattack -h && zsh'" \
- "zarp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zarp -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/nfc b/config/ratpoison/menu/nfc
deleted file mode 100755
index 612752b..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/nfc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "nfc" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "lsnfc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lsnfc && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/packer b/config/ratpoison/menu/packer
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d11921..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/packer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "packer" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "packerid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'packerid -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/proxy b/config/ratpoison/menu/proxy
deleted file mode 100755
index 53c8449..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/proxy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "proxy" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "3proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c '3proxy --help && zsh'" \
- "countersutil" "urxvt -e bash -c 'countersutil && zsh'" \
- "dighosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dighosts && zsh'" \
- "ftppr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftppr --help && zsh'" \
- "mycrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mycrypt && zsh'" \
- "pop3p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pop3p --help && zsh'" \
- "socks" "urxvt -e bash -c 'socks --help && zsh'" \
- "tcppm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcppm --help && zsh'" \
- "udppm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'udppm --help && zsh'" \
- "3proxy.key" "urxvt -e bash -c '3proxy.key && zsh'" \
- "3proxy.pem" "urxvt -e bash -c '3proxy.pem && zsh'" \
- "rus-koi8-r.3ps" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rus-koi8-r.3ps && zsh'" \
- "rus-win1251.3ps" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rus-win1251.3ps && zsh'" \
- "server.key" "urxvt -e bash -c 'server.key && zsh'" \
- "bdf-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bdf-proxy && zsh'" \
- "burpsuite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'burpsuite && zsh'" \
- "chiron-combinations" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-combinations && zsh'" \
- "chiron-nd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-nd && zsh'" \
- "chiron-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-proxy && zsh'" \
- "chiron-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-scanner && zsh'" \
- "chiron_combinations.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_combinations.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_local_link.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_local_link.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_proxy.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_proxy.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_scanner.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_scanner.py && zsh'" \
- "dns-reverse-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dns-reverse-proxy -h && zsh'" \
- "dnschef" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnschef -h && zsh'" \
- "elite-proxy-finder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'elite-proxy-finder -h && zsh'" \
- "fakedns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakedns && zsh'" \
- "mitmf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmf -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmdump -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "obfsproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'obfsproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "proxychains" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxychains && zsh'" \
- "proxychains4" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxychains4 && zsh'" \
- "proxychains" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxychains && zsh'" \
- "proxychains4" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxychains4 && zsh'" \
- "proxycheck" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxycheck -h && zsh'" \
- "proxyp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxyp -h && zsh'" \
- "proxytunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxytunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "proxytunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxytunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "ratproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "regeorg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'regeorg -h && zsh'" \
- "replayproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'replayproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "sergio-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sergio-proxy -h && zsh'" \
- "sshuttle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshuttle -h && zsh'" \
- "sshuttle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshuttle -h && zsh'" \
- "sslnuke" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslnuke && zsh'" \
- "mitm_listener" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitm_listener && zsh'" \
- "tftp-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tftp-proxy -h && zsh'" \
- "tinyproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tinyproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "tinyproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tinyproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "tor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor -h && zsh'" \
- "tor-gencert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-gencert && zsh'" \
- "tor-resolve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-resolve && zsh'" \
- "torify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torify -h && zsh'" \
- "tor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor -h && zsh'" \
- "tor-gencert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-gencert && zsh'" \
- "tor-resolve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-resolve && zsh'" \
- "torify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torify -h && zsh'" \
- "torsocks" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torsocks -h && zsh'" \
- "torsocks" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torsocks -h && zsh'" \
- "tunna-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tunna-proxy && zsh'" \
- "tunna-webserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tunna-webserver && zsh'" \
- "webscarab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webscarab && zsh'" \
- "ycrawler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ycrawler -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/radio b/config/ratpoison/menu/radio
deleted file mode 100755
index d551b6c..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/radio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "radio" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "gpredict" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gpredict -h && zsh'" \
- "rtlizer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtlizer -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/recon b/config/ratpoison/menu/recon
deleted file mode 100755
index 93698b5..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/recon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "recon" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "basedomainname" "urxvt -e bash -c 'basedomainname -h && zsh'" \
- "bing-ip2hosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bing-ip2hosts && zsh'" \
- "birp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'birp -h && zsh'" \
- "canari" "urxvt -e bash -c 'canari -h && zsh'" \
- "dispatcher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dispatcher -h && zsh'" \
- "pysudo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pysudo -h && zsh'" \
- "casefile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'casefile --help && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego.ico" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego.ico && zsh'" \
- "chaosmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosmap && zsh'" \
- "creepy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'creepy && zsh'" \
- "CutyCapt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'CutyCapt && zsh'" \
- "dns2geoip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dns2geoip -h && zsh'" \
- "dnsbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "dnsenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsenum && zsh'" \
- "dnsrecon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsrecon -h && zsh'" \
- "dnsspider" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsspider -h && zsh'" \
- "dnstracer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnstracer && zsh'" \
- "dnstracer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnstracer && zsh'" \
- "dig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dig -h && zsh'" \
- "host" "urxvt -e bash -c 'host && zsh'" \
- "nslookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nslookup && zsh'" \
- "dig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dig -h && zsh'" \
- "host" "urxvt -e bash -c 'host && zsh'" \
- "nslookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nslookup && zsh'" \
- "dnswalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnswalk --help && zsh'" \
- "ansistrm.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ansistrm.py && zsh'" \
- "domain-analyzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'domain-analyzer -h && zsh'" \
- "domain-analyzer-crawler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'domain-analyzer-crawler -h && zsh'" \
- "domain-analyzer-pytext2pdf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'domain-analyzer-pytext2pdf && zsh'" \
- "dradis-configure" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dradis-configure && zsh'" \
- "dradis-start" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dradis-start && zsh'" \
- "bj" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bj && zsh'" \
- "easyda" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easyda && zsh'" \
- "enum4linux" "urxvt -e bash -c 'enum4linux && zsh'" \
- "eyewitness" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eyewitness -h && zsh'" \
- "facebot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'facebot -h && zsh'" \
- "fbid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fbid && zsh'" \
- "fernmelder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fernmelder -h && zsh'" \
- "fping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping -h && zsh'" \
- "fping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping6 -h && zsh'" \
- "fping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping -h && zsh'" \
- "fping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping6 -h && zsh'" \
- "geoedge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoedge && zsh'" \
- "geoiplookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoiplookup && zsh'" \
- "geoiplookup6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoiplookup6 && zsh'" \
- "geoiplookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoiplookup && zsh'" \
- "geoiplookup6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'geoiplookup6 && zsh'" \
- "goodork" "urxvt -e bash -c 'goodork && zsh'" \
- "goofile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'goofile && zsh'" \
- "goog-mail" "urxvt -e bash -c 'goog-mail && zsh'" \
- "gwtenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gwtenum -h && zsh'" \
- "gwtfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gwtfuzzer -h && zsh'" \
- "gwtparse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gwtparse -h && zsh'" \
- "halcyon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'halcyon -h && zsh'" \
- "hasere" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hasere -h && zsh'" \
- "htrosbif" "urxvt -e bash -c 'htrosbif -h && zsh'" \
- "http-traceroute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'http-traceroute -h && zsh'" \
- "httpextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpextract -h && zsh'" \
- "httpforge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpforge -h && zsh'" \
- "httpsend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpsend -h && zsh'" \
- "httping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httping --help && zsh'" \
- "idswakeup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'idswakeup -h && zsh'" \
- "intrace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'intrace && zsh'" \
- "ircsnapshot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ircsnapshot && zsh'" \
- "isr-form" "urxvt -e bash -c 'isr-form -h && zsh'" \
- "knock" "urxvt -e bash -c 'knock && zsh'" \
- "lanmap2-cap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lanmap2-cap && zsh'" \
- "lanmap2-graph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lanmap2-graph && zsh'" \
- "lbd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lbd && zsh'" \
- "ldapenum.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ldapenum.pl && zsh'" \
- "lft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lft && zsh'" \
- "whob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'whob && zsh'" \
- "linenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'linenum -h && zsh'" \
- "linux-exploit-suggester" "urxvt -e bash -c 'linux-exploit-suggester -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego.ico" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego.ico && zsh'" \
- "ant" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant && zsh'" \
- "ant.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant.bat && zsh'" \
- "ant.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant.cmd && zsh'" \
- "antRun" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun && zsh'" \
- "antRun.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun.bat && zsh'" \
- "antRun.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun.pl && zsh'" \
- "antenv.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antenv.cmd && zsh'" \
- "complete-ant-cmd.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'complete-ant-cmd.pl && zsh'" \
- "envset.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'envset.cmd && zsh'" \
- "lcp.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lcp.bat && zsh'" \
- "runant.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runant.pl && zsh'" \
- "runant.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runant.py && zsh'" \
- "runrc.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runrc.cmd && zsh'" \
- "metagoofil" "urxvt -e bash -c 'metagoofil && zsh'" \
- "msfbinscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfbinscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfcli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfcli -h && zsh'" \
- "msfconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfconsole -h && zsh'" \
- "msfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfelfscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfelfscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfencode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfencode -h && zsh'" \
- "msfmachscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfmachscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpayload" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpayload -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpescan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrop -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpc -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpcd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpcd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfupdate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfupdate -h && zsh'" \
- "msfvenom" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfvenom -h && zsh'" \
- "stager_reverse_https.bin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stager_reverse_https.bin && zsh'" \
- "stty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stty && zsh'" \
- "missidentify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'missidentify -h && zsh'" \
- "modscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'modscan -h && zsh'" \
- "monocle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'monocle -h && zsh'" \
- "mptcp-fragmenter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mptcp-fragmenter && zsh'" \
- "mptcp-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mptcp-scanner && zsh'" \
- "dnscat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnscat -h && zsh'" \
- "dnslogger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnslogger -h && zsh'" \
- "dnstest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnstest -h && zsh'" \
- "dnsxss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsxss -h && zsh'" \
- "nbquery" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbquery -h && zsh'" \
- "nbsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "nbtscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbtscan -h && zsh'" \
- "nbtscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbtscan -h && zsh'" \
- "netdiscover" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netdiscover -h && zsh'" \
- "netmask" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netmask --help && zsh'" \
- "ndecode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndecode && zsh'" \
- "nlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nlist && zsh'" \
- "nstrobe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nstrobe && zsh'" \
- "ntrace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ntrace && zsh'" \
- "ntraf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ntraf -h && zsh'" \
- "nipper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nipper --help && zsh'" \
- "nsec3walker-collect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsec3walker-collect && zsh'" \
- "nsec3walker-dicthashes" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsec3walker-dicthashes && zsh'" \
- "nsec3walker-query" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsec3walker-query && zsh'" \
- "nsec3walker-randomhashes" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsec3walker-randomhashes && zsh'" \
- "nsec3walker-unhash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsec3walker-unhash && zsh'" \
- "o-saft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'o-saft -h && zsh'" \
- "parsero" "urxvt -e bash -c 'parsero -h && zsh'" \
- "pastenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pastenum -h && zsh'" \
- "quickrecon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'quickrecon -h && zsh'" \
- "recon-cli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'recon-cli && zsh'" \
- "recon-ng" "urxvt -e bash -c 'recon-ng cd /usr/share/recon-ng ; ./recon-ng -h && zsh'" \
- "recon-rpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'recon-rpc && zsh'" \
- "rifiuti" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rifiuti --help-all && zsh'" \
- "rifiuti-vista" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rifiuti-vista -h && zsh'" \
- "ripdc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ripdc -H && zsh'" \
- "sb0x" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sb0x -h && zsh'" \
- "sctpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sctpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "seat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'seat -h && zsh'" \
- "simple-lan-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'simple-lan-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "smtp-user-enum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smtp-user-enum -h && zsh'" \
- "sn00p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sn00p -h && zsh'" \
- "snmpcheck-nothink" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpcheck-nothink -h && zsh'" \
- "spiderfoot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spiderfoot && zsh'" \
- "ssl-hostname-resolver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssl-hostname-resolver -h && zsh'" \
- "subdomainer.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'subdomainer.py -h && zsh'" \
- "sysdig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sysdig -h && zsh'" \
- "theharvester" "urxvt -e bash -c 'theharvester && zsh'" \
- "tilt.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tilt.py && zsh'" \
- "traceroute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'traceroute --help && zsh'" \
- "traceroute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'traceroute --help && zsh'" \
- "twofi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'twofi --help && zsh'" \
- "vbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "vlan-hopping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vlan-hopping && zsh'" \
- "whatweb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'whatweb -h && zsh'" \
- "wig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wig -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/reversing b/config/ratpoison/menu/reversing
deleted file mode 100755
index 691593f..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/reversing
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "reversing" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "apktool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'apktool && zsh'" \
- "balbuzard" "urxvt -e bash -c 'balbuzard && zsh'" \
- "bbcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbcrack && zsh'" \
- "bbharvest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbharvest && zsh'" \
- "bbtrans" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbtrans && zsh'" \
- "binwalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'binwalk && zsh'" \
- "bokken" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bokken -h && zsh'" \
- "bsdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bsdiff && zsh'" \
- "bspatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bspatch && zsh'" \
- "bsdiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bsdiff && zsh'" \
- "bspatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bspatch && zsh'" \
- "bytecode-viewer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bytecode-viewer && zsh'" \
- "damm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'damm -h && zsh'" \
- "detect-it-easy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'detect-it-easy && zsh'" \
- "d2j-apk-sign" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-apk-sign && zsh'" \
- "d2j-asm-verify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-asm-verify && zsh'" \
- "d2j-decrpyt-string" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-decrpyt-string && zsh'" \
- "d2j-dex-asmifier" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-dex-asmifier && zsh'" \
- "d2j-dex-dump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-dex-dump && zsh'" \
- "d2j-dex2jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-dex2jar && zsh'" \
- "d2j-init-deobf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-init-deobf && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jar-access" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jar-access && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jar-remap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jar-remap && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jar2dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jar2dex && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jar2jasmin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jar2jasmin && zsh'" \
- "d2j-jasmin2jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'd2j-jasmin2jar && zsh'" \
- "dissy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dissy -h && zsh'" \
- "edb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'edb && zsh'" \
- "flasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flasm -h && zsh'" \
- "jad" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jad -h && zsh'" \
- "jad" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jad -h && zsh'" \
- "jadx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jadx -h && zsh'" \
- "jadx-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jadx-gui && zsh'" \
- "jadx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jadx -h && zsh'" \
- "jadx-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jadx-gui && zsh'" \
- "javasnoop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'javasnoop && zsh'" \
- "jd-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jd-gui && zsh'" \
- "js-beautify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'js-beautify -h && zsh'" \
- "jwscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jwscan -h && zsh'" \
- "malwasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malwasm && zsh'" \
- "marc4dasm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'marc4dasm -h && zsh'" \
- "netzob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netzob -h && zsh'" \
- "packerid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'packerid -h && zsh'" \
- "peframe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'peframe && zsh'" \
- "ofs2rva" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ofs2rva && zsh'" \
- "pedis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pedis && zsh'" \
- "pehash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pehash && zsh'" \
- "pepack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pepack && zsh'" \
- "pescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pescan && zsh'" \
- "pesec" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pesec && zsh'" \
- "pestr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pestr && zsh'" \
- "readpe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'readpe && zsh'" \
- "rva2ofs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rva2ofs && zsh'" \
- "asm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'asm -h && zsh'" \
- "constgrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'constgrep -h && zsh'" \
- "cyclic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cyclic -h && zsh'" \
- "disasm-pwntools" "urxvt -e bash -c 'disasm-pwntools -h && zsh'" \
- "hex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hex && zsh'" \
- "shellcraft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shellcraft -h && zsh'" \
- "unhex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unhex && zsh'" \
- "r2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'r2 -h && zsh'" \
- "r2agent" "urxvt -e bash -c 'r2agent -h && zsh'" \
- "rabin2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rabin2 -h && zsh'" \
- "radare2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radare2 -h && zsh'" \
- "radiff2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radiff2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rafind2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rafind2 -h && zsh'" \
- "ragg2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragg2 -h && zsh'" \
- "ragg2-cc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragg2-cc && zsh'" \
- "rahash2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahash2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rarun2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarun2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rasm2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasm2 -h && zsh'" \
- "rax2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rax2 && zsh'" \
- "recstudio" "urxvt -e bash -c 'recstudio && zsh'" \
- "gameconqueror" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gameconqueror && zsh'" \
- "scanmem" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scanmem -h && zsh'" \
- "udcli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'udcli -h && zsh'" \
- "vdbbin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vdbbin -h && zsh'" \
- "vivbin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vivbin -h && zsh'" \
- "dump_process.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dump_process.py && zsh'" \
- "malware_launcher.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'malware_launcher.sh && zsh'" \
- "start_zerowine.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'start_zerowine.sh && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/scanner b/config/ratpoison/menu/scanner
deleted file mode 100755
index e39b562..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/scanner
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "scanner" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "0trace" "urxvt -e bash -c '0trace && zsh'" \
- "adminpagefinder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'adminpagefinder -h && zsh'" \
- "admsnmp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'admsnmp && zsh'" \
- "allthevhosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'allthevhosts && zsh'" \
- "androidsniffer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androidsniffer -h && zsh'" \
- "apnbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'apnbf -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-fingerprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-fingerprint -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "get-iab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-iab -h && zsh'" \
- "get-oui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-oui -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-fingerprint" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-fingerprint -h && zsh'" \
- "arp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "get-iab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-iab -h && zsh'" \
- "get-oui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'get-oui -h && zsh'" \
- "asp-audit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'asp-audit && zsh'" \
- "athena-ssl-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'athena-ssl-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "basedomainname" "urxvt -e bash -c 'basedomainname -h && zsh'" \
- "bing-lfi-rfi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bing-lfi-rfi -h && zsh'" \
- "birp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'birp -h && zsh'" \
- "bluebox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluebox && zsh'" \
- "bluebox-ng" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluebox-ng -h && zsh'" \
- "bluelog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluelog -h && zsh'" \
- "bluescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluescan && zsh'" \
- "braa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'braa -h && zsh'" \
- "bss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bss -h && zsh'" \
- "btscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'btscanner --help && zsh'" \
- "burpsuite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'burpsuite && zsh'" \
- "canari" "urxvt -e bash -c 'canari -h && zsh'" \
- "dispatcher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dispatcher -h && zsh'" \
- "pysudo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pysudo -h && zsh'" \
- "cangibrina" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cangibrina -h && zsh'" \
- "cansina" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cansina -h && zsh'" \
- "casefile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'casefile --help && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego.ico" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego.ico && zsh'" \
- "cecster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cecster -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosmap && zsh'" \
- "check-weak-dh-ssh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'check-weak-dh-ssh -h && zsh'" \
- "checksec" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checksec --help && zsh'" \
- "checksec" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checksec --help && zsh'" \
- "chiron-combinations" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-combinations && zsh'" \
- "chiron-nd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-nd && zsh'" \
- "chiron-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-proxy && zsh'" \
- "chiron-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron-scanner && zsh'" \
- "chiron_combinations.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_combinations.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_local_link.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_local_link.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_proxy.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_proxy.py && zsh'" \
- "chiron_scanner.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chiron_scanner.py && zsh'" \
- "CAT" "urxvt -e bash -c 'CAT && zsh'" \
- "cisco-auditing-tool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-auditing-tool && zsh'" \
- "cisco-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "cisco-torch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-torch -h && zsh'" \
- "ciscos" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ciscos && zsh'" \
- "climber" "urxvt -e bash -c 'climber -h && zsh'" \
- "cms-few" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cms-few -h && zsh'" \
- "cmsmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cmsmap -h && zsh'" \
- "httsquash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httsquash && zsh'" \
- "letdown" "urxvt -e bash -c 'letdown && zsh'" \
- "reverseraider" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reverseraider && zsh'" \
- "configpush" "urxvt -e bash -c 'configpush && zsh'" \
- "conscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'conscan -h && zsh'" \
- "cookie-cadger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cookie-cadger && zsh'" \
- "cpfinder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cpfinder -h && zsh'" \
- "creepy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'creepy && zsh'" \
- "cvechecker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cvechecker -h && zsh'" \
- "cvegenversdat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cvegenversdat && zsh'" \
- "cvereport" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cvereport && zsh'" \
- "cverules" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cverules && zsh'" \
- "pullcves" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pullcves && zsh'" \
- "darkbing" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkbing -h && zsh'" \
- "davtest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'davtest && zsh'" \
- "deblaze" "urxvt -e bash -c 'deblaze && zsh'" \
- "delldrac" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delldrac -h && zsh'" \
- "dhcpig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcpig -h && zsh'" \
- "dirb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirb && zsh'" \
- "dirb-gendict" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirb-gendict && zsh'" \
- "html2dic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'html2dic && zsh'" \
- "dirbuster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirbuster && zsh'" \
- "dirs3arch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirs3arch -h && zsh'" \
- "dirscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirscanner -h && zsh'" \
- "dmitry" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dmitry && zsh'" \
- "dnmap_client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnmap_client -h && zsh'" \
- "dnmap_server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnmap_server -h && zsh'" \
- "dns2geoip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dns2geoip -h && zsh'" \
- "dnsa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsa && zsh'" \
- "dnsbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsbf && zsh'" \
- "dnsbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "dnsenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsenum && zsh'" \
- "dnsgoblin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsgoblin && zsh'" \
- "dnspredict" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnspredict --help && zsh'" \
- "dnsspider" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsspider -h && zsh'" \
- "dnswalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnswalk --help && zsh'" \
- "dpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dpscan && zsh'" \
- "driftnet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'driftnet -h && zsh'" \
- "dripper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dripper -h && zsh'" \
- "rip-cvs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rip-cvs -h && zsh'" \
- "rip-git" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rip-git -h && zsh'" \
- "rip-svn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rip-svn -h && zsh'" \
- "easyda" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easyda && zsh'" \
- "eazy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eazy -h && zsh'" \
- "enum-shares" "urxvt -e bash -c 'enum-shares -h && zsh'" \
- "enum4linux" "urxvt -e bash -c 'enum4linux && zsh'" \
- "enumiax" "urxvt -e bash -c 'enumiax && zsh'" \
- "faraday" "urxvt -e bash -c 'faraday && zsh'" \
- "delAllHost.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllHost.py && zsh'" \
- "delAllServiceClosed.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'delAllServiceClosed.py && zsh'" \
- "fplugin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fplugin && zsh'" \
- "getAllCreds.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllCreds.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllHosts.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllHosts.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIps.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIps.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllIpsInterfaces.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllIpsInterfaces.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllOs.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllOs.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllTelnet.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllTelnet.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVnc.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVnc.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllVulnsCSV.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllVulnsCSV.py && zsh'" \
- "getAllWebservers.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'getAllWebservers.py && zsh'" \
- "fernmelder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fernmelder -h && zsh'" \
- "fgscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fgscan --help && zsh'" \
- "fhttp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fhttp -h && zsh'" \
- "fierce.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fierce.pl -h && zsh'" \
- "firewalk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'firewalk -h && zsh'" \
- "flawfinder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flawfinder -h && zsh'" \
- "flunym0us" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flunym0us && zsh'" \
- "forkingportscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'forkingportscanner && zsh'" \
- "fping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping -h && zsh'" \
- "fping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping6 -h && zsh'" \
- "fping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping -h && zsh'" \
- "fping6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fping6 -h && zsh'" \
- "fs-nyarl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fs-nyarl -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosreader0.94" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosreader0.94 && zsh'" \
- "fsnoop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fsnoop -h && zsh'" \
- "ftp-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftp-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "ftp-spider" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftp-spider -h && zsh'" \
- "ftpmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftpmap -h && zsh'" \
- "gggooglescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gggooglescan -h && zsh'" \
- "ghostphisher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ghostphisher && zsh'" \
- "googlesub" "urxvt -e bash -c 'googlesub --help && zsh'" \
- "gpredict" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gpredict -h && zsh'" \
- "grepforrfi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grepforrfi && zsh'" \
- "gtp-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gtp-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "gwcheck" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gwcheck -h && zsh'" \
- "halberd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'halberd -h && zsh'" \
- "hasere" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hasere -h && zsh'" \
- "hbad" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hbad -h && zsh'" \
- "hexorbase" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hexorbase && zsh'" \
- "host-extract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'host-extract -h && zsh'" \
- "hostbox-ssh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hostbox-ssh -h && zsh'" \
- "http-enum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'http-enum -h && zsh'" \
- "httpextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpextract -h && zsh'" \
- "httpforge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpforge -h && zsh'" \
- "httpsend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpsend -h && zsh'" \
- "httpsscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpsscanner -h && zsh'" \
- "hawk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hawk --help && zsh'" \
- "hwk-eagle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hwk-eagle --help && zsh'" \
- "iax-scan-hosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iax-scan-hosts -h && zsh'" \
- "iax-scan-users" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iax-scan-users -h && zsh'" \
- "icmpquery" "urxvt -e bash -c 'icmpquery && zsh'" \
- "idswakeup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'idswakeup -h && zsh'" \
- "ike-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ike-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "psk-crack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'psk-crack -h && zsh'" \
- "infip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'infip -h && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "inguma" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inguma -h && zsh'" \
- "ingumagui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ingumagui && zsh'" \
- "inurlbr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inurlbr -h && zsh'" \
- "ipscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipscan && zsh'" \
- "addr6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'addr6 && zsh'" \
- "blackhole6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blackhole6 && zsh'" \
- "flow6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flow6 && zsh'" \
- "frag6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'frag6 && zsh'" \
- "icmp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'icmp6 && zsh'" \
- "jumbo6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jumbo6 && zsh'" \
- "na6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'na6 && zsh'" \
- "ni6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ni6 && zsh'" \
- "ns6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ns6 && zsh'" \
- "path6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'path6 -h && zsh'" \
- "ra6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ra6 && zsh'" \
- "rd6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rd6 && zsh'" \
- "rs6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rs6 && zsh'" \
- "scan6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scan6 && zsh'" \
- "script6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'script6 && zsh'" \
- "tcp6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcp6 && zsh'" \
- "ircsnapshot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ircsnapshot && zsh'" \
- "jigsaw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jigsaw -h && zsh'" \
- "joomlascan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'joomlascan -h && zsh'" \
- "jsql" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jsql && zsh'" \
- "kal" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kal -h && zsh'" \
- "knock" "urxvt -e bash -c 'knock && zsh'" \
- "laf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'laf -h && zsh'" \
- "ldapenum.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ldapenum.pl && zsh'" \
- "lfi-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "linenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'linenum -h && zsh'" \
- "lbb.db" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lbb.db && zsh'" \
- "littleblackbox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'littleblackbox -h && zsh'" \
- "lotophagi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lotophagi -h && zsh'" \
- "lynis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lynis -h && zsh'" \
- "clientgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'clientgen && zsh'" \
- "maligno_srv" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maligno_srv && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego -h && zsh'" \
- "maltego.ico" "urxvt -e bash -c 'maltego.ico && zsh'" \
- "ant" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant && zsh'" \
- "ant.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant.bat && zsh'" \
- "ant.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ant.cmd && zsh'" \
- "antRun" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun && zsh'" \
- "antRun.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun.bat && zsh'" \
- "antRun.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antRun.pl && zsh'" \
- "antenv.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'antenv.cmd && zsh'" \
- "complete-ant-cmd.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'complete-ant-cmd.pl && zsh'" \
- "envset.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'envset.cmd && zsh'" \
- "lcp.bat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lcp.bat && zsh'" \
- "runant.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runant.pl && zsh'" \
- "runant.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runant.py && zsh'" \
- "runrc.cmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'runrc.cmd && zsh'" \
- "masscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'masscan --help && zsh'" \
- "msfbinscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfbinscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfcli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfcli -h && zsh'" \
- "msfconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfconsole -h && zsh'" \
- "msfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfelfscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfelfscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfencode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfencode -h && zsh'" \
- "msfmachscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfmachscan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpayload" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpayload -h && zsh'" \
- "msfpescan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfpescan -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrop -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpc -h && zsh'" \
- "msfrpcd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfrpcd -h && zsh'" \
- "msfupdate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfupdate -h && zsh'" \
- "msfvenom" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msfvenom -h && zsh'" \
- "stager_reverse_https.bin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stager_reverse_https.bin && zsh'" \
- "stty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stty && zsh'" \
- "miranda" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miranda && zsh'" \
- "miranda-upnp-portmapper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'miranda-upnp-portmapper -h && zsh'" \
- "modscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'modscan -h && zsh'" \
- "morxtraversal" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxtraversal && zsh'" \
- "mptcp-fragmenter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mptcp-fragmenter && zsh'" \
- "mptcp-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mptcp-scanner && zsh'" \
- "mssqlscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mssqlscan -h && zsh'" \
- "MSSQLScan.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MSSQLScan.jar && zsh'" \
- "mwebfp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mwebfp -h && zsh'" \
- "dnscat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnscat -h && zsh'" \
- "dnslogger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnslogger -h && zsh'" \
- "dnstest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnstest -h && zsh'" \
- "dnsxss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsxss -h && zsh'" \
- "nbquery" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbquery -h && zsh'" \
- "nbsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "nbtscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbtscan -h && zsh'" \
- "nbtscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbtscan -h && zsh'" \
- "netbios-share-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netbios-share-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "ndecode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndecode && zsh'" \
- "nlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nlist && zsh'" \
- "nstrobe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nstrobe && zsh'" \
- "ntrace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ntrace && zsh'" \
- "ntraf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ntraf -h && zsh'" \
- "netscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netscan -h && zsh'" \
- "nikto" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nikto -H && zsh'" \
- "ncat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncat -h && zsh'" \
- "ndiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndiff -h && zsh'" \
- "nmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nmap -h && zsh'" \
- "nmapfe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nmapfe && zsh'" \
- "nping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nping -h && zsh'" \
- "xnmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xnmap && zsh'" \
- "zenmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zenmap && zsh'" \
- "ncat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ncat -h && zsh'" \
- "ndiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ndiff -h && zsh'" \
- "nmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nmap -h && zsh'" \
- "nmapfe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nmapfe && zsh'" \
- "nping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nping -h && zsh'" \
- "xnmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xnmap && zsh'" \
- "zenmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zenmap && zsh'" \
- "nmbscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nmbscan && zsh'" \
- "nsdtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsdtool && zsh'" \
- "nsia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsia -h && zsh'" \
- "nsia.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsia.jar && zsh'" \
- "nsoq" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsoq && zsh'" \
- "o-saft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'o-saft -h && zsh'" \
- "OCS" "urxvt -e bash -c 'OCS && zsh'" \
- "onesixtyone" "urxvt -e bash -c 'onesixtyone && zsh'" \
- "owasp-bywaf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'owasp-bywaf -h && zsh'" \
- "owtf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'owtf && zsh'" \
- "minewt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'minewt -h; bash && zsh'" \
- "paketto-lc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'paketto-lc -h && zsh'" \
- "paratrace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'paratrace -h && zsh'" \
- "phentropy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'phentropy -h && zsh'" \
- "scanrand" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scanrand -h && zsh'" \
- "panhunt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'panhunt -h && zsh'" \
- "paranoic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'paranoic -h && zsh'" \
- "passhunt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'passhunt -h && zsh'" \
- "pcredz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pcredz -h && zsh'" \
- "pentbox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pentbox && zsh'" \
- "plcscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'plcscan -h && zsh'" \
- "ipsort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ipsort --help && zsh'" \
- "pnscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pnscan -h && zsh'" \
- "praeda" "urxvt -e bash -c 'praeda -h && zsh'" \
- "propecia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'propecia && zsh'" \
- "proxycheck" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxycheck -h && zsh'" \
- "proxyp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxyp -h && zsh'" \
- "proxyscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxyscan -h && zsh'" \
- "pyfiscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyfiscan -h && zsh'" \
- "pytbull" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pytbull -h && zsh'" \
- "quickrecon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'quickrecon -h && zsh'" \
- "ratproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "rawr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rawr -h && zsh'" \
- "redfang" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redfang --help && zsh'" \
- "regeorg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'regeorg -h && zsh'" \
- "relayscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'relayscanner -h && zsh'" \
- "dhcp-responder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcp-responder -h && zsh'" \
- "responder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'responder -h && zsh'" \
- "ripdc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ripdc -H && zsh'" \
- "rlogin-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rlogin-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "rpdscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rpdscan -h && zsh'" \
- "rtlizer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtlizer -h && zsh'" \
- "rtlsdr-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtlsdr-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "sambascan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sambascan -h && zsh'" \
- "sandy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sandy -h && zsh'" \
- "sb0x" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sb0x -h && zsh'" \
- "scanssh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scanssh -h && zsh'" \
- "scout2" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scout2 -h && zsh'" \
- "scrape-dns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scrape-dns && zsh'" \
- "scrapy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scrapy -h && zsh'" \
- "sctpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sctpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "seat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'seat -h && zsh'" \
- "secscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'secscan -h && zsh'" \
- "shocker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shocker -h && zsh'" \
- "shortfuzzy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shortfuzzy -h && zsh'" \
- "flowcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flowcap && zsh'" \
- "mapsid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mapsid && zsh'" \
- "num2dot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'num2dot && zsh'" \
- "rwaddrcount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwaddrcount && zsh'" \
- "rwallformats" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwallformats && zsh'" \
- "rwappend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwappend && zsh'" \
- "rwbag" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwbag && zsh'" \
- "rwbagbuild" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwbagbuild && zsh'" \
- "rwbagcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwbagcat && zsh'" \
- "rwbagtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwbagtool && zsh'" \
- "rwcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcat && zsh'" \
- "rwcombine" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcombine && zsh'" \
- "rwcompare" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcompare && zsh'" \
- "rwcount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcount && zsh'" \
- "rwcut" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwcut && zsh'" \
- "rwdedupe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwdedupe && zsh'" \
- "rwfglob" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwfglob && zsh'" \
- "rwfileinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwfileinfo && zsh'" \
- "rwfilter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwfilter && zsh'" \
- "rwflowappend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwflowappend && zsh'" \
- "rwflowpack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwflowpack && zsh'" \
- "rwgeoip2ccmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwgeoip2ccmap && zsh'" \
- "rwgroup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwgroup && zsh'" \
- "rwguess" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwguess && zsh'" \
- "rwip2cc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwip2cc && zsh'" \
- "rwmatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwmatch && zsh'" \
- "rwnetmask" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwnetmask && zsh'" \
- "rwpackchecker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpackchecker && zsh'" \
- "rwpdu2silk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpdu2silk && zsh'" \
- "rwpmapbuild" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpmapbuild && zsh'" \
- "rwpmapcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpmapcat && zsh'" \
- "rwpmaplookup" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwpmaplookup && zsh'" \
- "rwrandomizeip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwrandomizeip && zsh'" \
- "rwreceiver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwreceiver && zsh'" \
- "rwrecgenerator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwrecgenerator && zsh'" \
- "rwresolve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwresolve && zsh'" \
- "rwrtd2split" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwrtd2split && zsh'" \
- "rwscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwscan && zsh'" \
- "rwscanquery" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwscanquery && zsh'" \
- "rwsender" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsender && zsh'" \
- "rwset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwset && zsh'" \
- "rwsetbuild" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsetbuild && zsh'" \
- "rwsetcat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsetcat && zsh'" \
- "rwsetmember" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsetmember && zsh'" \
- "rwsettool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsettool && zsh'" \
- "rwsiteinfo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsiteinfo && zsh'" \
- "rwsort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsort && zsh'" \
- "rwsplit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwsplit && zsh'" \
- "rwstats" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwstats && zsh'" \
- "rwswapbytes" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwswapbytes && zsh'" \
- "rwtotal" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwtotal && zsh'" \
- "rwtuc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwtuc && zsh'" \
- "rwuniq" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rwuniq && zsh'" \
- "silk_config" "urxvt -e bash -c 'silk_config && zsh'" \
- "simple-lan-scan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'simple-lan-scan -h && zsh'" \
- "sipshock" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sipshock -h && zsh'" \
- "sfscandiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sfscandiff -h && zsh'" \
- "skipfish" "urxvt -e bash -c 'skipfish -h && zsh'" \
- "smartphone-pentest-framework" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smartphone-pentest-framework -h && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidAgent.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidAgent.apk && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "androidagent.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androidagent.jar && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.jar && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "resources.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'resources.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "BlankFrontEnd.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'BlankFrontEnd.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "MapsDemo.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MapsDemo.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidApp.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidApp.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "resources.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'resources.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml && zsh'" \
- "AndroidManifest.xml.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'AndroidManifest.xml.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug-unaligned.apk.d && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity-debug.apk && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_ && zsh'" \
- "FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'FrameworkAndroidAppActivity.ap_.d && zsh'" \
- "build.prop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'build.prop && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex && zsh'" \
- "classes.dex.d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'classes.dex.d && zsh'" \
- "jarlist.cache" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jarlist.cache && zsh'" \
- "ar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ar && zsh'" \
- "as" "urxvt -e bash -c 'as --help && zsh'" \
- "c++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'c++ && zsh'" \
- "g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'g++ && zsh'" \
- "gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gcc && zsh'" \
- "ld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld && zsh'" \
- "ld.bfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.bfd && zsh'" \
- "ld.gold" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.gold && zsh'" \
- "ld.mcld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ld.mcld && zsh'" \
- "nm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nm -h && zsh'" \
- "objcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'objcopy && zsh'" \
- "objdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'objdump && zsh'" \
- "ranlib" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ranlib && zsh'" \
- "strip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'strip && zsh'" \
- "a.out" "urxvt -e bash -c 'a.out && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ar && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-as" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-as && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-c++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-c++ && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-cpp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-cpp && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-elfedit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-elfedit && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-g++" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-g++ && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcc && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.6 && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gcov" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gcov && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gdb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gdb && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gdbtui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gdbtui && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-gprof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-gprof && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.gold" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.gold && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ld.mcld" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ld.mcld && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-nm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-nm && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-objdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-objdump && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-readelf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-readelf && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-run" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-run && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-size" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-size && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-strings" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-strings && zsh'" \
- "arm-linux-androideabi-strip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arm-linux-androideabi-strip && zsh'" \
- "smtp-user-enum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smtp-user-enum -h && zsh'" \
- "smtp-vrfy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smtp-vrfy && zsh'" \
- "smtptx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smtptx -h && zsh'" \
- "sn00p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sn00p -h && zsh'" \
- "snmpattack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpattack -h && zsh'" \
- "snmpenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpenum && zsh'" \
- "snmpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snmpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "sparta" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sparta && zsh'" \
- "spiga" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spiga -h && zsh'" \
- "spipscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spipscan && zsh'" \
- "qtmsfconsole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'qtmsfconsole && zsh'" \
- "ssdp-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssdp-scanner && zsh'" \
- "ssh-user-enum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssh-user-enum -h && zsh'" \
- "sshscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshscan -h && zsh'" \
- "ssl-hostname-resolver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssl-hostname-resolver -h && zsh'" \
- "sslcaudit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslcaudit -h && zsh'" \
- "sslmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslmap -h && zsh'" \
- "sslscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslscan && zsh'" \
- "storm-ring" "urxvt -e bash -c 'storm-ring -h && zsh'" \
- "subbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'subbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "subdomainer.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'subdomainer.py -h && zsh'" \
- "svn-extractor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'svn-extractor -h && zsh'" \
- "sslog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslog -h && zsh'" \
- "synscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'synscan -h && zsh'" \
- "thc-smartbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'thc-smartbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "tiger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tiger -h && zsh'" \
- "tlsenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tlsenum -h && zsh'" \
- "tlspretense" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tlspretense && zsh'" \
- "makeder.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'makeder.sh && zsh'" \
- "tlspretense" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tlspretense && zsh'" \
- "view.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'view.sh && zsh'" \
- "tlssled" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tlssled -h && zsh'" \
- "topera" "urxvt -e bash -c 'topera -h && zsh'" \
- "umap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'umap -h && zsh'" \
- "fantaip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fantaip && zsh'" \
- "unibrow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unibrow -h && zsh'" \
- "unicfgtst" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unicfgtst && zsh'" \
- "unicornscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unicornscan -h && zsh'" \
- "us" "urxvt -e bash -c 'us -h && zsh'" \
- "uniscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uniscan --help && zsh'" \
- "unix-privsc-check" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unix-privsc-check && zsh'" \
- "upnpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'upnpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "urldigger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'urldigger -h && zsh'" \
- "uw-loveimap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uw-loveimap -h && zsh'" \
- "uw-udpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uw-udpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "uw-zone" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uw-zone -h && zsh'" \
- "vane" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vane -h && zsh'" \
- "vanguard" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vanguard -h && zsh'" \
- "vbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "videosnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'videosnarf && zsh'" \
- "w3af" "urxvt -e bash -c 'w3af -h && zsh'" \
- "w3af-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'w3af-gui && zsh'" \
- "wafw00f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wafw00f -h && zsh'" \
- "wapiti" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti -h && zsh'" \
- "wapiti-cookie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti-cookie -h && zsh'" \
- "wapiti-getcookie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti-getcookie -h && zsh'" \
- "webenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webenum -h && zsh'" \
- "webpwn3r" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webpwn3r -h && zsh'" \
- "webrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webrute -help && zsh'" \
- "webscarab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webscarab && zsh'" \
- "webshag_cli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webshag_cli -h && zsh'" \
- "webshag_gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webshag_gui && zsh'" \
- "websploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'websploit && zsh'" \
- "wig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wig -h && zsh'" \
- "witchxtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'witchxtool -h && zsh'" \
- "wnmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wnmap -h && zsh'" \
- "wpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "xsss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xsss && zsh'" \
- "xssscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xssscan -h && zsh'" \
- "xssya" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xssya -h && zsh'" \
- "yaaf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yaaf -h && zsh'" \
- "ycrawler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ycrawler -h && zsh'" \
- "yersinia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yersinia --help && zsh'" \
- "zackattack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zackattack -h && zsh'" \
- "zmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zmap -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/sniffer b/config/ratpoison/menu/sniffer
deleted file mode 100755
index 5597ba3..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/sniffer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "sniffer" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "androidsniffer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'androidsniffer -h && zsh'" \
- "argus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus -h && zsh'" \
- "argus-lsof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-lsof && zsh'" \
- "argus-snmp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-snmp && zsh'" \
- "argus-vmstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argus-vmstat && zsh'" \
- "argusbug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argusbug && zsh'" \
- "argusclientbug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'argusclientbug && zsh'" \
- "ra" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ra -h && zsh'" \
- "rabins" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rabins -h && zsh'" \
- "racluster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'racluster -h && zsh'" \
- "raconvert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raconvert -h && zsh'" \
- "racount" "urxvt -e bash -c 'racount -h && zsh'" \
- "radark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radark -h && zsh'" \
- "radecode" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radecode && zsh'" \
- "radium" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radium -h && zsh'" \
- "radump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radump && zsh'" \
- "raevent" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raevent -h && zsh'" \
- "rafilteraddr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rafilteraddr && zsh'" \
- "ragraph" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragraph && zsh'" \
- "ragrep" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ragrep && zsh'" \
- "rahisto" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahisto && zsh'" \
- "rahosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rahosts && zsh'" \
- "ralabel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ralabel && zsh'" \
- "ranonymize" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ranonymize && zsh'" \
- "rapath" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rapath && zsh'" \
- "rapolicy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rapolicy && zsh'" \
- "raports" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raports && zsh'" \
- "rarpwatch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rarpwatch && zsh'" \
- "raservices" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raservices && zsh'" \
- "rasort" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasort -h && zsh'" \
- "rasplit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasplit -h && zsh'" \
- "rasql" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasql -h && zsh'" \
- "rasqlinsert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasqlinsert && zsh'" \
- "rasqltimeindex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rasqltimeindex && zsh'" \
- "rastream" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rastream -h && zsh'" \
- "rastrip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rastrip -h && zsh'" \
- "ratemplate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratemplate && zsh'" \
- "ratimerange" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratimerange && zsh'" \
- "ratop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratop && zsh'" \
- "rauserdata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rauserdata && zsh'" \
- "bittwist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bittwist -h && zsh'" \
- "bittwiste" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bittwiste -h && zsh'" \
- "captipper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'captipper && zsh'" \
- "cdpsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cdpsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosreader" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosreader -h && zsh'" \
- "creds-py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'creds-py -h && zsh'" \
- "darkstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkstat -h && zsh'" \
- "darkstat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkstat -h && zsh'" \
- "driftnet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'driftnet -h && zsh'" \
- "arpspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpspoof && zsh'" \
- "dnsspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsspoof -h && zsh'" \
- "dsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "filesnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'filesnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "macof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'macof -h && zsh'" \
- "mailsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mailsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "msgsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msgsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "sshmitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshmitm -h && zsh'" \
- "sshow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshow -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpkill" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpkill -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpnice" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpnice -h && zsh'" \
- "urlsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'urlsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "webmitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webmitm -h && zsh'" \
- "webspy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webspy -h && zsh'" \
- "arpspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpspoof && zsh'" \
- "dnsspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dnsspoof -h && zsh'" \
- "dsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "filesnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'filesnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "macof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'macof -h && zsh'" \
- "mailsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mailsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "msgsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msgsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "sshmitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshmitm -h && zsh'" \
- "sshow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sshow -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpkill" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpkill -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpnice" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpnice -h && zsh'" \
- "urlsnarf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'urlsnarf -h && zsh'" \
- "webmitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webmitm -h && zsh'" \
- "webspy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webspy -h && zsh'" \
- "etherape" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etherape && zsh'" \
- "etherape" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etherape && zsh'" \
- "ettercap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ettercap -h && zsh'" \
- "etterfilter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etterfilter -h && zsh'" \
- "etterlog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etterlog -h && zsh'" \
- "ettercap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ettercap -h && zsh'" \
- "etterfilter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etterfilter -h && zsh'" \
- "etterlog" "urxvt -e bash -c 'etterlog -h && zsh'" \
- "fl0p" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fl0p -h && zsh'" \
- "flowinspect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flowinspect -h && zsh'" \
- "fs-nyarl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fs-nyarl -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosreader0.94" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosreader0.94 && zsh'" \
- "hdmi-sniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hdmi-sniff -h && zsh'" \
- "hex2raw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hex2raw -h && zsh'" \
- "hexinject" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hexinject -h && zsh'" \
- "prettypacket" "urxvt -e bash -c 'prettypacket -h && zsh'" \
- "httpry" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpry -h && zsh'" \
- "httpsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpsniff && zsh'" \
- "juncli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'juncli && zsh'" \
- "junkie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'junkie -h && zsh'" \
- "katsnoop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'katsnoop -h && zsh'" \
- "mfsniffer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mfsniffer -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmap.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmap.sh -h && zsh'" \
- "mitmer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmer -h && zsh'" \
- "astraceroute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'astraceroute && zsh'" \
- "bpfc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bpfc && zsh'" \
- "flowtop" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flowtop -h && zsh'" \
- "ifpps" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ifpps && zsh'" \
- "mausezahn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mausezahn && zsh'" \
- "netsniff-ng" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netsniff-ng -h && zsh'" \
- "trafgen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'trafgen && zsh'" \
- "drone" "urxvt -e bash -c 'drone && zsh'" \
- "ostinato" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ostinato -h && zsh'" \
- "p0f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'p0f -h && zsh'" \
- "p0f-client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'p0f-client -h && zsh'" \
- "p0f-sendsyn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'p0f-sendsyn -h && zsh'" \
- "p0f-sendsyn6" "urxvt -e bash -c 'p0f-sendsyn6 && zsh'" \
- "passivedns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'passivedns -h && zsh'" \
- "PHoss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'PHoss -h && zsh'" \
- "pytacle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pytacle && zsh'" \
- "sessionlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sessionlist && zsh'" \
- "snapception" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snapception --help && zsh'" \
- "sj-commit-results" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sj-commit-results -h && zsh'" \
- "sj-iptcpopt-probe" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sj-iptcpopt-probe -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjoke" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjoke -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjoke-autotest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjoke-autotest -h && zsh'" \
- "sniffjokectl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sniffjokectl -h && zsh'" \
- "snoopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snoopy && zsh'" \
- "snoopy-auth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'snoopy-auth && zsh'" \
- "sslstrip-snoopy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslstrip-snoopy && zsh'" \
- "ssl-phuck3r" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssl-phuck3r -h && zsh'" \
- "ssldump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ssldump -h && zsh'" \
- "sslsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslsniff && zsh'" \
- "sslstrip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sslstrip -h && zsh'" \
- "mitm_listener" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitm_listener && zsh'" \
- "tcpdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpdump -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpdump -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpflow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpflow -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpflow" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpflow -h && zsh'" \
- "tcpick" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tcpick --help && zsh'" \
- "tuxcut" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tuxcut && zsh'" \
- "wifi-monitor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifi-monitor -h && zsh'" \
- "wireless-ids" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wireless-ids -h && zsh'" \
- "capinfos" "urxvt -e bash -c 'capinfos -h && zsh'" \
- "captype" "urxvt -e bash -c 'captype && zsh'" \
- "dftest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dftest && zsh'" \
- "dumpcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dumpcap && zsh'" \
- "editcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'editcap && zsh'" \
- "mergecap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mergecap -h && zsh'" \
- "randpkt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'randpkt && zsh'" \
- "rawshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rawshark && zsh'" \
- "reordercap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reordercap && zsh'" \
- "text2pcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'text2pcap && zsh'" \
- "tshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tshark -h && zsh'" \
- "capinfos" "urxvt -e bash -c 'capinfos -h && zsh'" \
- "captype" "urxvt -e bash -c 'captype && zsh'" \
- "dftest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dftest && zsh'" \
- "dumpcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dumpcap && zsh'" \
- "editcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'editcap && zsh'" \
- "mergecap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mergecap -h && zsh'" \
- "randpkt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'randpkt && zsh'" \
- "rawshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rawshark && zsh'" \
- "reordercap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reordercap && zsh'" \
- "text2pcap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'text2pcap && zsh'" \
- "tshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tshark -h && zsh'" \
- "wireshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wireshark && zsh'" \
- "wireshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wireshark && zsh'" \
- "xcavator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xcavator -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/social b/config/ratpoison/menu/social
deleted file mode 100755
index dcff339..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/social
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "social" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "anontwi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'anontwi -h && zsh'" \
- "creepy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'creepy && zsh'" \
- "fbid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fbid && zsh'" \
- "jigsaw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jigsaw -h && zsh'" \
- "phemail" "urxvt -e bash -c 'phemail -h && zsh'" \
- "sees" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sees -h && zsh'" \
- "seautomate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'seautomate && zsh'" \
- "seproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'seproxy && zsh'" \
- "setoolkit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'setoolkit && zsh'" \
- "seupdate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'seupdate && zsh'" \
- "websploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'websploit && zsh'" \
- "wifiphisher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifiphisher -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/spoof b/config/ratpoison/menu/spoof
deleted file mode 100755
index 44b05e0..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/spoof
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "spoof" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "ADMdnsfuckr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ADMdnsfuckr && zsh'" \
- "ADMkillDNS" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ADMkillDNS && zsh'" \
- "ADMnOg00d" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ADMnOg00d && zsh'" \
- "ADMsnOOfID" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ADMsnOOfID && zsh'" \
- "ADMsniffID" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ADMsniffID && zsh'" \
- "arpoison" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arpoison -h && zsh'" \
- "cisco-snmp-slap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cisco-snmp-slap -h && zsh'" \
- "dns-spoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dns-spoof -h && zsh'" \
- "fakedns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakedns && zsh'" \
- "fakenetbiosdgm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakenetbiosdgm -h && zsh'" \
- "fakenetbiosns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fakenetbiosns -h && zsh'" \
- "fs-nyarl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fs-nyarl -h && zsh'" \
- "chaosreader0.94" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chaosreader0.94 && zsh'" \
- "hharp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hharp -h && zsh'" \
- "inundator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inundator && zsh'" \
- "lans" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lans -h && zsh'" \
- "lsrtunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lsrtunnel && zsh'" \
- "mitmf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mitmf -h && zsh'" \
- "multimac" "urxvt -e bash -c 'multimac -h && zsh'" \
- "nbnspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nbnspoof -h && zsh'" \
- "nemesis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nemesis -h && zsh'" \
- "nemesis" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nemesis -h && zsh'" \
- "netcmd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netcmd -h && zsh'" \
- "portspoof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'portspoof -h && zsh'" \
- "pyminifakedns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyminifakedns && zsh'" \
- "dhcp-responder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcp-responder -h && zsh'" \
- "responder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'responder -h && zsh'" \
- "sergio-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sergio-proxy -h && zsh'" \
- "synner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'synner -h && zsh'" \
- "xcavator" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xcavator -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/threat-model b/config/ratpoison/menu/threat-model
deleted file mode 100755
index c049121..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/threat-model
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "threat-model" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "magictree" "urxvt -e bash -c 'magictree && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/tunnel b/config/ratpoison/menu/tunnel
deleted file mode 100755
index 36ac380..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/tunnel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "tunnel" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "chownat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'chownat -h && zsh'" \
- "ctunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ctunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "dns2tcpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dns2tcpc && zsh'" \
- "dns2tcpd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dns2tcpd && zsh'" \
- "fraud-bridge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fraud-bridge -h && zsh'" \
- "htc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'htc --help && zsh'" \
- "hts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hts --help && zsh'" \
- "htc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'htc --help && zsh'" \
- "hts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hts --help && zsh'" \
- "icmptx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'icmptx && zsh'" \
- "iodine" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iodine && zsh'" \
- "iodined" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iodined && zsh'" \
- "iodine" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iodine && zsh'" \
- "iodined" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iodined && zsh'" \
- "ip-https-test" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ip-https-test && zsh'" \
- "matahari" "urxvt -e bash -c 'matahari && zsh'" \
- "morxtunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxtunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "multitun" "urxvt -e bash -c 'multitun && zsh'" \
- "packet-o-matic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'packet-o-matic -h && zsh'" \
- "proxytunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxytunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "proxytunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'proxytunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "ptunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ptunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "stunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stunnel && zsh'" \
- "stunnel3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stunnel3 && zsh'" \
- "stunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stunnel && zsh'" \
- "stunnel3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'stunnel3 && zsh'" \
- "tor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor -h && zsh'" \
- "tor-gencert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-gencert && zsh'" \
- "tor-resolve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-resolve && zsh'" \
- "torify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torify -h && zsh'" \
- "tor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor -h && zsh'" \
- "tor-gencert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-gencert && zsh'" \
- "tor-resolve" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tor-resolve && zsh'" \
- "torify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'torify -h && zsh'" \
- "tunna-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tunna-proxy && zsh'" \
- "tunna-webserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tunna-webserver && zsh'" \
- "udptunnel" "urxvt -e bash -c 'udptunnel -h && zsh'" \
- "vstt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vstt -h && zsh'" \
- "vstt-reader" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vstt-reader && zsh'" \
- "vstt-s2f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vstt-s2f && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/unpacker b/config/ratpoison/menu/unpacker
deleted file mode 100755
index 480190a..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/unpacker
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "unpacker" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "js-beautify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'js-beautify -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/voip b/config/ratpoison/menu/voip
deleted file mode 100755
index 2e23991..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/voip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "voip" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "ace" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ace -h && zsh'" \
- "bluebox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluebox && zsh'" \
- "bluebox-ng" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bluebox-ng -h && zsh'" \
- "erase_registrations" "urxvt -e bash -c 'erase_registrations && zsh'" \
- "iaxflood" "urxvt -e bash -c 'iaxflood && zsh'" \
- "ilty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ilty -h && zsh'" \
- "pcapsipdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pcapsipdump && zsh'" \
- "protos-sip" "urxvt -e bash -c 'protos-sip && zsh'" \
- "redirectpoison" "urxvt -e bash -c 'redirectpoison && zsh'" \
- "rtpflood" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rtpflood -h && zsh'" \
- "siparmyknife" "urxvt -e bash -c 'siparmyknife && zsh'" \
- "sipcrack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sipcrack -h && zsh'" \
- "sipdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sipdump -h && zsh'" \
- "sipp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sipp && zsh'" \
- "sipsak" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sipsak && zsh'" \
- "sipshock" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sipshock -h && zsh'" \
- "storm-ring" "urxvt -e bash -c 'storm-ring -h && zsh'" \
- "teardown" "urxvt -e bash -c 'teardown && zsh'" \
- "vnak" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vnak && zsh'" \
- "voiphopper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'voiphopper -h && zsh'" \
- "voipctl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'voipctl -h && zsh'" \
- "voipong" "urxvt -e bash -c 'voipong -h && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/webapp b/config/ratpoison/menu/webapp
deleted file mode 100755
index 98ee5e6..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/webapp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "webapp" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "adminpagefinder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'adminpagefinder -h && zsh'" \
- "allthevhosts" "urxvt -e bash -c 'allthevhosts && zsh'" \
- "arachni" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_console" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_console -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_multi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_multi -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_rpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_rpc -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_rpcd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_rpcd -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_rpcd_monitor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_rpcd_monitor -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_script" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_script -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_console" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_console -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_multi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_multi -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_reporter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_reporter && zsh'" \
- "arachni_restore" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_restore && zsh'" \
- "arachni_rpc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_rpc -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_rpcd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_rpcd -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_rpcd_monitor" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_rpcd_monitor -h && zsh'" \
- "arachni_script" "urxvt -e bash -c 'arachni_script -h && zsh'" \
- "asp-audit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'asp-audit && zsh'" \
- "backcookie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'backcookie -h && zsh'" \
- "bbqsql" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bbqsql -h && zsh'" \
- "bing-lfi-rfi" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bing-lfi-rfi -h && zsh'" \
- "blindelephant" "urxvt -e bash -c 'blindelephant -h && zsh'" \
- "bsqlbf.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bsqlbf.pl && zsh'" \
- "burpsuite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'burpsuite && zsh'" \
- "cangibrina" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cangibrina -h && zsh'" \
- "cansina" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cansina -h && zsh'" \
- "cintruder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cintruder -h && zsh'" \
- "cms-explorer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cms-explorer -h && zsh'" \
- "cms-few" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cms-few -h && zsh'" \
- "cmsmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cmsmap -h && zsh'" \
- "conscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'conscan -h && zsh'" \
- "cpfinder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cpfinder -h && zsh'" \
- "csrftester" "urxvt -e bash -c 'csrftester && zsh'" \
- "darkbing" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkbing -h && zsh'" \
- "darkd0rk3r" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkd0rk3r ; rm -rf darkd0rk3r-*.txt && zsh'" \
- "adminpath.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'adminpath.py && zsh'" \
- "clearlog.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'clearlog.py && zsh'" \
- "daemoninfo.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'daemoninfo.pl && zsh'" \
- "darkcgi.pl" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkcgi.pl && zsh'" \
- "darkcgi.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkcgi.py && zsh'" \
- "darkjumper.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkjumper.py -h && zsh'" \
- "devilzc0de.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'devilzc0de.py && zsh'" \
- "ftpbrute.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ftpbrute.py && zsh'" \
- "injector.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'injector.py -h && zsh'" \
- "subscan.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'subscan.py && zsh'" \
- "subscan2.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'subscan2.py && zsh'" \
- "tes.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tes.py && zsh'" \
- "tes2.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tes2.py && zsh'" \
- "var.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'var.py && zsh'" \
- "darkmysqli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'darkmysqli -h && zsh'" \
- "dirb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirb && zsh'" \
- "dirb-gendict" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirb-gendict && zsh'" \
- "html2dic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'html2dic && zsh'" \
- "dirbuster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirbuster && zsh'" \
- "dirs3arch" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirs3arch -h && zsh'" \
- "dirscanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dirscanner -h && zsh'" \
- "dpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dpscan && zsh'" \
- "dumb0" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dumb0 -h && zsh'" \
- "easyfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easyfuzzer && zsh'" \
- "easyfuzzer-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'easyfuzzer-proxy && zsh'" \
- "prepare4easyfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'prepare4easyfuzzer && zsh'" \
- "wbxml2request" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wbxml2request && zsh'" \
- "wsdl2request" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wsdl2request && zsh'" \
- "eazy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eazy -h && zsh'" \
- "eyewitness" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eyewitness -h && zsh'" \
- "facebot" "urxvt -e bash -c 'facebot -h && zsh'" \
- "facebrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'facebrute -h && zsh'" \
- "fbht" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fbht && zsh'" \
- "fhttp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fhttp -h && zsh'" \
- "flunym0us" "urxvt -e bash -c 'flunym0us && zsh'" \
- "golismero" "urxvt -e bash -c 'golismero -h && zsh'" \
- "daily_cleanup.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'daily_cleanup.py && zsh'" \
- "django-2to3.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'django-2to3.py && zsh'" \
- "django-admin.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'django-admin.py -h && zsh'" \
- "unique-messages.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unique-messages.py && zsh'" \
- "grabber-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grabber-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "gwtenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gwtenum -h && zsh'" \
- "gwtfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gwtfuzzer -h && zsh'" \
- "gwtparse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gwtparse -h && zsh'" \
- "halberd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'halberd -h && zsh'" \
- "host-extract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'host-extract -h && zsh'" \
- "httpextract" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpextract -h && zsh'" \
- "httpforge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpforge -h && zsh'" \
- "httpsend" "urxvt -e bash -c 'httpsend -h && zsh'" \
- "imagejs" "urxvt -e bash -c 'imagejs && zsh'" \
- "inurlbr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'inurlbr -h && zsh'" \
- "isr-form" "urxvt -e bash -c 'isr-form -h && zsh'" \
- "unix-jboss-autopwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'unix-jboss-autopwn && zsh'" \
- "win-jboss-autopwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'win-jboss-autopwn && zsh'" \
- "jomplug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'jomplug -h && zsh'" \
- "joomlascan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'joomlascan -h && zsh'" \
- "joomscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'joomscan -h && zsh'" \
- "kolkata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kolkata && zsh'" \
- "laf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'laf -h && zsh'" \
- "aprof" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aprof && zsh'" \
- "lbmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lbmap -h && zsh'" \
- "lfi-exploiter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-exploiter -h && zsh'" \
- "lfi_fuzzploit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi_fuzzploit && zsh'" \
- "lfi-scanner" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-scanner -h && zsh'" \
- "lfi-sploiter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfi-sploiter -h && zsh'" \
- "lfimap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'lfimap -h && zsh'" \
- "liffy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'liffy -h && zsh'" \
- "list-urls" "urxvt -e bash -c 'list-urls && zsh'" \
- "metoscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'metoscan && zsh'" \
- "morxtraversal" "urxvt -e bash -c 'morxtraversal && zsh'" \
- "MultiInjector" "urxvt -e bash -c 'MultiInjector && zsh'" \
- "mwebfp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mwebfp -h && zsh'" \
- "nikto" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nikto -H && zsh'" \
- "nsia" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsia -h && zsh'" \
- "nsia.jar" "urxvt -e bash -c 'nsia.jar && zsh'" \
- "otori" "urxvt -e bash -c 'otori -h && zsh'" \
- "owasp-bywaf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'owasp-bywaf -h && zsh'" \
- "owtf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'owtf && zsh'" \
- "paranoic" "urxvt -e bash -c 'paranoic -h && zsh'" \
- "paros" "urxvt -e bash -c 'paros && zsh'" \
- "pblind.py" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pblind.py && zsh'" \
- "plecost" "urxvt -e bash -c 'plecost && zsh'" \
- "plown" "urxvt -e bash -c 'plown -h && zsh'" \
- "pyfiscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyfiscan -h && zsh'" \
- "ratproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ratproxy -h && zsh'" \
- "rawr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rawr -h && zsh'" \
- "rww-attack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rww-attack && zsh'" \
- "scrapy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'scrapy -h && zsh'" \
- "secscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'secscan -h && zsh'" \
- "shortfuzzy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'shortfuzzy -h && zsh'" \
- "sfscandiff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sfscandiff -h && zsh'" \
- "skipfish" "urxvt -e bash -c 'skipfish -h && zsh'" \
- "sparty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sparty -h && zsh'" \
- "spiga" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spiga -h && zsh'" \
- "spike-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spike-proxy -h && zsh'" \
- "spipscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spipscan && zsh'" \
- "sqid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqid -h && zsh'" \
- "sqlbrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlbrute -h && zsh'" \
- "sqlmap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlmap -hh && zsh'" \
- "sqlninja" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlninja -h && zsh'" \
- "sqlsus" "urxvt -e bash -c 'sqlsus -h && zsh'" \
- "themole" "urxvt -e bash -c 'themole -h && zsh'" \
- "ua-tester" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ua-tester && zsh'" \
- "ufonet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ufonet -h && zsh'" \
- "uniscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uniscan --help && zsh'" \
- "urlcrazy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'urlcrazy -h && zsh'" \
- "urldigger" "urxvt -e bash -c 'urldigger -h && zsh'" \
- "vane" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vane -h && zsh'" \
- "vanguard" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vanguard -h && zsh'" \
- "vega" "urxvt -e bash -c 'vega && zsh'" \
- "w3af" "urxvt -e bash -c 'w3af -h && zsh'" \
- "w3af-gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'w3af-gui && zsh'" \
- "wafw00f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wafw00f -h && zsh'" \
- "wafp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wafp -h && zsh'" \
- "wapiti" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti -h && zsh'" \
- "wapiti-cookie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti-cookie -h && zsh'" \
- "wapiti-getcookie" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wapiti-getcookie -h && zsh'" \
- "web-soul" "urxvt -e bash -c 'web-soul -h && zsh'" \
- "webacoo" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webacoo -h && zsh'" \
- "webenum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webenum -h && zsh'" \
- "webhandler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webhandler && zsh'" \
- "webpwn3r" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webpwn3r -h && zsh'" \
- "webrute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webrute -help && zsh'" \
- "webscarab" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webscarab && zsh'" \
- "webshag_cli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webshag_cli -h && zsh'" \
- "webshag_gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webshag_gui && zsh'" \
- "webslayer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webslayer && zsh'" \
- "webspa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'webspa -help && zsh'" \
- "weevely" "urxvt -e bash -c 'weevely -h && zsh'" \
- "wfuzz" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wfuzz && zsh'" \
- "whatweb" "urxvt -e bash -c 'whatweb -h && zsh'" \
- "wig" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wig -h && zsh'" \
- "witchxtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'witchxtool -h && zsh'" \
- "wmat" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wmat && zsh'" \
- "wordbrutepress" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wordbrutepress && zsh'" \
- "wpbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wpbf -h && zsh'" \
- "wpscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wpscan -h && zsh'" \
- "ws-attacker" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ws-attacker && zsh'" \
- "wsfuzzer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wsfuzzer && zsh'" \
- "xsser" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xsser -h && zsh'" \
- "xssless" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xssless && zsh'" \
- "xsss" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xsss && zsh'" \
- "xssscan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xssscan -h && zsh'" \
- "xsssniper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xsssniper -h && zsh'" \
- "xssya" "urxvt -e bash -c 'xssya -h && zsh'" \
- "yaaf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yaaf -h && zsh'" \
- "ycrawler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ycrawler -h && zsh'" \
- "yinjector" "urxvt -e bash -c 'yinjector -h && zsh'" \
- "zaproxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zaproxy && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/windows b/config/ratpoison/menu/windows
deleted file mode 100755
index add1f71..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/windows
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "windows" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "3proxy.key" "urxvt -e bash -c '3proxy.key && zsh'" \
- "3proxy.pem" "urxvt -e bash -c '3proxy.pem && zsh'" \
- "rus-koi8-r.3ps" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rus-koi8-r.3ps && zsh'" \
- "rus-win1251.3ps" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rus-win1251.3ps && zsh'" \
- "server.key" "urxvt -e bash -c 'server.key && zsh'" \
- "missidentify" "urxvt -e bash -c 'missidentify -h && zsh'" \
- "msvpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'msvpwn -h && zsh'" \
- "ollydbg" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ollydbg && zsh'" \
- "tunna-proxy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tunna-proxy && zsh'" \
- "tunna-webserver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'tunna-webserver && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/menu/wireless b/config/ratpoison/menu/wireless
deleted file mode 100755
index 2fc6eda..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/menu/wireless
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-~/.tools/ratmenu -label "wireless" \
- -style dreary -fg "$COLOR11" -bg "$COLOR0" \
- "airflood" "urxvt -e bash -c 'airflood -h && zsh'" \
- "airopdate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'airopdate && zsh'" \
- "airoscript-ng" "urxvt -e bash -c 'airoscript-ng && zsh'" \
- "airoscwordlist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'airoscwordlist && zsh'" \
- "airpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'airpwn -h && zsh'" \
- "wep_keygen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wep_keygen && zsh'" \
- "aphopper" "urxvt -e bash -c 'aphopper && zsh'" \
- "apnbf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'apnbf -h && zsh'" \
- "beholder" "urxvt -e bash -c 'beholder -h && zsh'" \
- "bully" "urxvt -e bash -c 'bully -h && zsh'" \
- "cowpatty" "urxvt -e bash -c 'cowpatty -h && zsh'" \
- "genpmk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'genpmk -h && zsh'" \
- "create-ap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'create-ap -h && zsh'" \
- "eapmd5pass" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eapmd5pass && zsh'" \
- "eyepwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'eyepwn && zsh'" \
- "fern" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fern && zsh'" \
- "checkrad" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checkrad -h && zsh'" \
- "dhcpclient" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcpclient -h && zsh'" \
- "rad_counter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rad_counter && zsh'" \
- "radattr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radattr -h && zsh'" \
- "radclient" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radclient -h && zsh'" \
- "radcrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radcrypt -h && zsh'" \
- "raddebug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raddebug -h && zsh'" \
- "radeapclient" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radeapclient && zsh'" \
- "radiusd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radiusd -h && zsh'" \
- "radlast" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radlast -h && zsh'" \
- "radmin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radmin -h && zsh'" \
- "radsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "radsqlrelay" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radsqlrelay && zsh'" \
- "radtest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radtest && zsh'" \
- "radwho" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radwho -h && zsh'" \
- "radzap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radzap -h && zsh'" \
- "rbmonkey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rbmonkey && zsh'" \
- "rc.radiusd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rc.radiusd && zsh'" \
- "rlm_ippool_tool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rlm_ippool_tool && zsh'" \
- "smbencrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smbencrypt && zsh'" \
- "checkrad" "urxvt -e bash -c 'checkrad -h && zsh'" \
- "dhcpclient" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcpclient -h && zsh'" \
- "rad_counter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rad_counter && zsh'" \
- "radattr" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radattr -h && zsh'" \
- "radclient" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radclient -h && zsh'" \
- "radcrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radcrypt -h && zsh'" \
- "raddebug" "urxvt -e bash -c 'raddebug -h && zsh'" \
- "radeapclient" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radeapclient && zsh'" \
- "radiusd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radiusd -h && zsh'" \
- "radlast" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radlast -h && zsh'" \
- "radmin" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radmin -h && zsh'" \
- "radsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radsniff -h && zsh'" \
- "radsqlrelay" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radsqlrelay && zsh'" \
- "radtest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radtest && zsh'" \
- "radwho" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radwho -h && zsh'" \
- "radzap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'radzap -h && zsh'" \
- "rbmonkey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rbmonkey && zsh'" \
- "rc.radiusd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rc.radiusd && zsh'" \
- "rlm_ippool_tool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rlm_ippool_tool && zsh'" \
- "smbencrypt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'smbencrypt && zsh'" \
- "fuzzap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'fuzzap -h && zsh'" \
- "decode-g72x" "urxvt -e bash -c 'decode-g72x -h && zsh'" \
- "giskismet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'giskismet && zsh'" \
- "gnuradio-companion" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gnuradio-companion -h && zsh'" \
- "gnuradio-config-info" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gnuradio-config-info -h && zsh'" \
- "gr_filter_design" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_filter_design && zsh'" \
- "gr_modtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_modtool && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_char" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_char && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_const" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_const && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_fft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_fft && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_fft_c" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_fft_c && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_fft_f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_fft_f && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_float" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_float && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_int" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_int && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_iq" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_iq && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_psd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_psd && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_psd_c" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_psd_c && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_psd_f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_psd_f && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_qt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_qt && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_short" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_short && zsh'" \
- "gr_read_file_metadata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_read_file_metadata && zsh'" \
- "grcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grcc && zsh'" \
- "uhd_fft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_fft && zsh'" \
- "uhd_rx_cfile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_rx_cfile && zsh'" \
- "uhd_rx_nogui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_rx_nogui && zsh'" \
- "uhd_siggen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_siggen && zsh'" \
- "uhd_siggen_gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_siggen_gui && zsh'" \
- "usrp_flex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usrp_flex && zsh'" \
- "usrp_flex_all" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usrp_flex_all && zsh'" \
- "usrp_flex_band" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usrp_flex_band && zsh'" \
- "volk-config-info" "urxvt -e bash -c 'volk-config-info && zsh'" \
- "volk_modtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'volk_modtool && zsh'" \
- "volk_profile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'volk_profile && zsh'" \
- "gnuradio-companion" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gnuradio-companion -h && zsh'" \
- "gnuradio-config-info" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gnuradio-config-info -h && zsh'" \
- "gr_filter_design" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_filter_design && zsh'" \
- "gr_modtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_modtool && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_char" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_char && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_const" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_const && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_fft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_fft && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_fft_c" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_fft_c && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_fft_f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_fft_f && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_float" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_float && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_int" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_int && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_iq" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_iq && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_psd" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_psd && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_psd_c" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_psd_c && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_psd_f" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_psd_f && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_qt" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_qt && zsh'" \
- "gr_plot_short" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_plot_short && zsh'" \
- "gr_read_file_metadata" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gr_read_file_metadata && zsh'" \
- "grcc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'grcc && zsh'" \
- "uhd_fft" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_fft && zsh'" \
- "uhd_rx_cfile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_rx_cfile && zsh'" \
- "uhd_rx_nogui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_rx_nogui && zsh'" \
- "uhd_siggen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_siggen && zsh'" \
- "uhd_siggen_gui" "urxvt -e bash -c 'uhd_siggen_gui && zsh'" \
- "usrp_flex" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usrp_flex && zsh'" \
- "usrp_flex_all" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usrp_flex_all && zsh'" \
- "usrp_flex_band" "urxvt -e bash -c 'usrp_flex_band && zsh'" \
- "volk-config-info" "urxvt -e bash -c 'volk-config-info && zsh'" \
- "volk_modtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'volk_modtool && zsh'" \
- "volk_profile" "urxvt -e bash -c 'volk_profile && zsh'" \
- "gqrx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gqrx -h && zsh'" \
- "gqrx-alsa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gqrx-alsa && zsh'" \
- "gqrx-alsa" "urxvt -e bash -c 'gqrx-alsa && zsh'" \
- "hotspotter" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hotspotter && zsh'" \
- "hawk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hawk --help && zsh'" \
- "hwk-eagle" "urxvt -e bash -c 'hwk-eagle --help && zsh'" \
- "zbassocflood" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbassocflood && zsh'" \
- "zbconvert" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbconvert && zsh'" \
- "zbdsniff" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbdsniff && zsh'" \
- "zbdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbdump && zsh'" \
- "zbfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbfind && zsh'" \
- "zbgoodfind" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbgoodfind && zsh'" \
- "zbid" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbid && zsh'" \
- "zbkey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbkey && zsh'" \
- "zbopenear" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbopenear -h && zsh'" \
- "zbreplay" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbreplay && zsh'" \
- "zbscapy" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbscapy && zsh'" \
- "zbstumbler" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbstumbler -h && zsh'" \
- "zbwardrive" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbwardrive && zsh'" \
- "zbwireshark" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zbwireshark && zsh'" \
- "kismet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet -h && zsh'" \
- "kismet_capture" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet_capture && zsh'" \
- "kismet_client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet_client -h && zsh'" \
- "kismet_drone" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet_drone -h && zsh'" \
- "kismet_server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet_server -h && zsh'" \
- "kismet" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet -h && zsh'" \
- "kismet_capture" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet_capture && zsh'" \
- "kismet_client" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet_client -h && zsh'" \
- "kismet_drone" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet_drone -h && zsh'" \
- "kismet_server" "urxvt -e bash -c 'kismet_server -h && zsh'" \
- "db2ge" "urxvt -e bash -c 'db2ge -h && zsh'" \
- "k2db" "urxvt -e bash -c 'k2db -h && zsh'" \
- "linset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'linset && zsh'" \
- "mdk3" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mdk3 --help && zsh'" \
- "mfcuk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mfcuk && zsh'" \
- "mfoc" "urxvt -e bash -c 'mfoc -h && zsh'" \
- "netdiscover" "urxvt -e bash -c 'netdiscover -h && zsh'" \
- "pyrit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'pyrit -h && zsh'" \
- "reaver" "urxvt -e bash -c 'reaver && zsh'" \
- "wash" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wash && zsh'" \
- "rfdump" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfdump && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-ChAP" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-ChAP -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-cardselect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-cardselect -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-copytag" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-copytag -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-demotag" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-demotag -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-eeprom" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-eeprom -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-fdxbnum" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-fdxbnum -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-formatmifare1kvalue" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-formatmifare1kvalue -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-froschtest" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-froschtest -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-hidprox" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-hidprox -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-hitag2brute" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-hitag2brute -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-hitag2reset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-hitag2reset -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-isotype" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-isotype -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-jcopmifare" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-jcopmifare -h; bash && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-jcopsetatrhist" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-jcopsetatrhist -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-jcoptool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-jcoptool -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-lfxtype" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-lfxtype -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-loginall" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-loginall -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-mifarekeys" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-mifarekeys -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-mrpkey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-mrpkey -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-multiselect" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-multiselect -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-pn532emulate" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-pn532emulate -h; bash && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-pn532mitm" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-pn532mitm -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-q5reset" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-q5reset -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-readlfx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-readlfx -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-readmifare1k" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-readmifare1k -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-readmifaresimple" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-readmifaresimple -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-readmifareultra" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-readmifareultra -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-readtag" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-readtag -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-rfidiot-cli" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-rfidiot-cli -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-send-apdu" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-send-apdu -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-sod" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-sod && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-transit" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-transit -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-unique" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-unique -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-writelfx" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-writelfx -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidiot-writemifare1k" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidiot-writemifare1k -h && zsh'" \
- "rfidtool" "urxvt -e bash -c 'rfidtool && zsh'" \
- "spectool_curses" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spectool_curses -h && zsh'" \
- "spectool_gtk" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spectool_gtk && zsh'" \
- "spectool_net" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spectool_net -h && zsh'" \
- "spectool_raw" "urxvt -e bash -c 'spectool_raw -h && zsh'" \
- "speedport-arcadyan" "urxvt -e bash -c 'speedport-arcadyan && zsh'" \
- "speedpwn" "urxvt -e bash -c 'speedpwn -h && zsh'" \
- "timegen" "urxvt -e bash -c 'timegen -h && zsh'" \
- "ubitack" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ubitack -h && zsh'" \
- "ufo-wardriving" "urxvt -e bash -c 'ufo-wardriving && zsh'" \
- "wavemon" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wavemon -h && zsh'" \
- "wepbuster" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wepbuster --help && zsh'" \
- "wi-feye" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wi-feye -h && zsh'" \
- "dhcpd.conf" "urxvt -e bash -c 'dhcpd.conf && zsh'" \
- "evilgrade.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'evilgrade.sh && zsh'" \
- "wifi-honey" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifi-honey -h && zsh'" \
- "wificurse" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wificurse -h && zsh'" \
- "wifijammer" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifijammer -h && zsh'" \
- "wifiphisher" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifiphisher -h && zsh'" \
- "wifiarp" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifiarp -h && zsh'" \
- "wifidns" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifidns && zsh'" \
- "wifiping" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifiping && zsh'" \
- "wifitap" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifitap && zsh'" \
- "wifite" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wifite && zsh'" \
- "wireless-ids" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wireless-ids -h && zsh'" \
- "wirouterkeyrec" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wirouterkeyrec && zsh'" \
- "wr_iwlist.sh" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wr_iwlist.sh && zsh'" \
- "wlan2eth" "urxvt -e bash -c 'wlan2eth -h && zsh'" \
- "zulu" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zulu && zsh'" \
- "zykeys" "urxvt -e bash -c 'zykeys && zsh'" \
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/mpdvolind b/config/ratpoison/mpdvolind
deleted file mode 100755
index c279af8..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/mpdvolind
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-volm=`mpc -h volume | perl -pe 's/^volume://' | perl -pe 's/%$//' | perl -pe 's/^ //'`
-if [[ "$volm" -eq "100" ]]; then
- let volm=99
-echo M$volm
-bottom=`echo $volm | awk '{print int($1 * 0.2 + 0.5)}'`
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x8C"
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x80"
-echo -e "\xE2\x94\x90"
-while [ $top -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- echo -n \
- echo -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- let top=$(($top-1))
-while [ $bottom -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x96\x88"
- echo -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- let bottom=$(($bottom-1))
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x94"
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x80"
-echo -e "\xE2\x94\x98"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/newtab b/config/ratpoison/newtab
deleted file mode 100755
index 2adab28..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/newtab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-~/.config/ratpoison/exec_to_workspace 2 firefox -new-tab $1
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/audio_mon b/config/ratpoison/panel/audio_mon
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a1fa55..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/audio_mon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-alsactl monitor |
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/batterymon b/config/ratpoison/panel/batterymon
deleted file mode 100755
index 19a4d5a..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/batterymon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-while true;do
-if [ `battery -f '%i'` -lt 5 ] && ! [ -z ~/.dontshut ]; then
-touch ~/.dontshut
-zenity --question --title "Battery" --text "Battery if pretty fucking low, go to sleep?"
-if [ $? -ne 1 ];then
-rm ~/.dontshut
-sleep 30;
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/icons b/config/ratpoison/panel/icons
deleted file mode 100755
index aa27523..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/icons
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Icons
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/load b/config/ratpoison/panel/load
deleted file mode 100755
index 3977bee..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/load
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-while true; do
-cpu=`mpstat -P ALL 2 1 | grep "Average.*all" | awk '{print $3+$5}'`
-mem=`free | grep Mem | awk '{print $3/$2 * 100.0}'`
-printf "C%.*f\n" 1 $cpu
-printf "R%.*f\n" 0 $mem
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/monce b/config/ratpoison/panel/monce
deleted file mode 100755
index caa316c..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/monce
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-d=30 # width
-new=`mpc current`
-if [ "$old" != "$new" ];then
-e=$(expr $f + $d)
-if mpc | grep -q playing; then
-echo "$symbol`echo $new | cut --bytes $f-$e`"
-echo "K`mpc -h volume | perl -pe 's/^volume://' | perl -pe 's/%$//' | perl -pe 's/^ //'`"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/music b/config/ratpoison/panel/music
deleted file mode 100755
index 2fb91d1..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/music
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-while true;do
-new=`mpc current`
-if mpc | grep -q playing; then
-echo "$symbol`echo $new | cut --bytes 1-30`"
-echo "K`mpc -h volume | perl -pe 's/^volume://' | perl -pe 's/%$//' | perl -pe 's/^ //'`"
-mpc idle > /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
-echo 'mpd not alive';
-sleep 30;
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/panel b/config/ratpoison/panel/panel
deleted file mode 100755
index 0477467..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/panel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-cd ~/.tools/panel
-. ./profile
-. ~/.colors
-[ -e "$PANEL_FIFO" ] && rm "$PANEL_FIFO"
-mkfifo -m 777 "$PANEL_FIFO"
-#bspc config top_padding $PANEL_HEIGHT
-#bspc control --subscribe > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-./windows > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-echo "D`rpws current`" > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-volume -f 'V%i' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-battery -i 60 -sf 'B%s %i' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-clock -i 60 -sf 'Z%d %a %H:%M' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-./music > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-#./load > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-#essid -sf 'E%s' -i 30 -w wlp2s0 > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-# ./signal > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-unbuffer alsactl monitor | grep --line-buffered 'Headphone Jack' | while read line; do volume -f 'V%i' > $PANEL_FIFO;done &
-source ./panel_colors
-cat "$PANEL_FIFO" | ./panel_bar | lemonbar -f "$FONT_FONT" -f "$ICON_FONT" -g x$PANEL_HEIGHT -F "$COLOR11" -B "$COLOR0" -u 3 &
-#sleep 1;
-#stalonetray --geometry 1x1-415+2 --icon-gravity E --grow-gravity E -bg $COLOR0 -i 20 &
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/panel_bar b/config/ratpoison/panel/panel_bar
deleted file mode 100755
index 99370d8..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/panel_bar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-num_mon=$(bspc query -M | wc -l)
-. ./panel_colors
-. ./icons
-while read -r line ; do
- case $line in
- Imail)
- mbsync -a > /dev/null
- if bspc control --get-status | grep OIX > /dev/null;then
- mail=''
- else
- fi
- ;;
- Iface)
- if bspc control --get-status | grep OX > /dev/null;then
- face=''
- else
- fi
- ;;
- Ipub)
- if bspc control --get-status | grep OX > /dev/null;then
- pub=''
- else
- fi
- ;;
- Ipriv)
- if bspc control --get-status | grep OX > /dev/null;then
- priv=''
- else
- fi
- ;;
- Iclear)
- priv=""
- pub=""
- face=""
- ;;
- Ixlear)
- mail=''
- ;;
-# C*)
-# cpu="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} C:${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
-# ;;
-# R*)
-# ram="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} R:${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
-# ;;
-# S*)
-# signal="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} S:${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
-# ;;
- p*)
- # playing mpc
- paused=''
- playing="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${ICON_PLAY} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
- ;;
- P*)
- # paused mpc
- playing=''
- paused="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${ICON_PAUSE} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
- ;;
- K*)
- # volume output
- musicvol="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${ICON_MUSIC} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
- ;;
- BDischarging*)
- percent=`echo ${line#?} | cut -d' ' -f2`
- battery="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${ICON_PWR} ${percent} %{B-}%{F-}";
- ;;
- B*)
- percent=`echo ${line#?} | cut -d' ' -f2`
- battery="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${ICON_PLUG} ${percent} %{B-}%{F-}";
- ;;
- V*)
- # volume output
- if amixer contents | head -12 | tail -1 | grep on > /dev/null;then
- volume="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${ICON_HPHONES} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
- else
- volume="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${ICON_VOLUME_UP} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}";
- fi
- ;;
- E*)
- # essid output
- if [ -z ${line#?} ];then
- essid="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} E:No WiFi %{B-}%{F-}"
- else
- essid="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} E:${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
- fi
- ;;
- Z*)
- # clock output
- time_infos="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
- ;;
-# T*)
-# # xtitle output
-# title="%{F$COLOR_TITLE_FG}%{B$COLOR_TITLE_BG} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
-# ;;
- D*)
- # active desktop
- desktop="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${line#?}%{B-}%{F-} "
- ;;
- Wclear)
- wm_infos=''
- ;;
- \**)
- # current focused window
- wm_infos="${wm_infos}%{F$COLOR_FOCUSED_FG}%{B$COLOR_FOCUSED_BG}%{U$COLOR_FOCUSED_UG}%{+o} ${line#?} %{-o}%{B-}%{F-}%{U-}"
- ;;
- +*)
- # last focused window
- wm_infos="${wm_infos}%{F$COLOR_OTHER_FG}%{B$COLOR_OTHER_BG} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
- ;;
- -*)
- # other windows
- wm_infos="${wm_infos}%{F$COLOR_ELSE_FG}%{B$COLOR_ELSE_BG} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
- ;;
-# u*)
-# # urgent desktop
-# wm_infos="${wm_infos}%{F$COLOR_URGENT_FG}%{B$COLOR_URGENT_BG} ${name} %{B-}%{F-}"
-# ;;
-# L*)
-# # layout
-# wm_infos="$wm_infos %{F$COLOR_LAYOUT_FG}%{B$COLOR_LAYOUT_BG} ${name} %{B-}%{F-}"
-# ;;
- esac
-# printf "%s\n" "%{l}${wm_infos}${title}%{r}${playing}${paused}${cpu}${ram}${essid}${signal}${volume}${musicvol}${battery}${time_infos} "
- printf "%s\n" "%{l}${desktop}${wm_infos}%{r}${face}${priv}${pub}${mail}${playing}${paused}${cpu}${ram}${volume}${musicvol}${battery}${time_infos}"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/panel_colors b/config/ratpoison/panel/panel_colors
deleted file mode 100755
index ac3d3b4..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/panel_colors
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-. ~/.colors
-COLOR_FOCUSED_FG="#FF`echo $COLOR4 | cut -c 2-`"
-COLOR_FOCUSED_BG="#FF`echo $COLOR0 | cut -c 2-`"
-COLOR_FOCUSED_UG="#FF`echo $COLOR1 | cut -c 2-`"
-COLOR_OTHER_FG="#FF`echo $COLOR10 | cut -c 2-`"
-COLOR_OTHER_BG="#FF`echo $COLOR0 | cut -c 2-`"
-COLOR_STATUS_FG="#FF`echo $COLOR12 | cut -c 2-`"
-COLOR_STATUS_BG="#FF`echo $COLOR0 | cut -c 2-`"
-COLOR_ELSE_FG="#FF`echo $COLOR11 | cut -c 2-`"
-COLOR_ELSE_BG="#FF`echo $COLOR0 | cut -c 2-`"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/profile b/config/ratpoison/panel/profile
deleted file mode 100755
index e0eeba2..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/profile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/signal b/config/ratpoison/panel/signal
deleted file mode 100755
index d494f5d..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/signal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-while true;do
-signal=`iwconfig $INTERFACE | grep Signal| perl -pe 's/.*level=//; s/ dBm.*//'`
-#convert to Quality
- if [ $signal -le -100 ];then
- quality=0;
- elif [ $signal -ge -50 ];then
- quality=100;
- elif [ -z $signal ];then
- quality=0;
- else
- quality=$(( 2 * ( $signal + 100 )));
- fi
-echo "S$quality";
-sleep 3;
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/panel/windows b/config/ratpoison/panel/windows
deleted file mode 100755
index e5ae808..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/panel/windows
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-echo 'Wclear' > /tmp/panel-fifo
-ratpoison -c 'windows %s%n %t' | while read line;do echo "${line}" | cut -c -25 > /tmp/panel-fifo && sleep 0.004;done
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/paneltoggle b/config/ratpoison/paneltoggle
deleted file mode 100755
index 5e665bb..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/paneltoggle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# This shell script is PUBLIC DOMAIN. You may do whatever you want with it.
-if [ ! -e $TOGGLE ]; then
- touch $TOGGLE
- ratpoison -c hidepanel
- rm $TOGGLE
- ratpoison -c showpanel
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/py/color_detect.py b/config/ratpoison/py/color_detect.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 30661f8..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/py/color_detect.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import colorsys
-from colorz import colorz
-from math import sqrt
- import Image
-except ImportError:
- from PIL import Image
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print "Usage: {0} FILENAME [num_colors]".format(sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit()
-print sys.argv[1]
-WALLPAPER = sys.argv[1]
-filename = WALLPAPER.split('/').pop()
-COLORS = ".{0}.colors".format(filename)
-XRESOURCES = ".{0}.Xres".format(filename)
-SAMPLE = ".{0}.sample.png".format(filename)
-cols = ''
-xres = ''
-def torgb(hexv):
- hexv = hexv[1:]
- r, g, b = (
- int(hexv[0:2], 16) / 256.0,
- int(hexv[2:4], 16) / 256.0,
- int(hexv[4:6], 16) / 256.0,
- )
- return r, g, b
-def normalize(hexv, minv=128, maxv=256):
- r, g, b = torgb(hexv)
- h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)
- minv = minv / 256.0
- maxv = maxv / 256.0
- if v < minv:
- v = minv
- if v > maxv:
- v = maxv
- r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
- return '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(int(r * 256), int(g * 256), int(b * 256))
-def darkness(hexv):
- r, g, b = torgb(hexv)
- darkness = sqrt((255 - r) ** 2 + (255 - g) ** 2 + (255 - b) ** 2)
- return darkness
-def to_hsv(c):
- r, g, b = torgb(c)
- h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)
- return h, s, v
-def hex_color_to_rgb(color):
- color = color[1:] if color[0]=="#" else color
- return (
- int(color[:2], 16),
- int(color[2:4], 16),
- int(color[4:], 16)
- )
-def create_sample(f, colors):
- im = Image.new("RGB", (1000, 100), "white")
- pix = im.load()
- width_sample = im.size[0]/len(colors)
- for i, c in enumerate(colors):
- for j in range(width_sample*i, width_sample*i+width_sample):
- for k in range(0, 100):
- pix[j, k] = hex_color_to_rgb(c)
- im.save(f)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) == 2:
- n = 16
- else:
- n = int(sys.argv[2])
- i = 0
- # sort by value, saturation, then hue
- colors = colorz(WALLPAPER, n=n)
- colors.sort(key=lambda x:darkness(x), reverse=True)
- for c in colors:
- if i == 0:
- c = normalize(c, minv=0, maxv=32)
- elif i == 8:
- c = normalize(c, minv=128, maxv=192)
- elif i < 8:
- c = normalize(c, minv=160, maxv=224)
- else:
- c = normalize(c, minv=200, maxv=256)
- c = normalize(c, minv=32, maxv=224)
- xres += """*color{}: {}\n""".format(i, c)
- cols += """export COLOR{}="{}"\n""".format(i, c)
- i += 1
- create_sample(SAMPLE, colors)
- with open(XRESOURCES, 'w') as f:
- f.write(xres)
- with open(COLORS, 'w') as f:
- f.write(cols)
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/py/colorz.py b/config/ratpoison/py/colorz.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c00f0c..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/py/colorz.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-from collections import namedtuple
-from math import sqrt
-import random
- import Image
-except ImportError:
- from PIL import Image
-Point = namedtuple('Point', ('coords', 'n', 'ct'))
-Cluster = namedtuple('Cluster', ('points', 'center', 'n'))
-def get_points(img):
- points = []
- w, h = img.size
- for count, color in img.getcolors(w * h):
- points.append(Point(color, 3, count))
- return points
-rtoh = lambda rgb: '#%s' % ''.join(('%02x' % p for p in rgb))
-def colorz(filename, n=3):
- img = Image.open(filename)
- img.thumbnail((200, 200))
- w, h = img.size
- points = get_points(img)
- clusters = kmeans(points, n, 1)
- rgbs = [map(int, c.center.coords) for c in clusters]
- return map(rtoh, rgbs)
-def euclidean(p1, p2):
- return sqrt(sum([
- (p1.coords[i] - p2.coords[i]) ** 2 for i in range(p1.n)
- ]))
-def calculate_center(points, n):
- vals = [0.0 for i in range(n)]
- plen = 0
- for p in points:
- plen += p.ct
- for i in range(n):
- vals[i] += (p.coords[i] * p.ct)
- return Point([(v / plen) for v in vals], n, 1)
-def kmeans(points, k, min_diff):
- clusters = [Cluster([p], p, p.n) for p in random.sample(points, k)]
- while 1:
- plists = [[] for i in range(k)]
- for p in points:
- smallest_distance = float('Inf')
- for i in range(k):
- distance = euclidean(p, clusters[i].center)
- if distance < smallest_distance:
- smallest_distance = distance
- idx = i
- plists[idx].append(p)
- diff = 0
- for i in range(k):
- old = clusters[i]
- center = calculate_center(plists[i], old.n)
- new = Cluster(plists[i], center, old.n)
- clusters[i] = new
- diff = max(diff, euclidean(old.center, new.center))
- if diff < min_diff:
- break
- return clusters
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/py/colorz.pyc b/config/ratpoison/py/colorz.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index c31b558..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/py/colorz.pyc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/ratcolor b/config/ratpoison/ratcolor
deleted file mode 100755
index e6e59a8..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/ratcolor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-ratpoison -c "set bgcolor $COLOR0"
-ratpoison -c "set bwcolor $COLOR0"
-ratpoison -c "set fgcolor $COLOR11"
-ratpoison -c "set fwcolor $COLOR11"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/ratmenu b/config/ratpoison/ratmenu
deleted file mode 100755
index d8ec195..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/ratmenu
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/ratpoison.colors b/config/ratpoison/ratpoison.colors
deleted file mode 100644
index 8659fcd..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/ratpoison.colors
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-set fgcolor #c83f21
-set bgcolor #200909
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard b/config/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard
deleted file mode 100644
index dbdcef1..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Use xcb to build a better cut and paste clipboard.
-# C-t y # - paste selection buffer # (and sets the current X PRIMARY selection to it)
-# C-t p # - set selection buffer # using current X PRIMARY selection
-# C-t y a - pop selection (treat buffers as a stack with 1 being the bottom)
-# C-t y q - pop selection (queue pop)
-# C-t p a - push selection (treat buffers as a stack with 1 being the bottom)
-# C-t y y - paste selection menu
-# C-t p p - set selection menu
-# C-t p C - clear all buffers
-# change directory to $HOME
-newkmap clipboard_paste
-newkmap clipboard_set
-exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard init
-bind p readkey clipboard_paste
-bind y readkey clipboard_set
-# Menu version of paste and set
-definekey clipboard_paste p exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard menu_paste
-definekey clipboard_set y exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard menu_set
-# Clear buffers
-definekey clipboard_set C exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard init
-# Push/pop
-definekey clipboard_paste a exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard pop
-definekey clipboard_set a exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard push
-# pop queue
-definekey clipboard_paste q exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard pop_queue
-definekey clipboard_paste 1 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 1
-definekey clipboard_paste 2 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 2
-definekey clipboard_paste 3 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 3
-definekey clipboard_paste 4 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 4
-definekey clipboard_paste 5 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 5
-definekey clipboard_paste 6 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 6
-definekey clipboard_paste 7 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 7
-definekey clipboard_paste 8 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 8
-definekey clipboard_paste 9 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard paste 9
-definekey clipboard_set 1 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 1
-definekey clipboard_set 2 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 2
-definekey clipboard_set 3 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 3
-definekey clipboard_set 4 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 4
-definekey clipboard_set 5 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 5
-definekey clipboard_set 6 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 6
-definekey clipboard_set 7 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 7
-definekey clipboard_set 8 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 8
-definekey clipboard_set 9 exec ~/.config/ratpoison/clipboard set 9
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf b/config/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eed442..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-# info: C=control, M=meta/alt, s=super, S=shift, H = Hyper
-# xnest for testing
-escape grave
-definekey top s-grave meta
-definekey top Arabic_dammatan meta
-#find files script
-bind f exec ~/.config/ratpoison/spotlight
-# set font with unicode support
-#set font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
-set font "DejaVu Sans Mono"
-# Enable xcb copy/paste
-source .config/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard
-# Make tab switch to the next screen
-bind Tab nextscreen
-#have windows centered
-set wingravity center
-# Set name to be title
-set winname title
-#Pest control.
-#exec unclutter -idle 1 -jitter 2 -root
-#warp on
-#addhook switchwin banish
-#No more startup message
-startup_message off
-#fix mouse
-exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
-#Effects & Background
-#exec xcompmgr -c -f &
-#exec nitrogen --restore
-#Border & Padding
-alias showpanel set padding 0 27 0 0
-alias hidepanel set padding 0 0 0 0
-alias showborder set border 3
-alias hideborder set border 0
-# Panel
-alias barsend exec ~/.config/ratpoison/panel/windows
-# tell ratpoison to ignore panels
-unmanage rpbar
-unmanage bar
-unmanage stalonetray
-# hooks
-addhook switchwin barsend
-#addhook deletewindow barsend
-addhook switchframe barsend
-addhook switchgroup barsend
-#addhook titlechanged barsend
-unmanage conky
-unmanage xfce4-panel
-unmanage ratbar.pl
-# Workspaces
-# Switcher window
-alias workspace_menu exec .config/ratpoison/workspace_menu
-bind W workspace_menu
-#Get F-keys to switch windows now in /usr/bin/rpws
-definekey top F1 exec rpws 1 && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F2 exec rpws 2 && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F3 exec rpws 3 && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F4 exec rpws 4 && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F5 exec rpws 5 && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F6 exec rpws 6 && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F7 exec rpws 7 && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F8 exec rpws 8 && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F9 exec rpws 9 && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F10 exec rpws 10 && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo & xset -led named "Scroll Lock" & ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F11 exec rpws 11 && echo "D11" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top F12 exec rpws 12 && echo "D12" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F1 rpwsm1 && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F2 rpwsm2 && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F3 rpwsm3 && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F4 rpwsm4 && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F5 rpwsm5 && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F6 rpwsm6 && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F7 rpwsm7 && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F8 rpwsm8 && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F9 rpwsm9 printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F10 rpwsm10 && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo & xset -led named "Scroll Lock" && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F11 rpwsm11 && echo "D11" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F12 rpwsm12 && echo "D12" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F1 exec rpws 13 && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F2 exec rpws 14 && echo "D14" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F3 exec rpws 15 && echo "D15" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F4 exec rpws 16 && echo "D16" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F5 exec rpws 17 && echo "D17" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F6 exec rpws 18 && echo "D18" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F7 exec rpws 19 && echo "D19" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F8 exec rpws 20 && echo "D20" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F9 exec rpws 21 && echo "D21" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F10 exec rpws 22 && echo "D22" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F11 exec rpws 23 && echo "D23" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F12 exec rpws 24 && echo "D24" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F1 rpwsm13 && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F2 rpwsm14 && echo "D14" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F3 rpwsm15 && echo "D15" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F4 rpwsm16 && echo "D16" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F5 rpwsm17 && echo "D17" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F6 rpwsm18 && echo "D18" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F7 rpwsm19 && echo "D19" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F8 rpwsm20 && echo "D20" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F9 rpwsm21 && echo "D21" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F10 rpwsm22 && echo "D22" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F11 rpwsm23 && echo "D23" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F12 rpwsm24 && echo "D24" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-#definekey top s-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F1'
-#definekey top s-F2 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F2'
-#definekey top s-F3 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F3'
-#definekey top s-F4 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F4'
-#definekey top s-F5 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F5'
-#definekey top s-F6 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F6'
-#definekey top s-F7 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F7'
-#definekey top s-F8 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F8'
-#definekey top s-F9 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F9'
-#definekey top s-F10 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F10'
-#definekey top s-F11 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F11'
-#definekey top s-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F12'
-definekey top S-F12 exec rpws 13
-definekey top M-S-F12 rpwsm13
-alias window_menu exec .config/ratpoison/window_menu
-bind h focusleft
-bind l focusright
-bind j focusdown
-bind k focusup
-bind H exchangeleft
-bind L exchangeright
-bind J exchangedown
-bind K exchangeup
-bind w window_menu
-bind a exec ratpoison -i -c 'title' && ratpoison -c 'barsend'
-bind t exec ~/bin/passenter
-bind T exec ~/bin/passmake
-definekey top s-l exec i3lock -n -i ~/.wallpaper.png
-definekey top s-s exec ~/bin/sus
-definekey top s-L redisplay
-bind C exec ~/.config/ratpoison/wp change
-bind v hsplit
-bind V hsplit 2/3
-bind s vsplit
-bind S vsplit 2/3
-bind d remove
-bind space exec urxvt
-bind o only
-bind semicolon colon
-bind e exec
-bind u undo
-bind x delete
-bind X kill
-bind Escape abort
-bind m exec xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu
-#Paste goodness
-bind g exec ~/bin/safeimg
-bind P exec ~/bin/safepaste
-alias bordtoggle exec ~/.config/ratpoison/bordtoggle
-alias bordscript exec ~/.config/ratpoison/borderscript
-alias paneltoggle exec ~/.config/ratpoison/paneltoggle
-#addhook key bordscript
-definekey top s-b bordtoggle
-definekey top s-p paneltoggle
-# b : Open url
-alias browse_cmd exec .config/ratpoison/exec_to_workspace 2 vimb
-alias browse colon browse_cmd
-bind b browse
-# B : open a new firefox tab and browse to the X clipboard selection
-alias browse_selection exec .config/ratpoison/exec_to_workspace 2 vimb `ratpoison -c getsel`
-bind B banish
-# Paste with X selection
-alias insert_X_selection meta S-Insert
-bind i insert_X_selection
-#Application Shortcuts
-definekey top s-f exec firefox
-definekey top s-u exec uzbl-browser
-definekey top s-v exec vimb
-definekey top s-g exec gvim
-#definekey top s-l exec libreoffice
-# Voice control
-definekey top KP_Enter exec ~/Dropbox/speech/run-duplex.sh
-# Volume Control
-# Up
-alias volup exec amixer -q set Master 5+ && ratpoison -c "echo `$HOME/.config/ratpoison/volind`" & volume -f 'V%i' > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top XF86AudioRaiseVolume volup
-definekey top s-Prior volup
-# Down
-alias voldown exec amixer -q set Master 5- && ratpoison -c "echo `$HOME/.config/ratpoison/volind`" & volume -f 'V%i' > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top XF86AudioLowerVolume voldown
-definekey top s-Next voldown
-# Mute
-alias voltoggle exec amixer -D pulse set Master toggle && ratpoison -c "echo Sound: `amixer get Master|awk '/Mono:/ {print $6}'`"
-definekey top XF86AudioMute voltoggle
-definekey top s-Pause voltoggle
-# Brightness Control
-alias brightup exec xbacklight -inc 10
-alias brightdown exec xbacklight -dec 2
-definekey top XF86MonBrightnessUp brightup
-definekey top XF86MonBrightnessDown brightdown
-# Cmus (Music) Control
-# Aliases
-alias playinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo Music: `mpc -h | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`"
-alias volinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo `$HOME/.config/ratpoison/mpdvolind`"
-alias songinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo Music: `mpc -h | head -1`"
-#alias volinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo `$HOME/.config/ratpoison/cmusvolind`"
-#alias playinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo Music: `cmus-remote -Q | awk '/status/ {print $2}'`"
-#alias songinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo Playing:`cmus-remote -Q | awk '/ artist/ {$1=$2=""; print $0}'` - `cmus-remote -Q 2>/dev/null | grep title | awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}'`"
-# Play/Pause and Volume
-definekey top s-space exec mpc -h toggle && ratpoison -c 'playinfo'
-definekey top s-Right exec mpc -h next && ratpoison -c "songinfo"
-definekey top s-Left exec mpc -h prev && ratpoison -c "songinfo"
-definekey top s-Up exec mpc -h volume +5 && ratopison -c "volinfo"
-definekey top s-Up exec mpc -h volume +5 && ratpoison -c 'volinfo'
-definekey top s-Down exec mpc -h volume -5 && ratpoison -c 'volinfo'
-# Old cmus controls
-#definekey top s-space exec cmus-remote -u && ratpoison -c "playinfo"
-#definekey top s-Right exec cmus-remote -n && ratpoison -c "songinfo"
-#definekey top s-Left exec cmus-remote -r && ratpoison -c "songinfo"
-#definekey top s-Up exec cmus-remote -v +5% && ratpoison -c "volinfo"
-#definekey top s-Down exec cmus-remote -v -5% && ratpoison -c "volinfo"
-# Show song that is playing
-definekey top Print songinfo
-# Unbindings
-unbind Q
-unbind C-A
-unbind C-a
-unbind C-p
-unbind C-apostrophe
-unbind C-i
-unbind C-Return
-unbind C-n
-unbind C-m
-unbind C-c
-unbind C-k
-unbind C-l
-unbind C-K
-unbind C-exclam
-unbind C-grave
-unbind C-u
-unbind C-g
-unbind C-space
-unbind C-v
-unbind C-s
-unbind C-Right
-unbind C-Up
-unbind C-Down
-unbind C-x
-unbind C-f
-unbind C-V
-unbind C-S
-unbind C-w
-unbind C-b
-# Layout saving
-# bind M-! to store the current frame layout in slot #1
-bind M-exclam exec ratpoison -c "setenv fs1 `ratpoison -c 'fdump'`"
-#bind M-1 to restore the frame layout in slot #1
-bind M-1 exec ratpoison -c "frestore `ratpoison -c 'getenv fs1'`"
-# Do the same for slot #2 and bind it to M-@ and M-2, respectively.
-bind M-at exec ratpoison -c "setenv fs2 `ratpoison -c 'fdump'`"
-bind M-2 exec ratpoison -c "frestore `ratpoison -c 'getenv fs2'`"
-# Give ourselves another slot on M-# and M-3, respectively.
-bind M-numbersign exec ratpoison -c "setenv fs3 `ratpoison -c 'fdump'`"
-bind M-3 exec ratpoison -c "frestore `ratpoison -c 'getenv fs3'`"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/rpbar b/config/ratpoison/rpbar
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b90f35..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/rpbar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/rpbaro b/config/ratpoison/rpbaro
deleted file mode 100755
index cb4b1f0..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/rpbaro
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/rpbarsend b/config/ratpoison/rpbarsend
deleted file mode 100755
index e1b7b05..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/rpbarsend
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/screen_run b/config/ratpoison/screen_run
deleted file mode 100755
index c70b567..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/screen_run
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Connect to a named screen session if it exists, otherwise create it
-# If creating a new screen session, use the file screenrc.$session
-# in the .config/ratpoison directory.
-function die() {
- echo "$0 error: $*"
- exit 1
-[ $# -ne 1 ] && die "$0 requires 1 argument (screen session name)"
-if screen -ls | grep $session; then
- # This session exists, connect to it
- screen -r $session
- session_config=$screen_dir/screenrc.$session
- [ -f $session_config ] || die "config ($session_config) not found for $session"
- screen -c $screen_dir/screenrc.$session -S $session
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/spotlight b/config/ratpoison/spotlight
deleted file mode 100755
index a60a201..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/spotlight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-source ~/.colors
-bullet=`locate ~/ | dmenu -i -l 20 -sb $COLOR0 -nb $COLOR0 -nf $COLOR11 -sf $COLOR3`
-urxvt -e rifle -p0 "$bullet"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/sprunge b/config/ratpoison/sprunge
deleted file mode 100755
index a6e89a4..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/sprunge
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-usage() {
-description | fmt -s >&2
-description() {
-cat << HERE
- Upload data and fetch URL from the pastebin http://sprunge.us
- $0 filename.txt
- $0 text string
- $0 < filename.txt
- piped_data | $0
-$0 can accept piped data, STDIN redirection [<filename.txt], text strings following the command as arguments, or filenames as arguments. Only one of these methods can be used at a time, so please see the note on precedence. Also, note that using a pipe or STDIN redirection will treat tabs as spaces, or disregard them entirely (if they appear at the beginning of a line). So I suggest using a filename as an argument if tabs are important either to the function or readability of the code.
-STDIN redirection has precedence, then piped input, then a filename as an argument, and finally text strings as an arguments.
- echo piped | "$0" arguments.txt < stdin_redirection.txt
-In this example, the contents of file_as_stdin_redirection.txt would be uploaded. Both the piped_text and the file_as_argument.txt are ignored. If there is piped input and arguments, the arguments will be ignored, and the piped input uploaded.
-If a filename is misspelled or doesn't have the necessary path description, it will NOT generate an error, but will instead treat it as a text string and upload it.
-if [ -t 0 ]; then
- echo Running interactively, checking for arguments... >&2
- if [ "$*" ]; then
- echo Arguments present... >&2
- if [ -f "$*" ]; then
- echo Uploading the contents of "$*"... >&2
- cat "$*"
- else
- echo Uploading the text: \""$*"\"... >&2
- echo "$*"
- fi | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us | xclip
- else
- echo No arguments found, will upload clipboard, also printing USAGE and exiting. >&2
- xclip -o | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us | xclip
- notify-send Uploaded clipboard to sprunge
- usage
- fi
- echo Using input from a pipe or STDIN redirection... >&2
- while read -r line ; do
- echo $line
- done | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us | xclip
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/taskbar b/config/ratpoison/taskbar
deleted file mode 100755
index 46bb43f..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/taskbar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-echo "`rpws current`} | `ratpoison -c "windows" | awk '{printf "%s | ",$0} END {print ""}'`"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/time b/config/ratpoison/time
deleted file mode 100755
index 4e3cbfc..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/time
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-for i in {1..5}
- ratpoison -c "echo `ratpoison -c "time"`"
- sleep 1
-ratpoison -c "echo ` `"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/volind b/config/ratpoison/volind
deleted file mode 100755
index c562ef6..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/volind
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-volm=`amixer get Master|awk '/Mono:/ {print $4}'| awk '{print substr($0, 2, length() - 3)}'`
-bottom=`echo $volm | awk '{print int($1 * 0.2 + 0.5)}'`
-if [[ "$volm" -eq "100" ]]; then
- let volm=99
-echo G$volm
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x8C"
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x80"
-echo -e "\xE2\x94\x90"
-while [ $top -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- echo -n \
- echo -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- let top=$(($top-1))
-while [ $bottom -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- echo -n -e "\xE2\x96\x88"
- echo -e "\xE2\x94\x82"
- let bottom=$(($bottom-1))
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x94"
-echo -n -e "\xE2\x94\x80"
-echo -e "\xE2\x94\x98"
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/window_menu b/config/ratpoison/window_menu
deleted file mode 100755
index 26f5e4d..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/window_menu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Lets you switch between all windows in a way that minimizes keystrokes.
-# Two ways to order:
-# - If order=last, the windows are listed in the order that you last visited them in.
-# - If order=sequential, the windows are listed in number order.
-source ~/.colors
-# Yes, bash is really necessary, because it's version of printf makes this
-# script possible. Regular bourne shell printf does NOT.
-window_index_str=$(ratpoison -c "info" | sed 's/^.*\([0-9]\)(.*$/\1/')
-if [ "$window_index_str" = "No window." ]; then
- group_index=$($HOME/.config/ratpoison/workspace current)
- $ratmenu -style dreary -fg \"$COLOR0\" -bg \"$COLOR0\" "No windows in group $group_index"
- ratpoison -c "echo $window_index_str"
- echo "$window_index_str">/tmp/log
- window_index=$[ $window_index_str + 1 ]
- if [ $order = sequential ]; then
- ( printf "$ratmenu -style dreary -fg \"$COLOR11\" -bg \"$COLOR0\" -io $window_index \
- ";
- ratpoison -c "windows %n %n %t" | sort -n | while read w x z; do
- a=$(printf "%3q" $x); b="ratpoison -c \"select $x\"";
- printf " %q\\ %q %q" "$a" "$z" "$b";
- done; echo \;) | sh
- elif [ $order = last ]; then
- ( printf "$ratmenu -style dreary -fg \"$COLOR11\" -bg \"$COLOR0\" -io $window_index \
- ";
- ratpoison -c "windows %l %n %t" | sort -rn | while read w x z; do
- a=$(printf "%3q" $x); b="ratpoison -c \"select $x\"";
- printf " %q\\ %q %q" "$a" "$z" "$b";
- done; echo \;) | sh
- fi
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/workspace_menu b/config/ratpoison/workspace_menu
deleted file mode 100755
index 38ef9fc..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/workspace_menu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Lets you switch between all workspaces in a way that minimizes keystrokes.
-# The current workspace is selected.
-# Yes, bash is really necessary, because it's version of printf makes this
-# script possible. Regular bourne shell printf does NOT.
-( printf "$ratmenu -style dreary -fg \"$COLOR11\" -bg \"$COLOR0\" -io $[ $($workspace_command current) + 1 ]";
- ratpoison -c "groups" | while read s; do
- n=$(echo $s | sed 's/\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/');
-# w=$(echo $s | sed 's/[0-9]\+.\(.*\)/\1/');
- w=$(ratpoison -c "gselect $(($n-1))" -c "windows %t" -c "gprev")
- a=$(printf "%3q %q" $n $w); b="$workspace_command $n";
- if [ $n -ne 0 ];then
- printf " %q %q" "$a" "$b";
- else
- printf " %q %q" "Go to workspace:" "/bin/true";
- fi
- done; echo \;) | sh
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/wp b/config/ratpoison/wp
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f7a707..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/wp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-function main {
- # Snippet from SO user Dave Dopson http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59895/can-a-bash-script-tell-what-directory-its-stored-in
- # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink
- while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do
- DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
- SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"
- # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it
- # relative to the path where the symlink file was located
- [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE"
- done
- DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
- K_MEANS=16
- WALLPAPER_DIR=${WALLPAPER_DIR:-~/.wallpapers/}
- while test $# -gt 0; do
- case "$1" in
- usage | -h | --help)
- shift
- usage
- ;;
- n | -n)
- shift
- K_MEANS=$1
- shift
- ;;
- add | -a | --add)
- shift
- add $*
- ;;
- rm | remove | -rm | --remove)
- shift
- remove $*
- ;;
- change)
- shift
- change $*
- ;;
- current)
- shift
- current $*
- ;;
- ls | list | -l | --list)
- shift
- list $*
- ;;
- colors)
- shift
- colors
- ;;
- slideshow)
- shift
- slideshow $*
- ;;
- *)
- shift
- indent "$1 is not a recognised directive"
- ;;
- esac
- done
-#:: Prety print function
-function indent {
- echo ":: $*"
-#:: Confirm user input
-function confirm {
- indent $1
- read -sn 1 ans
- case "$ans" in
- y|Y|yes|YES|Yes) return 0 ;;
- *) return 1 ;;
- esac
-#:: Directives
-function add {
- if [ 0 = $# ]; then
- indent "No file argument provided"
- exit 1
- fi
- files=$*
- for file in $files; do
- if [ ! -f $file ]; then
- indent "File '$file' doesn't exist"
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- cp $files $WALLPAPER_DIR
- for file in $*; do
- echo ":: Generating .$file.colors and .$file.Xres in $PWD"
- python2 $DIR/py/color_detect.py $file $K_MEANS
- done
-function remove {
- if [ 0 = $# ]; then
- if confirm "Delete current background? [Y/n]"; then
- remove $(basename $(get_current))
- else
- echo "exiting"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- for file in $*; do
- indent "Removing $file"
- rm ${WALLPAPER_DIR}/${file}
- rm ${WALLPAPER_DIR}/.${file}.{colors,Xres}
- done
-function change {
- #:: Select a random background from WALLPAPER_DIR, or use the passed background
- if [ -z $1 ]; then
- background=$(find $WALLPAPER_DIR -type f \( ! -iname ".*" \) | shuf -n1)
- else
- background=$WALLPAPER_DIR/$1
- if [ ! -f $background ]; then
- indent "$1 does not exist in $WALLPAPER_DIR"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ -f ${background}.Xres ] || [ -f ${background}.colors ]; then
- indent "Could not find ${background}.Xres or ${background}.colors"
- exit 1
- fi
- filename=$(basename $background)
- dirname=$(dirname $background)
- #:: Set the background
- feh --bg-fill $background
- #:: Record the current background
- set_current $background
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- indent "Failed to set $background as background"
- else
- indent "Set $background as background"
- #:: Set the colorscheme
- ln -f ${dirname}/.${filename}.colors ~/.colors
- xrdb -merge ${dirname}/.${filename}.Xres
- fi
-function slideshow {
- if [ -z $2 ]; then
- PAPERS=$(list)
- elif [ -e $2 ]; then
- PAPERS=$(cat $2)
- else
- fi
- for img in $PAPERS; do
- change $img
- if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
- /bin/bash -c "$1"
- fi
- sleep 7
- done
-function current {
- indent $(get_current)
-function get_current {
- readlink -f $WALLPAPER_DIR/.current
-function set_current {
- ln -sf $1 $WALLPAPER_DIR/.current
-function list {
-function colors {
- # Original: http://frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/
- # http://frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/data/colortable16.sh
- # Modified by Aaron Griffin
- # and further by Kazuo Teramoto
- FGNAMES=(' black ' ' red ' ' green ' ' yellow' ' blue ' 'magenta' ' cyan ' ' white ')
- echo " ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
- for b in {0..8}; do
- ((b>0)) && bg=$((b+39))
- echo -en "\033[0m ${BGNAMES[b]} │ "
- for f in {0..7}; do
- echo -en "\033[${bg}m\033[$((f+30))m ${FGNAMES[f]} "
- done
- echo -en "\033[0m │"
- echo -en "\033[0m\n\033[0m │ "
- for f in {0..7}; do
- echo -en "\033[${bg}m\033[1;$((f+30))m ${FGNAMES[f]} "
- done
- echo -en "\033[0m │"
- echo -e "\033[0m"
- ((b<8)) &&
- echo " ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤"
- done
- echo " └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
-function usage {
- printf "%b" " $0 [action] [options]
-- usage: Print this help message.
-- n [number] : Number of colors to gather.
-- add [file]...: Add file, or files, to the wallpaper database.
-- rm [file]...: Remove file, or files, from the wallpaper database.
-- change [file]: Set the wallpaper to file, or a random wallpaper
- from the wallpaper database.
-- slideshow [cmd file]: Rotate through wallpapers, optionally
- running cmd each time and using only
- wallpapers listed in the file.
-- current: List the current background
-- ls: List all wallpapers in the database.
-- colors: Display the current set of colors.
-#:: End function declaration, begin executing
-main $*
-pkill panel
-pkill stalone
-~/bin/panel & disown
-source ~/.colors
-#convert -font DejaVuSansB -pointsize 30 -stroke $COLOR0 -strokewidth 1 -fill $COLOR11 -draw 'text 70,60 "Vasil Zlatanov -> +46 723537981 vasil.zlatanov@gmail.com" ' $background ~/.wallpaper.png &
-convert $background ~/.wallpaper.png &
-chmod +x ~/.colors
diff --git a/config/ratpoison/xtoolwait b/config/ratpoison/xtoolwait
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d07668..0000000
--- a/config/ratpoison/xtoolwait
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc b/config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6415c7c..0000000
--- a/config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-# bspwm hotkeys
-grave ; a
- ~/.tools/menu/main
-grave ; shift + c
- ~/.tools/wp change
-grave ; f
- ~/.tools/spotlight
-grave ; alt + Escape
- bspc quit
-grave ; x
- bspc window -c
-grave ; X
- bspc window -k
-grave ; o
- bspc desktop -l next
-grave ; b
- bspc desktop -B
-# banish mouse
-grave ; B
- xdotool mousemove 10000 100000
-grave ; {u,U,O}
- bspc window -t {floating,pseudo_tiled,fullscreen}
-grave ; {grave,Tab}
- bspc {window,desktop} -f last
-grave ; apostrophe
- bspc window -s last
-#grave ; {o,i}
-# bspc control --record-history off; \
-# bspc window {older,newer} -f; \
-# bspc control --record-history on
-#grave ; y
-# bspc window -w last.manual
-grave ; m
- bspc window -s biggest
-grave ; {h,j,k,l}
- bspc window -f {left,down,up,right}
-grave ; c; {h,j,k,l}
- bspc window -s {left,down,up,right}
-#grave ; {_,shift + }c
-# bspc window -f {next,prev}
-grave ; {comma,period}
- bspc desktop -C {backward,forward}
-grave ; bracket{left,right}
- bspc desktop -f {prev,next}
-grave ; s ; {h,j,k,l}
- bspc window -p {left,down,up,right}
-grave ; ctrl + {_,shift + }space
- bspc {window -p cancel,desktop -c}
-hyper + {h,j,k,l}
- bspc window -e {left -10,down +10,up -10,right +10}
-hyper + alt + {h,j,k,l}
- bspc window -e {right -10,up +10,down -10,left +10}
-grave ; {1-9}
- bspc window -f {1-9}
-grave ; ctrl + {1-9}
- bspc window -r 0.{1-9}
-{_,alt + }{F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F11,F12}
- bspc {desktop -f,window -d} ^{1-8,11,12}
-{_,alt + } F9
- bspc {desktop -f,window -d} ^9 & echo 'Ixlear' > /tmp/panel-fifo
-{_,alt + } F10
- bspc {desktop -f,window -d} ^10 & xset -led named "Scroll Lock" & echo 'Iclear' > /tmp/panel-fifo
-{_,alt + } shift + F12
- bspc {desktop -f,window -d} ^13
- bspc pointer -g focus
-hyper + button{1-3}
- bspc pointer -g {move,resize_side,resize_corner}
-# Move floating windows (requires baskerville's xdo pacacur -S xdo-git)
-alt + {h,l,k,j}
- xdo move {-x -20,-x +20,-y -20,-y +20}
-# Resize floating windows
-alt + shift + {h,l,k,j}
- xdo resize {-w -20,-w +20,-h -20,-h +20}
-grave ; !button{1-3}
- bspc pointer -t %i %i
-grave ; @button{1-3}
- bspc pointer -u
-# wm independent hotkeys
-grave ; i
- ~/bin/paste
-grave ; space
- urxvt
-grave ; slash
- ~/.tools/create_frame
-super + u
- uzbl-browser
-super + f
- firefox
-super + v
- vimb
-super + s
- skype
-super + shift + L
- ~/.tools/lock
-# Clipboard hotkeys
-# Open youtube video in mpv
-grave ; Y
- sleep 0.2 && xdotool key y && mpv "$(xclip -o)"
-grave ; p ; {1-9}
- ~/.tools/clipboard paste {1-9}
-grave ; p ; p
- ~/.tools/clipboard menu_paste
-grave ; p ; u
- ~/.tools/clipboard push
-grave ; p ; o
- ~/.tools/clipboard pop
-grave ; y ; {1-9}
- ~/.tools/clipboard set {1-9}
-grave ; y ; y
- ~/.tools/clipboard menu_set
-# Paste and Image share hotkeys
-grave ; P
- exec ~/bin/safepaste
-grave; g
- exec ~/bin/safeimg
-grave; L
- exec ~/bin/safelink
-# music control
-super + space
- mpc -h toggle
-super + Right
- mpc -h next
-super + Left
- mpc -h prev
-super + Up
- mpc -h volume +5
-super + Down
- mpc -h volume -5
- amixer -q set Master 5+ && volume -f 'V%i' > /tmp/panel-fifo
- amixer -q set Master 5- && volume -f 'V%i' > /tmp/panel-fifo
-super + Prior
- amixer -q set Master 5+ && volume -f 'V%i' > /tmp/panel-fifo
-super + Next
- amixer -q set Master 5- && volume -f 'V%i' > /tmp/panel-fifo
-# brightness controls
- ~/bin/backlight up 10
- ~/bin/backlight down 10
- kbdlight up 1
- kbdlight down 1
-# Keyboard layouts
-super + Q
- setxkbmap us
-super + C
- setxkbmap us -variant colemak
-# Password
-grave ; t
- ~/bin/passenter
-grave ; T
- ~/bin/passmake
-# Mail reload
-super + m
- mbsync -a
-# make sxhkd reload its configuration files:
-grave ; Escape
- pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
diff --git a/config/uzbl/config b/config/uzbl/config
deleted file mode 100644
index 600e5e6..0000000
--- a/config/uzbl/config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-# Example uzbl config. All settings are optional. You can use uzbl without
-# any config at all (but it won't do much).
-# === Core settings ==========================================================
-# Polipo proxy for caching
-#set proxy_url =
-# common directory locations
-set prefix @(echo $UZBL_PREFIX)@
-set data_home @(echo $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl)@
-set cache_home @(echo $XDG_CACHE_HOME/uzbl)@
-set config_home @(echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/uzbl)@
-set local_storage_path @data_home/databases/
-# colors
-set color1 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR1)@
-set color2 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR2)@
-set color3 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR3)@
-set color4 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR4)@
-set color5 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR5)@
-set color6 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR6)@
-set color7 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR7)@
-set color8 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR8)@
-set color9 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR9)@
-set color10 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR10)@
-set color11 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR11)@
-set color12 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR12)@
-set color13 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR13)@
-set color14 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR14)@
-set color15 @(source ~/.colors; echo $COLOR15)@
-# Interface paths.
-set comm_dir @([ -n "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ] && echo "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/uzbl" || echo "/tmp/uzbl-$USER")@
-set fifo_dir @comm_dir
-set socket_dir @comm_dir
-# === General config aliases =================================================
-# Config related events (use the event function):
-# event MODE_CONFIG <mode> <key> = <value>
-set mode_config event MODE_CONFIG
-# event ON_EVENT <EVENT_NAME> <command>
-set on_event event ON_EVENT
-# event ON_SET <key/glob> <command>
-set on_set event ON_SET
-# event MODMAP <From> <To>
-set modmap event MODMAP
-# event IGNORE_KEY <glob>
-set ignore_key event IGNORE_KEY
-set set_mode set mode
-set set_status set status_message
-# Spawn path shortcuts. In spawn the first dir+path match is used in "dir1:dir2:dir3:executable"
-set scripts_dir @data_home:@prefix/share/uzbl/examples/data:scripts
-# === Hardcoded handlers =====================================================
-set navigation_handler spawn_sync @scripts_dir/scheme.py
-#set request_handler spawn_sync @scripts_dir/request.py
-set authentication_handler spawn_sync @scripts_dir/auth.py
-set download_handler spawn_sync @scripts_dir/download.sh
-# === Dynamic event handlers =================================================
-# What to do when a website wants to open a new window:
-# Open link in new window
-@on_event NEW_WINDOW spawn_sh 'uzbl-browser ${0:+-u "$0"}' %r
-# Open in current window (also see the REQ_NEW_WINDOW event handler below)
-#@on_event NEW_WINDOW uri %s
-# Open in new tab. Other options are NEW_TAB_NEXT, NEW_BG_TAB and NEW_BG_TAB_NEXT.
-#@on_event NEW_WINDOW event NEW_TAB %s
-# What to do when the user requests a new window:
-# If your the NEW_WINDOW handler opens the uri in the current window, you'll
-# probably want to change this handler to open a new window or tab.
-@on_event REQ_NEW_WINDOW event @- if (@embedded) "NEW_TAB"; else "NEW_WINDOW" -@ %s
-# Load start handler
-@on_event LOAD_START @set_status <span foreground="khaki">wait</span>
-# Reset the keycmd on navigation
-@on_event LOAD_START @set_mode
-# Load commit handlers
-@on_event LOAD_COMMIT @set_status <span foreground="green">recv</span>
-# add some javascript to the page for other 'js' commands to access later.
-@on_event LOAD_COMMIT js page string 'uzbl = {}'
-@on_event LOAD_COMMIT js page file @scripts_dir/formfiller.js
-@on_event LOAD_COMMIT js page file @scripts_dir/follow.js
-@on_event LOAD_COMMIT js page file @scripts_dir/go_input.js
-@on_event LOAD_COMMIT js page file @scripts_dir/navigation.js
-# Userscripts/per-site-settings. See the script and the example configuration for details
-#@on_event LOAD_COMMIT spawn @scripts_dir/per-site-settings.py @data_home/per-site-settings
-# Load finish handlers
-@on_event LOAD_FINISH @set_status <span foreground="gold">done</span>
-@on_event LOAD_FINISH spawn @scripts_dir/history.sh
-# Switch to insert mode if a (editable) html form is clicked
-@on_event FORM_ACTIVE @set_mode insert
-# Switch to insert mode if a (editable) html form gains focus
-@on_event FOCUS_ELEMENT spawn_sh 'if [ "$0" = INPUT -o "$0" = TEXTAREA -o "$0" = SELECT ]; then echo "@set_mode insert" > $UZBL_FIFO; fi' %s
-# Switch to command mode if anything else is clicked
-@on_event ROOT_ACTIVE @set_mode command
-# Clear input when the page or an element gains focus.
-@on_event AUTHENTICATE spawn @scripts_dir/auth.py "%1" "%2" "%3"
-# Example CONFIG_CHANGED event handler
-#@on_event CONFIG_CHANGED print Config changed: %1 = %2
-# Scroll percentage calculation
-@on_event SCROLL_VERT set scroll_message \@<(function(curr, min, max, size){if(max == size) return '--'; var p=(curr/(max - size)); return Math.round(10000*p)/100;})(%1,%2,%3,%4)>\@%
-# === Behaviour and appearance ===============================================
-# Custom CSS can be defined here, including link follower hint styles
-css add file://@config_home/style.css
-# If WebKits builtin authentication dialog should be used, if enabling remember
-# to disable external authentication handlers
-set enable_builtin_auth 0
-set show_status 1
-set status_top 0
-set status_background #303030
-set modcmd_style weight="bold" foreground="red"
-set keycmd_style weight="light" foreground="red"
-set prompt_style foreground="grey"
-set cursor_style underline="single"
-set completion_style foreground="green"
-set hint_style weight="bold"
-set mode_section <span background="black" foreground="@color11">[\@[\@mode_indicator]\@]</span>
-set keycmd_section [<span \@prompt_style>\@[\@keycmd_prompt]\@</span><span \@modcmd_style>\@modcmd</span><span \@keycmd_style>\@keycmd</span><span \@completion_style>\@completion_list</span>]
-set progress_section <span foreground="@color2">\@[\@progress.output]\@</span>
-set scroll_section <span foreground="@color14">\@[\@scroll_message]\@</span>
-set uri_section <span foreground="\@< if(\@frozen) "@color4"; else "@color5"; >\@">\@[\@uri]\@</span>
-set name_section <span foreground="@color7">\@[\@NAME]\@</span>
-set status_section <span foreground="@color8">\@status_message</span>
-set selected_section <span foreground="@color9">\@[\@SELECTED_URI]\@</span>
-set download_section <span foreground="white">\@downloads</span>
-set status_format <span font_family="monospace">@mode_section @keycmd_section @progress_section @name_section @status_section @scroll_section @selected_section @download_section</span>
-set status_format_right <span font_family="monospace"><span foreground="#666">uri:</span> @uri_section</span>
-set title_format_long \@keycmd_prompt \@raw_modcmd \@raw_keycmd \@TITLE - Uzbl browser <\@NAME> \@SELECTED_URI
-# Progress bar config
-# %d = done, %p = pending %c = percent done, %i = int done, %s = spinner,
-# %t = percent pending, %o = int pending, %r = sprite scroll
-set progress.width 8
-set progress.format [%d>%p]%c
-set progress.done =
-set progress.pending
-# === Useragent setup ========================================================
-#set useragent Uzbl (Webkit @{WEBKIT_MAJOR}.@{WEBKIT_MINOR}) (@(+uname -sm)@ [@ARCH_UZBL])
-set useragent = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/600.3.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.3 Safari/600.3.18
-# === Configure cookie blacklist =============================================
-set cookie_policy always
-# Accept 'session cookies' from uzbl.org (when you have a whitelist all other cookies are dropped)
-#event WHITELIST_COOKIE domain '(^|\.)uzbl\.org$' expires '^$'
-# Drop google analytics tracking cookies (applied after whitelists, if any)
-#event BLACKLIST_COOKIE name '^__utm.$'
-# === Javascript configuration ==============================================
-# Turn off javascript support
-# set enable_scripts 0
-# === Proxy configuration ===================================================
-# Direct uzbl at a proxy service (ex. privoxy)
-# set proxy_url http://localhost:8118
-# === Key binding configuration ==============================================
-# --- Internal modmapping and ignoring ---------------------------------------
-#modmap <From> <To>
-@modmap <Control> <Ctrl>
-@modmap <ISO_Left_Tab> <Shift-Tab>
-@modmap <space> <Space>
-@modmap <KP_Enter> <Enter>
-#ignore_key <glob>
-@ignore_key <ISO_*>
-@ignore_key <Shift>
-@ignore_key <Multi_key>
-@ignore_key <Mod2>
-# --- Bind aliases -----------------------------------------------------------
-# event BIND <bind cmd> = <command>
-set bind event MODE_BIND global
-# event MODE_BIND <mode> <bind cmd> = <command>
-set mode_bind event MODE_BIND
-# Insert mode binding alias
-set ibind @mode_bind insert
-# Command mode binding alias
-set cbind @mode_bind command
-# Non-insert mode bindings alias (ebind for edit-bind).
-set ebind @mode_bind global,-insert
-# --- Global & keycmd editing binds ------------------------------------------
-# Resets keycmd and returns to default mode.
-@on_event ESCAPE @set_mode
-@on_event ESCAPE event KEYCMD_CLEAR
-@on_event ESCAPE js page string uzbl.follow.clearHints()
-@on_event ESCAPE search clear
-@on_event ESCAPE js page string window.getSelection().removeAllRanges()
-@bind <Escape> = event ESCAPE
-@bind <Ctrl>[ = event ESCAPE
-# Commands for editing and traversing the keycmd.
-@ebind <Return> = event KEYCMD_EXEC_CURRENT
-@ebind <Home> = event SET_CURSOR_POS 0
-@ebind <End> = event SET_CURSOR_POS -1
-@ebind <Left> = event SET_CURSOR_POS -
-@ebind <Right> = event SET_CURSOR_POS +
-@ebind <BackSpace> = event KEYCMD_BACKSPACE
-@ebind <Delete> = event KEYCMD_DELETE
-@ebind <Tab> = event START_COMPLETION
-# Readline-ish bindings.
-@ebind <Ctrl>w = event KEYCMD_STRIP_WORD \ -./&?=
-@ebind <Ctrl>u = event SET_KEYCMD
-@ebind <Ctrl>a = event SET_CURSOR_POS 0
-@ebind <Ctrl>e = event SET_CURSOR_POS -1
-@ebind <Up> = event HISTORY_PREV
-@ebind <Down> = event HISTORY_NEXT
-@ebind <Ctrl>r<search:>_ = event HISTORY_SEARCH %s
-# Keycmd injection/append examples.
-#@ebind <Ctrl>su = event INJECT_KEYCMD \@uri
-#@ebind <Ctrl>st = event INJECT_KEYCMD \@title
-#@ebind <Ctrl>du = event APPEND_KEYCMD \@uri
-#@ebind <Ctrl>dt = event APPEND_KEYCMD \@title
-# --- Mouse bindings ---------------------------------------------------------
-# Middle click open in new window
-@bind <Button2> = spawn_sh 'if [ "$0" ]; then echo "event REQ_NEW_WINDOW $0" > "$UZBL_FIFO"; else echo "uri $(xclip -o | sed s/\\\@/%40/g)" > "$UZBL_FIFO"; fi' '\@SELECTED_URI'
-# --- Keyboard bindings ------------------------------------------------------
-# With this command you can enter in any command at runtime when prefixed with
-# a colon.
-@cbind :_ = %s
-# open a new window or a new tab (see the on_event NEW_WINDOW settings above)
-#@cbind w = event REQ_NEW_WINDOW
-@cbind w<wiki:>_ = spawn @config_home/scripts/gowiki.pl %s
-@cbind W<wiki:>_ = spawn @config_home/scripts/gowikio.pl %s
-@cbind a<Archwiki:>_ = uri http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Special:Search?search=\@<encodeURIComponent(%r)>\@&go=Go
-# Page movement binds
-@cbind j = scroll vertical 20
-@cbind k = scroll vertical -20
-@cbind H = scroll horizontal -20
-@cbind L = scroll horizontal 20
-@cbind <Page_Up> = scroll vertical -100%
-@cbind <Page_Down> = scroll vertical 100%
-@cbind <Ctrl>f = scroll vertical 100%
-@cbind <Ctrl>b = scroll vertical -100%
-@cbind e = scroll vertical -50%
-@cbind s = scroll vertical 50%
-@cbind gg = scroll vertical begin
-@cbind G = scroll vertical end
-@cbind <Home> = scroll vertical begin
-@cbind <End> = scroll vertical end
-@cbind ^ = scroll horizontal begin
-@cbind $ = scroll horizontal end
-@cbind <Space> = scroll vertical end
-#@cbind G<Go To:>_ = scroll vertical %r!
-# The first '_' is literal, so type '_G' to trigger this binding.
-@cbind _G<Go To:>_ = scroll horizontal %r!
-# Frozen binding
-@cbind <Shift><Ctrl>F = toggle frozen
-# Navigation binds
-@cbind b = back
-@cbind m = forward
-@cbind gb = uri \@< encodeURI(uzbl.navigation.prev()) >\@
-@cbind gf = uri \@< encodeURI(uzbl.navigation.next()) >\@
-@cbind S = stop
-@cbind r = reload cached
-@cbind R = reload full
-# Zoom binds
-@cbind + = zoom in
-@cbind - = zoom out
-@cbind T = toggle zoom_type
-@cbind 1 = set zoom_level 1.0
-@cbind 2 = set zoom_level 2.0
-# Appearance binds
-#@cbind t = toggle show_status
-# Page searching binds
-@cbind /* = search find %s
-@cbind ?* = search rfind %s
-# Jump to next and previous items
-@cbind n = search next
-@cbind N = search prev
-# Print pages to a printer
-@cbind <Ctrl>p = hardcopy page
-# Web searching binds
-#@cbind ddg<DuckDuckGo:>_ = uri http://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s
-@cbind \\awiki<Archwiki:>_ = uri http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Special:Search?search=\@<encodeURIComponent(%r)>\@&go=Go
-@cbind \\wiki<Wikipedia:>_ = uri http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search=\@<encodeURIComponent(%r)>\@&go=Go
-# Handy binds
-# Set function shortcut
-#@cbind s<var:>_<value:>_ = set %1 %2
-# Exit binding
-@cbind ZZ = exit
-# Dump config to stdout
-@cbind !dump = spawn_sh 'echo dump_config > "$UZBL_FIFO"'
-# Reload all variables in the config
-@cbind !reload = spawn_sh "sed '/^# === Post-load misc commands/,$d' \"$UZBL_CONFIG\" | grep '^set ' > \"$UZBL_FIFO\""
-# Use socat to directly inject commands into uzbl-core and view events
-# raised by uzbl-core:
-@cbind <Ctrl><Mod1>t = spawn_sh 'xterm -e "socat unix-connect:\"$UZBL_SOCKET\" -"'
-#@cbind <Ctrl><Mod1>t = spawn_sh 'urxvt -e socat unix-connect:"$UZBL_SOCKET" -'
-# Uri opening prompts
-#@cbind o<uri:>_ = uri %s
-@cbind o<goto:>_ = spawn @config_home/scripts/goto.pl %s
-@cbind t<tab:>_ = spawn @config_home/scripts/gonew.pl %s
-# Or have it load the current uri into the keycmd for editing
-@cbind O<uri:\@uri>_ = uri %s
-# Open youtube with mpv
-@cbind Y = spawn @config_home/scripts/youtube.pl
-# Mode setting binds
-@cbind i = @set_mode insert
-@bind <Ctrl>i = @set_mode insert
-# Hard-bound bookmarks
-@cbind gh = uri http://www.uzbl.org
-# New window binds
-@cbind gw = event REQ_NEW_WINDOW
-# SSL-ify bindings
-@cbind zs = uri \@(echo "$UZBL_URI" | sed -e 's/^http:/https:/')\@
-@cbind zS = event REQ_NEW_WINDOW \@(echo "$UZBL_URI" | sed -e 's/^http:/https:/')\@
-# Yanking & pasting binds
-@cbind yu = spawn_sh 'echo -n "$UZBL_URI" | xclip'
-@cbind yU = spawn_sh 'echo -n "$0" | xclip' '\@SELECTED_URI'
-@cbind yy = spawn_sh 'echo -n "$UZBL_TITLE" | xclip'
-@cbind ys = spawn @config_home/scripts/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followSelection('returnuri') >\@ clipboard
-# Selection bindings
-@cbind <Ctrl>a = js (function () { var r = document.createRange(), s = window.getSelection(); r.selectNodeContents(document); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); })();
-@cbind <Ctrl>c = sh 'echo '\@< window.getSelection().toString().replace(/'/g, "\\'"); >\@' | xclip -selection clipboard -i'
-# Clone current window
-@cbind c = event REQ_NEW_WINDOW \@uri
-# Go the page from primary selection
-@cbind p = spawn_sh 'echo "uri $(xclip -o | sed s/\\\@/%40/g)" > "$UZBL_FIFO"'
-# Go to the page in clipboard
-@cbind P = spawn_sh 'echo "uri $(xclip -selection clipboard -o | sed s/\\\@/%40/g)" > "$UZBL_FIFO"'
-# Start a new uzbl instance from the page in primary selection
-@cbind 'p = spawn_sh 'echo "event REQ_NEW_WINDOW $(xclip -o)" > "$UZBL_FIFO"'
-# paste primary selection into keycmd at the cursor position
-@bind <Shift><Insert> = spawn_sh 'echo "event INJECT_KEYCMD $(xclip -o | sed s/\\\@/%40/g)" > "$UZBL_FIFO"'
-# Bookmark inserting binds
-@cbind <Ctrl>m<tags:>_ = spawn_sh 'echo "$UZBL_URI $0" >> "@data_home/bookmarks"' '%s'
-# Or use a script to insert a bookmark.
-@cbind M = spawn @scripts_dir/insert_bookmark.sh
-# Bookmark/history loading
-@cbind U = spawn @scripts_dir/load_url_from_history.sh
-@cbind u = spawn @scripts_dir/load_url_from_bookmarks.sh
-# Temporary bookmarks
-@cbind <Ctrl>d = spawn @scripts_dir/insert_temp.sh
-@cbind D = spawn @scripts_dir/load_url_from_temps.sh
-# Link following (similar to vimperator and konqueror)
-# Set custom keys you wish to use for navigation. Some common examples:
-set follow_hint_keys 0123456789
-#set follow_hint_keys qwerty
-#set follow_hint_keys asdfghjkl;
-#set follow_hint_keys thsnd-rcgmvwb/;789aefijkopquxyz234
-# follow links
-# The structure for these calls is to call a shell script (follow.sh) with the
-# output of some JavaScript code (follow.js) which gets a URI from the page to
-# act on. The first argument to followLinks() is the list of characters to use
-# for labelling links, the second is the currently entered keys, and the third
-# is the 'mode' to use. The modes are 'click', 'newwindow', and 'returnuri'.
-# The 'click' and 'newwindow' modes are handled in follow.js completely. When
-# using 'returnuri' the second argument to follow.sh is the action to use for
-# the URI. Currently implemented are 'set' (uses the 'uri' command),
-# 'newwindow' (uses the REQ_NEW_WINDOW event), and 'clipboard' (copies the URI
-# to the clipboard).
-# follow hint keys:
-# fl -> emulate a click on the link
-# Fl -> open in a new window
-# fL -> take the url and navigate directly to it
-# FL -> copy the url to the clipboard
-@cbind f* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'click') >\@
-@cbind F* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'newwindow') >\@
-#@cbind fL* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'returnuri') >\@ set
-#@cbind FL* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'returnuri') >\@ clipboard
-@cbind gi = spawn @scripts_dir/go_input.sh
-# follow selected link:
-# fs -> emulate a click on the link
-# Fs -> open in a new window
-# fS -> take the url and navigate directly to it
-# FS -> copy the url to the clipboard
-@cbind d = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followSelection('click') >\@
-@cbind D = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followSelection('newwindow') >\@
-#@cbind Fs = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followSelection('returnuri') >\@ set
-#@cbind FS = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followSelection('returnuri') >\@ clipboard
-# follow by link text (i.e., <a>foo</a> is selected with "ftfoo" or "'foo")
-# ft -> emulate a click on the link
-# Ft -> open in a new window
-# fT -> take the url and navigate directly to it
-# FT -> copy the url to the clipboard
-#@cbind ft* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followTextContent("%s", 'click') >\@
-#@cbind fT* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followTextContent("%s", 'newwindow') >\@
-#@cbind Ft* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followTextContent("%s", 'returnuri') >\@ set
-#@cbind FT* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followTextContent("%s", 'returnuri') >\@ clipboard
-# Form filler binds
-# This script allows you to configure (per domain) values to fill in form
-# fields (eg login information) and to fill in these values automatically.
-# This implementation allows you to save multiple profiles for each form
-# (think about multiple accounts on some website).
-set formfiller spawn @scripts_dir/formfiller.sh
-@cbind ze = @formfiller edit
-@cbind zn = @formfiller new
-@cbind zl = @formfiller load
-@cbind zo = @formfiller once
-# === Short Cuts =============================================================
-@cbind gop = uri https://sites.google.com/a/skola.malmo.se/ib12-physics-hl/
-@cbind gob = uri https://sites.google.com/a/skola.malmo.se/ib12slbio/
-@cbind goc = uri https://sites.google.com/a/skola.malmo.se/hl-chemistry-ib12/
-@cbind goe = uri https://sites.google.com/a/skola.malmo.se/langlit-ib12/
-@cbind gos = uri https://sites.google.com/a/skola.malmo.se/swedish-b-ib12/
-@cbind got = uri https://sites.google.com/a/skola.malmo.se/wrtok/
-@cbind gom = uri https://sites.google.com/a/skola.malmo.se/ib-maths-hl/
-@cbind goo = uri http://organizer.eu5.org/
-@cbind goh = uri https://vaskozl.no-ip.biz/
-@cbind gog = uri https://www.gmail.com/
-@cbind gof = uri https://www.facebook.com/
-@cbind go9 = uri https://www.9gag.com/
-# --- Uzbl tabbed binds ------------------------------------------------------
-# Tab opening
-@cbind gn = event NEW_TAB
-@cbind gN = event NEW_TAB_NEXT
-#@cbind go<uri:>_ = event NEW_TAB %s
-#@cbind gO<uri:>_ = event NEW_TAB_NEXT %s
-# Closing / resetting
-@cbind x = exit
-@cbind gQ = event CLEAN_TABS
-# Tab navigating
-@cbind g< = event FIRST_TAB
-@cbind g> = event LAST_TAB
-@cbind l = event NEXT_TAB
-@cbind h = event PREV_TAB
-#@cbind gi<index:>_ = event GOTO_TAB %s
-@cbind <Ctrl><Left> = event MOVE_CURRENT_TAB_LEFT
-@cbind <Ctrl><Right> = event MOVE_CURRENT_TAB_RIGHT
-@cbind gm<index:>_ = event MOVE_CURRENT_TAB %s
-# Preset loading
-set preset event PRESET_TABS
-@cbind gs<preset save:>_ = @preset save %s
-@cbind glo<preset load:>_ = @preset load %s
-@cbind gd<preset del:>_ = @preset del %s
-# This doesn't work right now.
-#@cbind gli = @preset list
-# === Context menu items =====================================================
-# Default context menu
-menu add link Google "uri http://google.com"
-menu add link "Go Home" "uri http://uzbl.org"
-menu add_separator separator_1
-menu add link "Quit uzbl" exit
-# Link context menu
-menu add link "Print Link" "print \@SELECTED_URI"
-# === Mode configuration =====================================================
-# Define some mode specific uzbl configurations.
-set command @mode_config command
-set insert @mode_config insert
-set stack @mode_config stack
-# Command mode config.
-@command keycmd_style = foreground="@color13"
-@command status_background = #202020
-@command mode_indicator = Cmd
-@command keycmd_events = 1
-@command forward_keys = 0
-@command modcmd_updates = 1
-# Insert mode config.
-@insert status_background = #303030
-@insert mode_indicator = Ins
-@insert forward_keys = 1
-@insert keycmd_events = 0
-@insert modcmd_updates = 0
-# Multi-stage-binding mode config.
-@stack keycmd_style = foreground="@color13"
-@stack status_background = #202020
-@stack mode_indicator = Bnd
-@stack prompt_style = foreground="@color12" weight="light"
-@stack keycmd_events = 1
-@stack modcmd_updates = 1
-@stack forward_keys = 0
-set default_mode command
-# === SSL related configuration ==============================================
-# Set it to certificates store of your distribution, or your own CAfile.
-set ssl_ca_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
-set ssl_policy fail
-# Command to toggle ssl_policy value:
-@cbind !ssl = chain 'toggle ssl_policy fail ignore' 'reload'
-# Example SSL error handler:
-@on_event LOAD_ERROR js page string 'if (/SSL handshake failed/.test("%3")) {alert ("%3");}'
-# === Post-load misc commands ================================================
-spawn_sync_exec @scripts_dir/load_cookies.sh
-spawn_sync_exec @scripts_dir/load_cookies.sh @data_home/session-cookies.txt
-# Set the "home" page.
-uri uzbl.org/doesitwork/@COMMIT
-# vim: set fdm=syntax:
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/download.sh b/config/uzbl/scripts/download.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 398f271..0000000
--- a/config/uzbl/scripts/download.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# uzbl's example configuration sets this script up as its download_handler.
-# this script is run when uzbl encounters a URL that it can't display, and when
-# a download is requested using the 'download' command.
-# if the script prints a file path to stdout, uzbl will save the download to
-# that path using it's internal downloader.
-# if nothing is printed to stdout, the internal download will be cancelled.
-# you could do your own download handling in your script that way.
-# if $5 is set, it is the path that was passed to uzbl's "download" command.
-# we want to use that if it's available.
-[ -n "$5" ] && echo "$5" && exit
-. "$UZBL_UTIL_DIR/uzbl-dir.sh"
-# the URL that is being downloaded
-safe_uri="$( echo "$uri" | sed -e 's/\W/-/g' )"
-# a filename suggested by the server or based on the URL
-# the mimetype of the file being downloaded
-# the size of the downloaded file in bytes. this is not always accurate, since
-# the server might not have sent a size with its response headers.
-case "$suggested_filename" in
- # example: save torrents to a separate directory
- *.torrent)
- path="/home/vasko/Torrents/$suggested_filename"
- ;;
- # Default case
- *)
- path="/home/vasko/Downloads/$suggested_filename"
- ;;
-source ~/.colors;
-if ! /home/vasko/.ratpoison/ratmenu -style dreary -fg \"$COLOR11\" -bg \"$COLOR0\" -io 2 "Download \"$suggested_filename\"?" false Yes true No false;then
-# Do nothing if we don't want to save the file
-[ -z "$path" ] && exit 0
-# Check if the file exists
-if [ ! -e "$path" ]; then
- echo "$path"
- exit 0
-# Try to make a unique filename
-while [ -e "$path.$count" ]; do
- count=$(( $count + 1 ))
-echo "$path.$count"
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/gonew.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/gonew.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 33dac82..0000000
--- a/config/uzbl/scripts/gonew.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-my @cmd = @ARGV;
-my $fifo = $ENV{'UZBL_FIFO'};
-#If there are no dots in the first word or more than one word is suppllied expect a phrase for google. Else go to the uri specified.
-if (index(@cmd[0], '.') == -1 || scalar @cmd > 1)
- # Replace this with your search engine
- qx(uzbl-browser --uri "https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=@ARGV&hl=en");
- qx(uzbl-browser --uri @cmd");
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/goto.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/goto.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index b1630d4..0000000
--- a/config/uzbl/scripts/goto.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-my @cmd = @ARGV;
-my $fifo = $ENV{'UZBL_FIFO'};
-#If there are no dots in the first word or more than one word is suppllied expect a phrase for google. Else go to the uri specified.
-if (index(@cmd[0], '.') == -1 || scalar @cmd > 1)
- # Replace this with your search engine
- qx(echo "uri https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=@ARGV&hl=en" >> $fifo);
- qx(echo "uri @cmd" >> $fifo);
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/gowiki.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/gowiki.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 61f636d..0000000
--- a/config/uzbl/scripts/gowiki.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-my @cmd = @ARGV;
-my $fifo = $ENV{'UZBL_FIFO'};
-#If there are no dots in the first word or more than one word is suppllied expect a phrase for google. Else go to the uri specified.
-if (index(@cmd[0], '.') == -1 || scalar @cmd > 1)
- # Replace this with your search engine
- qx(echo "uri" >> $fifo);
- qx(echo "uri @cmd" >> $fifo);
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/gowikio.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/gowikio.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 743c69c..0000000
--- a/config/uzbl/scripts/gowikio.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-my @cmd = @ARGV;
-my $fifo = $ENV{'UZBL_FIFO'};
-#If there are no dots in the first word or more than one word is suppllied expect a phrase for google. Else go to the uri specified.
-if (index(@cmd[0], '.') == -1 || scalar @cmd > 1)
- # Replace this with your search engine
- qx(echo "uri http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=@ARGV" >> $fifo);
- qx(echo "uri @cmd" >> $fifo);
diff --git a/config/uzbl/scripts/youtube.pl b/config/uzbl/scripts/youtube.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a0e99a..0000000
--- a/config/uzbl/scripts/youtube.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-my $url = $ENV{'UZBL_URI'};
-exec "mpv '$url'"
diff --git a/config/uzbl/style.css b/config/uzbl/style.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f870a4..0000000
--- a/config/uzbl/style.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#uzbl_link_hints > span {
- z-index: 1000 !important;
- background-color: #333 !important;
- margin: 0 !important;
- padding: 3px !important;
- color: #ccc !important;
- font-size: 9px !important;
- line-height: 9px !important;
- font-weight: bold !important;
- font-variant: normal !important;
- text-decoration: none !important;
- -webkit-transform: translate(-5px,-5px);
- opacity: 0.8;
- -webkit-border-radius: 6px !important;
- /* Play around with this, pretty fun things to do :) */
- -webkit-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(0deg) translate(-6px,-5px) !important;
-/* we can have different colours for different types of hints! */
-#uzbl_link_hints.new-window > span {
- background-color: #ffff00 !important;
- color: black !important;
-.uzbl-follow-text-match {
- outline: 2px solid invert;
- background: #333 !important;
- color: white !important;
-/* vim:set et ts=4: */
diff --git a/config/vimb/config b/config/vimb/config
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cec1bb..0000000
--- a/config/vimb/config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-shortcut-add wiki=https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=$0
-shortcut-add gl=https://encrypted.google.com/#q=$0
-shortcut-add dl=https://duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=$0
-shortcut-add map=https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=$0&daddr=$1
-shortcut-add gh=https://github.com/$0/$1
-shortcut-add arrp=https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?q=$0
-shortcut-add arwk=https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=$0&go=Go
-shortcut-add aur=https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?K=$0
-shortcut-default gl
-set download-command=aria2c --seed-time=900 -d Downloads/ %s
-set download-use-external=true
-set cookie-accept=always
-set cookie-expire-time=0
-set cookie-timeout=0
-nmap s <C-D>
-nmap e <C-U>
-nmap w :open wiki
-nmap W :open arwk
-nmap d :open dl
-nmap a :open arrp
-nmap A :open aur
-nmap ( <C-O>
-nmap ) <C-N>
-nmap S :set scripts=false<CR> r :shellcmd mpv --no-terminal "%s"<CR> :set scripts=true<CR>
-set status-color-bg=#202020
-set status-color-fg=#c8c8c8
-set status-ssl-color-bg=#202020
-set status-ssl-color-fg=#c8c8c8
-set completion-bg-active=#202020
-set completion-bg-normal=#202020
-set completion-fg-active=#a0a0a0
-set completion-fg-normal=#c8c8c8