# MIT (c) Wenxuan Zhang forgit::warn() { printf "%b[Warn]%b %s\n" '\e[0;33m' '\e[0m' "$@" >&2; } forgit::info() { printf "%b[Info]%b %s\n" '\e[0;32m' '\e[0m' "$@" >&2; } forgit::inside_work_tree() { git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null; } # https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy hash diff-so-fancy &>/dev/null && forgit_fancy='|diff-so-fancy' # https://github.com/wfxr/emoji-cli hash emojify &>/dev/null && forgit_emojify='|emojify' # git commit viewer forgit::log() { forgit::inside_work_tree || return 1 local cmd opts cmd="echo {} |grep -Eo '[a-f0-9]+' |head -1 |xargs -I% git show --color=always % $* $forgit_fancy" opts=" $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS +s +m --tiebreak=index --exact --preview=\"$cmd\" --bind=\"enter:execute($cmd |LESS='-R' less)\" --bind=\"ctrl-y:execute-silent(echo {} |grep -Eo '[a-f0-9]+' | head -1 | tr -d '\n' |${FORGIT_COPY_CMD:-pbcopy})\" $FORGIT_LOG_FZF_OPTS " eval "git log --graph --color=always --format='%C(auto)%h%d %s %C(black)%C(bold)%cr' $* $forgit_emojify" | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" fzf } # git diff viewer forgit::diff() { forgit::inside_work_tree || return 1 local cmd files opts commit [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && { if git rev-parse "$1" -- &>/dev/null ; then commit="$1" && files=("${@:2}") else files=("$@") fi } cmd="git diff --color=always $commit -- {} $forgit_fancy" opts=" $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS +m -0 --preview=\"$cmd\" --bind=\"enter:execute($cmd |LESS='-R' less)\" $FORGIT_DIFF_FZF_OPTS " cmd="echo" && hash realpath &>/dev/null && cmd="realpath --relative-to=." eval "git diff --name-only $commit -- ${files[*]}| xargs -I% $cmd '$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/%'"| FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" fzf } # git add selector forgit::add() { forgit::inside_work_tree || return 1 local changed unmerged untracked files opts changed=$(git config --get-color color.status.changed red) unmerged=$(git config --get-color color.status.unmerged red) untracked=$(git config --get-color color.status.untracked red) opts=" $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS -0 -m --nth 2..,.. --preview=\"git diff --color=always -- {-1} $forgit_fancy\" $FORGIT_ADD_FZF_OPTS " files=$(git -c color.status=always -c status.relativePaths=true status --short | grep -F -e "$changed" -e "$unmerged" -e "$untracked" | awk '{printf "[%10s] ", $1; $1=""; print $0}' | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" fzf | cut -d] -f2 | sed 's/.* -> //') # for rename case [[ -n "$files" ]] && echo "$files" |xargs -I{} git add {} && git status --short && return echo 'Nothing to add.' } # git reset HEAD (unstage) selector forgit::reset::head() { forgit::inside_work_tree || return 1 local cmd files opts cmd="git diff --cached --color=always -- {} $forgit_fancy" opts=" $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS -m -0 --preview=\"$cmd\" $FORGIT_RESET_HEAD_FZF_OPTS " files="$(git diff --cached --name-only --relative | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" fzf)" [[ -n "$files" ]] && echo "$files" |xargs -I{} git reset -q HEAD {} && git status --short && return echo 'Nothing to unstage.' } # git checkout-restore selector forgit::restore() { forgit::inside_work_tree || return 1 local cmd files opts cmd="git diff --color=always -- {} $forgit_fancy" opts=" $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS -m -0 --preview=\"$cmd\" $FORGIT_CHECKOUT_FZF_OPTS " files="$(git ls-files --modified "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"| FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" fzf)" [[ -n "$files" ]] && echo "$files" |xargs -I{} git checkout {} && git status --short && return echo 'Nothing to restore.' } # git stash viewer forgit::stash::show() { forgit::inside_work_tree || return 1 local cmd opts cmd="git stash show \$(echo {}| cut -d: -f1) --color=always --ext-diff $forgit_fancy" opts=" $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS +s +m -0 --tiebreak=index --preview=\"$cmd\" --bind=\"enter:execute($cmd |LESS='-R' less)\" $FORGIT_STASH_FZF_OPTS " git stash list | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" fzf } # git clean selector forgit::clean() { forgit::inside_work_tree || return 1 local files opts opts=" $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS -m -0 $FORGIT_CLEAN_FZF_OPTS " # Note: Postfix '/' in directory path should be removed. Otherwise the directory itself will not be removed. files=$(git clean -xdfn "$@"| awk '{print $3}'| FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" fzf |sed 's#/$##') [[ -n "$files" ]] && echo "$files" |xargs -I% git clean -xdf % && return echo 'Nothing to clean.' } # git ignore generator export FORGIT_GI_REPO_REMOTE=${FORGIT_GI_REPO_REMOTE:-https://github.com/dvcs/gitignore} export FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL=${FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL:-~/.forgit/gi/repos/dvcs/gitignore} export FORGIT_GI_TEMPLATES=${FORGIT_GI_TEMPLATES:-$FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL/templates} forgit::ignore() { [ -d "$FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL" ] || forgit::ignore::update local IFS cmd args cat opts # https://github.com/sharkdp/bat.git hash bat &>/dev/null && cat='bat -l gitignore --color=always' || cat="cat" cmd="$cat $FORGIT_GI_TEMPLATES/{2}{,.gitignore} 2>/dev/null" opts=" $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS -m --preview=\"$cmd\" --preview-window='right:70%' $FORGIT_IGNORE_FZF_OPTS " # shellcheck disable=SC2206,2207 IFS=$'\n' args=($@) && [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && args=($(forgit::ignore::list | nl -nrn -w4 -s' ' | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" fzf |awk '{print $2}')) [ ${#args[@]} -eq 0 ] && return 1 # shellcheck disable=SC2068 if hash bat &>/dev/null; then forgit::ignore::get ${args[@]} | bat -l gitignore else forgit::ignore::get ${args[@]} fi } forgit::ignore::update() { if [[ -d "$FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL" ]]; then forgit::info 'Updating gitignore repo...' (cd "$FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL" && git pull --no-rebase --ff) || return 1 else forgit::info 'Initializing gitignore repo...' git clone --depth=1 "$FORGIT_GI_REPO_REMOTE" "$FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL" fi } forgit::ignore::get() { local item filename header for item in "$@"; do if filename=$(find -L "$FORGIT_GI_TEMPLATES" -type f \( -iname "${item}.gitignore" -o -iname "${item}" \) -print -quit); then [[ -z "$filename" ]] && forgit::warn "No gitignore template found for '$item'." && continue header="${filename##*/}" && header="${header%.gitignore}" echo "### $header" && cat "$filename" && echo fi done } forgit::ignore::list() { find "$FORGIT_GI_TEMPLATES" -print |sed -e 's#.gitignore$##' -e 's#.*/##' | sort -fu } forgit::ignore::clean() { setopt localoptions rmstarsilent [[ -d "$FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL" ]] && rm -rf "$FORGIT_GI_REPO_LOCAL" } FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=" $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS --ansi --reverse --bind='alt-k:preview-up,alt-p:preview-up' --bind='alt-j:preview-down,alt-n:preview-down' --bind='ctrl-r:toggle-all' --bind='ctrl-s:toggle-sort' --bind='?:toggle-preview' --bind='alt-w:toggle-preview-wrap' --preview-window='top:50%' $FORGIT_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS " # register aliases # shellcheck disable=SC2139 if [[ -z "$FORGIT_NO_ALIASES" ]]; then alias "${forgit_add:-ga}"='forgit::add' alias "${forgit_reset_head:-grh}"='forgit::reset::head' alias "${forgit_log:-glo}"='forgit::log' alias "${forgit_diff:-gd}"='forgit::diff' alias "${forgit_ignore:-gi}"='forgit::ignore' alias "${forgit_restore:-gcf}"='forgit::restore' alias "${forgit_clean:-gclean}"='forgit::clean' alias "${forgit_stash_show:-gss}"='forgit::stash::show' fi