# wp wp is a small tool I use to generate color schemes from images, and manage desktop wallpapers. The color extraction scripts were taken from [this blog post](http://charlesleifer.com/blog/using-python-and-k-means-to-find-the-dominant-colors-in-images/) with normalization reddit user radiosilence. ## Dependencies As far as I know this only relies on PIL, python image library. I was able to fulfill this dependency with the `python-pillow` package on Arch Linux. On other systems, `pip install Pillow`. ## Usage ``` $ wp add [file] ``` Generates color files .[file].colors and .[file].Xres which can be sourced by shell scripts and xrdb respectivly. The color files and the image are added to the backgrounds directory. ``` $ wp change [file] ``` Changes the background image to a random image from the ~/.wallpapers directory, or the file passed, and loads the .Xres file into xrdb so xterm or urxvt will use the colors. It also links a script to ~/.colors. If you `source ~/.colors` in a script you can use the generated colors with `$COLOR0`, `$COLOR1`, ... ``` $ wp rm [file] ``` Removes the image and it's color files from the backgrounds directory. ``` $ wp ls ``` Lists the images in the backgrounds folder.