# Load passwords #source "gpg2 -dq $HOME/.mutt/pass.gpg |" # Source source ~/.mutt/sol.muttrc source ~/.mutt/crypto.rc #Load aliases set alias_file=$HOME/.mutt/aliases.txt source $alias_file #Offline Imap config set mbox_type = Maildir set sendmail = /usr/bin/msmtp set folder = ~/.mail/ set spoolfile = "+Swiss/INBOX" #set mbox = "+Swiss/archive" set postponed = "+Swiss/INBOX.Drafts" unset record mailboxes +INBOX #macro index D \ # "+Swiss/INBOX.Trash" \ # "move message to the trash" # #macro index S \ # "+Swiss/INBOX.Spam" \ # "mark message as spam" # Gmail conf set from = "vasco@bitmessage.ch" set realname = "Vasil Zlatanov" # Change the following line to a different editor you prefer. set editor = "vim" # Basic config, you can leave this as is set mail_check = 15 set timeout = 1 unset imap_passive set header_cache=~/.muttlocal/cache/headers set message_cachedir=~/.muttlocal/cache/bodies set certificate_file=~/.muttlocal/certificates set move = no set include set sort = 'reverse-date-received' #set sort_aux = 'reverse-last-date-received' set auto_tag = yes ignore "Authentication-Results:" ignore "DomainKey-Signature:" ignore "DKIM-Signature:" hdr_order Date From To Cc alternative_order text/plain text/html * auto_view text/html # Gmail-style keyboard shortcuts macro index,pager gi "=Swiss/INBOX" "Go to inbox" macro index,pager gs "=Swiss/INBOX.Sent" "Go to sent mail" macro index,pager gt "=Swiss/INBOX.Trash" "Go to trash" macro index,pager gd "=Swiss/INBOX.Drafts" "Go to drafts" # Other config set delete #set edit_headers set fast_reply set help set pager_stop # Bindings bind index,pager "n" next-unread bind index,pager "N" search-next bind browser d half-down bind index d half-down bind pager d half-down bind index D delete-message bind browser u half-up bind index u half-up bind pager u half-up bind index gg first-entry bind pager gg top bind index G last-entry bind pager G bottom bind index R group-reply # Write in Aliases when opening email set display_filter="$HOME/.mutt/alias.sh" # Mutt LED notification set status_format="$HOME/.mutt/notify.sh '%r %f (%L) [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?]'|" #click link macro pager \cb 'urlview' 'Follow links with urlview'