# info: C=control, M=meta/alt, s=super, S=shift, H = Hyper # xnest for testing escape grave definekey top s-grave meta definekey top Arabic_dammatan meta #unmanage Nautilus Desktop unmanage Desktop #find files script bind f exec ~/.ratpoison/spotlight # set font with unicode support #set font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* set font "DejaVu Sans Mono" #Style message box set bgcolour #fdf6e3 set fgcolor #657b83 # Enable xcb copy/paste source .ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.clipboard # Make tab switch to the next screen bind Tab nextscreen #have windows centered set wingravity center # Use the name of the program rather than the title in the window list set winname title #Pest control. banish #exec unclutter -idle 1 -jitter 2 -root #warp on #addhook switchwin banish #No more startup message startup_message off #fix mouse exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr #Effects & Background #exec xcompmgr -c -f & exec nitrogen --restore #Border & Padding alias showpadding set border 3 alias hidepadding set border 0 hidepadding barinpadding 0 alias showborder set barpadding 0 0 alias hideborder set barpadding 0 0 set fwcolor #657b83 set bwcolor #839496 ###################################### # Panel ###################################### alias rpbarsend exec ~/.ratpoison/rpbarsend # tell ratpoison to ignore rpbar unmanage rpbar # hooks addhook switchwin rpbarsend addhook switchframe rpbarsend addhook switchgroup rpbarsend addhook deletewindow rpbarsend # RP versions >= 1.4.6 (from the git repo) have these hooks. # Recommended! addhook titlechanged rpbarsend addhook newwindow rpbarsend unmanage conky unmanage xfce4-panel unmanage ratbar.pl alias showpanel set padding 0 27 0 0 alias hidepanel set padding 0 0 0 0 showpanel #------------------------------------------------------------- # Workspaces #------------------------------------------------------------- # Switcher window alias workspace_menu exec .ratpoison/workspace_menu bind W workspace_menu #Get F-keys to switch windows now in /usr/bin/rpws definekey top F1 exec rpws 1 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F2 exec rpws 2 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F3 exec ratpoison -c "exec rpws 3 && ratpoison -c bordscript" definekey top F4 exec rpws 4 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F5 exec rpws 5 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F6 exec rpws 6 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F7 exec rpws 7 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F8 exec rpws 8 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F9 exec rpws 9 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F10 exec xset -led 3 & exec ratpoison -c "exec rpws 10 && ratpoison -c bordscript" definekey top F11 exec rpws 11 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top F12 exec rpws 12 && ratpoison -c bordscript definekey top M-F1 rpwsm1 definekey top M-F2 rpwsm2 definekey top M-F3 rpwsm3 definekey top M-F4 rpwsm4 definekey top M-F5 rpwsm5 definekey top M-F6 rpwsm6 definekey top M-F7 rpwsm7 definekey top M-F8 rpwsm8 definekey top M-F9 rpwsm9 definekey top M-F10 rpwsm10 definekey top M-F11 rpwsm11 definekey top M-F12 rpwsm12 definekey top S-F1 exec rpws 13 definekey top S-F2 exec rpws 14 definekey top S-F3 exec rpws 15 definekey top S-F4 exec rpws 16 definekey top S-F5 exec rpws 17 definekey top S-F6 exec rpws 18 definekey top S-F7 exec rpws 19 definekey top S-F8 exec rpws 20 definekey top S-F9 exec rpws 21 definekey top S-F10 exec rpws 22 definekey top S-F11 exec rpws 23 definekey top S-F12 exec rpws 24 #definekey top s-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F1' #definekey top s-F2 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F2' #definekey top s-F3 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F3' #definekey top s-F4 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F4' #definekey top s-F5 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F5' #definekey top s-F6 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F6' #definekey top s-F7 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F7' #definekey top s-F8 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F8' #definekey top s-F9 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F9' #definekey top s-F10 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F10' #definekey top s-F11 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F11' #definekey top s-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F12' definekey top S-F12 exec rpws 13 definekey top M-S-F12 rpwsm13 #------------------------------------------------------------- #Bindings #------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_menu exec .ratpoison/window_menu bind h focusleft bind l focusright bind j focusdown bind k focusup bind H exchangeleft bind L exchangeright bind J exchangedown bind K exchangeup bind w window_menu bind a title bind t time definekey top s-l exec i3lock definekey top s-s exec ~/bin/sus definekey top s-L redisplay bind c exec gnome-control-center bind C exec sudo gnome-control-center bind v hsplit bind V hsplit 2/3 bind s vsplit bind S vsplit 2/3 bind d remove bind space exec urxvt bind o only bind semicolon colon bind e exec bind u undo bind i info bind x delete bind X kill bind Escape abort #Paste goodness bind g exec ~/bin/imgur bind P exec xclip -o | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us | xclip alias bordtoggle exec ~/.ratpoison/bordtoggle alias bordscript exec ~/.ratpoison/borderscript alias paneltoggle exec ~/.ratpoison/paneltoggle addhook key bordscript definekey top s-b bordtoggle definekey top s-p paneltoggle # b : Open url alias browse_cmd exec .ratpoison/exec_to_workspace 2 firefox -new-tab alias browse colon browse_cmd bind b browse # B : open a new firefox tab and browse to the X clipboard selection alias browse_selection exec .ratpoison/exec_to_workspace 2 firefox -new-tab `ratpoison -c getsel` bind B browse_selection # Paste with X selection alias insert_X_selection meta S-Insert bind i insert_X_selection #------------------------------------------------------------- #Application Shortcuts #------------------------------------------------------------- definekey top s-f exec firefox definekey top s-m exec /home/vasko/.ratpoison/pentfocus definekey top s-v exec vlc definekey top s-g exec gvim #definekey top s-l exec libreoffice #----------------------------------------------------- # Voice control #----------------------------------------------------- definekey top KP_Enter exec ~/Dropbox/speech/run-duplex.sh #------------------------------------------------------------- # Volume Control #------------------------------------------------------------- # Up alias volup exec amixer -q set Master 5+ && ratpoison -c "echo `$HOME/.ratpoison/volind`" definekey top XF86AudioRaiseVolume volup definekey top s-Prior volup # Down alias voldown exec amixer -q set Master 5- && ratpoison -c "echo `$HOME/.ratpoison/volind`" definekey top XF86AudioLowerVolume voldown definekey top s-Next voldown # Mute alias voltoggle exec amixer -D pulse set Master toggle && ratpoison -c "echo Sound: `amixer get Master|awk '/Mono:/ {print $6}'`" definekey top XF86AudioMute voltoggle definekey top s-Pause voltoggle #------------------------------------------------------------- # Brightness Control #------------------------------------------------------------- alias brightup exec xbacklight +2 alias brightdown exec xbacklight -2 definekey top XF86MonBrightnessUp brightup definekey top XF86MonBrightnessDown brightdown #------------------------------------------------------------- # Cmus (Music) Control #------------------------------------------------------------- # Aliases alias playinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo Music: `mpc -h | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`" alias volinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo `$HOME/.ratpoison/mpdvolind`" alias songinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo Music: `mpc -h | head -1`" #alias volinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo `$HOME/.ratpoison/cmusvolind`" #alias playinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo Music: `cmus-remote -Q | awk '/status/ {print $2}'`" #alias songinfo exec ratpoison -c "echo Playing:`cmus-remote -Q | awk '/ artist/ {$1=$2=""; print $0}'` - `cmus-remote -Q 2>/dev/null | grep title | awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}'`" # Play/Pause and Volume definekey top s-space exec mpc -h toggle && ratpoison -c 'playinfo' definekey top s-Right exec mpc -h next && ratpoison -c "songinfo" definekey top s-Left exec mpc -h prev && ratpoison -c "songinfo" definekey top s-Up exec mpc -h volume +5 && ratopison -c "volinfo" definekey top s-Up exec mpc -h volume +5 && ratpoison -c 'volinfo' definekey top s-Down exec mpc -h volume -5 && ratpoison -c 'volinfo' # Old cmus controls #definekey top s-space exec cmus-remote -u && ratpoison -c "playinfo" #definekey top s-Right exec cmus-remote -n && ratpoison -c "songinfo" #definekey top s-Left exec cmus-remote -r && ratpoison -c "songinfo" #definekey top s-Up exec cmus-remote -v +5% && ratpoison -c "volinfo" #definekey top s-Down exec cmus-remote -v -5% && ratpoison -c "volinfo" # Show song that is playing definekey top Print songinfo #------------------------------------------------------------- # Unbindings #------------------------------------------------------------- unbind Q unbind C-A unbind C-a unbind C-p unbind C-apostrophe unbind C-i unbind C-Return unbind C-n unbind C-m unbind C-c unbind C-k unbind C-l unbind C-K unbind C-exclam unbind C-grave unbind C-u unbind C-g unbind C-space unbind C-v unbind C-s unbind C-Right unbind C-Up unbind C-Down unbind C-x unbind C-f unbind C-V unbind C-S unbind C-w unbind C-b #------------------------------------------------------------- # Layout saving #------------------------------------------------------------- # bind M-! to store the current frame layout in slot #1 bind M-exclam exec ratpoison -c "setenv fs1 `ratpoison -c 'fdump'`" #bind M-1 to restore the frame layout in slot #1 bind M-1 exec ratpoison -c "frestore `ratpoison -c 'getenv fs1'`" # Do the same for slot #2 and bind it to M-@ and M-2, respectively. bind M-at exec ratpoison -c "setenv fs2 `ratpoison -c 'fdump'`" bind M-2 exec ratpoison -c "frestore `ratpoison -c 'getenv fs2'`" # Give ourselves another slot on M-# and M-3, respectively. bind M-numbersign exec ratpoison -c "setenv fs3 `ratpoison -c 'fdump'`" bind M-3 exec ratpoison -c "frestore `ratpoison -c 'getenv fs3'`"