#!/usr/bin/env bash # Lets you switch between all windows in a way that minimizes keystrokes. # Two ways to order: # - If order=last, the windows are listed in the order that you last visited them in. # - If order=sequential, the windows are listed in number order. order=sequential ratmenu="~/.ratpoison/ratmenu" # Yes, bash is really necessary, because it's version of printf makes this # script possible. Regular bourne shell printf does NOT. window_index_str=$(ratpoison -c "info" | sed 's/^.*\([0-9]\)(.*$/\1/') if [ "$window_index_str" = "No window." ]; then group_index=$($HOME/.ratpoison/workspace current) $ratmenu -style dreary -fg "#657b83" -bg "#eee8d5" "No windows in group $group_index" /bin/true else ratpoison -c "echo $window_index_str" echo "$window_index_str">/tmp/log window_index=$[ $window_index_str + 1 ] if [ $order = sequential ]; then ( printf "$ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5' -io $window_index \ "; ratpoison -c "windows %n %n %t" | sort -n | while read w x z; do a=$(printf "%3q" $x); b="ratpoison -c \"select $x\""; printf " %q\\ %q %q" "$a" "$z" "$b"; done; echo \;) | sh elif [ $order = last ]; then ( printf "$ratmenu -style dreary -fg '#657b83' -bg '#eee8d5' -io $window_index \ "; ratpoison -c "windows %l %n %t" | sort -rn | while read w x z; do a=$(printf "%3q" $x); b="ratpoison -c \"select $x\""; printf " %q\\ %q %q" "$a" "$z" "$b"; done; echo \;) | sh fi fi