#!/usr/bin/env bash # Inspiration: # http://www.desertsol.com/~kevin/ratpoison/ ratpoison_dir=$HOME/.ratpoison ratpoison=/usr/bin/ratpoison xtoolwait="/usr/bin/X11/xtoolwait -timeout 10" workspace="/usr/bin/rpws" screen_run="$ratpoison_dir/screen_run" term="/usr/bin/urxvt -e" # Set the current window's number and title # $1 = number # $2 = title (remember to quote if title has spaces) function number_and_title() { $ratpoison -c "number $1" $ratpoison -c "title $2" } ####################################################################### # # If this script is run with no arguments, ratpoison and all workspaces are loaded. # If a workspace number is given as the argument, only that workspace is initialized. # ####################################################################### # Load xterm colors xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources # Start Dropbox dropbox start # Start Offline Imap offlineimap & # Start calendar sync #$HOME/.calendar/run # Detect secondary monitor and automatically adjust if [ `xrandr| grep -c VGA1` -gt 0 ]; then xrandr --output VGA1 --mode `xrandr | awk 'NR==9 {print $1}'` --right-of LVDS1 fi # Fix rodentss xinput --set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" 296 -106, -106 synclient PalmDetect=1 xinput --set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Noise Cancellation" 50 50 xinput --set-prop "Logitech Gaming Mouse G400" "Device Accel Profile" -1 xinput --set-prop "Logitech Gaming Mouse G400" "Device Accel Velocity Scaling" 1 xset r rate 200 30 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then # if no arguments given, run everything run_everything=true run_workspace=all else # if 1 argument given, run that workspace run_everything=false run_workspace=$1 fi # # Startup the ratpoison window manager first # if [ $run_everything = true ]; then $ratpoison 2>&1 & wmpid=$! sleep 1 & fi ####################################################################### # # I create a section for each workspace so that individual workspaces # can be reloaded without reloading ratpoison, which doesn't work so well. # ####################################################################### # workspace 0 : volume workspace # window 1: volume #if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then # $workspace 0 # $xtoolwait $term alsamixer # number_and_title 0 "volume" #fi # workspace 1 : Ranger workspace # window 1+: Ranger if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 1 ]; then $workspace 1 $xtoolwait $term ranger number_and_title 0 "ranger" fi # workspace 2 is at the end (pentadactyl) slowing down # workspace 3 : newsbeuter if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 3 ]; then $workspace 3 $xtoolwait $term newsbeuter number_and_title 0 "newsbeuter" fi # workspace 4 : admin workspace # window 1: screen (see screenrc.admin for the screen config) if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 4 ]; then $workspace 4 $xtoolwait $term $screen_run admin number_and_title 0 "admin screen" fi # workspace 5 : School # windows 1: screen notebok if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 5 ]; then $workspace 5 cd $HOME/Dropbox/notes $xtoolwait $term $screen_run school number_and_title 0 "notebook" fi ## workspace 6 : projects workspace if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 6 ]; then $workspace 6 $xtoolwait $term $screen_run projects number_and_title 0 "projects screen" fi # ## workspace 7 : kde workspace (VNC session) #if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 7 ]; then # $workspace 7 # $xtoolwait vncviewer nerd:1 # number_and_title 0 "kde" #fi # ## workspace 8 : windows workspace (VMware session) #if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 8 ]; then # $workspace 8 # #$xtoolwait gnomesu -c /stor/vmware/bin/vmware # #number_and_title 0 "windows xp" #fi # # workspace 9 : email workspace # window 1: mutt if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then $workspace 9 $xtoolwait $term mutt number_and_title 0 "email" fi # workspace 10 : irc workspace # window 1: irc if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then $workspace 10 $xtoolwait $term irssi number_and_title 0 "irc" fi # workspace 11 : wifi workspace # window 1: wicd if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then $workspace 11 $xtoolwait $term wicd-curses number_and_title 0 "wicd" fi # workspace 12 : music workspace # window 1: music if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then $workspace 12 cd $HOME/Music $xtoolwait $term cmus $ratpoison -c "meta 2" number_and_title 0 "music" fi # workspace 13 : volume workspace # window 1: volume if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then $workspace 13 $xtoolwait $term alsamixer number_and_title 0 "volume" fi # workspace 2 : Firefox workspace # window 1+: Firefox if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then $workspace 2 firefox number_and_title 0 "firefox" fi # Default workspace: 1(ranger) $workspace 1 # Launch locking program xscreensaver -no-splash ####################################################################### sleep 1 if [ $run_everything = true ]; then wait $wmpid fi