#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import sys, os import getopt from PIL import Image; def jpg_image_to_array(image_path): """ Loads JPEG image into 3D Numpy array of shape (width, height, channels) """ with Image.open(image_path) as image: im_arr = np.frombuffer(image.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8) # im_arr = im_arr.reshape((image.size[1], image.size[0], 3)) return im_arr def main(files): for i in range(0, len(files)): inputfile = files[i] print(inputfile); if not os.path.exists(inputfile): sys.exit('ERROR: File %s was not found!' % inputfile) print(jpg_image_to_array(inputfile)) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: main(sys.argv[1:]) else: print("%s: You must specify files to convert to vectors" % sys.argv[0]) # def compute_average_vector # def compute_covariance_of_normalised_faces