--- title: 'EE4-68 Pattern Recognition (2018-2019) CW1' author: - name: Vasil Zlatanov, Nunzio Pucci affilation: Imperial College location: London, UK email: vz215@ic.ac.uk, np1915@ic.ac.uk numbersections: yes lang: en babel-lang: english abstract: | In this coursework we will analyze the benefits of different face recognition methods. On one hand we will analyze PCA, Principal Components Analysis. This method allows dimensionality reduction, obtaining a generative subspace which is very reliable for face reconstruction. On the other hand LDA, Linear Discriminant Analysis, allows to perform a very reliable classification, generating a discriminative subspace, in which the separation between classes is easier to recognize. In the final part we will analyze the benefits of using a combined version of the two methods using Fisherfaces. As we will see, the PCA-LDA ensemble will obtain much more accurate results with a very high speed of computation. The data used includes 52 classes with 10 samples each. The number of features is 2576(since the size of the pictures is 46x56). ...