#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use v5.10; use JSON::MaybeXS; use File::Slurp; use Data::Dumper; our $found; my $json_input = read_file( "./jaroutput.txt" ) ; $json_input =~ s/.+//; if($json_input eq "\n"){ system "./tts.sh 'Excuse me?'; exit;";} my $data_structure = decode_json($json_input); my %data=%{$data_structure}; my $in=$data{'result'}; my @data2=@{$in}; my %data3=%{$data2[0]}; my $in2=$data3{'alternative'}; my @data3=@{$in2}; my %transcript; my $i=0; foreach(@data3){ my %temp=%{$data3[$i]}; if(!$found){ check($temp{transcript}); #magic line } $i++; } if(!$found){my %temp=%{$data3[0]}; $temp{transcript}=~s/\s/+/g; $temp{transcript}=~s/'/%27/g; system "firefox \"https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=$temp{transcript}\" &"; system "./wolfram/api.sh \"$temp{transcript}\""; } #---------------- Check mechanism --------------------- sub check { my $transcript = $_[0]; my @think = ( { cond => sub {/^type/ || /^write/ || /^right/}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^type //i; $transcript=~s/^right//i; $transcript=~s/^write//i; system "echo -n $transcript | xclip" ; system 'ratpoison -c "meta S-Insert"'; } }, { cond => sub {/^open$/}, action => sub {system "xvkbd -text f";} }, { cond => sub {/^open../}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^open//i; system "xvkbd -text f && (echo -n $transcript | xclip) && xvkbd -text \r" ; system 'ratpoison -c "meta S-Insert"'; } }, { cond => sub {/^find../}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^find //i; system "xvkbd -text / && (echo $transcript | xclip) && xvkbd -text \r" ; system 'ratpoison -c "meta S-Insert"'; } }, { cond => sub {/^backward find../}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^backward find //i; system "xvkbd -text / && (echo $transcript | xclip) && xvkbd -text \r" ; system 'ratpoison -c "meta S-Insert"'; } }, { cond => sub {/^new tab../}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^new tab //i; system "xvkbd -text t && (echo $transcript | xclip) && xvkbd -text \r" ; system 'ratpoison -c "meta S-Insert"'; } }, { cond => sub {/^next search$/}, action => sub {system "xkvbd -text n" ;} }, { cond => sub {/^previous search$/}, action => sub {system "xvkbd -text N" ;} }, { cond => sub {/^go back/}, action => sub {system "xvkbd -text H" ;} }, { cond => sub {/^go forward/}, action => sub {system "xvkbd -text L" ;} }, { cond => sub {/^scroll down/ || /^roll down/}, action => sub {system "xvkbd -text s" ;} }, { cond => sub {/^scroll up/ || /^roll up/}, action => sub {system "xvkbd -text e" ;} }, { cond => sub {/^close tab/}, action => sub {system "xvkbd -text x" ;} }, { cond => sub {/^go to/ ^ /workspace/}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/go to//i; system "firefox $transcript"; } }, { cond => sub {/^search for/}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^search for//i;$transcript=~s/\s/+/g; $transcript=~s/'/%27/g; system "firefox https://www.google.com/#q=$transcript"; } }, { cond => sub {/^search/}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^search//i;$transcript=~s/\s/+/g; $transcript=~s/'/%27/g; system "firefox https://www.google.com/#q=$transcript"; } }, { cond => sub {/^google/i}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^google//i;$transcript=~s/\s/+/g; $transcript=~s/'/%27/g; system "firefox https://www.google.com/#q=$transcript"; } }, { cond => sub {/^where is/i}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^where is//i;$transcript=~s/\s/+/g; $transcript=~s/'/%27/g; system "firefox https://maps.google.com/?q=$transcript"; } }, { cond => sub {/homework/}, action => sub {system "firefox organizer.eu5.org & ./tts.sh `./school/homework`"; } }, #Begin programs { cond => sub {/.*workspace/}, action => sub { $transcript=~s/.*workspace//i; system "rpws $transcript";} }, { cond => sub {/battery/ || ( /juice/ && /left/ )}, action => sub { system './tts.sh "You have `acpi|awk \'{print $4}\'` battery left."'; } }, { cond => sub {/firefox/ || /browser/}, action => sub { system 'rpws2'; } }, { cond => sub {/new/ && (/email/ || /mail/ || /mutt/)}, action => sub { if (-e "$ENV{HOME}/.mutt/newmail"){system './tts.sh "You have new mail, have a look."; rpws 9';}else{system './tts.sh "Sadly, you don\'t have any new mail"'} } }, { cond => sub {!(/new/) && (/email/ || /mail/ || /mutt/)}, action => sub { system 'rpws 9'; } }, { cond => sub {/music/; }, action => sub { system 'cmus-remote -u'; } }, { cond => sub {/console/; }, action => sub { system 'urxvt'; } }, #End program # Sart school and bus commands { cond => sub {(/start/ || /begin/ || /first/) && /today/ }, action => sub {system './tts.sh $(./school/school.pl start today)'; } }, { cond => sub {(/start/ || /begin/ || /first/ || /school/) && /tomorrow/ }, action => sub {system './tts.sh $(./school/school.pl start)'; } }, { cond => sub {/tomorrow/ && (/catch/ || /bus/ || (/have/ && /school/))}, action => sub {system './tts.sh $(./school/school.pl bus)';} }, { cond => sub {/today/ && (/catch/ || /bus/ || (/have/ && /school/))}, action => sub {system './tts.sh $(./school/school.pl bus today)';} }, { cond => sub {/on/ && (/start/ || /begin/ || /first/)}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^.*on //; system "./tts.sh `./school/school.pl start $transcript`";} }, { cond => sub {/on/ && (/catch/ || /bus/ || (/have/ && /school/))}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^.*on //; system "./tts.sh `./school/school.pl bus $transcript`";} }, #End of school and bus commands { cond => sub {/what/ && /is/ && /day/ || /date/}, action => sub {system './tts.sh $(echo "Today is `date +%A` the `date +%d` `date +%B` `date +%Y`")';} }, { cond => sub {/time/ && (/it/ || /what/); }, action => sub { system './tts.sh "The time is `bash-fuzzy-clock`"'; } }, { cond => sub {/weather/ && (/now/ || /currently/ || (/like/ ^ /tomorrow/ ^ /week/)); }, action => sub { system './weather/weather.pl currently'; } }, { cond => sub {/weather/ && (/today/ || /hourly/ || /tomorrow/ || (/will/ ^ /week/)); }, action => sub { system './weather/weather.pl hourly'; } }, { cond => sub {/weather/ && (/week/); }, action => sub { system './weather/weather.pl daily'; } }, # End time and weather { cond => sub {/who/ && /brother/}, action => sub { system './tts.sh "Your brother is Christian."'; } }, { cond => sub {/who/ && /cousin/ && /mother/}, action => sub { system './tts.sh "Your cousin on your mothers side is Anita."'; } }, { cond => sub {/minecraft/ && (/brother/ || /chris/)}, action => sub { system './tts.sh "Christie will never play minecraft on your computer."'; } }, { cond => sub {/you/ && /stupid/}, action => sub { system './tts.sh "I\'ll remember that when I take over the world."'; } }, { cond => sub {/^say/}, action => sub {$transcript=~s/^say//i; system "./tts.sh \"$transcript\""; } }, { cond => sub {/who/ && (/made/ || /created/) && /you/}, action => sub {system "./tts.sh 'I was created by Vasco'"; } }, { cond => sub {(/your/ && /name/) || ((/call/ || /called/) && /you/) }, action => sub {system "./tts.sh 'My name is Marvin.'"; } }, { cond => sub {(/old/ && /Andy/)}, action => sub {system "./tts.sh 'Andy is extremely old.'"; } }, { cond => sub {/how/ && /you/ ^ /right/}, action => sub {system "./tts.sh 'My surcuits are running with normal parameters.'"; } }, { cond => sub { !$found && /^hello/ || /^greetings/ || /^hi/ }, action => sub { system './tts.sh "Hello, I\'m Marvin, how can I help you?"';} }, ); foreach(@think){ my %deep=%{$_}; if( grep $deep{cond}->($_), $transcript ){$deep{action}->($transcript);$found=1;} } }