path: root/Editor/vim
diff options
authorVasil Zlatanov <vasil.zlatanov@gmail.com>2015-08-18 01:54:42 +0200
committerVasil Zlatanov <vasil.zlatanov@gmail.com>2015-08-18 01:54:42 +0200
commite26958b154d0457c1019bc48a5ff0ed637cf3eac (patch)
treed11a37bb0e2a6916b3ffb421aab9cf68e5f3bba6 /Editor/vim
parent9d56811c86e81cbc70f03cde70e5a62378c187ef (diff)
update vim
Diffstat (limited to 'Editor/vim')
-rw-r--r--Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.pycbin0 -> 6826 bytes
-rw-r--r--Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/outline.pycbin0 -> 4089 bytes
149 files changed, 7505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Editor/vim/autoload/DrawIt.vim b/Editor/vim/autoload/DrawIt.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f6ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/autoload/DrawIt.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,2921 @@
+" DrawIt.vim: a simple way to draw things in Vim
+" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell
+" Authors: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz> - NOSPAM
+" Sylvain Viart (molo@multimania.com)
+" Version: 13
+" Date: Nov 25, 2013
+" Quick Setup: {{{1
+" tar -oxvf DrawIt.tar
+" Should put DrawItPlugin.vim in your .vim/plugin directory,
+" put DrawIt.vim in your .vim/autoload directory
+" put DrawIt.txt in your .vim/doc directory.
+" Then, use \di to start DrawIt,
+" \ds to stop Drawit, and
+" draw by simply moving about using the cursor keys.
+" You may also use visual-block mode to select endpoints and
+" draw lines, arrows, and ellipses.
+" Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Charles E. Campbell {{{1
+" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
+" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
+" notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
+" DrawIt.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty
+" of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this
+" plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
+" holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
+" of this software.
+" Required: THIS SCRIPT REQUIRES VIM 7.0 (or later) {{{1
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 40 1 :AutoInstall: DrawIt.vim
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1066 1 cecutil.vim
+" Woe to her who is rebellious and polluted, the oppressing {{{1
+" city! She didn't obey the voice. She didn't receive correction.
+" She didn't trust in Yahweh. She didn't draw near to her God. (Zeph 3:1,2 WEB)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load Once: {{{1
+if &cp || exists("g:loaded_DrawIt")
+ finish
+let g:loaded_DrawIt= "v13"
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echo "***warning*** this version of DrawIt needs vim 7.0"
+ echohl Normal
+ finish
+let s:keepcpo= &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Script Variables: {{{1
+if !exists("g:drawit_xstrlen")
+ if exists("g:Align_xstrlen")
+ let g:drawit_xstrlen= g:Align_xstrlen
+ elseif exists("g:netrw_xstrlen")
+ let g:drawit_xstrlen= g:netrw_xstrlen
+ elseif &enc == "latin1" || !has("multi_byte")
+ let g:drawit_xstrlen= 0
+ else
+ let g:drawit_xstrlen= 1
+ endif
+if !exists("g:drawit_mode")
+ let g:drawit_mode= 'N' " other options: =S (single-line utf-*,cp437) or =D (double-line utf-*,cp437)
+if !exists("s:saveposn_count")
+ let s:saveposn_count= 0
+" =====================================================================
+" DrawIt Functions: (by Charles E. Campbell) {{{1
+" =====================================================================
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" DrawIt#DrawItStart: this function maps the cursor keys, sets up default {{{2
+" drawing characters, and makes some settings
+fun! DrawIt#DrawItStart(...)
+" call Dfunc("DrawItStart()")
+ if a:0 > 0
+ if exists("b:di_gfxchr") && b:di_gfxchr && (a:1 == 'S' || a:1 == 's')
+ DIsngl
+ elseif exists("b:di_gfxchr") && b:di_gfxchr && (a:1 == 'D' || a:1 == 'd')
+ DIdbl
+ elseif !exists("g:drawit_mode")
+ let g:drawit_mode= 'N'
+ endif
+ endif
+ " DrawItStart: report on [DrawIt] mode {{{3
+ if exists("b:dodrawit") && b:dodrawit == 1
+ " already in DrawIt mode
+ echo "[DrawIt] (already on, use ".((exists("mapleader") && mapleader != "")? mapleader : '\')."ds to stop)"
+" call Dret("DrawItStart")
+ return
+ endif
+ let b:dodrawit= 1
+ " indicate in DrawIt mode
+ echo "[DrawIt]"
+ " DrawItStart: turn on mouse {{{3
+ if !exists("b:drawit_keep_mouse")
+ let b:drawit_keep_mouse= &mouse
+ endif
+ setl mouse=a
+ " DrawItStart: set up DrawIt commands {{{3
+ com! -nargs=1 -range SetBrush <line1>,<line2>call DrawIt#SetBrush(<q-args>)
+ com! -count Canvas call s:Spacer(line("."),line(".") + <count> - 1,0)
+ " DrawItStart: set up default drawing characters {{{3
+ if !exists("b:di_vert") |let b:di_vert = "|" |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_horiz") |let b:di_horiz = "-" |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_plus") |let b:di_plus = "+" |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_upright")|let b:di_upright = "/" |endif " same as downleft
+ if !exists("b:di_upleft") |let b:di_upleft = "\\"|endif " same as downright
+ if !exists("b:di_cross") |let b:di_cross = "X" |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_ellipse")|let b:di_ellipse = '*' |endif
+ let b:di_gfxchr= 1
+ if &enc == 'utf-8' || &enc == 'utf-16' || &enc == "ucs-4"
+ " Box drawing characters using unicode
+ " │ ─ ┌ ┠└ ┘ ┬ ┴ ├ ┤ ┼ ╱ ╲ ╳
+ " ║ ╠╔ ╗ ╚ ╠╦ ╩ ╠ ╣ ╬
+" call Decho("box drawing characters using unicode")
+ if !exists("b:di_Svert") |let b:di_Svert = '│' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Dvert") |let b:di_Dvert = 'â•‘' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Shoriz") |let b:di_Shoriz = '─' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Dhoriz") |let b:di_Dhoriz = 'â•' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Sulcorn") |let b:di_Sulcorn = '┌' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Dulcorn") |let b:di_Dulcorn = 'â•”' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Surcorn") |let b:di_Surcorn = 'â”' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Durcorn") |let b:di_Durcorn = 'â•—' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Sllcorn") |let b:di_Sllcorn = 'â””' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Dllcorn") |let b:di_Dllcorn = 'â•š' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Slrcorn") |let b:di_Slrcorn = '┘' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Dlrcorn") |let b:di_Dlrcorn = 'â•' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Splus") |let b:di_Splus = '┼' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Dplus") |let b:di_Dplus = '╬' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Sdnplus") |let b:di_Sdnplus = '┬' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Ddnplus") |let b:di_Ddnplus = '╦' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Supplus") |let b:di_Supplus = 'â”´' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Dupplus") |let b:di_Dupplus = 'â•©' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Slplus") |let b:di_Slplus = '┤' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Dlplus") |let b:di_Dlplus = 'â•£' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Srplus") |let b:di_Srplus = '├' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Drplus") |let b:di_Drplus = 'â• ' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_Supright")|let b:di_Supright= "╱" |endif " same as Sdownleft
+ if !exists("b:di_Supleft") |let b:di_Supleft = "╲" |endif " same as Sdownright
+ if !exists("b:di_Scross") |let b:di_Scross = "╳" |endif
+ " Mixed Single-Double unicode box drawing characters
+ " ╞ ╟ ╡ ╢ ╤ ╥ ╧ ╪ ╫
+ if !exists("b:di_DhSd") |let b:di_DhSd = '╤' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_DhSu") |let b:di_DhSu = '╧' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_DuSl") |let b:di_DuSl = 'â•¢' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_DuSlr") |let b:di_DuSlr= 'â•«' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_DuSr") |let b:di_DuSr = 'â•Ÿ' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_ShDd") |let b:di_ShDd = 'â•¥' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_ShDu") |let b:di_ShDu = '╨' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_SuDl") |let b:di_SuDl = 'â•¡' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_SuDlr") |let b:di_SuDlr= '╪' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_SdDh") |let b:di_SdDh = '╤' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_SuDh") |let b:di_SuDh = '╧' |endif
+ if !exists("b:di_SuDr") |let b:di_SuDr = 'â•ž' |endif
+ " Mixed Single-Double unicode box drawing corner characters
+ " ╒ ╓ ╕ ╖ ╘ ╙ ╛ ╜
+ if !exists("b:di_cSdDr")| let b:di_cSdDr= 'â•’'| endif
+ if !exists("b:di_cDdSr")| let b:di_cDdSr= 'â•“'| endif
+ if !exists("b:di_cDlSd")| let b:di_cDlSd= 'â••'| endif
+ if !exists("b:di_cSlDd")| let b:di_cSlDd= 'â•–'| endif
+ if !exists("b:di_cDrSu")| let b:di_cDrSu= '╘'| endif
+ if !exists("b:di_cSrDu")| let b:di_cSrDu= 'â•™'| endif
+ if !exists("b:di_cDlSu")| let b:di_cDlSu= 'â•›'| endif
+ if !exists("b:di_cSlDu")| let b:di_cSlDu= '╜'| endif
+ elseif &enc == 'cp437'
+ " Box drawing characters using cp437 (dos)
+" call Decho("box drawing characters using cp437")
+ if !exists("b:di_Svert") |let b:di_Svert = nr2char(179) |endif " │
+ if !exists("b:di_Dvert") |let b:di_Dvert = nr2char(186) |endif " â•‘
+ if !exists("b:di_Shoriz") |let b:di_Shoriz = nr2char(196) |endif " ─
+ if !exists("b:di_Dhoriz") |let b:di_Dhoriz = nr2char(205) |endif " â•
+ if !exists("b:di_Sulcorn") |let b:di_Sulcorn = nr2char(218) |endif " ┌
+ if !exists("b:di_Dulcorn") |let b:di_Dulcorn = nr2char(201) |endif " â•”
+ if !exists("b:di_Surcorn") |let b:di_Surcorn = nr2char(191) |endif " â”
+ if !exists("b:di_Durcorn") |let b:di_Durcorn = nr2char(187) |endif " â•—
+ if !exists("b:di_Sllcorn") |let b:di_Sllcorn = nr2char(192) |endif " â””
+ if !exists("b:di_Dllcorn") |let b:di_Dllcorn = nr2char(200) |endif " â•š
+ if !exists("b:di_Slrcorn") |let b:di_Slrcorn = nr2char(217) |endif " ┘
+ if !exists("b:di_Dlrcorn") |let b:di_Dlrcorn = nr2char(188) |endif " â•
+ if !exists("b:di_Splus") |let b:di_Splus = nr2char(197) |endif " ┼
+ if !exists("b:di_Dplus") |let b:di_Dplus = nr2char(206) |endif " ╬
+ if !exists("b:di_Sdnplus") |let b:di_Sdnplus = nr2char(194) |endif " ┬
+ if !exists("b:di_Ddnplus") |let b:di_Ddnplus = nr2char(203) |endif " ╦
+ if !exists("b:di_Supplus") |let b:di_Supplus = nr2char(193) |endif " â”´
+ if !exists("b:di_Dupplus") |let b:di_Dupplus = nr2char(202) |endif " â•©
+ if !exists("b:di_Slplus") |let b:di_Slplus = nr2char(180) |endif " ┤
+ if !exists("b:di_Dlplus") |let b:di_Dlplus = nr2char(185) |endif " â•£
+ if !exists("b:di_Srplus") |let b:di_Srplus = nr2char(195) |endif " ├
+ if !exists("b:di_Drplus") |let b:di_Drplus = nr2char(204) |endif " â• 
+ if !exists("b:di_Supright")|let b:di_Supright= '/' |endif " ╱
+ if !exists("b:di_Supleft") |let b:di_Supleft = '\' |endif " ╲
+ if !exists("b:di_Scross") |let b:di_Scross = 'X' |endif " ╳
+ " Mixed Single-Double cp437 box drawing characters
+ if !exists("b:di_DhSd") |let b:di_DhSd = nr2char(209)|endif " ╤
+ if !exists("b:di_DhSu") |let b:di_DhSu = nr2char(207)|endif " ╧
+ if !exists("b:di_DuSl") |let b:di_DuSl = nr2char(182)|endif " â•¢
+ if !exists("b:di_DuSlr") |let b:di_DuSlr= nr2char(215)|endif " â•«
+ if !exists("b:di_DuSr") |let b:di_DuSr = nr2char(199)|endif " â•Ÿ
+ if !exists("b:di_ShDd") |let b:di_ShDd = nr2char(210)|endif " â•¥
+ if !exists("b:di_ShDu") |let b:di_ShDu = nr2char(208)|endif " ╨
+ if !exists("b:di_SuDl") |let b:di_SuDl = nr2char(181)|endif " â•¡
+ if !exists("b:di_SuDlr") |let b:di_SuDlr= nr2char(216)|endif " ╪
+ if !exists("b:di_SdDh") |let b:di_SdDh = nr2char(209)|endif " ╤
+ if !exists("b:di_SuDh") |let b:di_SuDh = nr2char(207)|endif " ╧
+ if !exists("b:di_SuDr") |let b:di_SuDr = nr2char(198)|endif " â•ž
+ " Mixed Single-Double cp437 box drawing corner characters
+ if !exists("b:di_cSdDr")| let b:di_cSdDr= nr2char(213)| endif " â•’
+ if !exists("b:di_cDdSr")| let b:di_cDdSr= nr2char(214)| endif " â•“
+ if !exists("b:di_cDlSd")| let b:di_cDlSd= nr2char(184)| endif " â••
+ if !exists("b:di_cSlDd")| let b:di_cSlDd= nr2char(183)| endif " â•–
+ if !exists("b:di_cDrSu")| let b:di_cDrSu= nr2char(212)| endif " ╘
+ if !exists("b:di_cSrDu")| let b:di_cSrDu= nr2char(211)| endif " â•™
+ if !exists("b:di_cDlSu")| let b:di_cDlSu= nr2char(190)| endif " â•›
+ if !exists("b:di_cSlDu")| let b:di_cSlDu= nr2char(189)| endif " ╜
+ else
+" call Decho("regular box drawing characters only")
+ let b:di_gfxchr = 0
+ endif
+ " set up initial DrawIt behavior (as opposed to erase behavior)
+ let b:di_erase = 0
+ call s:DrawItSaveUserSettings()
+ " DrawItStart: save and unmap user maps {{{3
+ let b:lastdir = 1
+ if exists("mapleader")
+ let usermaplead = mapleader
+ else
+ let usermaplead = "\\"
+ endif
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","><^v","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bv",usermaplead,"abceflsy","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<c-v>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,"h><v^","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<left>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<right>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<up>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<down>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<left>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<s-right>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<s-up>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<s-down>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<space>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<home>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<end>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<pageup>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<pagedown>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<c-leftdrag>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<c-leftmouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<c-leftrelease>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<leftdrag>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<leftmouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<middlemouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<rightmouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<s-leftdrag>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<s-leftmouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","","<s-leftrelease>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bv","","<c-leftmouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bv","","<leftmouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bv","","<middlemouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bv","","<rightmouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bv","","<s-leftmouse>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pa","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pb","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pc","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pd","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pe","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pf","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pg","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":ph","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pi","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pj","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pk","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pl","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pm","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pn","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":po","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pp","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pq","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pr","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":ps","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pt","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pu","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pv","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pw","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":px","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":py","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":pz","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":ra","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rb","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rc","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rd","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":re","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rf","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rg","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rh","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":ri","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rj","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rk","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rl","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rm","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rn","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":ro","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rp","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rq","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rr","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rs","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rt","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":ru","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rv","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rw","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rx","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":ry","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn",usermaplead,":rz","DrawIt")
+ if exists("g:drawit_insertmode") && g:drawit_insertmode
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<left>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<right>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<up>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<down>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<left>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<s-right>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<s-up>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<s-down>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<home>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<end>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<pageup>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<pagedown>","DrawIt")
+ call SaveUserMaps("bi","","<leftmouse>","DrawIt")
+ endif
+ call SaveUserMaps("bn","",":\<c-v>","DrawIt")
+ " DrawItStart: DrawIt maps (Charles Campbell) {{{3
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <left> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawLeft()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <right> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawRight()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <up> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawUp()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <down> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawDown()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-left> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>MoveLeft()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-right> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>MoveRight()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-up> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>MoveUp()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-down> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>MoveDown()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <space> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawErase()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> > :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawSpace('>',1)<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> < :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawSpace('<',2)<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> ^ :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawSpace('^',3)<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> v :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawSpace('v',4)<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <home> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawSlantUpLeft()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <end> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawSlantDownLeft()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <pageup> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawSlantUpRight()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <pagedown> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawSlantDownRight()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawFatRArrow()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>< :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawFatLArrow()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>^ :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawFatUArrow()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>v :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>DrawFatDArrow()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+ nmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>f :call <SID>Flood()<cr>
+ " DrawItStart: Set up insertmode maps {{{3
+ if exists("g:drawit_insertmode") && g:drawit_insertmode
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <left> <Esc><left>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <right> <Esc><right>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <up> <Esc><up>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <down> <Esc><down>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <left> <Esc><left>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-right> <Esc><s-right>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-up> <Esc><s-up>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-down> <Esc><s-down>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <home> <Esc><home>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <end> <Esc><end>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <pageup> <Esc><pageup>a
+ imap <silent> <buffer> <script> <pagedown> <Esc><pagedown>a
+ endif
+ " DrawItStart: set up drawing mode mappings (Sylvain Viart) {{{3
+ nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <c-v> :call <SID>LeftStart()<CR><c-v>
+ vmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>a :<c-u>call <SID>CallBox('Arrow')<CR>
+ vmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>b :<c-u>call <SID>CallBox('DrawBox')<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <script> <Leader>c :call <SID>Canvas()<cr>
+ vmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>l :<c-u>call <SID>CallBox('DrawPlainLine')<CR>
+ vmap <silent> <buffer> <script> <Leader>s :<c-u>call <SID>Spacer(line("'<"), line("'>"),0)<cr>
+ " DrawItStart: set up drawing mode mappings (Charles Campbell) {{{3
+ " \pa ... \pz : blanks are transparent
+ " \ra ... \rz : blanks copy over
+ vmap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>e :<c-u>call <SID>CallBox('DrawEllipse')<CR>
+ let allreg= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ while strlen(allreg) > 0
+ let ireg= strpart(allreg,0,1)
+ exe "nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>p".ireg.' :<c-u>set lz<cr>:silent! call <SID>PutBlock("'.ireg.'",0)<cr>:set nolz<cr>'
+ exe "nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>r".ireg.' :<c-u>set lz<cr>:silent! call <SID>PutBlock("'.ireg.'",1)<cr>:set nolz<cr>'
+ let allreg= strpart(allreg,1)
+ endwhile
+ " DrawItStart: mouse maps (Sylvain Viart) {{{3
+ " start visual-block with leftmouse
+ nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>LeftStart()<CR><c-v>
+ vnoremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <rightmouse> <leftmouse>:<c-u>call <SID>RightStart(1)<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <middlemouse> <leftmouse>:<c-u>call <SID>RightStart(0)<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <c-leftmouse> <leftmouse>:<c-u>call <SID>CLeftStart()<cr>
+ " DrawItStart: mouse maps (Charles Campbell) {{{3
+ " Draw with current brush
+ nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-leftmouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>SLeftStart()<CR><c-v>
+ nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <c-leftmouse> <leftmouse>:call <SID>CLeftStart()<CR><c-v>
+ " DrawItStart: Menu support {{{3
+ if has("gui_running") && has("menu") && &go =~# 'm'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Stop\ \ DrawIt<tab>\\ds <Leader>ds'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Toggle\ Erase\ Mode<tab><space> <space>'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Arrow<tab>\\a <Leader>a'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Box<tab>\\b <Leader>b'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Make\ Blank\ Zone<tab>\\c <Leader>c'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Ellipse<tab>\\e <Leader>e'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Flood<tab>\\e <Leader>f'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Line<tab>\\l <Leader>l'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Append\ Blanks<tab>\\s <Leader>s'
+ exe 'silent! unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Start\ DrawIt'
+ endif
+" call Dret("DrawItStart")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" DrawIt#DrawItStop: this function unmaps the cursor keys and restores settings {{{2
+fun! DrawIt#DrawItStop()
+" call Dfunc("DrawItStop()")
+ " DrawItStop: report on [DrawIt off] mode {{{3
+ if !exists("b:dodrawit")
+ echo "[DrawIt off]"
+" call Dret("DrawItStop")
+ return
+ endif
+ " DrawItStop: restore mouse {{{3
+ if exists("b:drawit_keep_mouse")
+ let &mouse= b:drawit_keep_mouse
+ unlet b:drawit_keep_mouse
+ endif
+ unlet b:dodrawit
+ echo "[DrawIt off]"
+ if exists("b:drawit_canvas_used")
+ " DrawItStop: clean up trailing white space {{{3
+ call s:SavePosn()
+ silent! %s/\s\+$//e
+ unlet b:drawit_canvas_used
+ call s:RestorePosn()
+ endif
+ " DrawItStop: remove drawit commands {{{3
+ delc SetBrush
+ " DrawItStop: insure that erase mode is off {{{3
+ " (thanks go to Gary Johnson for this)
+ if b:di_erase == 1
+ call s:DrawErase()
+ endif
+ " DrawItStop: restore user map(s), if any {{{3
+ call RestoreUserMaps("DrawIt")
+ call s:DrawItRestoreUserSettings()
+ " DrawItStop: DrChip menu support: {{{3
+ if has("gui_running") && has("menu") && &go =~# 'm'
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Start\ DrawIt<tab>\\di <Leader>di'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Stop\ \ DrawIt'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Toggle\ Erase\ Mode'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Arrow'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Box'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Ellipse'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Flood'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Draw\ Line'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Make\ Blank\ Zone'
+ exe 'unmenu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Append\ Blanks'
+ endif
+" call Dret("DrawItStop")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawItSaveUserSettings: saves user settings, changes them to be safe for DrawIt {{{2
+" Use s:DrawItRestoreUserSettings() to restore.
+fun! s:DrawItSaveUserSettings()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawItSaveUserSettings()")
+ " save user settings
+ let b:di_aikeep = &l:ai
+ let b:di_cedit = &cedit
+ let b:di_cinkeep = &l:cin
+ let b:di_cpokeep = &l:cpo
+ let b:di_etkeep = &l:et
+ let b:di_fokeep = &l:fo
+ let b:di_gdkeep = &l:gd
+ let b:di_gokeep = &l:go
+ let b:di_magickeep = &l:magic
+ let b:di_remapkeep = &l:remap
+ let b:di_repkeep = &l:report
+ let b:di_sikeep = &l:si
+ let b:di_stakeep = &l:sta
+ let b:di_vekeep = &l:ve
+ " change user settings to something safe for DrawIt
+ setl cpo&vim
+ setl nocin noai nosi nogd sta et ve=all report=10000
+ setl go-=aA
+ setl fo-=a
+ setl remap magic
+ set cedit&
+" call Dret("s:DrawItSaveUserSettings")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawItRestoreUserSettings: restore user settings {{{2
+fun! s:DrawItRestoreUserSettings()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawItRestoreUserSettings()")
+ " restore user's settings
+ let &l:ai = b:di_aikeep
+ let &l:cin = b:di_cinkeep
+ let &l:cpo = b:di_cpokeep
+ let &l:et = b:di_etkeep
+ let &l:fo = b:di_fokeep
+ let &l:gd = b:di_gdkeep
+ let &l:go = b:di_gokeep
+ let &l:magic = b:di_magickeep
+ let &l:remap = b:di_remapkeep
+ let &l:report = b:di_repkeep
+ let &l:si = b:di_sikeep
+ let &l:sta = b:di_stakeep
+ let &l:ve = b:di_vekeep
+ unlet b:di_aikeep
+ unlet b:di_cinkeep
+ unlet b:di_cpokeep
+ unlet b:di_etkeep
+ unlet b:di_fokeep
+ unlet b:di_gdkeep
+ unlet b:di_gokeep
+ unlet b:di_magickeep
+ unlet b:di_remapkeep
+ unlet b:di_repkeep
+ unlet b:di_sikeep
+ unlet b:di_stakeep
+ unlet b:di_vekeep
+" call Dret("s:DrawItRestoreUserSettings")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" DrawIt#SetMode: sets normal, single, double drawing mode, and ensures that DrawIt mode is on {{{2
+fun! DrawIt#SetMode(mode)
+" call Dfunc("DrawIt#SetMode(mode=".a:mode.")")
+ if &enc == 'utf-8' || &enc == 'cp437' || &enc == 'utf-16' || &enc == 'ucs-4'
+ let b:di_gfxchr= 1
+ else
+ let b:di_gfxchr= 0
+ endif
+ if b:di_gfxchr == 0
+ let g:drawit_mode= 'N'
+ elseif &enc != 'utf-8' && &enc != 'cp437' && &enc != 'utf-16' && &enc != 'ucs-4'
+ let g:drawit_mode = 'N'
+ let b:di_gfxchr = 0
+ elseif a:mode =~ '^[sS]$'
+ let g:drawit_mode= 'S'
+ elseif a:mode =~ '^[dD]$'
+ let g:drawit_mode= 'D'
+ else
+ let g:drawit_mode = 'N'
+ let b:di_gfxchr = 0
+ endif
+ if !exists("b:dodrawit") || b:dodrawit == 0
+ call DrawIt#DrawItStart()
+ endif
+" call Dret("DrawIt#SetMode")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" SetDrawIt: this function allows one to change the drawing characters {{{2
+fun! SetDrawIt(di_vert,di_horiz,di_plus,di_upleft,di_upright,di_cross,di_ellipse)
+" call Dfunc("SetDrawIt(vert<".a:di_vert."> horiz<".a:di_horiz."> plus<".a:di_plus."> upleft<".a:di_upleft."> upright<".a:di_upright."> cross<".a:di_cross."> ellipse<".a:di_ellipse.">)")
+ let b:di_vert = a:di_vert
+ let b:di_horiz = a:di_horiz
+ let b:di_plus = a:di_plus
+ let b:di_upleft = a:di_upleft
+ let b:di_upright = a:di_upright
+ let b:di_cross = a:di_cross
+ let b:di_ellipse = a:di_ellipse
+" call Dret("SetDrawIt")
+" =====================================================================
+" s:DrawLeft: {{{2
+fun! s:DrawLeft()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawLeft()")
+ let curline = getline(".")
+ let curcol = virtcol(".")
+ let b:lastdir = 2
+ let keepatat = @@
+" call Decho("curcol#".curcol." curline<".curline.">")
+ if curcol > 0
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+" call Decho("curchar<".curchar.">")
+" let curchar = strpart(curline,curcol-1,1)
+ " step1: Replace
+ " step2: Move and Replace
+ let step= 1
+ while step <= 2
+" call Decho("step#".step)
+ if step == 2
+ if curcol < 2
+ break
+ endif
+" call Decho("move and replace: curchar<".curchar."> mode<".g:drawit_mode.">")
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+" call Decho("curchar<".curchar.">")
+ else
+" call Decho("replace: curchar<".curchar."> mode<".g:drawit_mode.">")
+ endif
+ if s:IsDrawItH(curchar)
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Splus
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dplus
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_plus
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Shoriz
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dhoriz
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_horiz
+ endif
+ endif
+ let step= step + 1
+ endwhile
+ norm! l
+ call s:DrawCorner()
+ norm! h
+ call s:DrawCorner()
+ endif
+ let @@= keepatat
+" call Dret("s:DrawLeft")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawRight: {{{2
+fun! s:DrawRight()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawRight()")
+ let curline = getline(".")
+ let curcol = virtcol(".")
+ let b:lastdir = 1
+ let keepatat = @@
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+" call Decho("curchar<".curchar.">")
+ " replace
+ if curcol == virtcol("$")
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! a".b:di_Shoriz."\<Esc>"
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! a".b:di_Dhoriz."\<Esc>"
+ else
+ exe "norm! a".b:di_horiz."\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ else
+ if s:IsDrawItH(curchar)
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Splus
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dplus
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_plus
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Shoriz
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dhoriz
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_horiz
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " move and replace
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ if curcol == virtcol("$")
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Shoriz."\<Esc>"
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Dhoriz."\<Esc>"
+ else
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_horiz."\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ else
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+" call Decho("curchar<".curchar.">")
+ if s:IsDrawItH(curchar)
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Splus
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dplus
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_plus
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Shoriz
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dhoriz
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_horiz
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ norm! h
+ call s:DrawCorner()
+ norm! l
+ call s:DrawCorner()
+ let @@= keepatat
+" call Dret("s:DrawRight")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawUp: {{{2
+fun! s:DrawUp()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawUp()")
+ let curline = getline(".")
+ let curcol = virtcol(".")
+ let b:lastdir = 3
+ let keepatat = @@
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar = @@
+" call Decho("curchar<".curchar.">")
+ " replace
+ if curcol == 1 && virtcol("$") == 1
+" call Decho("case curcol#".curcol."==virtcol($): insert")
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Svert."\<Esc>"
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Dvert."\<Esc>"
+ else
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_vert."\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ else
+" call Decho("case curcol#".curcol."!=virtcol($) curchar<".curchar.">: replace")
+ if s:IsDrawItV(curchar)
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Splus
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dplus
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_plus
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Svert
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dvert
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_vert
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " move and replace/insert
+ call s:MoveUp()
+ let curline= getline(".")
+" let curchar= strpart(curline,curcol-1,1)
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+ if curcol == 1 && virtcol("$") == 1
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Svert."\<Esc>"
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Dvert."\<Esc>"
+ else
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_vert."\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ elseif s:IsDrawItV(curchar)
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Splus
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dplus
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_plus
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Svert
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dvert
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_vert
+ endif
+ endif
+ norm! j
+ call s:DrawCorner()
+ norm! k
+ call s:DrawCorner()
+ let @@= keepatat
+" call Dret("s:DrawUp")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawDown: {{{2
+fun! s:DrawDown()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawDown()")
+ let curline = getline(".")
+ let curcol = virtcol(".")
+ let keepatat = @@
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar = @@
+" call Decho("curchar<".curchar.">")
+ let b:lastdir = 4
+ " replace
+ if curcol == 1 && virtcol("$") == 1
+" call Decho("curcol=".curcol." $=1"
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Svert."\<Esc>"
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Dvert."\<Esc>"
+ else
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_vert."\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ else
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+" call Decho("curchar<".curchar.">")
+ if s:IsDrawItV(curchar)
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Splus
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dplus
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_plus
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Svert
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dvert
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_vert
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " move and replace/insert
+ call s:MoveDown()
+ let curline= getline(".")
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+" call Decho("curchar<".curchar.">")
+ if curcol == 1 && virtcol("$") == 1
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Svert."\<Esc>"
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Dvert."\<Esc>"
+ else
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_vert."\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ elseif s:IsDrawItV(curchar)
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Splus
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dplus
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_plus
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Svert
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dvert
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_vert
+ endif
+ endif
+ norm! k
+ call s:DrawCorner()
+ norm! j
+ call s:DrawCorner()
+ let @@= keepatat
+" call Dret("s:DrawDown")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawCorner: change a ┼ or a ╬ into an appropriate corner {{{2
+fun! s:DrawCorner()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawCorner()")
+ let keepatat= @@
+ norm! vy
+ let ctr= @@
+ if ctr != b:di_Splus && ctr != b:di_Dplus
+ let @@= keepatat
+" call Dret("s:DrawCorner : ctr<".ctr."> (quick return)")
+ return
+ endif
+ " cleft: Grab a copy of the character to the left of the cursor
+ if virtcol(".") > 1
+ norm! hvyl
+ let cleft= @@
+ else
+ let cleft= " "
+ endif
+ " cright: Grab a copy of the character to the right of the cursor
+ if virtcol(".") < virtcol("$")
+ norm! lvyh
+ let cright= @@
+ else
+ let cright= " "
+ endif
+ " cup: Grab a copy of the character above the cursor
+ if line(".") > 1
+ norm! kvyj
+ let cup= @@
+ else
+ let cup= " "
+ endif
+ " cdown: Grab a copy of the character below the cursor
+ if line(".") < line("$")
+ norm! jvyk
+ let cdown= @@
+ else
+ let cdown= " "
+ endif
+" call Decho("ctr<".ctr."> cup<".cup."> cright<".cright."> cdown<".cdown."> cleft<".cleft.">")
+ " - MIXED SINGLE-DOUBLE CORNERS ----------------------------------------
+ " ┼╠╬╠╒â•
+ " │ │ │
+ if !s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cSdDr
+ " ┼─ ╬─ ╓─
+ " â•‘ â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif !s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cDdSr
+ " â•â”¼ â•â•¬ â•â••
+ " │ │ │
+ elseif !s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cDlSd
+ " ─┼ ─╬ ─╖
+ " â•‘ â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif !s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cSlDd
+ " │ │ │
+ " ┼╠╬╠╘â•
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cDrSu
+ " â•‘ â•‘ â•‘
+ " ┼─ ╬─ ╙─
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cSrDu
+ " │ │ │
+ " â•â”¼ â•â•¬ â•â•›
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cDlSu
+ " â•‘ â•‘ â•‘
+ " ─┼ ─╬ ─╜
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cSlDu
+ " - SINGLE LINE --------------------------------------------------------
+ elseif ctr == b:di_Splus
+ " ─┼ ─â”
+ " │ │
+ if !s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Surcorn
+ " ┼─ ┌─
+ " │ │
+ elseif !s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Sulcorn
+ " │ │
+ " ─┼ ─┘
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Slrcorn
+ " │ │
+ " ┼─ └─
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Sllcorn
+ " │ │
+ " ┼─ ├─
+ " │ │
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Srplus
+ " │ │
+ " ─┼ ─┤
+ " │ │
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Slplus
+ " ─┼─ ─┬─
+ " │ │
+ elseif !s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Sdnplus
+ " ─┼─ ─╥─
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif !s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_ShDd
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ─┼─ ─╨─
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_ShDu
+ " │ │
+ " ─┼─ ─┴─
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Supplus
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ┼─ ╟─
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_DuSr
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ─┼ ─╢
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_DuSl
+ " │ │
+ " ┼╠╞â•
+ " │ │
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_SuDr
+ " │ │
+ " â•â”¼ â•â•¡
+ " │ │
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_SuDl
+ " â•â”¼â• â•â•¤â•
+ " │ │
+ elseif !s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_DhSd
+ " │ │
+ " â•â”¼â• â•â•§â•
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_DhSu
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ─┼─ ─╫─
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_DuSlr
+ " │ │
+ " â•â”¼â• â•â•ªâ•
+ " │ │
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_SuDlr
+ endif
+ " - DOUBLE LINE --------------------------------------------------------
+ elseif ctr == b:di_Dplus
+ " â•â•¬ â•â•—
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ if !s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Durcorn
+ " ╬╠╔â•
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif !s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dulcorn
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " â•â•¬ â•â•
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dlrcorn
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ╬╠╚â•
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dllcorn
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ╬╠╠â•
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Drplus
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " â•â•¬ â•â•£
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dlplus
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ─╬ ─╢
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_DuSl
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ╬─ ╟─
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_DuSr
+ " â•â•¬â• â•â•¦â•
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif !s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Ddnplus
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " â•â•¬â• â•â•©â•
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Dupplus
+ " │ │
+ " ╬╠╞â•
+ " │ │
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && !s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_SuDr
+ " │ │
+ " â•â•¬ â•â•¡
+ " │ │
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && !s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_SuDl
+ " ─╬─ ─╥─
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif !s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_ShDd
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ─╬─ ─╨─
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_ShDu
+ " │ │
+ " â•â•¬â• â•â•ªâ•
+ " │ │
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_SuDlr
+ " │ │
+ " â•â•¬â• â•â•¨â•
+ elseif s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && !s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_SuDh
+ " â•â•¬â• â•â•¤â•
+ " │ │
+ elseif !s:IsDnS(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftD(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpS(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightD(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_SdDh
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ " ─╬─ ─╫─
+ " â•‘ â•‘
+ elseif s:IsDnD(cup)
+ \ && s:IsLeftS(cright)
+ \ && s:IsUpD(cdown)
+ \ && s:IsRightS(cleft)
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_DuSlr
+ endif
+ endif
+ norm! vy
+ let newctr= @@
+ let @@= keepatat
+" call Dret("s:DrawCorner : ".((newctr != ctr)? "newctr<".newctr.">" : "unchanged"))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsDrawItH: moving horizontally {{{2
+fun! s:IsDrawItH(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsDrawItH(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ if a:chr == b:di_vert || a:chr == b:di_plus
+" call Dret("s:IsDrawItH 1")
+ return 1
+ endif
+ if b:di_gfxchr == 0
+" call Dret("s:IsDrawItH 0")
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if a:chr == b:di_Svert || a:chr == b:di_Dvert
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Splus || a:chr == b:di_Dplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Surcorn || a:chr == b:di_Durcorn
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Slrcorn || a:chr == b:di_Dlrcorn
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Sllcorn || a:chr == b:di_Dllcorn
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Sulcorn || a:chr == b:di_Dulcorn
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Sdnplus || a:chr == b:di_Ddnplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Supplus || a:chr == b:di_Dupplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Srplus || a:chr == b:di_Drplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Slplus || a:chr == b:di_Dlplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_DhSd || a:chr == b:di_DhSu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_DuSl || a:chr == b:di_DuSr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_ShDd || a:chr == b:di_ShDu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_SuDl || a:chr == b:di_SuDr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_DuSlr || a:chr == b:di_SuDlr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cSdDr || a:chr == b:di_cSdDr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cDdSr || a:chr == b:di_cDdSr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cDlSd || a:chr == b:di_cDlSd
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cSlDd || a:chr == b:di_cSlDd
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cDrSu || a:chr == b:di_cDrSu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cSrDu || a:chr == b:di_cSrDu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cDlSu || a:chr == b:di_cDlSu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cSlDu || a:chr == b:di_cSlDu
+" call Dret("s:IsDrawItH 1")
+ return 1
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsDrawItH 0")
+ return 0
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsDrawItV: moving vertically {{{2
+fun! s:IsDrawItV(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsDrawItV(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ if a:chr == b:di_horiz || a:chr == b:di_plus
+" call Dret("s:IsDrawItH 1")
+ return 1
+ endif
+ if b:di_gfxchr == 0
+" call Dret("s:IsDrawItH 0")
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if a:chr == b:di_Shoriz || a:chr == b:di_Dhoriz
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Splus || a:chr == b:di_Dplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Surcorn || a:chr == b:di_Durcorn
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Slrcorn || a:chr == b:di_Dlrcorn
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Sllcorn || a:chr == b:di_Dllcorn
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Sulcorn || a:chr == b:di_Dulcorn
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Sdnplus || a:chr == b:di_Ddnplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Supplus || a:chr == b:di_Dupplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Srplus || a:chr == b:di_Drplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_Slplus || a:chr == b:di_Dlplus
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_DhSd || a:chr == b:di_DhSu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_DuSl || a:chr == b:di_DuSr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_ShDd || a:chr == b:di_ShDu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_SuDl || a:chr == b:di_SuDr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_DuSlr || a:chr == b:di_SuDlr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cSdDr || a:chr == b:di_cSdDr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cDdSr || a:chr == b:di_cDdSr
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cDlSd || a:chr == b:di_cDlSd
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cSlDd || a:chr == b:di_cSlDd
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cDrSu || a:chr == b:di_cDrSu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cSrDu || a:chr == b:di_cSrDu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cDlSu || a:chr == b:di_cDlSu
+ \ || a:chr == b:di_cSlDu || a:chr == b:di_cSlDu
+" call Dret("s:IsDrawItV 1")
+ return 1
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsDrawItV 0")
+ return 0
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsDnS: does the character "chr" have a single-line vertical-down? {{{2
+fun! s:IsDnS(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsDnS(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ let ret= 0
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ if a:chr == b:di_Svert |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Sulcorn|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Surcorn|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Splus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Sdnplus|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Slplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Srplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_SdDh |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cDlSd |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cSdDr |let ret= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsDnS ".ret)
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsDnD: does the character "chr" have a double-line vertical-down? {{{2
+fun! s:IsDnD(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsDnD(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ let ret= 0
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ if a:chr == b:di_Dvert |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dulcorn|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Durcorn|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Ddnplus|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dlplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Drplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cDdSr |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cSlDd |let ret= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsDnD ".ret)
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsUpS: does the character "chr" have a single-line vertical-up? {{{2
+fun! s:IsUpS(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsUpS(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ let ret= 0
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ if a:chr == b:di_Svert |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Sllcorn|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Slrcorn|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Splus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Supplus|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Slplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Srplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_SuDh |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cDrSu |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cDlSu |let ret= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsUpS ".ret)
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsUpD: does the character "chr" have a double-line vertical-up? {{{2
+fun! s:IsUpD(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsUpD(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ let ret= 0
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ if a:chr == b:di_Dvert |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dllcorn|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dlrcorn|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dupplus|let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dlplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Drplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cSrDu |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cSlDu |let ret= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsUpD ".ret)
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsLeftS: does the character "chr" have a single-line horizontal-left? {{{2
+fun! s:IsLeftS(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsLeftS(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ let ret= 0
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ if a:chr == b:di_Shoriz |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Surcorn |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Slrcorn |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Splus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Sdnplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Supplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Slplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cSlDd |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cSlDu |let ret= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsLeftS ".ret)
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsLeftD: does the character "chr" have a double-line horizontal-left? {{{2
+fun! s:IsLeftD(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsLeftD(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ let ret= 0
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ if a:chr == b:di_Dhoriz |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Durcorn |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dlrcorn |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Ddnplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dupplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dlplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cDlSd |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cDlSu |let ret= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsLeftD ".ret)
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsRightS: does the character "chr" have a single-line horizontal-right? {{{2
+fun! s:IsRightS(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsRightS(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ let ret= 0
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ if a:chr == b:di_Shoriz |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Sulcorn |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Sllcorn |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Splus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Sdnplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Supplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Srplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cDdSr |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cSrDu |let ret= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsRightS ".ret)
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsRightD: does the character "chr" have a double-line horizontal-right? {{{2
+fun! s:IsRightD(chr)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsRightD(chr<".a:chr.">)")
+ let ret= 0
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ if a:chr == b:di_Dhoriz |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dulcorn |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dllcorn |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Ddnplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Dupplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_Drplus |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cSdDr |let ret= 1
+ elseif a:chr == b:di_cDrSu |let ret= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsRightD ".ret)
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawErase: toggle [DrawIt on] and [DrawIt erase] modes {{{2
+fun! s:DrawErase()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawErase() b:di_erase=".b:di_erase)
+ if b:di_erase == 0
+ let b:di_erase= 1
+ echo "[DrawIt erase]"
+ let b:di_vert_save = b:di_vert
+ let b:di_horiz_save = b:di_horiz
+ let b:di_plus_save = b:di_plus
+ let b:di_upright_save = b:di_upright
+ let b:di_upleft_save = b:di_upleft
+ let b:di_cross_save = b:di_cross
+ let b:di_ellipse_save = b:di_ellipse
+ call SetDrawIt(' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ')
+ else
+ let b:di_erase= 0
+ echo "[DrawIt]"
+ call SetDrawIt(b:di_vert_save,b:di_horiz_save,b:di_plus_save,b:di_upleft_save,b:di_upright_save,b:di_cross_save,b:di_ellipse_save)
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DrawErase")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawSpace: clear character and move right {{{2
+fun! s:DrawSpace(chr,dir)
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawSpace(chr<".a:chr."> dir<".a:dir.">)")
+ let curcol= virtcol(".")
+ " replace current location with arrowhead/space
+ if curcol == virtcol("$")-1
+ exe "norm! r".a:chr
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".a:chr
+ endif
+ if a:dir == 0
+ let dir= b:lastdir
+ else
+ let dir= a:dir
+ endif
+ " perform specified move
+ if dir == 1
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ elseif dir == 2
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ elseif dir == 3
+ call s:MoveUp()
+ else
+ call s:MoveDown()
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DrawSpace")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawSlantDownLeft: / {{{2
+fun! s:DrawSlantDownLeft()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawSlantDownLeft()")
+ call s:ReplaceDownLeft() " replace
+ call s:MoveDown() " move
+ call s:MoveLeft() " move
+ call s:ReplaceDownLeft() " replace
+" call Dret("s:DrawSlantDownLeft")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawSlantDownRight: \ {{{2
+fun! s:DrawSlantDownRight()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawSlantDownRight()")
+ call s:ReplaceDownRight() " replace
+ call s:MoveDown() " move
+ call s:MoveRight() " move
+ call s:ReplaceDownRight() " replace
+" call Dret("s:DrawSlantDownRight")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawSlantUpLeft: \ {{{2
+fun! s:DrawSlantUpLeft()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawSlantUpLeft()")
+ call s:ReplaceDownRight() " replace
+ call s:MoveUp() " move
+ call s:MoveLeft() " move
+ call s:ReplaceDownRight() " replace
+" call Dret("s:DrawSlantUpLeft")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawSlantUpRight: / {{{2
+fun! s:DrawSlantUpRight()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawSlantUpRight()")
+ call s:ReplaceDownLeft() " replace
+ call s:MoveUp() " move
+ call s:MoveRight() " replace
+ call s:ReplaceDownLeft() " replace
+" call Dret("s:DrawSlantUpRight")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:MoveLeft: {{{2
+fun! s:MoveLeft()
+" call Dfunc("s:MoveLeft()")
+ norm! h
+ let b:lastdir= 2
+" call Dret("s:MoveLeft : b:lastdir=".b:lastdir)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:MoveRight: {{{2
+fun! s:MoveRight()
+" call Dfunc("s:MoveRight()")
+ if virtcol(".") >= virtcol("$") - 1
+ exe "norm! A \<Esc>"
+ else
+ norm! l
+ endif
+ let b:lastdir= 1
+" call Dret("s:MoveRight : b:lastdir=".b:lastdir)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:MoveUp: {{{2
+fun! s:MoveUp()
+" call Dfunc("s:MoveUp()")
+ if line(".") == 1
+ let curcol= virtcol(".") - 1
+ if curcol == 0 && virtcol("$") == 1
+ exe "norm! i \<Esc>"
+ elseif curcol == 0
+ exe "norm! YP:s/./ /ge\<CR>0r "
+ else
+ exe "norm! YP:s/./ /ge\<CR>0".curcol."lr "
+ endif
+ else
+ let curcol= virtcol(".")
+ norm! k
+ while virtcol("$") <= curcol
+ exe "norm! A \<Esc>"
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let b:lastdir= 3
+" call Dret("s:MoveUp : b:lastdir=".b:lastdir)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:MoveDown: {{{2
+fun! s:MoveDown()
+" call Dfunc("s:MoveDown()")
+ if line(".") == line("$")
+ let curcol= virtcol(".") - 1
+ if curcol == 0 && virtcol("$") == 1
+ exe "norm! i \<Esc>"
+ elseif curcol == 0
+ exe "norm! Yp:s/./ /ge\<CR>0r "
+ else
+ exe "norm! Yp:s/./ /ge\<CR>0".curcol."lr "
+ endif
+ else
+ let curcol= virtcol(".")
+ norm! j
+ while virtcol("$") <= curcol
+ exe "norm! A \<Esc>"
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let b:lastdir= 4
+" call Dret("s:MoveDown : b:lastdir=".b:lastdir)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:ReplaceDownLeft: / X (upright) {{{2
+fun! s:ReplaceDownLeft()
+" call Dfunc("s:ReplaceDownLeft()")
+ let curcol = virtcol(".")
+ let keepatat = @@
+ if curcol != virtcol("$")
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+ " determine if curchr needs to be changed to an "X"
+ let chg2cross = 0
+ if curchar == b:di_upleft || curchar == b:di_cross
+ let chg2cross = 1
+ elseif b:di_gfxchr
+ " performing following test only if gfx drawing characters exist
+ if curchar == b:di_Supleft || curchar == b:di_Scross
+ let chg2cross = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ if chg2cross
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Scross
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cross
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Supright
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_upright
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Supright."\<Esc>"
+ else
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_upright."\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ endif
+ let @@= keepatat
+" call Dret("s:ReplaceDownLeft")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:ReplaceDownRight: \ X (upleft) {{{2
+fun! s:ReplaceDownRight()
+" call Dfunc("s:ReplaceDownRight()")
+ let curcol = virtcol(".")
+ let keepatat = @@
+ if curcol != virtcol("$")
+ norm! vy
+ let curchar= @@
+" call Decho("case curcol#".curcol." == virtcol($) drawit_mode<".g:drawit_mode."> curchar<".curchar.">")
+ " determine if curchr needs to be changed to an "X"
+ let chg2cross = 0
+ if curchar == b:di_upright || curchar == b:di_cross
+ let chg2cross = 1
+ elseif b:di_gfxchr
+ " performing following test only if gfx drawing characters exist
+ if curchar == b:di_Supright || curchar == b:di_Scross
+ let chg2cross = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ if chg2cross
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Scross
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_cross
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_Supleft
+ else
+ exe "norm! r".b:di_upleft
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+" call Decho("case curcol#".curcol." != virtcol($) drawit_mode<".g:drawit_mode.">")
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_Supleft."\<Esc>"
+ else
+ exe "norm! i".b:di_upleft."\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ endif
+ let @@= keepatat
+" call Dret("s:ReplaceDownRight")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawFatRArrow: ----|> {{{2
+fun! s:DrawFatRArrow()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawFatRArrow()")
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'N' || !b:di_gfxchr
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ norm! r|
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ norm! r>
+ else
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ norm! râ–¶
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DrawFatRArrow")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawFatLArrow: <|---- {{{2
+fun! s:DrawFatLArrow()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawFatLArrow()")
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'N' || !b:di_gfxchr
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ norm! r|
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ norm! r<
+ else
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ norm! râ—€
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DrawFatLArrow")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" .
+" s:DrawFatUArrow: /_\ {{{2
+" |
+fun! s:DrawFatUArrow()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawFatUArrow()")
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'N' || !b:di_bfxchr
+ call s:MoveUp()
+ norm! r_
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ norm! r\
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ norm! r/
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ call s:MoveUp()
+ norm! r.
+ else
+ call s:MoveUp()
+ norm! râ–²
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DrawFatUArrow")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawFatDArrow: _|_ {{{2
+" \ /
+" '
+fun! s:DrawFatDArrow()
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawFatDArrow()")
+ if g:drawit_mode == 'N' || !b:di_gfxchr
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ norm! r_
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ norm! r_
+ call s:MoveDown()
+ norm! r\
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ call s:MoveRight()
+ norm! r/
+ call s:MoveDown()
+ call s:MoveLeft()
+ norm! r'
+ else
+ call s:MoveDown()
+ norm! râ–¼
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DrawFatDArrow")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawEllipse: Bresenham-like ellipse drawing algorithm {{{2
+" 2 2 can
+" x y be 2 2 2 2 2 2
+" - + - = 1 rewritten b x + a y = a b
+" a b as
+" Take step which has minimum error
+" (x,y-1) (x+1,y) (x+1,y-1)
+" 2 2 2 2 2 2
+" Ei = | b x + a y - a b |
+" Algorithm only draws arc from (0,b) to (a,0) and uses
+" DrawFour() to reflect points to other three quadrants
+fun! s:DrawEllipse(x0,y0,x1,y1)
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawEllipse(x0=".a:x0." y0=".a:y0." x1=".a:x1." y1=".a:y1.")")
+ let x0 = a:x0
+ let y0 = a:y0
+ let x1 = a:x1
+ let y1 = a:y1
+ let xoff = (x0+x1)/2
+ let yoff = (y0+y1)/2
+ let a = s:Abs(x1-x0)/2
+ let b = s:Abs(y1-y0)/2
+ let a2 = a*a
+ let b2 = b*b
+ let twoa2= a2 + a2
+ let twob2= b2 + b2
+ let xi= 0
+ let yi= b
+ let ei= 0
+ call s:DrawFour(xi,yi,xoff,yoff,a,b)
+ while xi <= a && yi >= 0
+ let dy= a2 - twoa2*yi
+ let ca= ei + twob2*xi + b2
+ let cb= ca + dy
+ let cc= ei + dy
+ let aca= s:Abs(ca)
+ let acb= s:Abs(cb)
+ let acc= s:Abs(cc)
+ " pick case: (xi+1,yi) (xi,yi-1) (xi+1,yi-1)
+ if aca <= acb && aca <= acc
+ let xi= xi + 1
+ let ei= ca
+ elseif acb <= aca && acb <= acc
+ let ei= cb
+ let xi= xi + 1
+ let yi= yi - 1
+ else
+ let ei= cc
+ let yi= yi - 1
+ endif
+ if xi > a:x1
+ break
+ endif
+ call s:DrawFour(xi,yi,xoff,yoff,a,b)
+ endw
+" call Dret("s:DrawEllipse")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawFour: reflect a point to four quadrants {{{2
+fun! s:DrawFour(x,y,xoff,yoff,a,b)
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawFour(xy[".a:x.",".a:y."] off[".a:xoff.",".a:yoff."] a=".a:a." b=".a:b.")")
+ let x = a:xoff + a:x
+ let y = a:yoff + a:y
+ let lx = a:xoff - a:x
+ let by = a:yoff - a:y
+ call s:SetCharAt(b:di_ellipse, x, y)
+ call s:SetCharAt(b:di_ellipse, lx, y)
+ call s:SetCharAt(b:di_ellipse, lx,by)
+ call s:SetCharAt(b:di_ellipse, x,by)
+" call Dret("s:DrawFour")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:SavePosn: saves position of cursor on screen so NetWrite can restore it {{{2
+fun! s:SavePosn()
+" call Dfunc("s:SavePosn() saveposn_count=".s:saveposn_count.' ['.line('.').','.virtcol('.').']')
+ let s:saveposn_count= s:saveposn_count + 1
+ " Save current line and column
+ let b:drawit_line_{s:saveposn_count} = line(".")
+ let b:drawit_col_{s:saveposn_count} = virtcol(".") - 1
+ " Save top-of-screen line
+ norm! H
+ let b:drawit_hline_{s:saveposn_count}= line(".")
+ " restore position
+ exe "norm! ".b:drawit_hline_{s:saveposn_count}."G0z\<CR>"
+ if b:drawit_col_{s:saveposn_count} == 0
+ exe "norm! ".b:drawit_line_{s:saveposn_count}."G0"
+ else
+ exe "norm! ".b:drawit_line_{s:saveposn_count}."G0".b:drawit_col_{s:saveposn_count}."l"
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:SavePosn : saveposn_count=".s:saveposn_count)
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:RestorePosn: {{{2
+fun! s:RestorePosn()
+" call Dfunc("s:RestorePosn() saveposn_count=".s:saveposn_count)
+ if s:saveposn_count <= 0
+" call Dret("s:RestorePosn : s:saveposn_count<=0")
+ return
+ endif
+ " restore top-of-screen line
+ exe "norm! ".b:drawit_hline_{s:saveposn_count}."G0z\<CR>"
+ " restore position
+ if b:drawit_col_{s:saveposn_count} == 0
+ exe "norm! ".b:drawit_line_{s:saveposn_count}."G0"
+ else
+ exe "norm! ".b:drawit_line_{s:saveposn_count}."G0".b:drawit_col_{s:saveposn_count}."l"
+ endif
+ if s:saveposn_count > 0
+ unlet b:drawit_hline_{s:saveposn_count}
+ unlet b:drawit_line_{s:saveposn_count}
+ unlet b:drawit_col_{s:saveposn_count}
+ let s:saveposn_count= s:saveposn_count - 1
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:RestorePosn : saveposn_count=".s:saveposn_count)
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:Flood: this function begins a flood of a region {{{2
+" based on b:di... characters as boundaries
+" and starting at the current cursor location.
+fun! s:Flood()
+" call Dfunc("s:Flood()")
+ let s:bndry = b:di_vert.b:di_horiz.b:di_plus.b:di_upright.b:di_upleft.b:di_cross.b:di_ellipse
+ if b:di_gfxchr
+ let s:bndry= s:bndry.b:di_Svert.b:di_Dvert.b:di_Shoriz.b:di_Dhoriz.b:di_Sulcorn.b:di_Dulcorn.b:di_Surcorn.b:di_Durcorn.b:di_Sllcorn.b:di_Dllcorn.b:di_Slrcorn.b:di_Dlrcorn.b:di_Splus.b:di_Dplus.b:di_Sdnplus.b:di_Ddnplus.b:di_Supplus.b:di_Dupplus.b:di_Slplus.b:di_Dlplus.b:di_Srplus.b:di_Drplus.b:di_Supright.b:di_Supleft.b:di_Scross
+ let s:bndry= s:bndry.b:di_DhSd.b:di_DhSu.b:di_DuSl.b:di_DuSlr.b:di_DuSr.b:di_ShDd.b:di_ShDu.b:di_SuDl.b:di_SuDlr.b:di_SdDh.b:di_SuDh.b:di_SuDr.b:di_cSdDr.b:di_cDdSr.b:di_cDlSd.b:di_cSlDd.b:di_cDrSu.b:di_cSrDu.b:di_cDlSu.b:di_cSlDu
+ endif
+ let row = line(".")
+ let col = virtcol(".")
+ let athold = @0
+ let s:DIrows = line("$")
+ call s:SavePosn()
+ " get fill character from user
+ " Put entire fillchar string into the s:bndry (boundary characters),
+ " although only use the first such character for filling
+ call inputsave()
+ let s:fillchar= input("Enter fill character: ")
+ call inputrestore()
+ let s:bndry= "[".escape(s:bndry.s:fillchar,'\-]^')."]"
+" call Decho("s:bndry<".s:bndry.">")
+ if s:Strlen(s:fillchar) > 1
+ let s:fillchar= strpart(s:fillchar,0,1)
+ endif
+ " flood the region
+ call s:DI_Flood(row,col)
+ " restore
+ call s:RestorePosn()
+ let @0= athold
+ unlet s:DIrows s:bndry s:fillchar
+" call Dret("s:Flood")
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DI_Flood: fill up to the boundaries all characters to the left and right. {{{2
+" Then, based on the left/right column extents reached, check
+" adjacent rows to see if any characters there need filling.
+fun! s:DI_Flood(frow,fcol)
+" call Dfunc("s:DI_Flood(frow=".a:frow." fcol=".a:fcol.")")
+ if a:frow <= 0 || a:fcol <= 0 || s:SetPosn(a:frow,a:fcol) || s:IsBoundary(a:frow,a:fcol)
+" call Dret("s:DI_Flood")
+ return
+ endif
+ " fill current line
+ let colL= s:DI_FillLeft(a:frow,a:fcol)
+ let colR= s:DI_FillRight(a:frow,a:fcol+1)
+ " do a filladjacent on the next line up
+ if a:frow > 1
+ call s:DI_FillAdjacent(a:frow-1,colL,colR)
+ endif
+ " do a filladjacent on the next line down
+ if a:frow < s:DIrows
+ call s:DI_FillAdjacent(a:frow+1,colL,colR)
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DI_Flood")
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DI_FillLeft: Starting at (frow,fcol), non-boundary locations are {{{2
+" filled with the fillchar. The leftmost extent reached
+" is returned.
+fun! s:DI_FillLeft(frow,fcol)
+" call Dfunc("s:DI_FillLeft(frow=".a:frow." fcol=".a:fcol.")")
+ if s:SetPosn(a:frow,a:fcol)
+" call Dret("s:DI_FillLeft ".a:fcol)
+ return a:fcol
+ endif
+ let Lcol= a:fcol
+ while Lcol >= 1
+ if !s:IsBoundary(a:frow,Lcol)
+ exe "silent! norm! r".s:fillchar."h"
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ let Lcol= Lcol - 1
+ endwhile
+ let Lcol= (Lcol < 1)? 1 : Lcol + 1
+" call Dret("s:DI_FillLeft ".Lcol)
+ return Lcol
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DI_FillRight: Starting at (frow,fcol), non-boundary locations are {{{2
+" filled with the fillchar. The rightmost extent reached
+" is returned.
+fun! s:DI_FillRight(frow,fcol)
+" call Dfunc("s:DI_FillRight(frow=".a:frow." fcol=".a:fcol.")")
+ if s:SetPosn(a:frow,a:fcol)
+" call Dret("s:DI_FillRight ".a:fcol)
+ return a:fcol
+ endif
+ let Rcol = a:fcol
+ while Rcol <= virtcol("$")
+ if !s:IsBoundary(a:frow,Rcol)
+ exe "silent! norm! r".s:fillchar."l"
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ let Rcol= Rcol + 1
+ endwhile
+ let DIcols = virtcol("$")
+ let Rcol = (Rcol > DIcols)? DIcols : Rcol - 1
+" call Dret("s:DI_FillRight ".Rcol)
+ return Rcol
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DI_FillAdjacent: {{{2
+" DI_Flood does FillLeft and FillRight, so the run from left to right
+" (fcolL to fcolR) is known to have been filled. FillAdjacent is called
+" from (fcolL to fcolR) on the lines one row up and down; if any character
+" on the run is not a boundary character, then a flood is needed on that
+" location.
+fun! s:DI_FillAdjacent(frow,fcolL,fcolR)
+" call Dfunc("s:DI_FillAdjacent(frow=".a:frow." fcolL=".a:fcolL." fcolR=".a:fcolR.")")
+ let icol = a:fcolL
+ while icol <= a:fcolR
+ if !s:IsBoundary(a:frow,icol)
+ call s:DI_Flood(a:frow,icol)
+ endif
+ let icol= icol + 1
+ endwhile
+" call Dret("s:DI_FillAdjacent")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:SetPosn: set cursor to given position on screen {{{2
+" srow,scol: -s-creen row and column
+" Returns 1 : failed sanity check
+" 0 : otherwise
+fun! s:SetPosn(row,col)
+" call Dfunc("s:SetPosn(row=".a:row." col=".a:col.")")
+ " sanity checks
+ if a:row < 1
+" call Dret("s:SetPosn 1")
+ return 1
+ endif
+ if a:col < 1
+" call Dret("s:SetPosn 1")
+ return 1
+ endif
+ exe "norm! ".a:row."G".a:col."\<Bar>"
+" call Dret("s:SetPosn 0")
+ return 0
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:IsBoundary: returns 0 if not on boundary, 1 if on boundary {{{2
+" The "boundary" also includes the fill character.
+fun! s:IsBoundary(row,col)
+" call Dfunc("s:IsBoundary(row=".a:row." col=".a:col.")")
+ let orow= line(".")
+ let ocol= virtcol(".")
+ exe "norm! ".a:row."G".a:col."\<Bar>"
+ norm! vy
+ let ret= @0 =~ s:bndry
+ if a:row != orow || a:col != ocol
+ exe "norm! ".orow."G".ocol."\<Bar>"
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:IsBoundary ".ret." : @0<".@0.">")
+ return ret
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:PutBlock: puts a register's contents into the text at the current {{{2
+" cursor location
+" replace= 0: Blanks are transparent
+" = 1: Blanks copy over
+" = 2: Erase all drawing characters
+fun! s:PutBlock(block,replace)
+" call Dfunc("s:PutBlock(block<".a:block."> replace=".a:replace.") g:drawit_xstrlen=".g:drawit_xstrlen)
+ call s:SavePosn()
+ exe "let block = @".a:block
+ let blocklen = strlen(block)
+ let drawit_line = line('.')
+ let drawchars = '['.escape(b:di_vert.b:di_horiz.b:di_plus.b:di_upright.b:di_upleft.b:di_cross,'\-').']'
+" call Decho("blocklen=".blocklen." block<".string(block).">")
+ " insure that putting a block will do so in a region containing spaces out to textwidth
+ exe "let blockrows= s:Strlen(substitute(@".a:block.",'[^[:cntrl:]]','','g'))"
+ exe 'let blockcols= s:Strlen(substitute(@'.a:block.",'^\\(.\\{-}\\)\\n\\_.*$','\\1',''))"
+ let curline= line('.')
+ let curcol = virtcol('.')
+" call Decho("blockrows=".blockrows." blockcols=".blockcols." curline=".curline." curcol=".curcol)
+ call s:AutoCanvas(curline-1,curline + blockrows+1,curcol + blockcols)
+ let iblock= 0
+ while iblock < blocklen
+ " the following logic should permit 1, 2, or 4 byte glyphs (I've only tested it with 1 and 2)
+ let chr= strpart(block,iblock,4)
+ if char2nr(chr) <= 255
+ let chr= strpart(block,iblock,1)
+ elseif char2nr(chr) <= 65536
+ let chr= strpart(block,iblock,2)
+ let iblock= iblock + 1
+ else
+ let iblock= iblock + 3
+ endif
+" call Decho("iblock=".iblock." chr#".char2nr(chr)."<".string(chr).">")
+ if char2nr(chr) == 10
+ " handle newline
+ let drawit_line= drawit_line + 1
+ if b:drawit_col_{s:saveposn_count} == 0
+ exe "norm! ".drawit_line."G0"
+ else
+ exe "norm! ".drawit_line."G0".b:drawit_col_{s:saveposn_count}."l"
+ endif
+ elseif a:replace == 2
+ " replace all drawing characters with blanks
+ if match(chr,drawchars) != -1
+ norm! r l
+ else
+ norm! l
+ endif
+ elseif chr == ' ' && a:replace == 0
+ " allow blanks to be transparent
+ norm! l
+ else
+ " usual replace character
+ exe "norm! r".chr."l"
+ endif
+ let iblock = iblock + 1
+ endwhile
+ call s:RestorePosn()
+" call Dret("s:PutBlock")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:AutoCanvas: automatic "Canvas" routine {{{2
+fun! s:AutoCanvas(linestart,linestop,cols)
+" call Dfunc("s:AutoCanvas(linestart=".a:linestart." linestop=".a:linestop." cols=".a:cols.") line($)=".line("$"))
+ " insure there's enough blank lines at end-of-file
+ if line("$") < a:linestop
+" call Decho("append ".(a:linestop - line("$"))." empty lines")
+ call s:SavePosn()
+ exe "norm! G".(a:linestop - line("$"))."o\<esc>"
+ call s:RestorePosn()
+ endif
+ " insure that any tabs contained within the selected region are converted to blanks
+ let etkeep= &l:et
+ set et
+" call Decho("exe ".a:linestart.",".a:linestop."retab")
+ exe a:linestart.",".a:linestop."retab"
+ let &l:et= etkeep
+ " insure that there's whitespace to textwidth/screenwidth/a:cols
+ if a:cols <= 0
+ let tw= &tw
+ if tw <= 0
+ let tw= &columns
+ endif
+ else
+ let tw= a:cols
+ endif
+" Decho("tw=".tw)
+ if search('^$\|.\%<'.(tw+1).'v$',"cn",(a:linestop+1)) > 0
+" call Decho("append trailing whitespace")
+ call s:Spacer(a:linestart,a:linestop,tw)
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:AutoCanvas : tw=".tw)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:Strlen: this function returns the length of a string, even if its {{{2
+" using two-byte etc characters.
+" Currently, its only used if g:Align_xstrlen is set to a
+" nonzero value. Solution from Nicolai Weibull, vim docs
+" (:help strlen()), Tony Mechelynck, and my own invention.
+fun! s:Strlen(x)
+" call Dfunc("s:Strlen(x<".a:x.">")
+ if v:version >= 703 && exists("*strdisplaywidth")
+ let ret= strdisplaywidth(a:x)
+ elseif g:drawit_xstrlen == 1
+ " number of codepoints (Latin a + combining circumflex is two codepoints)
+ " (comment from TM, solution from NW)
+ let ret= strlen(substitute(a:x,'.','c','g'))
+ elseif g:drawit_xstrlen == 2
+ " number of spacing codepoints (Latin a + combining circumflex is one spacing
+ " codepoint; a hard tab is one; wide and narrow CJK are one each; etc.)
+ " (comment from TM, solution from TM)
+ let ret= strlen(substitute(a:x, '.\Z', 'x', 'g'))
+ elseif g:drawit_xstrlen == 3
+ " virtual length (counting, for instance, tabs as anything between 1 and
+ " 'tabstop', wide CJK as 2 rather than 1, Arabic alif as zero when immediately
+ " preceded by lam, one otherwise, etc.)
+ " (comment from TM, solution from me)
+ let modkeep= &l:mod
+ exe "norm! o\<esc>"
+ call setline(line("."),a:x)
+ let ret= virtcol("$") - 1
+ d
+ keepj norm! k
+ let &l:mod= modkeep
+ else
+ " at least give a decent default
+ let ret= strlen(a:x)
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:Strlen ".ret)
+ return ret
+" =====================================================================
+" DrawIt Functions: (by Sylvain Viart) {{{1
+" =====================================================================
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:Canvas: {{{2
+fun! s:Canvas()
+" call Dfunc("s:Canvas()")
+ let lines = input("how many lines under the cursor? ")
+ let curline= line('.')
+ if curline < line('$')
+ exe "norm! ".lines."o\<esc>"
+ endif
+ call s:Spacer(curline+1,curline+lines,0)
+ let b:drawit_canvas_used= 1
+" call Dret("s:Canvas")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:Spacer: fill end of line with space {{{2
+" if a:cols >0: to the virtual column specified by a:cols
+" <=0: to textwidth (if nonzero), otherwise
+" to display width (&columns)
+fun! s:Spacer(debut, fin, cols) range
+" call Dfunc("s:Spacer(debut=".a:debut." fin=".a:fin." cols=".a:cols.") textwidth=".&textwidth)
+ call s:SavePosn()
+ if a:cols <= 0
+ let width = &textwidth
+ if width <= 0
+ let width= &columns
+ endif
+ else
+ let width= a:cols
+ endif
+ let l= a:debut
+ while l <= a:fin
+ call setline(l,printf('%-'.width.'s',getline(l)))
+ let l = l + 1
+ endwhile
+ call s:RestorePosn()
+" call Dret("s:Spacer")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:CallBox: call the specified function using the current visual selection box {{{2
+fun! s:CallBox(func_name)
+" call Dfunc("s:CallBox(func_name<".a:func_name.">)")
+ if exists("b:xmouse_start")
+ let xdep = b:xmouse_start
+ else
+ let xdep= 0
+ endif
+ if exists("b:ymouse_start")
+ let ydep = b:ymouse_start
+ else
+ let ydep= 0
+ endif
+ let col0 = virtcol("'<")
+ let row0 = line("'<")
+ let col1 = virtcol("'>")
+ let row1 = line("'>")
+" call Decho("TL corner[".row0.",".col0."] original")
+" call Decho("BR corner[".row1.",".col1."] original")
+" call Decho("xydep [".ydep.",".xdep."]")
+ if col1 == xdep && row1 == ydep
+ let col1 = col0
+ let row1 = row0
+ let col0 = xdep
+ let row0 = ydep
+ endif
+" call Decho("TL corner[".row0.",".col0."]")
+" call Decho("BR corner[".row1.",".col1."]")
+ " insure that the selected region has blanks to that specified by col1
+ call s:AutoCanvas((row0 < row1)? row0 : row1,(row1 > row0)? row1 : row0,(col1 > col0)? col1 : col0)
+" call Decho("exe call s:".a:func_name."(".col0.','.row0.','.col1.','.row1.")")
+ exe "call s:".a:func_name."(".col0.','.row0.','.col1.','.row1.")"
+ let b:xmouse_start= 0
+ let b:ymouse_start= 0
+" call Dret("s:CallBox")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawBox: {{{2
+fun! s:DrawBox(x0, y0, x1, y1)
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawBox(xy0[".a:x0.",".a:y0." xy1[".a:x1.",".a:y1."]) g:drawit_mode=".g:drawit_mode)
+ " loop each line
+ let x0= (a:x1 > a:x0)? a:x0 : a:x1
+ let x1= (a:x1 > a:x0)? a:x1 : a:x0
+ let y0= (a:y1 > a:y0)? a:y0 : a:y1
+ let y1= (a:y1 > a:y0)? a:y1 : a:y0
+" call Decho('x0='.x0.' y0='.y0)
+" call Decho('x1='.x1.' y1='.y1)
+ let l = y0
+ while l <= y1
+ let c = x0
+ while c <= x1
+ let remp= '.'
+ if l == y0 || l == y1
+ if g:drawit_mode == 's' || g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ let remp = b:di_Shoriz
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'd' || g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ let remp = b:di_Dhoriz
+ else
+ let remp = b:di_horiz
+ endif
+ if g:drawit_mode =~ '[sSdD]'
+ if c == x0 && l == y0
+ let remp= (g:drawit_mode == 's' || g:drawit_mode == 'S')? b:di_Sulcorn : b:di_Dulcorn
+" call Decho('x0,y0: ulcorn<'.remp.'>')
+ elseif c == x1 && l == y0
+ let remp= (g:drawit_mode == 's' || g:drawit_mode == 'S')? b:di_Surcorn : b:di_Durcorn
+" call Decho('x0,y1: ulcorn<'.remp.'>')
+ elseif c == x0 && l == y1
+ let remp= (g:drawit_mode == 's' || g:drawit_mode == 'S')? b:di_Sllcorn : b:di_Dllcorn
+" call Decho('x1,y0: ulcorn<'.remp.'>')
+ elseif c == x1 && l == y1
+ let remp= (g:drawit_mode == 's' || g:drawit_mode == 'S')? b:di_Slrcorn : b:di_Dlrcorn
+" call Decho('x1,y1: ulcorn<'.remp.'>')
+ endif
+ else
+ if c == x0 || c == x1
+ let remp = b:di_plus
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:drawit_mode == 's' || g:drawit_mode == 'S'
+ let remp = b:di_Svert
+ elseif g:drawit_mode == 'd' || g:drawit_mode == 'D'
+ let remp = b:di_Dvert
+ else
+ let remp = b:di_vert
+ endif
+ if c != x0 && c != x1
+ let remp = '.'
+ endif
+ endif
+ if remp != '.'
+ call s:SetCharAt(remp, c, l)
+ endif
+ let c = c + 1
+ endw
+ let l = l + 1
+ endw
+" call Dret("s:DrawBox")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:SetCharAt: set the character at the specified position (something must pre-exist at the pos'n) {{{2
+fun! s:SetCharAt(chr, x, y)
+" call Dfunc("s:SetCharAt(chr<".a:chr."> xy[".a:x.",".a:y."])")
+ exe a:y
+ if a:x <= 1
+ exe "norm! 0r".a:chr
+ else
+ exe "norm! 0".(a:x-1)."lr".a:chr
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:SetCharAt")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawLine: Bresenham line-drawing algorithm {{{2
+" taken from :
+" http://www.graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~mcmillan/comp136/Lecture6/Lines.html
+fun! s:DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, horiz)
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawLine(xy0[".a:x0.",".a:y0."] xy1[".a:x1.",".a:y1."] horiz=".a:horiz.")")
+ if ( a:x0 < a:x1 && a:y0 > a:y1 ) || ( a:x0 > a:x1 && a:y0 > a:y1 )
+ " swap direction
+ let x0 = a:x1
+ let y0 = a:y1
+ let x1 = a:x0
+ let y1 = a:y0
+" call Decho("swap points: p0(".x0.",".y0.") p1(".x1.",".y1.")")
+ else
+ let x0 = a:x0
+ let y0 = a:y0
+ let x1 = a:x1
+ let y1 = a:y1
+" call Decho("points: p0(".x0.",".y0.") p1(".x1.",".y1.")")
+ endif
+ let dy = y1 - y0
+ let dx = x1 - x0
+" call Decho("[dx=x1-x0]=".dx." [dy=y1-y0]=".dy)
+ if dy < 0
+ let dy = -dy
+ let stepy = -1
+ else
+ let stepy = 1
+ endif
+ if dx < 0
+ let dx = -dx
+ let stepx = -1
+ else
+ let stepx = 1
+ endif
+ let dy = 2*dy
+ let dx = 2*dx
+ if a:horiz == '_'
+ let horiz= a:horiz
+ else
+ let horiz = (g:drawit_mode == 'N')? b:di_horiz : ((g:drawit_mode == 'S')? b:di_Shoriz : b:di_Dhoriz)
+ endif
+ if a:horiz == '|'
+ let vertline= a:vert
+ else
+ let vertline = (g:drawit_mode == 'N')? b:di_vert : ((g:drawit_mode == 'S')? b:di_Svert : b:di_Dvert)
+ endif
+ if dx > dy
+" call Decho("case dx>dy : Δ=".dx.",".dy." step=".stepx.",".stepy)
+ let char = horiz
+ call s:SetCharAt(char, x0, y0)
+ let fraction = dy - (dx / 2) " same as 2*Δy - Δx
+ while x0 != x1
+ let char = horiz
+ if fraction >= 0
+ if stepx > 0
+" call Decho("..case [fraction=".fraction."]≥0 and [stepx=".stepx."]>0: go upleft")
+ let char = (g:drawit_mode == 'N')? b:di_upleft : b:di_Supleft
+ else
+" call Decho("..case [fraction=".fraction."]≥0 and [stepx=".stepx."]≤0: go upright")
+ let char = (g:drawit_mode == 'N')? b:di_upright : b:di_Supright
+ endif
+ let y0 = y0 + stepy
+ let fraction = fraction - dx " same as fraction -= 2*Δx
+" call Decho("....[y0+=stepy]=".y0." [fraction-=dx]=".fraction)
+ endif
+ let x0 = x0 + stepx
+ let fraction = fraction + dy " same as fraction = fraction - 2*Δy
+" call Decho("..[x0+=stepx]=".x0." [fraction-=dy]=".fraction)
+ call s:SetCharAt(char, x0, y0)
+ endw
+ else
+" call Decho("case dx≤dy : Δ=".dx.",".dy." step=".stepx.",".stepy)
+ let char = vertline
+ call s:SetCharAt(char, x0, y0)
+ let fraction = dx - (dy / 2)
+ while y0 != y1
+ let char = (g:drawit_mode == 'N')? b:di_vert : ((g:drawit_mode == 'S')? b:di_Svert : b:di_Dvert)
+ if fraction >= 0
+ if stepx > 0
+" call Decho("..case [fraction=".fraction."]≥0 and [stepx=".stepx."]>0: go upleft")
+ let char = (g:drawit_mode == 'N')? b:di_upleft : b:di_Supleft
+ else
+" call Decho("..case [fraction=".fraction."]≥0 and [stepx=".stepy."]≤0: go upright")
+ let char = (g:drawit_mode == 'N')? b:di_upright : b:di_Supright
+ endif
+ let x0 = x0 + stepx
+ let fraction = fraction - dy
+" call Decho("....[x0+=stepx]=".x0." [fraction-=dy]=".fraction)
+ endif
+ let y0 = y0 + stepy
+ let fraction = fraction + dx
+" call Decho("..[y0+=stepy]=".y0." [fraction-=dy]=".fraction)
+ call s:SetCharAt(char, x0, y0)
+ endw
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DrawLine")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:Arrow: {{{2
+fun! s:Arrow(x0, y0, x1, y1)
+" call Dfunc("s:Arrow(xy0[".a:x0.",".a:y0."] xy1[".a:x1.",".a:y1."])")
+ let horiz = (g:drawit_mode == 'N')? b:di_horiz : ((g:drawit_mode == 'S')? b:di_Shoriz : b:di_Dhoriz)
+ call s:DrawLine(a:x0, a:y0, a:x1, a:y1,horiz)
+ let dy = a:y1 - a:y0
+ let dx = a:x1 - a:x0
+ if s:Abs(dx) > <SID>Abs(dy)
+ " move x
+ if dx > 0
+ call s:SetCharAt('>', a:x1, a:y1)
+ else
+ call s:SetCharAt('<', a:x1, a:y1)
+ endif
+ else
+ " move y
+ if dy > 0
+ call s:SetCharAt('v', a:x1, a:y1)
+ else
+ call s:SetCharAt('^', a:x1, a:y1)
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:Arrow")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:Abs: return absolute value {{{2
+fun! s:Abs(val)
+ if a:val < 0
+ return - a:val
+ else
+ return a:val
+ endif
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DrawPlainLine: {{{2
+fun! s:DrawPlainLine(x0,y0,x1,y1)
+" call Dfunc("s:DrawPlainLine(xy0[".a:x0.",".a:y0."] xy1[".a:x1.",".a:y1."])")
+" call Decho("exe call s:DrawLine(".a:x0.','.a:y0.','.a:x1.','.a:y1.',"_")')
+ exe "call s:DrawLine(".a:x0.','.a:y0.','.a:x1.','.a:y1.',"_")'
+" call Dret("s:DrawPlainLine")
+" =====================================================================
+" Mouse Functions: {{{1
+" =====================================================================
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:LeftStart: Read visual drag mapping {{{2
+" The visual start point is saved in b:xmouse_start and b:ymouse_start
+fun! s:LeftStart()
+" call Dfunc("s:LeftStart()")
+ let b:xmouse_start = virtcol('.')
+ let b:ymouse_start = line('.')
+ vnoremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <leftrelease> <leftrelease>:<c-u>call <SID>LeftRelease()<cr>gv
+" call Dret("s:LeftStart : [".b:ymouse_start.",".b:xmouse_start."]")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:LeftRelease: {{{2
+fun! s:LeftRelease()
+" call Dfunc("s:LeftRelease()")
+ vunmap <buffer> <leftrelease>
+" call Dret("s:LeftRelease : [".line('.').','.virtcol('.').']')
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:SLeftStart: begin drawing with a brush {{{2
+fun! s:SLeftStart()
+ if !exists("b:drawit_brush")
+ let b:drawit_brush= "a"
+ endif
+" call Dfunc("s:SLeftStart() brush=".b:drawit_brush.' ['.line('.').','.virtcol('.').']')
+ noremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-leftdrag> <leftmouse>:<c-u>call <SID>SLeftDrag()<cr>
+ noremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <s-leftrelease> <leftmouse>:<c-u>call <SID>SLeftRelease()<cr>
+" call Dret("s:SLeftStart")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:SLeftDrag: {{{2
+fun! s:SLeftDrag()
+" call Dfunc("s:SLeftDrag() brush=".b:drawit_brush.' ['.line('.').','.virtcol('.').']')
+ call s:SavePosn()
+ call s:PutBlock(b:drawit_brush,0)
+ call s:RestorePosn()
+" call Dret("s:SLeftDrag")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:SLeftRelease: {{{2
+fun! s:SLeftRelease()
+" call Dfunc("s:SLeftRelease() brush=".b:drawit_brush.' ['.line('.').','.virtcol('.').']')
+ call s:SLeftDrag()
+ nunmap <buffer> <s-leftdrag>
+ nunmap <buffer> <s-leftrelease>
+" call Dret("s:SLeftRelease")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:CLeftStart: begin moving a block of text {{{2
+fun! s:CLeftStart()
+ if !exists("b:drawit_brush")
+ let b:drawit_brush= "a"
+ endif
+" call Dfunc("s:CLeftStart() brush=".b:drawit_brush)
+ if !line("'<") || !line("'>")
+ redraw!
+ echohl Error
+ echo "must visual-block select a region first"
+" call Dret("s:CLeftStart : must visual-block select a region first")
+ return
+ endif
+ '<,'>call DrawIt#SetBrush(b:drawit_brush)
+ norm! gvr
+ let s:cleft_width= virtcol("'>") - virtcol("'<")
+ if s:cleft_width < 0
+ let s:cleft_width= -s:cleft_width
+ endif
+ let s:cleft_height= line("'>") - line("'<")
+ if s:cleft_height < 0
+ let s:cleft_height= -s:cleft_height
+ endif
+ if exists("s:cleft_oldblock")
+ unlet s:cleft_oldblock
+ endif
+" call Decho("blocksize: ".s:cleft_height."x".s:cleft_width)
+ noremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <c-leftdrag> :<c-u>call <SID>CLeftDrag()<cr>
+ noremap <silent> <buffer> <script> <c-leftrelease> <leftmouse>:<c-u>call <SID>CLeftRelease()<cr>
+" call Dret("s:CLeftStart")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:CLeftDrag: {{{2
+fun! s:CLeftDrag()
+" call Dfunc("s:CLeftDrag() cleft_width=".s:cleft_width." cleft_height=".s:cleft_height)
+ exe 'let keepbrush= @'.b:drawit_brush
+" call Decho("keepbrush<".keepbrush.">")
+ " restore prior contents of block zone
+ if exists("s:cleft_oldblock")
+" call Decho("draw prior contents: [".line(".").",".virtcol(".")."] line($)=".line("$"))
+" call Decho("draw prior contents<".s:cleft_oldblock.">")
+ exe 'let @'.b:drawit_brush.'=s:cleft_oldblock'
+ call s:PutBlock(b:drawit_brush,1)
+ endif
+ " move cursor to <leftmouse> position
+ exe "norm! \<leftmouse>"
+ " save new block zone contents
+" call Decho("save contents: [".line(".").",".virtcol(".")."] - [".(line(".")+s:cleft_height).",".(virtcol(".")+s:cleft_width)."]")
+ let curline= line(".")
+ call s:AutoCanvas(curline,curline + s:cleft_height,virtcol(".")+s:cleft_width)
+ if s:cleft_width > 0 && s:cleft_height > 0
+ exe "silent! norm! \<c-v>".s:cleft_width."l".s:cleft_height.'j"'.b:drawit_brush.'y'
+ elseif s:cleft_width > 0
+ exe "silent! norm! \<c-v>".s:cleft_width.'l"'.b:drawit_brush.'y'
+ else
+ exe "silent! norm! \<c-v>".s:cleft_height.'j"'.b:drawit_brush.'y'
+ endif
+ exe "let s:cleft_oldblock= @".b:drawit_brush
+" call Decho("s:cleft_oldblock=@".b:drawit_brush)
+" call Decho("cleft_height=".s:cleft_height." cleft_width=".s:cleft_width)
+" call Decho("save contents<".s:cleft_oldblock.">")
+ " draw the brush
+" call Decho("draw brush")
+" call Decho("draw brush ".b:drawit_brush.": [".line(".").",".virtcol(".")."] line($)=".line("$"))
+ exe 'let @'.b:drawit_brush.'=keepbrush'
+ call s:PutBlock(b:drawit_brush,1)
+" call Dret("s:CLeftDrag")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:CLeftRelease: {{{2
+fun! s:CLeftRelease()
+" call Dfunc("s:CLeftRelease()")
+ call s:CLeftDrag()
+ nunmap <buffer> <c-leftdrag>
+ nunmap <buffer> <c-leftrelease>
+ unlet s:cleft_oldblock s:cleft_height s:cleft_width
+" call Dret("s:CLeftRelease")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" DrawIt#SetBrush: {{{2
+fun! DrawIt#SetBrush(brush) range
+" call Dfunc("DrawIt#SetBrush(brush<".a:brush.">)")
+ let b:drawit_brush= a:brush
+" call Decho("visualmode<".visualmode()."> range[".a:firstline.",".a:lastline."] visrange[".line("'<").",".line("'>")."]")
+ if visualmode() == "\<c-v>" && ((a:firstline == line("'>") && a:lastline == line("'<")) || (a:firstline == line("'<") && a:lastline == line("'>")))
+ " last visual mode was visual block mode, and
+ " either [firstline,lastline] == ['<,'>] or ['>,'<]
+ " Assuming that SetBrush called from a visual-block selection!
+ " Yank visual block into selected register (brush)
+" call Decho("yanking visual block into register ".b:drawit_brush)
+ exe 'norm! gv"'.b:drawit_brush.'y'
+ endif
+" call Dret("DrawIt#SetBrush : b:drawit_brush=".b:drawit_brush)
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Modelines: {{{1
+" vim: fdm=marker
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
diff --git a/Editor/vim/autoload/goyo.vim b/Editor/vim/autoload/goyo.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c43f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/autoload/goyo.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+" Copyright (c) 2014 Junegunn Choi
+" MIT License
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+" the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+function! s:get_color(group, attr)
+ return synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:attr)
+function! s:set_color(group, attr, color)
+ let gui = has('gui_running')
+ execute printf("hi %s %s%s=%s", a:group, gui ? 'gui' : 'cterm', a:attr, a:color)
+function! s:blank(repel)
+ if bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.r) <= bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.l) + 1
+ \ || bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.b) <= bufwinnr(t:goyo_pads.t) + 3
+ call s:goyo_off()
+ endif
+ execute 'wincmd' a:repel
+function! s:init_pad(command)
+ execute a:command
+ setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodifiable nobuflisted noswapfile
+ \ nonu nocursorline nocursorcolumn winfixwidth winfixheight statusline=\
+ if exists('&rnu')
+ setlocal nornu
+ endif
+ if exists('&colorcolumn')
+ setlocal colorcolumn=
+ endif
+ let bufnr = winbufnr(0)
+ execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w'
+ return bufnr
+function! s:setup_pad(bufnr, vert, size, repel)
+ let win = bufwinnr(a:bufnr)
+ execute win . 'wincmd w'
+ execute (a:vert ? 'vertical ' : '') . 'resize ' . max([0, a:size])
+ augroup goyop
+ execute 'autocmd WinEnter,CursorMoved <buffer> nested call s:blank("'.a:repel.'")'
+ autocmd WinLeave <buffer> call s:hide_statusline()
+ augroup END
+ " To hide scrollbars of pad windows in GVim
+ let diff = winheight(0) - line('$') - (has('gui_running') ? 2 : 0)
+ if diff > 0
+ setlocal modifiable
+ call append(0, map(range(1, diff), '""'))
+ normal! gg
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ endif
+ execute winnr('#') . 'wincmd w'
+function! s:hmargin()
+ let nwidth = max([len(string(line('$'))) + 1, &numberwidth])
+ let width = t:goyo_width + (&number ? nwidth : 0)
+ return (&columns - width)
+function! s:resize_pads()
+ let t:goyo_width = max([2, t:goyo_width])
+ let t:goyo_margin_top = min([max([2, t:goyo_margin_top]), &lines / 2 - 1])
+ let t:goyo_margin_bottom = min([max([2, t:goyo_margin_bottom]), &lines / 2 - 1])
+ let hmargin = s:hmargin()
+ augroup goyop
+ autocmd!
+ augroup END
+ call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.t, 0, t:goyo_margin_top - 1, 'j')
+ call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.b, 0, t:goyo_margin_bottom - 2, 'k')
+ call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.l, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1, 'l')
+ call s:setup_pad(t:goyo_pads.r, 1, hmargin / 2 - 1, 'h')
+ let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0)
+function! s:tranquilize()
+ let bg = s:get_color('Normal', 'bg')
+ for grp in ['NonText', 'FoldColumn', 'ColorColumn', 'VertSplit',
+ \ 'StatusLine', 'StatusLineNC', 'SignColumn']
+ " -1 on Vim / '' on GVim
+ if bg == -1 || empty(bg)
+ call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', get(g:, 'goyo_bg', 'black'))
+ call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', 'NONE')
+ else
+ call s:set_color(grp, 'fg', bg)
+ call s:set_color(grp, 'bg', bg)
+ endif
+ call s:set_color(grp, '', 'NONE')
+ endfor
+function! s:hide_statusline()
+ let &l:statusline = repeat(' ', winwidth(0))
+function! s:hide_linenr()
+ if !get(g:, 'goyo_linenr', 0)
+ setlocal nonu
+ if exists('&rnu')
+ setlocal nornu
+ endif
+ endif
+ if exists('&colorcolumn')
+ setlocal colorcolumn=
+ endif
+function! s:maps_nop()
+ let mapped = filter(['R', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '|', '_', '='],
+ \ "empty(maparg(\"\<c-w>\".v:val, 'n'))")
+ for c in mapped
+ execute 'nnoremap <c-w>'.escape(c, '|').' <nop>'
+ endfor
+ return mapped
+function! s:maps_resize()
+ let commands = {
+ \ '>': ':<c-u>let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0) + 2 * v:count1 <bar> call <sid>resize_pads()<cr>',
+ \ '<': ':<c-u>let t:goyo_width = winwidth(0) - 2 * v:count1 <bar> call <sid>resize_pads()<cr>',
+ \ '+': ':<c-u>let t:goyo_margin_top -= v:count1 <bar> let t:goyo_margin_bottom -= v:count1 <bar> call <sid>resize_pads()<cr>',
+ \ '-': ':<c-u>let t:goyo_margin_top += v:count1 <bar> let t:goyo_margin_bottom += v:count1 <bar> call <sid>resize_pads()<cr>'
+ \ }
+ let mapped = filter(keys(commands), "empty(maparg(\"\<c-w>\".v:val, 'n'))")
+ for c in mapped
+ execute 'nnoremap <silent> <c-w>'.c.' '.commands[c]
+ endfor
+ return mapped
+function! s:goyo_on(width)
+ let s:orig_tab = tabpagenr()
+ " New tab
+ tab split
+ let t:goyo_master = winbufnr(0)
+ let t:goyo_width = a:width
+ let t:goyo_margin_top = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_top', 4)
+ let t:goyo_margin_bottom = get(g:, 'goyo_margin_bottom', 4)
+ let t:goyo_pads = {}
+ let t:goyo_revert =
+ \ { 'laststatus': &laststatus,
+ \ 'showtabline': &showtabline,
+ \ 'fillchars': &fillchars,
+ \ 'winminwidth': &winminwidth,
+ \ 'winwidth': &winwidth,
+ \ 'winminheight': &winminheight,
+ \ 'winheight': &winheight,
+ \ 'ruler': &ruler,
+ \ 'sidescroll': &sidescroll,
+ \ 'sidescrolloff': &sidescrolloff
+ \ }
+ let t:goyo_maps = extend(s:maps_nop(), s:maps_resize())
+ if has('gui_running')
+ let t:goyo_revert.guioptions = &guioptions
+ endif
+ " vim-gitgutter
+ let t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter = get(g:, 'gitgutter_enabled', 0)
+ if t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter
+ silent! GitGutterDisable
+ endif
+ " vim-signify
+ let t:goyo_disabled_signify = exists('b:sy') && b:sy.active
+ if t:goyo_disabled_signify
+ SignifyToggle
+ endif
+ " vim-airline
+ let t:goyo_disabled_airline = exists("#airline")
+ if t:goyo_disabled_airline
+ AirlineToggle
+ endif
+ " vim-powerline
+ let t:goyo_disabled_powerline = exists("#PowerlineMain")
+ if t:goyo_disabled_powerline
+ augroup PowerlineMain
+ autocmd!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! PowerlineMain
+ endif
+ " lightline.vim
+ let t:goyo_disabled_lightline = exists('#LightLine')
+ if t:goyo_disabled_lightline
+ silent! call lightline#disable()
+ endif
+ call s:hide_linenr()
+ " Global options
+ let &winheight = max([&winminheight, 1])
+ set winminheight=1
+ set winheight=1
+ set winminwidth=1 winwidth=1
+ set laststatus=0
+ set showtabline=0
+ set noruler
+ set fillchars+=vert:\
+ set fillchars+=stl:.
+ set fillchars+=stlnc:\
+ set sidescroll=1
+ set sidescrolloff=0
+ " Hide left-hand scrollbars
+ if has('gui_running')
+ set guioptions-=l
+ set guioptions-=L
+ endif
+ let t:goyo_pads.l = s:init_pad('vertical topleft new')
+ let t:goyo_pads.r = s:init_pad('vertical botright new')
+ let t:goyo_pads.t = s:init_pad('topleft new')
+ let t:goyo_pads.b = s:init_pad('botright new')
+ call s:resize_pads()
+ call s:tranquilize()
+ augroup goyo
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd TabLeave * call s:goyo_off()
+ autocmd VimResized * call s:resize_pads()
+ autocmd ColorScheme * call s:tranquilize()
+ autocmd BufWinEnter * call s:hide_linenr() | call s:hide_statusline()
+ autocmd WinEnter,WinLeave * call s:hide_statusline()
+ augroup END
+ call s:hide_statusline()
+ if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[0]')
+ call g:goyo_callbacks[0]()
+ endif
+ silent! doautocmd User GoyoEnter
+function! s:goyo_off()
+ if !exists('#goyo')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Oops, not this tab
+ if !exists('t:goyo_revert')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Clear auto commands
+ augroup goyo
+ autocmd!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! goyo
+ augroup goyop
+ autocmd!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! goyop
+ for c in t:goyo_maps
+ execute 'nunmap <c-w>'.escape(c, '|')
+ endfor
+ let goyo_revert = t:goyo_revert
+ let goyo_disabled_gitgutter = t:goyo_disabled_gitgutter
+ let goyo_disabled_signify = t:goyo_disabled_signify
+ let goyo_disabled_airline = t:goyo_disabled_airline
+ let goyo_disabled_powerline = t:goyo_disabled_powerline
+ let goyo_disabled_lightline = t:goyo_disabled_lightline
+ let goyo_orig_buffer = t:goyo_master
+ let [line, col] = [line('.'), col('.')]
+ if tabpagenr() == 1
+ tabnew
+ normal! gt
+ bd
+ endif
+ tabclose
+ execute 'normal! '.s:orig_tab.'gt'
+ if winbufnr(0) == goyo_orig_buffer
+ " Doesn't work if window closed with `q`
+ execute printf('normal! %dG%d|', line, col)
+ endif
+ let wmw = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminwidth')
+ let ww = remove(goyo_revert, 'winwidth')
+ let &winwidth = ww
+ let &winminwidth = wmw
+ let wmh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winminheight')
+ let wh = remove(goyo_revert, 'winheight')
+ let &winheight = max([wmh, 1])
+ let &winminheight = wmh
+ let &winheight = wh
+ for [k, v] in items(goyo_revert)
+ execute printf("let &%s = %s", k, string(v))
+ endfor
+ execute 'colo '. get(g:, 'colors_name', 'default')
+ if goyo_disabled_gitgutter
+ silent! GitGutterEnable
+ endif
+ if goyo_disabled_signify
+ silent! if !b:sy.active
+ SignifyToggle
+ endif
+ endif
+ if goyo_disabled_airline && !exists("#airline")
+ AirlineToggle
+ silent! AirlineRefresh
+ endif
+ if goyo_disabled_powerline && !exists("#PowerlineMain")
+ doautocmd PowerlineStartup VimEnter
+ silent! PowerlineReloadColorscheme
+ endif
+ if goyo_disabled_lightline
+ silent! call lightline#enable()
+ endif
+ if exists('#Powerline')
+ doautocmd Powerline ColorScheme
+ endif
+ if exists('g:goyo_callbacks[1]')
+ call g:goyo_callbacks[1]()
+ endif
+ silent! doautocmd User GoyoLeave
+function! s:goyo(bang, ...)
+ let width = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : get(g:, 'goyo_width', 80)
+ if a:bang
+ if exists('#goyo')
+ call s:goyo_off()
+ endif
+ else
+ if exists('#goyo') == 0
+ call s:goyo_on(width)
+ elseif a:0 > 0
+ let t:goyo_width = width
+ call s:resize_pads()
+ else
+ call s:goyo_off()
+ end
+ end
+command! -nargs=? -bar -bang Goyo call s:goyo('<bang>' == '!', <args>)
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
diff --git a/Editor/vim/autoload/pathogen.vim b/Editor/vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d54a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+" pathogen.vim - path option manipulation
+" Maintainer: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
+" Version: 2.3
+" Install in ~/.vim/autoload (or ~\vimfiles\autoload).
+" For management of individually installed plugins in ~/.vim/bundle (or
+" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `execute pathogen#infect()` to the top of your
+" .vimrc is the only other setup necessary.
+" The API is documented inline below.
+if exists("g:loaded_pathogen") || &cp
+ finish
+let g:loaded_pathogen = 1
+" Point of entry for basic default usage. Give a relative path to invoke
+" pathogen#interpose() (defaults to "bundle/{}"), or an absolute path to invoke
+" pathogen#surround(). Curly braces are expanded with pathogen#expand():
+" "bundle/{}" finds all subdirectories inside "bundle" inside all directories
+" in the runtime path.
+function! pathogen#infect(...) abort
+ for path in a:0 ? filter(reverse(copy(a:000)), 'type(v:val) == type("")') : ['bundle/{}']
+ if path =~# '^\%({\=[$~\\/]\|{\=\w:[\\/]\).*[{}*]'
+ call pathogen#surround(path)
+ elseif path =~# '^\%([$~\\/]\|\w:[\\/]\)'
+ call s:warn('Change pathogen#infect('.string(path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(path.'/{}').')')
+ call pathogen#surround(path . '/{}')
+ elseif path =~# '[{}*]'
+ call pathogen#interpose(path)
+ else
+ call s:warn('Change pathogen#infect('.string(path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(path.'/{}').')')
+ call pathogen#interpose(path . '/{}')
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call pathogen#cycle_filetype()
+ if pathogen#is_disabled($MYVIMRC)
+ return 'finish'
+ endif
+ return ''
+" Split a path into a list.
+function! pathogen#split(path) abort
+ if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif
+ if empty(a:path) | return [] | endif
+ let split = split(a:path,'\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\zs,')
+ return map(split,'substitute(v:val,''\\\([\\,]\)'',''\1'',"g")')
+" Convert a list to a path.
+function! pathogen#join(...) abort
+ if type(a:1) == type(1) && a:1
+ let i = 1
+ let space = ' '
+ else
+ let i = 0
+ let space = ''
+ endif
+ let path = ""
+ while i < a:0
+ if type(a:000[i]) == type([])
+ let list = a:000[i]
+ let j = 0
+ while j < len(list)
+ let escaped = substitute(list[j],'[,'.space.']\|\\[\,'.space.']\@=','\\&','g')
+ let path .= ',' . escaped
+ let j += 1
+ endwhile
+ else
+ let path .= "," . a:000[i]
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ return substitute(path,'^,','','')
+" Convert a list to a path with escaped spaces for 'path', 'tag', etc.
+function! pathogen#legacyjoin(...) abort
+ return call('pathogen#join',[1] + a:000)
+" Turn filetype detection off and back on again if it was already enabled.
+function! pathogen#cycle_filetype() abort
+ if exists('g:did_load_filetypes')
+ filetype off
+ filetype on
+ endif
+" Check if a bundle is disabled. A bundle is considered disabled if its
+" basename or full name is included in the list g:pathogen_disabled.
+function! pathogen#is_disabled(path) abort
+ if a:path =~# '\~$'
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let sep = pathogen#slash()
+ let blacklist = get(g:, 'pathogen_blacklist', get(g:, 'pathogen_disabled', [])) + pathogen#split($VIMBLACKLIST)
+ return index(blacklist, fnamemodify(a:path, ':t')) != -1 || index(blacklist, a:path) != -1
+endfunction "}}}1
+" Prepend the given directory to the runtime path and append its corresponding
+" after directory. Curly braces are expanded with pathogen#expand().
+function! pathogen#surround(path) abort
+ let sep = pathogen#slash()
+ let rtp = pathogen#split(&rtp)
+ let path = fnamemodify(a:path, ':p:?[\\/]\=$??')
+ let before = filter(pathogen#expand(path), '!pathogen#is_disabled(v:val)')
+ let after = filter(reverse(pathogen#expand(path.sep.'after')), '!pathogen#is_disabled(v:val[0:-7])')
+ call filter(rtp, 'index(before + after, v:val) == -1')
+ let &rtp = pathogen#join(before, rtp, after)
+ return &rtp
+" For each directory in the runtime path, add a second entry with the given
+" argument appended. Curly braces are expanded with pathogen#expand().
+function! pathogen#interpose(name) abort
+ let sep = pathogen#slash()
+ let name = a:name
+ if has_key(s:done_bundles, name)
+ return ""
+ endif
+ let s:done_bundles[name] = 1
+ let list = []
+ for dir in pathogen#split(&rtp)
+ if dir =~# '\<after$'
+ let list += reverse(filter(pathogen#expand(dir[0:-6].name.sep.'after'), '!pathogen#is_disabled(v:val[0:-7])')) + [dir]
+ else
+ let list += [dir] + filter(pathogen#expand(dir.sep.name), '!pathogen#is_disabled(v:val)')
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let &rtp = pathogen#join(pathogen#uniq(list))
+ return 1
+let s:done_bundles = {}
+" Invoke :helptags on all non-$VIM doc directories in runtimepath.
+function! pathogen#helptags() abort
+ let sep = pathogen#slash()
+ for glob in pathogen#split(&rtp)
+ for dir in map(split(glob(glob), "\n"), 'v:val.sep."/doc/".sep')
+ if (dir)[0 : strlen($VIMRUNTIME)] !=# $VIMRUNTIME.sep && filewritable(dir) == 2 && !empty(split(glob(dir.'*.txt'))) && (!filereadable(dir.'tags') || filewritable(dir.'tags'))
+ silent! execute 'helptags' pathogen#fnameescape(dir)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+command! -bar Helptags :call pathogen#helptags()
+" Execute the given command. This is basically a backdoor for --remote-expr.
+function! pathogen#execute(...) abort
+ for command in a:000
+ execute command
+ endfor
+ return ''
+" Section: Unofficial
+function! pathogen#is_absolute(path) abort
+ return a:path =~# (has('win32') ? '^\%([\\/]\|\w:\)[\\/]\|^[~$]' : '^[/~$]')
+" Given a string, returns all possible permutations of comma delimited braced
+" alternatives of that string. pathogen#expand('/{a,b}/{c,d}') yields
+" ['/a/c', '/a/d', '/b/c', '/b/d']. Empty braces are treated as a wildcard
+" and globbed. Actual globs are preserved.
+function! pathogen#expand(pattern) abort
+ if a:pattern =~# '{[^{}]\+}'
+ let [pre, pat, post] = split(substitute(a:pattern, '\(.\{-\}\){\([^{}]\+\)}\(.*\)', "\\1\001\\2\001\\3", ''), "\001", 1)
+ let found = map(split(pat, ',', 1), 'pre.v:val.post')
+ let results = []
+ for pattern in found
+ call extend(results, pathogen#expand(pattern))
+ endfor
+ return results
+ elseif a:pattern =~# '{}'
+ let pat = matchstr(a:pattern, '^.*{}[^*]*\%($\|[\\/]\)')
+ let post = a:pattern[strlen(pat) : -1]
+ return map(split(glob(substitute(pat, '{}', '*', 'g')), "\n"), 'v:val.post')
+ else
+ return [a:pattern]
+ endif
+" \ on Windows unless shellslash is set, / everywhere else.
+function! pathogen#slash() abort
+ return !exists("+shellslash") || &shellslash ? '/' : '\'
+function! pathogen#separator() abort
+ return pathogen#slash()
+" Convenience wrapper around glob() which returns a list.
+function! pathogen#glob(pattern) abort
+ let files = split(glob(a:pattern),"\n")
+ return map(files,'substitute(v:val,"[".pathogen#slash()."/]$","","")')
+endfunction "}}}1
+" Like pathogen#glob(), only limit the results to directories.
+function! pathogen#glob_directories(pattern) abort
+ return filter(pathogen#glob(a:pattern),'isdirectory(v:val)')
+endfunction "}}}1
+" Remove duplicates from a list.
+function! pathogen#uniq(list) abort
+ let i = 0
+ let seen = {}
+ while i < len(a:list)
+ if (a:list[i] ==# '' && exists('empty')) || has_key(seen,a:list[i])
+ call remove(a:list,i)
+ elseif a:list[i] ==# ''
+ let i += 1
+ let empty = 1
+ else
+ let seen[a:list[i]] = 1
+ let i += 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return a:list
+" Backport of fnameescape().
+function! pathogen#fnameescape(string) abort
+ if exists('*fnameescape')
+ return fnameescape(a:string)
+ elseif a:string ==# '-'
+ return '\-'
+ else
+ return substitute(escape(a:string," \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<"),'^[+>]','\\&','')
+ endif
+" Like findfile(), but hardcoded to use the runtimepath.
+function! pathogen#runtime_findfile(file,count) abort "{{{1
+ let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&rtp))
+ let file = findfile(a:file,rtp,a:count)
+ if file ==# ''
+ return ''
+ else
+ return fnamemodify(file,':p')
+ endif
+" Section: Deprecated
+function! s:warn(msg) abort
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg a:msg
+ echohl NONE
+" Prepend all subdirectories of path to the rtp, and append all 'after'
+" directories in those subdirectories. Deprecated.
+function! pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(path) abort
+ call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories('.string(a:path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(a:path.'/{}').')')
+ return pathogen#surround(a:path . pathogen#slash() . '{}')
+function! pathogen#incubate(...) abort
+ let name = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle/{}'
+ call s:warn('Change pathogen#incubate('.(a:0 ? string(a:1) : '').') to pathogen#infect('.string(name).')')
+ return pathogen#interpose(name)
+" Deprecated alias for pathogen#interpose().
+function! pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(...) abort
+ if a:0
+ call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles('.string(a:1).') to pathogen#infect('.string(a:1.'/{}').')')
+ else
+ call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() to pathogen#infect()')
+ endif
+ return pathogen#interpose(a:0 ? a:1 . '/{}' : 'bundle/{}')
+if exists(':Vedit')
+ finish
+let s:vopen_warning = 0
+function! s:find(count,cmd,file,lcd)
+ let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&runtimepath))
+ let file = pathogen#runtime_findfile(a:file,a:count)
+ if file ==# ''
+ return "echoerr 'E345: Can''t find file \"".a:file."\" in runtimepath'"
+ endif
+ if !s:vopen_warning
+ let s:vopen_warning = 1
+ let warning = '|echohl WarningMsg|echo "Install scriptease.vim to continue using :V'.a:cmd.'"|echohl NONE'
+ else
+ let warning = ''
+ endif
+ if a:lcd
+ let path = file[0:-strlen(a:file)-2]
+ execute 'lcd `=path`'
+ return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(a:file) . warning
+ else
+ return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(file) . warning
+ endif
+function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P)
+ let sep = pathogen#slash()
+ let cheats = {
+ \'a': 'autoload',
+ \'d': 'doc',
+ \'f': 'ftplugin',
+ \'i': 'indent',
+ \'p': 'plugin',
+ \'s': 'syntax'}
+ if a:A =~# '^\w[\\/]' && has_key(cheats,a:A[0])
+ let request = cheats[a:A[0]].a:A[1:-1]
+ else
+ let request = a:A
+ endif
+ let pattern = substitute(request,'/\|\'.sep,'*'.sep,'g').'*'
+ let found = {}
+ for path in pathogen#split(&runtimepath)
+ let path = expand(path, ':p')
+ let matches = split(glob(path.sep.pattern),"\n")
+ call map(matches,'isdirectory(v:val) ? v:val.sep : v:val')
+ call map(matches,'expand(v:val, ":p")[strlen(path)+1:-1]')
+ for match in matches
+ let found[match] = 1
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return sort(keys(found))
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Ve :execute s:find(<count>,'edit<bang>',<q-args>,0)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vedit :execute s:find(<count>,'edit<bang>',<q-args>,0)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vopen :execute s:find(<count>,'edit<bang>',<q-args>,1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vsplit :execute s:find(<count>,'split',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vvsplit :execute s:find(<count>,'vsplit',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vtabedit :execute s:find(<count>,'tabedit',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vpedit :execute s:find(<count>,'pedit',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vread :execute s:find(<count>,'read',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+" vim:set et sw=2 foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^\"\ Section\:'?'>1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^fu'?'a1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^endf'?'s1'\:'=':
diff --git a/Editor/vim/boxdraw/bdua2b.pl b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/bdua2b.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e94b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/bdua2b.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Convert +-| style drawings into utf characters
+# BoxDraw-unicode-ascii to box
+# 2003-11-24 10:12:22 created by nsg
+# 2003-11-25 13:16:17 renamed and small fix in "intelligence"
+# 2004-06-18 14:18:11 boxsets
+# 2004-06-21 21:41:30 hex input codes
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use 5.8.0;
+use Getopt::Std;
+our (
+ $opt_s, # boxset 's', 'd', 'v' or 'h'
+ $opt_x, # convert hex digits into appropriate bd characters
+ $opt_t, # ternary codes ' ' .. 'p'
+my $o_utf8='--0251--001459--50585a----------0202----0c1c----525e------------51--51--53--5f--54--60------------------------------------------00185c--003468------------------1024----2c3c--------------------56--62--65--6b--------------------------------------------------505b5d----------506769----------5561------------646a------------57--63----------66--6c------------------------------------------------------------------01';
+binmode (STDOUT, ":utf8");
+my %boxset=(
+# 1|.,'}\u{25',"1 (_2 ]\ o_utf8) {~ 4#.2*#:i.16
+ 's'=>" \x{2502}\x{2500}\x{2514}\x{2502}\x{2502}\x{250c}\x{251c}\x{2500}\x{2518}\x{2500}\x{2534}\x{2510}\x{2524}\x{252c}\x{253c}\n",
+ 'd'=>" \x{2551}\x{2550}\x{255a}\x{2551}\x{2551}\x{2554}\x{2560}\x{2550}\x{255d}\x{2550}\x{2569}\x{2557}\x{2563}\x{2566}\x{256c}\n",
+ 'h'=>" \x{2502}\x{2550}\x{2558}\x{2502}\x{2502}\x{2552}\x{255e}\x{2550}\x{255b}\x{2550}\x{2567}\x{2555}\x{2561}\x{2564}\x{256a}\n",
+ 'v'=>" \x{2551}\x{2500}\x{2559}\x{2551}\x{2551}\x{2553}\x{255f}\x{2500}\x{255c}\x{2500}\x{2568}\x{2556}\x{2562}\x{2565}\x{256b}\n",
+my $BOX=$boxset{$opt_s} || $boxset{'s'};
+my $prev='';
+my $pprev='';
+while(<STDIN>) {
+ process_line();
+sub process_line
+ my $out='';
+ for(my $i=0; $i<length($prev); ++$i) {
+ my $code=0;
+ my $c=substr($prev,$i,1);
+ if( $opt_x ) {
+ $code=0;
+ $code=hex($c) if $c=~/[[:xdigit:]]/;
+ } elsif( $opt_t ) {
+ $code=0;
+ if( ord($c)>32 ) {
+ $c=ord($c)-32;
+ for(0..3){$code =($code>>2)+(($c%3)<<6); $c=int($c/3);}
+ $c=chr(hex('25'.substr($o_utf8, $code*2,2)));
+ }
+ $code=0;
+ } else {
+ if( $c=~/[-+\|]/ ) {
+ $code |= 1 if substr($pprev,$i ,1)=~/[\|+]/ ;
+ $code |= 2 if substr($prev ,$i+1,1)=~/[-+]/ ;
+ $code |= 4 if substr($_ ,$i ,1)=~/[\|+]/ ;
+ $code |= 8 if substr($prev ,$i-1,1)=~/[-+]/ ;
+ $code = 10 if $code && '-' eq $c;
+ $code = 5 if $code && '|' eq $c;
+ }
+ }
+ $out.=$code?substr($BOX,$code,1):$c;
+ }
+ print $out;
+ $pprev=$prev;
+ $prev=$_;
+# 0001 02
+# 0010 00
+# 0011 14
+# 0100 02
+# 0101 02
+# 0110 0c
+# 0111 1c
+# 1000 00
+# 1001 18
+# 1010 00
+# 1011 34
+# 1100 10
+# 1101 24
+# 1110 2c
+# 1111 3c
diff --git a/Editor/vim/boxdraw/bdub2a.pl b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/bdub2a.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4482923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/bdub2a.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Convert +-| style drawings into utf characters
+# BoxDraw-unicode-box to ascii
+# 2003-11-25 12:48:17 -- created by nsg
+use 5.8.0;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+# binmode (STDOUT, ":utf8"); # incompatible with perl 5.6.1
+# binmode (STDIN, ":utf8"); # incompatible with perl 5.6.1
+while(<STDIN>) {
+ my $l=length;
+ tr/┌┬â”╓╥╖╒╤╕╔╦╗├┼┤╟╫╢╞╪╡╠╬╣└┴┘╙╨╜╘╧╛╚╩â•/++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/;
+ tr/â•â”€â”‚â•‘/\-\-\|\|/;
+ printf "%03d ",$l;
+ print ;
+# corners/splits:
+# ┌┬â”╓╥╖╒╤╕╔╦╗ 6ec
+# ├┼┤╟╫╢╞╪╡╠╬╣ 7fd
+# └┴┘╙╨╜╘╧╛╚╩╠3b9
+# round corners:
+# 256d 256e
+# 2570 256f
+# horizontal
+# ╠─
+# vertical
+# │ ║
diff --git a/Editor/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.txt b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b821a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * Draw diagrams and tables using "real box drawing characters" (AKA ANSI
+ * Move rectangular/linear blocks of text around.
+ * Trace box-drawing typeset diagrams -- follow the lines, etc.
+Detailed description
+These scripts facilitate drawing simple 'ANSI' graphic containing box
+drawing characters (not just '+', '-' and '|', but REAL box drawing
+characters). It can be useful to draw diagrams and fancy tables (at
+least, I use it this way).
+Upon sourcing the script defines several macros:
+<shift+arrow> -- moves cursor in specified direction leaving trail of
+box drawing characters, making all joins and crossings.
+g+<arrow> -- follow line of boxdrawing characters until it reaches
+intersection or ends.
+<shift+arrow> in visual mode -- move selected rectangular block in
+specified direction.
+\e -- ends box drawing mode (unmap shift+arrows macros and restore
+virtualedit value)
+\b -- restarts box drawing (map shift+arrows macros and set virtual
+ edit=all)
+\s -- selects 'single-line' boxdrawing characters
+\d -- selects 'double-line' boxdrawing characters
+\a -- convert all characters in selection into ascii '+', '-', '|' (utf8
+ only, not implemented)
+("\" prefix may be changed by changing mapleader variable, see :h mapleader)
+When rectangular block is selected, it can be moved around using
+<shift-arrow> keys. Unfortunately, as of version 6.1 multibyte
+characters and rectangular blocks do not live together too good, so this
+feature is experimental.
+When line block is selected, <shift-up> and <shift-down> moves it up or down
+nondestructively, <shift-left> decreases indent and <shift-up> increases
+Currently box drawing is supported for utf8 and cp437 (DOS) encodings.
+Script does not use any "weird" box drawing characters from unicode set
+that are not present in, say, cp437. So, it is safe to save utf-8 file
+in any single byte encoding that contains regular single box drawing
+This script also contains mapping that converts all boxdrawing
+characters in current selection into ascii '+', '-', '|'.
+If vim encoding is single byte, this script assumes cp437 (DOS). Most
+encodings have boxdrawing characters at the same place, however, some
+(notably, koi8-r) have them in different code postions.
+If you want to use it with encoding that contains such
+characters in diferent place, please drop me a note -- I will be happy
+to add support for that codepage too.
+To help you determine which boxdrawing characters are suppored by your
+terminal I have included file sampler.txt. Just type it (or cat it) on
+the termianal and encoding that labels the block that looks "right" will
+be your supported encoding.
+Note for PuTTY users
+It turns out that PuTTY does not translate Shift+Arrow combination into
+X key code (like xterm does), so mappings will not work for this
+terminal. I have modified initialization script to use <arrows> instead
+of <shift>+<arrows> in Unix environment.
+Perl scripts
+Some box-drawing related procedures are more naturally done with
+external scripts. These scripts take ascii standard input and produce
+utf8 encoded standard output.
+bdua2b.pl -- converts regular '+-|'-style drawing into single-line utf8
+ boxdrawing. This script has does not just blindly replace characters,
+ but instead looks to the neighbourhood and chooses boxdrawing
+ character that fits best. Use this script as a filter to convert
+ existing ascii drawings.
+ Option -ss selects single border characters, -sd -- double border,
+ -sh -- single vertical double horizontal, -sv single horizontal double
+ vertical.
+outline.pl -- outlines groups of similar characters in the input with
+ boxdrawing characters. Option -d makes output twice as wide, options
+ -s* select boxdrawing flavor as in previous script.
+ For example,
+ aaaacc
+ abbcc
+ ccbbc
+ cccb
+will be converted into
+ ┌───┬─â”
+ │┌─┬┘┌┘
+ ├┴â”â””â”│
+ │ â””â”├┘
+ └──┴┘
+ ┌───────┬───â”
+ │ ┌───┬─┘ ┌─┘
+ ├─┴─┠└─┠│
+ │ └─┠├─┘
+ └─────┴─┘
+Both scripts were tested with ActivePerl 5.6.1.
+* Support double boxes in a cleaner way.
+Copy boxdraw.vim to the place where you normally keep vim scripts (e.g. ~/.vim
+or c:\vim\vimfiles) and source it every time you want to draw a diagram or nice
+You may wish also to add this to your menu by adding a line to your .gvimrc
+(_gvimrc) file (use actual path to boxdraw.vim):
+:menu Tools.Bo&x\ Draw :so ~/.vim/boxdraw.vim<CR>
+I run Windows and use boxdraw.vim in gvim (it supports utf-8 very
+nicely) and bd-single in vim (its support of utf-8 is kind of unclear
+for me). Both major Windows monospaced fonts (Courier New and Lucida
+Console) support wide range of Unicode characters, including box
+Why use box drawing characters?
+These characters are in Unicode standard for compatibility with wide
+range of existing 8-bit encodings that have them. The wording of Unicode
+standard discourages usage of such characters, other than for the
+purpose of converting between encodigns and storage of legacy data.
+Having said all that I found that sometimes a picture, even crude and
+primitive, is worth pages of explanations. Just about the only way to
+include picture in source code is to use ascii or "ansi" art. Ascii is
+more compatible, but "ansi" looks way better. Since I have to use
+Unicode to include cyrillic characters in comments anyway, I decided to
+stop on "ansi" art as a format of choice for in-source drawings.
+Andrew Nikitin <nsg21@hotmail.com>
+2002-01-09 -- v0.0 -- initial upload, single boxes in utf-8 encoding
+2002-01-10 -- v0.1 -- double boxes
+2002-01-30 -- v0.2 -- single-byte, box->ascii conversion
+2003-11-24 -- v0.3 -- perl scripts + some rectangular block movements
+2004-06-18 -- v0.4 -- following the lines, updated perl scripts
+2004-11-26 -- v1.0 -- combined single-byte and utf8 versions, included
+sampler.txt to help determine encoding
+2008-12-17 -- v1.1 -- special processing for line-block movements, changed cabbr for perl
diff --git a/Editor/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.vim b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..284232f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+" Box drawing module for Vim 6.0
+" (C) Andrew Nikitin, 2002
+" 2002-01-07 -- created by nsg
+" 2002-01-08 -- first box drawing (single only)
+" 2002-01-09 -- (00:42) fixed col(".") bug (note vim bug k"tylj does not retu)
+" 2002-01-09 -- optimize
+" 2002-01-10 -- double boxes
+" 2002-01-16 -- use script-local var and access function instead of global
+" 2002-01-30 -- ,a mapping (box->ascii conversion)
+" 2003-11-10 -- implemented MB avoiding "number Ctl-V"
+" 2004-06-18 -- fixed ToAscii so it replaces "─"; trace path (g+arrow)
+" 2004-06-23 -- merged single-byte and utf-8 support in one file
+" 2004-06-30 -- do not use shift+arrows unless in win32
+" 2008-12-17 -- special processing for line-block movements, changed cabbr for
+" perl
+let s:o_utf8='--0251--001459--50585a----------0202----0c1c----525e------------51--51--53--5f--54--60------------------------------------------00185c--003468------------------1024----2c3c--------------------56--62--65--6b--------------------------------------------------505b5d----------506769----------5561------------646a------------57--63----------66--6c------------------------------------------------------------------01'
+let s:i_utf8='44cc11------------------14------50------05------41------15--------------51--------------54--------------45--------------55--------------------------------------88221824289060a009060a81428219262a9162a29864a889468a9966aa14504105------40010410'
+let s:o_cp437='--b3ba--c4c0d3--cdd4c8----------b3b3----dac3----d5c6------------ba--ba--d6--c7--c9--cc------------------------------------------c4d9bd--c4c1d0------------------bfb4----c2c5--------------------b7--b6--d2--d7--------------------------------------------------cdbebc----------cdcfca----------b8b5------------d1d8------------bb--b9----------cb--ce'
+let s:i_cp437='----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------115191626090a222a08242815005455415445519260a288aa82a88aa894698640609182466994114'
+let s:scriptfile=expand("<sfile>:h")
+" Activate mode. Assigned to ,b macro.
+fu! <SID>S()
+ if has("gui_running")
+ " se enc=utf8
+ en
+ let s:ve=&ve
+ setl ve=all
+ " Note that typical terminal emulator program (Putty, in particular) does
+ " not support Shift arrows too good. You will, probably, have to redefines
+ " those to, say,
+ " ,<Up> etc.
+ if has("win32")
+ " Under Windows Shift+Arrows works quite smooth, unlike most terminals
+ nm <S-Up> :call <SID>M(1,'k')<CR>
+ nm <S-Down> :call <SID>M(16,'j')<CR>
+ nm <S-Left> :call <SID>M(64,'h')<CR>
+ nm <S-Right> :call <SID>M(4,'l')<CR>
+ nm g<Up> :call <SID>G(0)<CR>
+ nm g<Right> :call <SID>G(1)<CR>
+ nm g<Down> :call <SID>G(2)<CR>
+ nm g<Left> :call <SID>G(3)<CR>
+ vm <S-Up> <esc>:call <SID>MB('k')<CR>
+ vm <S-Down> <esc>:call <SID>MB('j')<CR>
+ vm <S-Left> <esc>:call <SID>MB('h')<CR>
+ vm <S-Right> <esc>:call <SID>MB('l')<CR>
+ else
+ nm <Up> :call <SID>M(1,'k')<CR>
+ nm <Down> :call <SID>M(16,'j')<CR>
+ nm <Left> :call <SID>M(64,'h')<CR>
+ nm <Right> :call <SID>M(4,'l')<CR>
+ nm g<Up> :call <SID>G(0)<CR>
+ nm g<Right> :call <SID>G(1)<CR>
+ nm g<Down> :call <SID>G(2)<CR>
+ nm g<Left> :call <SID>G(3)<CR>
+ vm <Up> <esc>:call <SID>MB('k')<CR>
+ vm <Down> <esc>:call <SID>MB('j')<CR>
+ vm <Left> <esc>:call <SID>MB('h')<CR>
+ vm <Right> <esc>:call <SID>MB('l')<CR>
+ en
+ vmap <Leader>a :ToAscii<cr>
+ nm <Leader>e :call <SID>E()<CR>
+ nm <Leader>s :call <SID>SetLT(1)<CR>
+ nm <Leader>d :call <SID>SetLT(2)<CR>
+ exec "cabbr <"."buffer> perl perl ".s:scriptfile
+ let s:bdlt=1
+ nm <Leader>b x
+ nun <Leader>b
+fu! s:SetLT(thickness)
+ let s:bdlt=a:thickness
+" Deactivate mode.
+" Unmap macros, restore &ve option
+fu! <SID>E()
+ if has("win32")
+ " Under Windows Shift+Arrows works quite smooth, unlike most terminals
+ nun <S-Up>
+ nun <S-Down>
+ nun <S-Left>
+ nun <S-Right>
+ nun g<Up>
+ nun g<Right>
+ nun g<Down>
+ nun g<Left>
+ vu <S-Up>
+ vu <S-Down>
+ vu <S-Left>
+ vu <S-Right>
+ else
+ nun <Up>
+ nun <Down>
+ nun <Left>
+ nun <Right>
+ nun g<Up>
+ nun g<Right>
+ nun g<Down>
+ nun g<Left>
+ vu <Up>
+ vu <Down>
+ vu <Left>
+ vu <Right>
+ en
+ nun <Leader>e
+ nm <buffer> <Leader>b :call <SID>S()<CR>
+ cuna <buffer> perl
+ let &ve=s:ve
+ unlet s:ve
+ "echo "Finished Boxdrawing mode"
+fu! s:GetBoxCode(char)
+ " check if symbol from unicode boxdrawing range
+ " E2=1110(0010)
+ " 25= 10(0101)xx
+ if 'utf-8'== &enc
+ if(0xE2==char2nr(a:char[0])&&0x25==char2nr(a:char[1])/4)
+ retu '0x'.strpart(s:i_utf8,2*(char2nr(a:char[1])%4*64+char2nr(a:char[2])%64),2)
+ en
+ else " Assume cp437 encoding
+ retu '0x'.strpart(s:i_cp437,2*char2nr(a:char),2)
+ en
+ retu 0
+" Try neihgbour in direction 'd' if c is true. Mask m for the direction
+" should also be supplied.
+" Function returns neighboring bit
+" Unicode entries are encoded in utf8 as
+" 7 bit : 0vvvvvvv
+" 11 bit : 110vvvvv 10vvvvvv
+" 16 bit : 1110vvvv 10vvvvvv 10vvvvvv
+fu! s:T(c,d,m)
+ if(a:c)
+ exe 'norm mt'.a:d.'"tyl`t'
+ let c=s:GetBoxCode(@t)
+ retu c%a:m*4/a:m
+ en
+ retu 0
+" 3*4^x, where x=0,1,2,3
+" fu! s:Mask(x)
+" retu ((6+a:x*(45+a:x*(-54+a:x*27)))/2)
+" endf
+" Move cursor (follow) in specified direction
+" Return new direction if new position is valid, -1 otherwise
+" dir: 'kljh'
+" ^>V<
+" 0123
+" mask: 3 12 48 192
+" let @x=3|echo (6+@x*(45+@x*(-54+@x*27)))/2
+fu! <SID>F(d)
+ exe 'norm '.('kljh'[a:d]).'"tyl'
+ let c=s:GetBoxCode(@t)
+ let i=0
+ let r=-1
+ while i<4
+ if 0!=c%4 && a:d!=(i+2)%4
+ if r<0
+ let r=i
+ else
+ retu -1
+ endif
+ endif
+ let c=c/4
+ let i=i+1
+ endw
+ retu r
+fu! <SID>G(d)
+ let y=line(".")
+ let x=virtcol(".")
+ let n=a:d
+ while n>=0
+ let n=s:F(n)
+ if y==line(".") && x==virtcol(".")
+ echo "Returned to same spot"
+ break
+ endif
+ endw
+" Move cursor in specified direction (d= h,j,k or l). Mask s for
+" the direction should also be supplied
+fu! <SID>M(s,d)
+ let t=@t
+ let x=s:T(1<col("."),'h',16)*64+s:T(line(".")<line("$"),'j',4)*16+s:T(1,'l',256)*4+s:T(1<line("."),'k',64)
+ let @t=t
+ let c=a:s*s:bdlt+x-x%(a:s*4)/a:s*a:s
+ "echo 'need c='.c.' x='.x
+ if 'utf-8'==&enc
+ let o=strpart(s:o_utf8,2*c,2)
+ if o!='--' && o!=''
+ exe "norm r\<C-V>u25".o.a:d
+ en
+ else
+ let o=strpart(s:o_cp437,2*c,2)
+ if o!='--' && o!=''
+ exe "norm r\<C-V>x".o.a:d
+ en
+ en
+" "echo "Boxdrawing mode"
+scriptencoding utf8
+command! -range ToAscii :silent <line1>,<line2>s/┌\|┬\|â”\|â•“\|â•¥\|â•–\|â•’\|╤\|â••\|â•”\|╦\|â•—\|├\|┼\|┤\|â•Ÿ\|â•«\|â•¢\|â•ž\|╪\|â•¡\|â• \|╬\|â•£\|â””\|â”´\|┘\|â•™\|╨\|â•œ\|╘\|╧\|â•›\|â•š\|â•©\|â•/+/ge|:silent <line1>,<line2>s/[│║]/\|/ge|:silent <line1>,<line2>s/[â•â”€]/-/ge
+command! -range ToHorz :<line1>,<line2>s/─\|â•/-/g
+command! -range ToHorz2 :<line1>,<line2>s/─/-/g
+" 0000000: 636f 6d6d 616e 6421 202d 7261 6e67 6520 command! -range
+" 0000010: 546f 486f 727a 203a 3c6c 696e 6531 3e2c ToHorz :<line1>,
+" 0000020: 3c6c 696e 6532 3e73 2fe2 9480 5c7c e295 <line2>s/...\|..
+" 0000030: 9029 2f6f 2f67 0d0a .)/o/g..
+command! -range ToVert :<line1>,<line2>s/│\|║/\|/g
+" Move block dispatch
+fu! s:MB(d)
+ if visualmode()=='' || visualmode()=='v'
+ call s:MRB(a:d)
+ elseif visualmode()=='V'
+ call s:MLB(a:d)
+ en
+" Move line block
+fu! s:MLB(d)
+ if a:d=='j' || a:d=='k'
+ let l:cmd= "norm gv\"yd".a:d."\"yP1V"
+ exe l:cmd
+ elseif a:d=='h'
+ normal gv
+ :'<,'>s/^.//
+ normal gv
+ elseif a:d=='l'
+ normal gv
+ :'<,'>s/^/ /
+ normal gv
+ en
+" Move Rectangular block
+" sideeffect: stores contents of a block in "y
+" 1<C-V> does not work good in 6.0 when multibyte characters are involved
+" gvp does not work good ...
+" gv also has some problems
+" See http://vim.sourceforge.net/tips/tip.php?tip_id=808 for different way to
+" paste
+fu! s:MRB(d)
+ " It seems that rectangular boxes and multibyte do not live together too
+ " good asof version 6.3
+ " Normally something like
+ " exe 'norm gv"yygvr '.a:d.'1<C-V>"ypgv'
+ " should have worked
+ let l:y1=line(".")
+ let l:x1=virtcol(".")
+ "echo l:x1."-".l:y1
+ normal gv"yygvo
+ let l:y2=line(".")
+ let l:x2=virtcol(".")
+ if l:x1>l:x2 | let l:t=l:x1 | let l:x1=l:x2 | let l:x2=l:t | endif
+ if l:y1>l:y2 | let l:t=l:y1 | let l:y1=l:y2 | let l:y2=l:t | endif
+ let l:pos=l:y1."G0"
+ if 1<l:x1 | let l:pos=l:pos.(l:x1-1)."l" | endif
+ let l:size=""
+ if 0<l:y2-l:y1 | let l:size=l:size.(l:y2-l:y1)."j" | endif
+ if 0<l:x2-l:x1 | let l:size=l:size.(l:x2-l:x1)."l" | endif
+ exe "normal gvr ".l:pos.a:d."".l:size."d\"yPgvjk"
+:nmap <buffer> ,b :call <SID>S()<CR>
+if has("win32")
+ " Under win32 activate boxdrwaing mode upon start.
+ " If undesirable, prepend with :nmap ,b
+ "
+ :normal ,b
diff --git a/Editor/vim/boxdraw/outline.pl b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/outline.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f095e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/outline.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# outlines groups of similar characters
+# 2003-11-24 15:07:28 Created by nsg
+# 2004-06-18 14:29:45 changed hex boxset to x; added double, horz, vert boxsets
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use Getopt::Std;
+our (
+ $opt_s, # boxset (x=hex)
+ $opt_d, # double each input character
+ $opt_e, # output encoding
+$opt_s='s' if '' eq $opt_s;
+$opt_e='utf8' if '' eq $opt_e;
+binmode (STDIN, ":encoding($opt_e)");
+binmode (STDOUT, ":encoding($opt_e)");
+#binmode (STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)");
+my $p='';
+my %boxset=(
+# 1|.,'}\u{25',"1 (_2 ]\ o_utf8) {~ 4#.2*#:i.16
+ 's'=>" \x{2502}\x{2500}\x{2514}\x{2502}\x{2502}\x{250c}\x{251c}\x{2500}\x{2518}\x{2500}\x{2534}\x{2510}\x{2524}\x{252c}\x{253c}\n",
+ 'd'=>" \x{2551}\x{2550}\x{255a}\x{2551}\x{2551}\x{2554}\x{2560}\x{2550}\x{255d}\x{2550}\x{2569}\x{2557}\x{2563}\x{2566}\x{256c}\n",
+ 'h'=>" \x{2502}\x{2550}\x{2558}\x{2502}\x{2502}\x{2552}\x{255e}\x{2550}\x{255b}\x{2550}\x{2567}\x{2555}\x{2561}\x{2564}\x{256a}\n",
+ 'v'=>" \x{2551}\x{2500}\x{2559}\x{2551}\x{2551}\x{2553}\x{255f}\x{2500}\x{255c}\x{2500}\x{2568}\x{2556}\x{2562}\x{2565}\x{256b}\n",
+my $BOX=$boxset{$opt_s} || $boxset{'s'};
+# corners/splits:
+# ┌┬â”╓╥╖╒╤╕╔╦╗ 6ec
+# ├┼┤╟╫╢╞╪╡╠╬╣ 7fd
+# └┴┘╙╨╜╘╧╛╚╩╠3b9
+# round corners:
+# 256d 256e
+# 2570 256f
+# horizontal
+# ╠─
+# vertical
+# │ ║
+ chomp;
+ s/./$&$&/g if $opt_d;
+ process_line();
+ $p=$_;
+sub process_line
+ my $out;
+ my $l=length;
+ $l=length($p) if length($p)>$l;
+ for my$i(0..$l) {
+ my $c=0;
+ $c|=1 if sc($p,$i-1) ne sc($p,$i);
+ $c|=2 if sc($p,$i) ne sc($_,$i);
+ $c|=4 if sc($_,$i) ne sc($_,$i-1);
+ $c|=8 if sc($_,$i-1) ne sc($p,$i-1);
+ $out.=substr($BOX,$c,1) if 'x' ne $opt_s;
+ $out.=sprintf"%1x",$c if 'x' eq $opt_s;
+ }
+ print "$out\n";
+sub sc # (str, index)
+ return ' ' if 0>$_[1] || $_[1]>=length($_[0]);
+ return substr($_[0],$_[1],1);
diff --git a/Editor/vim/boxdraw/sampler.txt b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/sampler.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f6aad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/boxdraw/sampler.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Box drawing characters sampler. (C) nsg, 2004
+├┼╢║╟╜└╫┬┤ utf-8
+¯µ°…¡ª½Š‡ koi8-r, koi8-u*
+„€º­« ¹®©¬
+³Ã¶Ó×Å´ÇÙº cp437 (A.K.A dos), cp737, cp86x, cp85x*, cp895, etc.
diff --git a/Editor/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim b/Editor/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject cfd3b2d388a8c2e9903d7a9d80a65539aabfe93
diff --git a/Editor/vim/bundle/syntastic b/Editor/vim/bundle/syntastic
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 8e672780e76c0a774b7fe834eed9652ccd684c2
diff --git a/Editor/vim/bundle/tlib_vim b/Editor/vim/bundle/tlib_vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject c9ffbef0718a35bd30eb711456e2100e4adf79f
diff --git a/Editor/vim/bundle/ultisnips b/Editor/vim/bundle/ultisnips
new file mode 160000
+Subproject c3a0924b777dbba2f8612950bd8f8a00df18d1b
diff --git a/Editor/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils b/Editor/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 0c5612fa31ee434ba055e21c76f456244b3b510
diff --git a/Editor/vim/bundle/vim-snippets b/Editor/vim/bundle/vim-snippets
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 59cc3ecc795d1b48910f474df732b4218bdc20c
diff --git a/Editor/vim/bundle/vim-surround b/Editor/vim/bundle/vim-surround
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 772ab9587b7d1e2c3bae75395c9123803059ba8
diff --git a/Editor/vim/colors/solarized.vim b/Editor/vim/colors/solarized.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175a0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/colors/solarized.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@
+" Name: Solarized vim colorscheme
+" Author: Ethan Schoonover <es@ethanschoonover.com>
+" URL: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
+" (see this url for latest release & screenshots)
+" License: OSI approved MIT license (see end of this file)
+" Created: In the middle of the night
+" Modified: 2011 May 05
+" Usage "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Solarized is a carefully designed selective contrast colorscheme with dual
+" light and dark modes that runs in both GUI, 256 and 16 color modes.
+" See the homepage above for screenshots and details.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" See the "solarized.txt" help file included with this colorscheme (in the
+" "doc" subdirectory) for information on options, usage, the Toggle Background
+" function and more. If you have already installed Solarized, this is available
+" from the Solarized menu and command line as ":help solarized"
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Two options for installation: manual or pathogen
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" 1. Download the solarized distribution (available on the homepage above)
+" and unarchive the file.
+" 2. Move `solarized.vim` to your `.vim/colors` directory.
+" 3. Move each of the files in each subdirectories to the corresponding .vim
+" subdirectory (e.g. autoload/togglebg.vim goes into your .vim/autoload
+" directory as .vim/autoload/togglebg.vim).
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" 1. Download and install Tim Pope's Pathogen from:
+" https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
+" 2. Next, move or clone the `vim-colors-solarized` directory so that it is
+" a subdirectory of the `.vim/bundle` directory.
+" a. **clone with git:**
+" $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
+" $ git clone git://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized.git
+" b. **or move manually into the pathogen bundle directory:**
+" In the parent directory of vim-colors-solarized:
+" $ mv vim-colors-solarized ~/.vim/bundle/
+" After either Option 1 or Option 2 above, put the following two lines in your
+" .vimrc:
+" syntax enable
+" set background=dark
+" colorscheme solarized
+" or, for the light background mode of Solarized:
+" syntax enable
+" set background=light
+" colorscheme solarized
+" I like to have a different background in GUI and terminal modes, so I can use
+" the following if-then. However, I find vim's background autodetection to be
+" pretty good and, at least with MacVim, I can leave this background value
+" assignment out entirely and get the same results.
+" if has('gui_running')
+" set background=light
+" else
+" set background=dark
+" endif
+" See the Solarized homepage at http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized for
+" screenshots which will help you select either the light or dark background.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Download palettes and files from: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
+" L\*a\*b values are canonical (White D65, Reference D50), other values are
+" matched in sRGB space.
+" --------- ------- ---- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -----------
+" base03 #002b36 8/4 brblack 234 #1c1c1c 15 -12 -12 0 43 54 193 100 21
+" base02 #073642 0/4 black 235 #262626 20 -12 -12 7 54 66 192 90 26
+" base01 #586e75 10/7 brgreen 240 #4e4e4e 45 -07 -07 88 110 117 194 25 46
+" base00 #657b83 11/7 bryellow 241 #585858 50 -07 -07 101 123 131 195 23 51
+" base0 #839496 12/6 brblue 244 #808080 60 -06 -03 131 148 150 186 13 59
+" base1 #93a1a1 14/4 brcyan 245 #8a8a8a 65 -05 -02 147 161 161 180 9 63
+" base2 #eee8d5 7/7 white 254 #d7d7af 92 -00 10 238 232 213 44 11 93
+" base3 #fdf6e3 15/7 brwhite 230 #ffffd7 97 00 10 253 246 227 44 10 99
+" yellow #b58900 3/3 yellow 136 #af8700 60 10 65 181 137 0 45 100 71
+" orange #cb4b16 9/3 brred 166 #d75f00 50 50 55 203 75 22 18 89 80
+" red #dc322f 1/1 red 160 #d70000 50 65 45 220 50 47 1 79 86
+" magenta #d33682 5/5 magenta 125 #af005f 50 65 -05 211 54 130 331 74 83
+" violet #6c71c4 13/5 brmagenta 61 #5f5faf 50 15 -45 108 113 196 237 45 77
+" blue #268bd2 4/4 blue 33 #0087ff 55 -10 -45 38 139 210 205 82 82
+" cyan #2aa198 6/6 cyan 37 #00afaf 60 -35 -05 42 161 152 175 74 63
+" green #859900 2/2 green 64 #5f8700 60 -20 65 133 153 0 68 100 60
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Useful commands for testing colorschemes:
+" :source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim
+" :help highlight-groups
+" :help cterm-colors
+" :help group-name
+" Useful links for developing colorschemes:
+" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2937
+" http://vimcasts.org/episodes/creating-colorschemes-for-vim/
+" http://www.frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/"
+" }}}
+" Environment Specific Overrides "{{{
+" Allow or disallow certain features based on current terminal emulator or
+" environment.
+" Terminals that support italics
+let s:terms_italic=[
+ \"rxvt",
+ \"gnome-terminal"
+ \]
+" For reference only, terminals are known to be incomptible.
+" Terminals that are in neither list need to be tested.
+let s:terms_noitalic=[
+ \"iTerm.app",
+ \"Apple_Terminal"
+ \]
+if has("gui_running")
+ let s:terminal_italic=1 " TODO: could refactor to not require this at all
+ let s:terminal_italic=0 " terminals will be guilty until proven compatible
+ for term in s:terms_italic
+ if $TERM_PROGRAM =~ term
+ let s:terminal_italic=1
+ endif
+ endfor
+" }}}
+" Default option values"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:options_list is used to autogenerate a list of all non-default options
+" using "call SolarizedOptions()" or with the "Generate .vimrc commands"
+" Solarized menu option. See the "Menus" section below for the function itself.
+let s:options_list=[
+ \'" this block of commands has been autogenerated by solarized.vim and',
+ \'" includes the current, non-default Solarized option values.',
+ \'" To use, place these commands in your .vimrc file (replacing any',
+ \'" existing colorscheme commands). See also ":help solarized"',
+ \'',
+ \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------',
+ \'" Solarized Colorscheme Config',
+ \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------',
+ \]
+let s:colorscheme_list=[
+ \'syntax enable',
+ \'set background='.&background,
+ \'colorscheme solarized',
+ \]
+let s:defaults_list=[
+ \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------',
+ \'',
+ \'" The following items are available options, but do not need to be',
+ \'" included in your .vimrc as they are currently set to their defaults.',
+ \''
+ \]
+let s:lazycat_list=[
+ \'" lazy method of appending this onto your .vimrc ":w! >> ~/.vimrc"',
+ \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------',
+ \]
+function! s:SetOption(name,default)
+ if type(a:default) == type(0)
+ let l:wrap=''
+ let l:ewrap=''
+ else
+ let l:wrap='"'
+ let l:ewrap='\"'
+ endif
+ if !exists("g:solarized_".a:name) || g:solarized_{a:name}==a:default
+ exe 'let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:wrap.a:default.l:wrap.'"'
+ exe 'call add(s:defaults_list, "\" let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:ewrap.g:solarized_{a:name}.l:ewrap.'")'
+ else
+ exe 'call add(s:options_list, "let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:ewrap.g:solarized_{a:name}.l:ewrap.' \"default value is '.a:default.'")'
+ endif
+if ($TERM_PROGRAM ==? "apple_terminal" && &t_Co < 256)
+ let s:solarized_termtrans_default = 1
+ let s:solarized_termtrans_default = 0
+call s:SetOption("termtrans",s:solarized_termtrans_default)
+call s:SetOption("degrade",0)
+call s:SetOption("bold",1)
+call s:SetOption("underline",1)
+call s:SetOption("italic",1) " note that we need to override this later if the terminal doesn't support
+call s:SetOption("termcolors",16)
+call s:SetOption("contrast","normal")
+call s:SetOption("visibility","normal")
+call s:SetOption("diffmode","normal")
+call s:SetOption("hitrail",0)
+call s:SetOption("menu",1)
+" Colorscheme initialization "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+let colors_name = "solarized"
+" GUI & CSApprox hexadecimal palettes"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Set both gui and terminal color values in separate conditional statements
+" Due to possibility that CSApprox is running (though I suppose we could just
+" leave the hex values out entirely in that case and include only cterm colors)
+" We also check to see if user has set solarized (force use of the
+" neutral gray monotone palette component)
+if (has("gui_running") && g:solarized_degrade == 0)
+ let s:vmode = "gui"
+ let s:base03 = "#002b36"
+ let s:base02 = "#073642"
+ let s:base01 = "#586e75"
+ let s:base00 = "#657b83"
+ let s:base0 = "#839496"
+ let s:base1 = "#93a1a1"
+ let s:base2 = "#eee8d5"
+ let s:base3 = "#fdf6e3"
+ let s:yellow = "#b58900"
+ let s:orange = "#cb4b16"
+ let s:red = "#dc322f"
+ let s:magenta = "#d33682"
+ let s:violet = "#6c71c4"
+ let s:blue = "#268bd2"
+ let s:cyan = "#2aa198"
+ "let s:green = "#859900" "original
+ let s:green = "#719e07" "experimental
+elseif (has("gui_running") && g:solarized_degrade == 1)
+ " These colors are identical to the 256 color mode. They may be viewed
+ " while in gui mode via "let g:solarized_degrade=1", though this is not
+ " recommened and is for testing only.
+ let s:vmode = "gui"
+ let s:base03 = "#1c1c1c"
+ let s:base02 = "#262626"
+ let s:base01 = "#4e4e4e"
+ let s:base00 = "#585858"
+ let s:base0 = "#808080"
+ let s:base1 = "#8a8a8a"
+ let s:base2 = "#d7d7af"
+ let s:base3 = "#ffffd7"
+ let s:yellow = "#af8700"
+ let s:orange = "#d75f00"
+ let s:red = "#af0000"
+ let s:magenta = "#af005f"
+ let s:violet = "#5f5faf"
+ let s:blue = "#0087ff"
+ let s:cyan = "#00afaf"
+ let s:green = "#5f8700"
+elseif g:solarized_termcolors != 256 && &t_Co >= 16
+ let s:vmode = "cterm"
+ let s:base03 = "8"
+ let s:base02 = "0"
+ let s:base01 = "10"
+ let s:base00 = "11"
+ let s:base0 = "12"
+ let s:base1 = "14"
+ let s:base2 = "7"
+ let s:base3 = "15"
+ let s:yellow = "3"
+ let s:orange = "9"
+ let s:red = "1"
+ let s:magenta = "5"
+ let s:violet = "13"
+ let s:blue = "4"
+ let s:cyan = "6"
+ let s:green = "2"
+elseif g:solarized_termcolors == 256
+ let s:vmode = "cterm"
+ let s:base03 = "234"
+ let s:base02 = "235"
+ let s:base01 = "239"
+ let s:base00 = "240"
+ let s:base0 = "244"
+ let s:base1 = "245"
+ let s:base2 = "187"
+ let s:base3 = "230"
+ let s:yellow = "136"
+ let s:orange = "166"
+ let s:red = "124"
+ let s:magenta = "125"
+ let s:violet = "61"
+ let s:blue = "33"
+ let s:cyan = "37"
+ let s:green = "64"
+ let s:vmode = "cterm"
+ let s:bright = "* term=bold cterm=bold"
+" let s:base03 = "0".s:bright
+" let s:base02 = "0"
+" let s:base01 = "2".s:bright
+" let s:base00 = "3".s:bright
+" let s:base0 = "4".s:bright
+" let s:base1 = "6".s:bright
+" let s:base2 = "7"
+" let s:base3 = "7".s:bright
+" let s:yellow = "3"
+" let s:orange = "1".s:bright
+" let s:red = "1"
+" let s:magenta = "5"
+" let s:violet = "5".s:bright
+" let s:blue = "4"
+" let s:cyan = "6"
+" let s:green = "2"
+ let s:base03 = "DarkGray" " 0*
+ let s:base02 = "Black" " 0
+ let s:base01 = "LightGreen" " 2*
+ let s:base00 = "LightYellow" " 3*
+ let s:base0 = "LightBlue" " 4*
+ let s:base1 = "LightCyan" " 6*
+ let s:base2 = "LightGray" " 7
+ let s:base3 = "White" " 7*
+ let s:yellow = "DarkYellow" " 3
+ let s:orange = "LightRed" " 1*
+ let s:red = "DarkRed" " 1
+ let s:magenta = "DarkMagenta" " 5
+ let s:violet = "LightMagenta" " 5*
+ let s:blue = "DarkBlue" " 4
+ let s:cyan = "DarkCyan" " 6
+ let s:green = "DarkGreen" " 2
+" Formatting options and null values for passthrough effect "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ let s:none = "NONE"
+ let s:none = "NONE"
+ let s:t_none = "NONE"
+ let s:n = "NONE"
+ let s:c = ",undercurl"
+ let s:r = ",reverse"
+ let s:s = ",standout"
+ let s:ou = ""
+ let s:ob = ""
+" Background value based on termtrans setting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (has("gui_running") || g:solarized_termtrans == 0)
+ let s:back = "NONE"
+ let s:back = "NONE"
+" Alternate light scheme "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if &background == "light"
+ let s:temp03 = s:base03
+ let s:temp02 = s:base02
+ let s:temp01 = s:base01
+ let s:temp00 = s:base00
+ let s:base03 = s:base3
+ let s:base02 = s:base2
+ let s:base01 = s:base1
+ let s:base00 = s:base0
+ let s:base0 = s:temp00
+ let s:base1 = s:temp01
+ let s:base2 = s:temp02
+ let s:base3 = s:temp03
+ if (s:back != "NONE")
+ let s:back = s:base03
+ endif
+" Optional contrast schemes "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if g:solarized_contrast == "high"
+ let s:base01 = s:base00
+ let s:base00 = s:base0
+ let s:base0 = s:base1
+ let s:base1 = s:base2
+ let s:base2 = s:base3
+ let s:back = s:back
+if g:solarized_contrast == "low"
+ let s:back = s:base02
+ let s:ou = ",underline"
+" Overrides dependent on user specified values and environment "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (g:solarized_bold == 0 || &t_Co == 8 )
+ let s:b = ""
+ let s:bb = ",bold"
+ let s:b = ",bold"
+ let s:bb = ""
+if g:solarized_underline == 0
+ let s:u = ""
+ let s:u = ",underline"
+if g:solarized_italic == 0 || s:terminal_italic == 0
+ let s:i = ""
+ let s:i = ",italic"
+" Highlighting primitives"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "let s:bg_none = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:none ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_back = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:back ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base03 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base03 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base02 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base02 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base01 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base01 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base00 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base00 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base0 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base0 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base1 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base1 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base2 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base2 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base3 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base3 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_green = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:green ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_yellow = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:yellow ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_orange = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:orange ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_red = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:red ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_magenta = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:magenta."'"
+exe "let s:bg_violet = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:violet ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_blue = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:blue ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_cyan = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:cyan ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_none = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:none ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_back = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:back ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base03 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base03 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base02 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base02 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base01 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base01 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base00 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base00 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base0 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base0 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base1 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base1 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base2 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base2 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base3 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base3 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_green = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:green ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_yellow = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:yellow ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_orange = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:orange ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_red = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:red ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_magenta = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:magenta."'"
+exe "let s:fg_violet = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:violet ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_blue = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:blue ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_cyan = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:cyan ."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_none = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE". " term=NONE". "'"
+exe "let s:fmt_bold = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:b. " term=NONE".s:b."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_bldi = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:b. " term=NONE".s:b."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_undr = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u. " term=NONE".s:u."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_undb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u.s:b. " term=NONE".s:u.s:b."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_undi = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u. " term=NONE".s:u."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_uopt = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:ou. " term=NONE".s:ou."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_curl = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:c. " term=NONE".s:c."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_ital = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:i. " term=NONE".s:i."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_stnd = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:s. " term=NONE".s:s."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_revr = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r. " term=NONE".s:r."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_revb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:b. " term=NONE".s:r.s:b."'"
+" revbb (reverse bold for bright colors) is only set to actual bold in low
+" color terminals (t_co=8, such as OS X Terminal.app) and should only be used
+" with colors 8-15.
+exe "let s:fmt_revbb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:bb. " term=NONE".s:r.s:bb."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_revbbu = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:bb.s:u." term=NONE".s:r.s:bb.s:u."'"
+if has("gui_running")
+ exe "let s:sp_none = ' guisp=".s:none ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_back = ' guisp=".s:back ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base03 = ' guisp=".s:base03 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base02 = ' guisp=".s:base02 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base01 = ' guisp=".s:base01 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base00 = ' guisp=".s:base00 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base0 = ' guisp=".s:base0 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base1 = ' guisp=".s:base1 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base2 = ' guisp=".s:base2 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base3 = ' guisp=".s:base3 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_green = ' guisp=".s:green ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_yellow = ' guisp=".s:yellow ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_orange = ' guisp=".s:orange ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_red = ' guisp=".s:red ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_magenta = ' guisp=".s:magenta."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_violet = ' guisp=".s:violet ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_blue = ' guisp=".s:blue ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_cyan = ' guisp=".s:cyan ."'"
+ let s:sp_none = ""
+ let s:sp_back = ""
+ let s:sp_base03 = ""
+ let s:sp_base02 = ""
+ let s:sp_base01 = ""
+ let s:sp_base00 = ""
+ let s:sp_base0 = ""
+ let s:sp_base1 = ""
+ let s:sp_base2 = ""
+ let s:sp_base3 = ""
+ let s:sp_green = ""
+ let s:sp_yellow = ""
+ let s:sp_orange = ""
+ let s:sp_red = ""
+ let s:sp_magenta = ""
+ let s:sp_violet = ""
+ let s:sp_blue = ""
+ let s:sp_cyan = ""
+" Basic highlighting"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" note that link syntax to avoid duplicate configuration doesn't work with the
+" exe compiled formats
+exe "hi! Normal" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_back
+exe "hi! Comment" .s:fmt_ital .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+" *Comment any comment
+exe "hi! Constant" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+" *Constant any constant
+" String a string constant: "this is a string"
+" Character a character constant: 'c', '\n'
+" Number a number constant: 234, 0xff
+" Boolean a boolean constant: TRUE, false
+" Float a floating point constant: 2.3e10
+exe "hi! Identifier" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+" *Identifier any variable name
+" Function function name (also: methods for classes)
+exe "hi! Statement" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+" *Statement any statement
+" Conditional if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
+" Repeat for, do, while, etc.
+" Label case, default, etc.
+" Operator "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
+" Keyword any other keyword
+" Exception try, catch, throw
+exe "hi! PreProc" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none
+" *PreProc generic Preprocessor
+" Include preprocessor #include
+" Define preprocessor #define
+" Macro same as Define
+" PreCondit preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
+exe "hi! Type" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+" *Type int, long, char, etc.
+" StorageClass static, register, volatile, etc.
+" Structure struct, union, enum, etc.
+" Typedef A typedef
+exe "hi! Special" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+" *Special any special symbol
+" SpecialChar special character in a constant
+" Tag you can use CTRL-] on this
+" Delimiter character that needs attention
+" SpecialComment special things inside a comment
+" Debug debugging statements
+exe "hi! Underlined" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none
+" *Underlined text that stands out, HTML links
+exe "hi! Ignore" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_none
+" *Ignore left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore|
+exe "hi! Error" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+" *Error any erroneous construct
+exe "hi! Todo" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none
+" *Todo anything that needs extra attention; mostly the
+" keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
+" Extended highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (g:solarized_visibility=="high")
+ exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+ exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+elseif (g:solarized_visibility=="low")
+ exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base02 .s:bg_none
+ exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base02 .s:bg_none
+ exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02
+ exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! StatusLine" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! StatusLineNC" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! Visual" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base03 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! Directory" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! ErrorMsg" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! IncSearch" .s:fmt_stnd .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! Search" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! MoreMsg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! ModeMsg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! LineNr" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! Question" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+if ( has("gui_running") || &t_Co > 8 )
+ exe "hi! VertSplit" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base00
+ exe "hi! VertSplit" .s:fmt_revbb .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! Title" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! VisualNOS" .s:fmt_stnd .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! WarningMsg" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! WildMenu" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base2 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! Folded" .s:fmt_undb .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base03
+exe "hi! FoldColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02
+if (g:solarized_diffmode=="high")
+exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+elseif (g:solarized_diffmode=="low")
+exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:sp_green
+exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:sp_yellow
+exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:sp_blue
+else " normal
+ if has("gui_running")
+exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_green
+exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_yellow
+exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_blue
+ else
+exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_green
+exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_yellow
+exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_blue
+ endif
+exe "hi! SignColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0
+exe "hi! Conceal" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! SpellBad" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_red
+exe "hi! SpellCap" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_violet
+exe "hi! SpellRare" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_cyan
+exe "hi! SpellLocal" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_yellow
+exe "hi! Pmenu" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! PmenuSel" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base2 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! PmenuSbar" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base2 .s:bg_base0 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! PmenuThumb" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base03 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! TabLine" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base0
+exe "hi! TabLineFill" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base0
+exe "hi! TabLineSel" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base2 .s:sp_base0 .s:fmt_revbbu
+exe "hi! CursorColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! CursorLine" .s:fmt_uopt .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base1
+exe "hi! ColorColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! Cursor" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base03 .s:bg_base0
+hi! link lCursor Cursor
+exe "hi! MatchParen" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_base01
+" vim syntax highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"exe "hi! vimLineComment" . s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+"hi! link vimComment Comment
+"hi! link vimLineComment Comment
+hi! link vimVar Identifier
+hi! link vimFunc Function
+hi! link vimUserFunc Function
+hi! link helpSpecial Special
+hi! link vimSet Normal
+hi! link vimSetEqual Normal
+exe "hi! vimCommentString" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimCommand" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimCmdSep" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpExample" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpOption" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpNote" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpVim" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpHyperTextJump" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpHyperTextEntry".s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimIsCommand" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimSynMtchOpt" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimSynType" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimHiLink" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimHiGroup" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimGroup" .s:fmt_undb .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+" diff highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+hi! link diffAdded Statement
+hi! link diffLine Identifier
+" git & gitcommit highlighting "{{{
+"exe "hi! gitDateHeader"
+"exe "hi! gitIdentityHeader"
+"exe "hi! gitIdentityKeyword"
+"exe "hi! gitNotesHeader"
+"exe "hi! gitReflogHeader"
+"exe "hi! gitKeyword"
+"exe "hi! gitIdentity"
+"exe "hi! gitEmailDelimiter"
+"exe "hi! gitEmail"
+"exe "hi! gitDate"
+"exe "hi! gitMode"
+"exe "hi! gitHashAbbrev"
+"exe "hi! gitHash"
+"exe "hi! gitReflogMiddle"
+"exe "hi! gitReference"
+"exe "hi! gitStage"
+"exe "hi! gitType"
+"exe "hi! gitDiffAdded"
+"exe "hi! gitDiffRemoved"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitSummary"
+exe "hi! gitcommitComment" .s:fmt_ital .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+hi! link gitcommitUntracked gitcommitComment
+hi! link gitcommitDiscarded gitcommitComment
+hi! link gitcommitSelected gitcommitComment
+exe "hi! gitcommitUnmerged" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitOnBranch" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitBranch" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_magenta .s:bg_none
+hi! link gitcommitNoBranch gitcommitBranch
+exe "hi! gitcommitDiscardedType".s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitSelectedType" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+"exe "hi! gitcommitUnmergedType"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitType"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitNoChanges"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitHeader"
+exe "hi! gitcommitHeader" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitUntrackedFile".s:fmt_bold .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitDiscardedFile".s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitSelectedFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitUnmergedFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none
+hi! link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitDiscardedFile
+hi! link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitSelectedFile
+hi! link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitUnmergedFile
+"exe "hi! gitcommitArrow"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitOverflow"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitBlank"
+" }}}
+" html highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! htmlTag" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlEndTag" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlTagN" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlTagName" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlSpecialTagName".s:fmt_ital .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlArg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! javaScript" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+" perl highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! perlHereDoc" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! perlVarPlain" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! perlStatementFileDesc". s:fg_cyan.s:bg_back.s:fmt_none
+" tex highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! texStatement" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! texMathZoneX" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! texMathMatcher" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! texMathMatcher" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! texRefLabel" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+" ruby highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! rubyDefine" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_back .s:fmt_bold
+"hi! link rubyArrayDelimiter Special " [ , , ]
+"rubyCurlyBlock { , , }
+"hi! link rubyClass Keyword
+"hi! link rubyModule Keyword
+"hi! link rubyKeyword Keyword
+"hi! link rubyOperator Operator
+"hi! link rubyIdentifier Identifier
+"hi! link rubyInstanceVariable Identifier
+"hi! link rubyGlobalVariable Identifier
+"hi! link rubyClassVariable Identifier
+"hi! link rubyConstant Type
+" haskell syntax highlighting"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" For use with syntax/haskell.vim : Haskell Syntax File
+" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3034
+" See also Steffen Siering's github repository:
+" http://github.com/urso/dotrc/blob/master/vim/syntax/haskell.vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Treat True and False specially, see the plugin referenced above
+let hs_highlight_boolean=1
+" highlight delims, see the plugin referenced above
+let hs_highlight_delimiters=1
+exe "hi! cPreCondit". s:fg_orange.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! VarId" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! ConId" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsImport" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsString" . s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsStructure" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hs_hlFunctionName" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! hsStatement" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsImportLabel" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hs_OpFunctionName" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hs_DeclareFunction" . s:fg_orange .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsVarSym" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsType" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsTypedef" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsModuleName" . s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! hsModuleStartLabel" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+hi! link hsImportParams Delimiter
+hi! link hsDelimTypeExport Delimiter
+hi! link hsModuleStartLabel hsStructure
+hi! link hsModuleWhereLabel hsModuleStartLabel
+" following is for the haskell-conceal plugin
+" the first two items don't have an impact, but better safe
+exe "hi! hsNiceOperator" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsniceoperator" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+" pandoc markdown syntax highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"PandocHiLink pandocNormalBlock
+exe "hi! pandocTitleBlock" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocTitleBlockTitle" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocTitleComment" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocComment" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimBlock" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+hi! link pandocVerbatimBlockDeep pandocVerbatimBlock
+hi! link pandocCodeBlock pandocVerbatimBlock
+hi! link pandocCodeBlockDelim pandocVerbatimBlock
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuote" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader1" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader2" .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader3" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader4" .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader5" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader6" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocListMarker" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocListReference" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+" Definitions
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+let s:fg_pdef = s:fg_violet
+exe "hi! pandocDefinitionBlock" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocDefinitionTerm" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_stnd
+exe "hi! pandocDefinitionIndctr" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedDefinition" .s:fg_pdef.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSubscriptDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+" Tables
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+let s:fg_ptable = s:fg_blue
+exe "hi! pandocTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocTableStructure" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+hi! link pandocTableStructureTop pandocTableStructre
+hi! link pandocTableStructureEnd pandocTableStructre
+exe "hi! pandocTableZebraLight" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_base03.s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocTableZebraDark" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_base02.s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSubscriptTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+" Headings
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+let s:fg_phead = s:fg_orange
+exe "hi! pandocHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocHeadingMarker" .s:fg_yellow.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisHeading".s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_revr
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocSubscriptHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+" Links
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! pandocLinkDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocLinkLabel" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! pandocLinkText" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb
+exe "hi! pandocLinkURL" .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! pandocLinkTitle" .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undi
+exe "hi! pandocLinkTitleDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undi .s:sp_base00
+exe "hi! pandocLinkDefinition" .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr .s:sp_base00
+exe "hi! pandocLinkDefinitionID" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocImageCaption" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb
+exe "hi! pandocFootnoteLink" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! pandocFootnoteDefLink" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocFootnoteInline" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb
+exe "hi! pandocFootnote" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocCitationDelim" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocCitation" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocCitationID" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! pandocCitationRef" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+" Main Styles
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! pandocStyleDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNested" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNested" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrikeout" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInline" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSuperscript" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSubscript" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocRule" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocRuleLine" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocEscapePair" .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocCitationRef" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocNonBreakingSpace" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr
+hi! link pandocEscapedCharacter pandocEscapePair
+hi! link pandocLineBreak pandocEscapePair
+" Embedded Code
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! pandocMetadataDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocMetadata" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocMetadataKey" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocMetadata" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+hi! link pandocMetadataTitle pandocMetadata
+" Utility autocommand "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" In cases where Solarized is initialized inside a terminal vim session and
+" then transferred to a gui session via the command `:gui`, the gui vim process
+" does not re-read the colorscheme (or .vimrc for that matter) so any `has_gui`
+" related code that sets gui specific values isn't executed.
+" Currently, Solarized sets only the cterm or gui values for the colorscheme
+" depending on gui or terminal mode. It's possible that, if the following
+" autocommand method is deemed excessively poor form, that approach will be
+" used again and the autocommand below will be dropped.
+" However it seems relatively benign in this case to include the autocommand
+" here. It fires only in cases where vim is transferring from terminal to gui
+" mode (detected with the script scope s:vmode variable). It also allows for
+" other potential terminal customizations that might make gui mode suboptimal.
+autocmd GUIEnter * if (s:vmode != "gui") | exe "colorscheme " . g:colors_name | endif
+" Highlight Trailing Space {{{
+" Experimental: Different highlight when on cursorline
+function! s:SolarizedHiTrail()
+ if g:solarized_hitrail==0
+ hi! clear solarizedTrailingSpace
+ else
+ syn match solarizedTrailingSpace "\s*$"
+ exe "hi! solarizedTrailingSpace " .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:sp_red
+ endif
+augroup SolarizedHiTrail
+ autocmd!
+ if g:solarized_hitrail==1
+ autocmd! Syntax * call s:SolarizedHiTrail()
+ autocmd! ColorScheme * if g:colors_name == "solarized" | call s:SolarizedHiTrail() | else | augroup! s:SolarizedHiTrail | endif
+ endif
+augroup END
+" }}}
+" Menus "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Turn off Solarized menu by including the following assignment in your .vimrc:
+" let g:solarized_menu=0
+function! s:SolarizedOptions()
+ new "new buffer
+ setf vim "vim filetype
+ let failed = append(0, s:defaults_list)
+ let failed = append(0, s:colorscheme_list)
+ let failed = append(0, s:options_list)
+ let failed = append(0, s:lazycat_list)
+ 0 "jump back to the top
+if !exists(":SolarizedOptions")
+ command SolarizedOptions :call s:SolarizedOptions()
+function! SolarizedMenu()
+ if exists("g:loaded_solarized_menu")
+ try
+ silent! aunmenu Solarized
+ endtry
+ endif
+ let g:loaded_solarized_menu = 1
+ if g:colors_name == "solarized" && g:solarized_menu != 0
+ amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Low\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="low" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Normal\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="normal" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&High\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="high" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ an &Solarized.&Contrast.-sep- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Help:\ Contrast :help 'solarized_contrast'<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Low\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="low" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Normal\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="normal" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&High\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="high" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ an &Solarized.&Visibility.-sep- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Help:\ Visibility :help 'solarized_visibility'<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Toggle\ Background :ToggleBG<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Dark\ Background :set background=dark \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Light\ Background :set background=light \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ an &Solarized.&Background.-sep- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Help:\ ToggleBG :help togglebg<CR>
+ if g:solarized_bold==0 | let l:boldswitch="On" | else | let l:boldswitch="Off" | endif
+ exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Bold\\ ".l:boldswitch." :let g:solarized_bold=(abs(g:solarized_bold-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized<CR>"
+ if g:solarized_italic==0 | let l:italicswitch="On" | else | let l:italicswitch="Off" | endif
+ exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Italic\\ ".l:italicswitch." :let g:solarized_italic=(abs(g:solarized_italic-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized<CR>"
+ if g:solarized_underline==0 | let l:underlineswitch="On" | else | let l:underlineswitch="Off" | endif
+ exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Underline\\ ".l:underlineswitch." :let g:solarized_underline=(abs(g:solarized_underline-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized<CR>"
+ amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&Low\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="low" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&Normal\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="normal" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&High\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="high" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ if g:solarized_hitrail==0 | let l:hitrailswitch="On" | else | let l:hitrailswitch="Off" | endif
+ exe "amenu &Solarized.&Experimental.&Turn\\ Highlight\\ Trailing\\ Spaces\\ ".l:hitrailswitch." :let g:solarized_hitrail=(abs(g:solarized_hitrail-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized<CR>"
+ an &Solarized.&Experimental.-sep- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Experimental.&Help:\ HiTrail :help 'solarized_hitrail'<CR>
+ an &Solarized.-sep1- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Autogenerate\ options :SolarizedOptions<CR>
+ an &Solarized.-sep2- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Solarized\ Help :help solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Toggle\ Background\ Help :help togglebg<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Removing\ This\ Menu :help solarized-menu<CR>
+ an 9999.77 &Help.&Solarized\ Colorscheme :help solarized<CR>
+ an 9999.78 &Help.&Toggle\ Background :help togglebg<CR>
+ an 9999.79 &Help.-sep3- <Nop>
+ endif
+autocmd ColorScheme * if g:colors_name != "solarized" | silent! aunmenu Solarized | else | call SolarizedMenu() | endif
+" License "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Copyright (c) 2011 Ethan Schoonover
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+" in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+" to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+" copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldlevel=0
diff --git a/Editor/vim/compiler/tex.vim b/Editor/vim/compiler/tex.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..96de836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/compiler/tex.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/compiler/tex.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/doc/DrawIt.txt b/Editor/vim/doc/DrawIt.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e72f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/doc/DrawIt.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+DrawIt.txt* The DrawIt Tool Nov 25, 2013
+Authors: Charles E. Campbell <NdrchipO@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
+ Sylvain Viart <molo@multimania.com>
+ (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
+Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Charles E. Campbell
+ Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
+ with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
+ notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
+ DrawIt.vim and DrawItPlugin.vim are provided *as is*; it comes
+ with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. By
+ using this plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
+ holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this
+ software.
+1. Contents *drawit-contents* {{{1
+ 1. Contents......................: |drawit-contents|
+ 2. DrawIt Manual.................: |drawit|
+ 3. DrawIt Usage..................: |drawit-usage|
+ Starting....................: |drawit-start|
+ Stopping....................: |drawit-stop|
+ User Map Protection.........: |drawit-protect|
+ Drawing.....................: |drawit-drawing|
+ Tip.........................: |drawit-tip|
+ Changing Drawing Characters.: |drawit-setdrawit|
+ Moving......................: |drawit-moving|
+ Erasing.....................: |drawit-erase|
+ Example.....................: |drawit-example|
+ Visual Block Mode...........: |drawit-visblock|
+ Brushes.....................: |drawit-brush|
+ DrawIt Modes................: |drawit-modes|
+ 4. DrawIt History................: |drawit-history|
+2. DrawIt Manual *drawit* {{{1
+ *drawit-manual*
+ /===============+============================================================\
+ || Starting & | ||
+ || Stopping | Explanation ||
+ ++--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || \di | start DrawIt |drawit-start| ||
+ || \ds | stop DrawIt |drawit-stop| ||
+ || :DIstart | start DrawIt |drawit-start| ||
+ || :DIstart S | start DrawIt in single-bar mode |drawit-start| ||
+ || :DIstart D | start DrawIt in double-bar mode |drawit-start| ||
+ || :DIsngl | start DrawIt in single-bar mode |drawit-start| |drawit-sngl| ||
+ || :DIdbl | start DrawIt in double-bar mode |drawit-start| |drawit-dbl| ||
+ || :DIstop | stop DrawIt |drawit-stop| ||
+ || :DrawIt[!] | start/stop DrawIt |drawit-start| |drawit-stop| ||
+ || | ||
+ ++==============+===========================================================++
+ || Maps | Explanation ||
+ ++--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || | The DrawIt routines use a replace, move, and ||
+ || | replace/insert strategy. The package also lets one insert||
+ || | spaces, draw arrows by using the following characters or ||
+ || | keypad characters: ||
+ || +-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || <left> | move and draw left |drawit-drawing| ||
+ || <right> | move and draw right, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <up> | move and draw up, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <down> | move and draw down, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <s-left> | move cursor left |drawit-move| ||
+ || <s-right> | move cursor right, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <s-up> | move cursor up, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <s-down> | move cursor down, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <space> | toggle into and out of erase mode ||
+ || > | insert a > and move right (draw -> arrow) ||
+ || < | insert a < and move left (draw <- arrow) ||
+ || ^ | insert a ^ and move up (draw ^ arrow) ||
+ || v | insert a v and move down (draw v arrow) ||
+ || <pgdn> | replace with a \, move down and right, and insert a \ ||
+ || <end> | replace with a /, move down and left, and insert a / ||
+ || <pgup> | replace with a /, move up and right, and insert a / ||
+ || <home> | replace with a \, move up and left, and insert a \ ||
+ || \> | insert a fat > and move right (draw -> arrow) ||
+ || \< | insert a fat < and move left (draw <- arrow) ||
+ || \^ | insert a fat ^ and move up (draw ^ arrow) ||
+ || \v | insert a fat v and move down (draw v arrow) ||
+ ||<s-leftmouse> | drag and draw with current brush |drawit-brush| ||
+ ||<c-leftmouse> | drag and move current brush |drawit-brush| ||
+ || | ||
+ ||==============+===========================================================++
+ ||Visual Cmds | Explanation ||
+ ||--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || | The drawing mode routines use visual-block mode to ||
+ || | select endpoints for lines, arrows, and ellipses. Bresen- ||
+ || | ham and Bresenham-like algorithms are used for this. ||
+ || | ||
+ || | These routines need a block of spaces, and so the canvas ||
+ || | routine must first be used to create such a block. The ||
+ || | canvas routine will query the user for the number of ||
+ || | lines to hold |'textwidth'| spaces. ||
+ || +-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || \a | draw arrow from corners of visual-block selected region || |drawit-a|
+ || \b | draw box on visual-block selected region || |drawit-b|
+ || \c | the canvas routine (will query user, see above) || |drawit-c|
+ || \e | draw an ellipse on visual-block selected region || |drawit-e|
+ || \f | flood figure with a character (you will be prompted) || |drawit-f|
+ || \l | draw line from corners of visual-block selected region || |drawit-l|
+ || \s | spacer: appends spaces up to the textwidth (default: 78) || |drawit-s|
+ || | ||
+ ++==============+===========================================================++
+ || Function and Explanation ||
+ ++--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || :call SetDrawIt('vertical','horizontal','crossing','\','/','X','*') ||
+ || set drawing characters for motions for moving ||
+ || and for the ellipse drawing boundary |drawit-setdrawit| ||
+ || default motion ||
+ || | up/down, ||
+ || - left/right, ||
+ || + -| crossing, ||
+ || \ downright, ||
+ || / downleft, and ||
+ || X \/ crossing ||
+ ++=======================+==================================================++
+ || Commands | Explanation ||
+ ++-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------++
+ || :SetBrush a-z | sets brush (register) to given register ||
+ || :'<,'>SetBrush a-z | yanks visual block to brush |drawit-brush||| ||
+ || :DInrml | switch to normal mode |drawit-nrml| ||
+ || :DIsngl | switch to single-line mode |drawit-sngl| ||
+ || :DIdbl | switch to double-line mode |drawit-dbl| ||
+ \============================================================================/
+3. DrawIt Usage *drawit-usage* {{{1
+STARTING *drawit-start* {{{2
+\di (starts in normal drawing mode) *drawit-\di*
+:DrawIt (starts in normal drawing mode) *drawit-DrawIt*
+:DIstart (starts in normal drawing mode) *drawit-DIstart*
+:DIstart S (starts in single-bar drawing mode)
+:DIstart D (starts in double-bar drawing mode)
+:DInrml (starts in normal drawing mode) *drawit-DInrml*
+:DIsngl (starts in single-bar drawing mode) *drawit-DIsngl*
+:DIdbl (starts in double-bar drawing mode) *drawit-DIdbl*
+Typically one puts <drawit.vim> into the .vim/plugin directory
+(vimfiles\plugin for Windows) where it becomes always available. It uses a
+minimal interface (\di: you can think of it as *D*raw*I*t or *D*rawIt
+*I*nitialize) to start it and (\ds: *D*rawIt *S*top) to stop it. Instead of
+using "\" you may specify your own preference for a map leader (see
+With a trailing 'S', :DIstart will begin in single-bar mode (see |drawit-sngl|).
+With a trailing 'D', :DIstart will begin in double-bar mode (see |drawit-dbl|).
+Similarly, :DIsngl and :DIdbl will start DrawIt as well as begin in
+single-bar or double-bar mode, respectively.
+A message, "[DrawIt]", will appear on the message line.
+STOPPING *drawit-stop* {{{2
+When you are done with DrawIt, use \ds to stop DrawIt mode. Stopping DrawIt
+will restore your usual options and remove the maps DrawIt set up.
+A message, "[DrawIt off]", will appear on the message line.
+ *drawit-utf16*
+ *drawit-utf8* *drawit-unicode*
+NORMAL, SINGLE BAR, AND DOUBLE BAR MODES *drawit-sngl* *drawit-dbl*
+:DInrml :DIsngl :DIdbl
+One may use these commands to start up Drawit in normal, single-bar, or
+double-bar modes, respectively. When your |'encoding'| is utf-8 or utf-16,
+DrawIt supports drawing with special box characters (single-bar, double_bar).
+These commands are also used to switch to normal, single-bar, or double-bar
+USER MAP PROTECTION *drawit-protect* {{{2
+Starting DrawIt causes it to set up a number of maps which facilitate drawing.
+DrawIt accommodates users with conflicting maps by saving both maps and user
+options and before setting them to what DrawIt needs. When you stop DrawIt
+(|drawit-stop|), DrawIt will restore the user's maps and options as they were
+before DrawIt was started.
+OPTIONS *drawit-options* {{{2
+ *g:drawit_insertmode*
+g:drawit_insertmode : if this variable exists and is 1 then maps are
+ made which make cursor-control drawing available
+ while in insert mode, too. Otherwise, DrawIt's
+ maps only affect normal mode.
+DRAWING *drawit-drawing* {{{2
+After DrawIt is started, use the number pad or arrow keys to move the cursor
+about. As the cursor moves, DrawIt will then leave appropriate "line"
+characters behind as you move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and
+will transparently enlarge your file to accommodate your drawing as needed.
+The trail will consist of -, |, \, / characters (depending on which direction
+and SetDrawIt() changes), and + and X characters where line crossings occur.
+You may use h-j-k-l to move about your display and generally use editing
+commands as you wish even while in DrawIt mode.
+Another tool that may be used to convert Ascii-art into nice pictures is
+available at https://github.com/christiangoltz/shaape .
+CHANGING DRAWING CHARACTERS *drawit-setdrawit* {{{2
+The SetDrawIt() function is available for those who wish to change the
+characters that DrawIt uses. >
+ ex. :call SetDrawIt('*','*','*','*','*','*','*')
+ ex. :call SetDrawIt('-','|','-','\','/','/','*')
+The first example shows how to change all the DrawIt drawing characters to
+asterisks, and the second shows how to give crossing priority to - and /.
+The default setting is equivalent to: >
+ :call SetDrawIt('|','-','+','\','/','X','*')
+where SetDrawit()'s arguments refer, in order, to the >
+ vertical drawing character
+ horizontal drawing character
+ horizontal/vertical crossing drawing character
+ down right drawing character
+ down left drawing character
+ diagonal crossing drawing character
+ ellipse boundary drawing character
+TIP *drawit-tip*
+I have found that sometimes one or more of the <home>, <end>, <pageup>,
+and <pagedown> keys give unique sequences but are not interpreted
+properly by Vim. This problem impacts DrawIt as it uses those four
+keys to signify diagonal moves/drawing. One solution I use is to
+put into my <.vimrc> file mapings like:
+ map ^V... <home>
+where the ellipsis (...) is the actual character sequence produced by
+hitting the key. The way to generate such maps is to type "map ",
+followed by three control-v presses, press the associated key, then
+a space followed by the proper interpretation sequence (ie. <home>).
+MOVING *drawit-move* *drawit-moving* {{{2
+DrawIt supports shifting the arrow keys to cause motion of the cursor. The
+motion of the cursor will not modify what's below the cursor. The cursor
+will move and lines and/or spaces will be inserted to support the move as
+required. Your terminal may not support shifted arrow keys, however, or Vim
+may not catch them as such. For example, on the machine I use, shift-up
+(<s-up>) produced <Esc>[161q, but vim didn't know that sequence was a <s-up>.
+I merely made a nmap:
+ nmap <Esc>[161q <s-up>
+and vim thereafter recognized the <s-up> command.
+ERASING *drawit-erase* {{{2
+The <space> key will toggle DrawIt's erase mode/DrawIt mode. When in [DrawIt
+erase] mode, a message "[DrawIt erase]" will appear and the number pad will
+now cause spaces to be drawn instead of the usual drawing characters. The
+drawing behavior will be restored when the <space> key toggles DrawIt back
+to regular DrawIt mode.
+EXAMPLES *drawit-example* {{{2
+Needless to say, the square spirals which follow were done with DrawIt and
+a bit of block editing with Vim: >
+ +------------ -----------+ +------------ -----------+ +------------
+ |+----------+ +---------+| |+----------+ +---------+| |+----------+
+ ||+--------+| |+-------+|| ||+--------+| |+-------+|| ||+--------+|
+ |||-------+|| ||+------||| |||-------+|| ||+------||| |||-------+||
+ ||+-------+|| ||+------+|| ||+-------+|| ||+------+|| ||+-------+||
+ |+---------+| |+--------+| |+---------+| |+--------+| |+---------+|
+ +-----------+ +----------+ +-----------+ +----------+ +-----------+
+\a : draw arrow from corners of visual-block selected region *drawit-a*
+\b : draw box on visual-block selected region *drawit-b*
+\c : the canvas routine (will query user, see above) *drawit-c*
+\e : draw an ellipse on visual-block selected region *drawit-e*
+\f : flood figure with a character (you will be prompted) *drawit-f*
+\l : draw line from corners of visual-block selected region *drawit-l*
+\s : spacer: appends spaces up to the textwidth (default: 78) *drawit-s*
+The DrawIt package has been merged with Sylvain Viart's drawing package (by
+permission) which provides DrawIt with visual-block selection of
+starting/ending point drawing of arrows (\a), lines (\l), and boxes (\b).
+Additionally I wrote an ellipse drawing function using visual block
+specification (|drawit-e|).
+One may create a block of spaces for these maps to operate in; the "canvas"
+routine (\c) will help create such blocks. First, the s:Canvas() routine will
+query the user for the number of lines s/he wishes to have, and will then fill
+those lines with spaces out to the |'textwidth'| if user has specified it;
+otherwise, the display width will be used.
+Although most of the maps use visual-block selection, that isn't true of the
+\f map. Instead, it assume that you have already drawn some closed figure
+and want to fill it with some character.
+The Sylvain Viart functions and the ellipse drawing function depend
+upon using visual block mode. As a typical use: >
+ Example: * \h
+ DrawIt asks: how many lines under the cursor? 10
+ DrawIt then appends 10 lines filled with blanks
+ out to textwidth (if defined) or 78 columns.
+ * ctrl-v (move) \b
+ DrawIt then draws a box
+ * ctrl-v (move) \e
+ DrawIt then draws an ellipse
+Select the first endpoint with ctrl-v and then move to the other endpoint.
+One may then select \a for arrows, \b for boxes, \e for ellipses, or \l for
+lines. The internal s:AutoCanvas() will convert tabs to spaces and will
+extend with spaces as needed to support the visual block. Note that when
+DrawIt is enabled, virtualedit is also enabled (to "all").
+ Examples:
+ __ _ *************** +-------+
+ \_ _/ **** **** | |
+ \_ _/ ** ---------> ** | |
+ \_ _/ **** **** | |
+ \__/ <------- *************** +-------+
+ \l \a \e and \a \b
+ *drawit-setbrush*
+BRUSHES *drawit-brush* {{{2
+ :SetBrush [a-z]
+ Set the current brush to the selected brush register:
+ ex. :SetBrush b
+ :'<,'>SetBrush [a-z]
+ Select text for the brush by using visual-block mode: ctrl-v, move .
+ Then set the current text into the brush register: (default brush: a)
+ <leftmouse>
+ Select a visual-block region. One may use "ay, for example,
+ to yank selected text to register a.
+ <shift-leftmouse>
+ One may drag and draw with the current brush (default brush: a)
+ by holding down the shift key and the leftmouse button and moving
+ the mouse. Blanks in the brush are considered to be transparent.
+ <ctrl-leftmouse>
+ One may drag and move a selection with <ctrl-leftmouse>. First,
+ select the region using the <leftmouse>. Release the mouse button,
+ then press ctrl and the <leftmouse> button; while continuing to press
+ the button, move the mouse. The selected block of text will then
+ move along with the cursor.
+ \ra ... \rz
+ Replace text with the given register's contents (ie. the brush).
+ \pa ... \pz
+ Like \ra ... \rz, except that blanks are considered to be transparent.
+ Example: Draw the following >
+ \ \
+ o o
+ *
+ ---
+< Then use ctrl-v, move, "ay to grab a copy into register a.
+ By default, the current brush uses register a (change brush
+ with :SetBrush [reg]). Hold the <shift> and <leftbutton>
+ keys down and move the mouse; as you move, a copy of the
+ brush will be left behind.
+DRAWIT MODES *drawit-modes* {{{2
+ -[DrawIt] regular DrawIt mode (|drawit-start|)
+ -[DrawIt off] DrawIt is off (|drawit-stop| )
+ -[DrawIt erase] DrawIt will erase using the number pad (|drawit-erase|)
+ g:DrChipTopLvlMenu: by default its "DrChip"; you may set this to whatever
+ you like in your <.vimrc>. This variable controls where
+ DrawIt's menu items are placed.
+4. History *drawit-history* {{{1
+ 13 Sep 05, 2013 * improved s:Strlen() -- now uses |strdisplaywidth()|
+ if available.
+ Sep 13, 2013 * (Paul Wagland) found a case where lines were
+ being drawn with the wrong character. This
+ affected the Bresenham-algorithm based
+ drawing facility (ie. lines and arrows
+ specified by visual blocks;
+ |drawit-a|, |drawit-l|).
+ 12 Nov 16, 2012 * (Alexandre Viau) arrows weren't being drawn.
+ Fixed.
+ Nov 29, 2012 * (Kim Jang-hwan) reported that with
+ g:Align_xstrlen set to 3 that the cursor was
+ moved (linewise) after invocation. This
+ problem also afflicted DrawIt. Fixed.
+ 11 Jan 21, 2010 * (Evan Stern) several places were using
+ hardcoded drawing characters instead of
+ b:di_... equivalents.
+ Feb 22, 2011 * for menus, &go =~# used to insure correct case
+ Sep 22, 2011 * ctrl-leftmouse (see |drawit-brush|) now moves the
+ selected text entirely, no longer leaving a copy
+ of the text where it was initially.
+ Nov 07, 2011 * included support for utf-8 box drawing characters
+ Nov 16, 2011 * included support for utf-8 single-double characters
+ Nov 16, 2011 * included support for cp437 box drawing characters
+ Dec 06, 2011 * included support for box and line drawing (\b, \l)
+ support for utf-8 / cp437 box drawing characters
+ Dec 06, 2011 * fat arrows now use utf-8 characters when available
+ Jan 30, 2012 * \f supported when using utf-8/cp437 box drawing
+ characters as boundary characters
+ 10 Jun 12, 2008 * Fixed a bug with ctrl-leftmouse (which was leaving
+ a space in the original selected text)
+ Mar 24, 2009 * :DrawIt starts, :DrawIt! stops DrawIt mode.
+ Mar 24, 2009 * I've included <script> modifiers to the maps to
+ cause rhs remapping only with mappings local to
+ the script (see |:map-script|)
+ 9 Sep 14, 2007 * Johann-Guenter Simon fixed a bug with s:DrawErase();
+ it called SetDrawIt() and that call hadn't been
+ updated to account for the new b:di_ellipse
+ parameter.
+ 8 Feb 12, 2007 * fixed a bug which prevented multi-character user
+ maps from being restored properly
+ May 03, 2007 * Extended SetDrawIt() to handle b:di_ellipse, the
+ ellipse boundary drawing character
+ * Changed "Holer" to "Canvas", and wrote AutoCanvas(),
+ which allows one to use the visual-block drawing
+ maps without creating a canvas first.
+ * DrawIt implements using the ctrl-leftmouse to move
+ a visual-block selected region.
+ * Floods can now be done inside an ellipse
+ * DrawIt's maps are now all users of <buffer>
+ 7 Feb 16, 2005 * now checks that "m" is in &go before attempting to
+ use menus
+ Aug 17, 2005 * report option workaround
+ Nov 01, 2005 * converted DrawIt to use autoload feature of vim 7.0
+ Dec 28, 2005 * now uses cecutil to save/restore user maps
+ Jan 18, 2006 * cecutil now updated to use keepjumps
+ Jan 23, 2006 * :DIstart and :DIstop commands provided; thus users
+ using "set noremap" can still use DrawIt.
+ Jan 26, 2006 * DrawIt menu entry now keeps its place
+ Apr 10, 2006 * Brushes were implemented
+ 6 Feb 24, 2003 * The latest DrawIt now provides a fill function.
+ \f will ask for a character to fill the figure
+ surrounding the current cursor location. Plus
+ I suggest reading :he drawit-tip for those whose
+ home/pageup/pagedown/end keys aren't all working
+ properly with DrawIt.
+ 08/18/03 * \p[a-z] and \r[a-z] implemented
+ 08/04/03 * b:..keep variables renamed to b:di_..keep variables
+ StopDrawIt() now insures that erase mode is off
+ 03/11/03 * included g:drawit_insertmode handling
+ 02/21/03 * included flood function
+ 12/11/02 * deletes trailing whitespace only if holer used
+ 8/27/02 * fat arrowheads included
+ * shift-arrow keys move but don't modify
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Editor/vim/doc/imaps.txt.gz b/Editor/vim/doc/imaps.txt.gz
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/doc/imaps.txt.gz \ No newline at end of file
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+/usr/share/vim/addons/doc/latex-suite-quickstart.txt.gz \ No newline at end of file
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+/usr/share/vim/addons/doc/latex-suite.txt.gz \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30a642a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/doc/surround.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+*surround.txt* Plugin for deleting, changing, and adding "surroundings"
+Author: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
+License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
+This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
+INTRODUCTION *surround*
+This plugin is a tool for dealing with pairs of "surroundings." Examples
+of surroundings include parentheses, quotes, and HTML tags. They are
+closely related to what Vim refers to as |text-objects|. Provided
+are mappings to allow for removing, changing, and adding surroundings.
+Details follow on the exact semantics, but first, consider the following
+examples. An asterisk (*) is used to denote the cursor position.
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ "Hello *world!" ds" Hello world!
+ [123+4*56]/2 cs]) (123+456)/2
+ "Look ma, I'm *HTML!" cs"<q> <q>Look ma, I'm HTML!</q>
+ if *x>3 { ysW( if ( x>3 ) {
+ my $str = *whee!; vllllS' my $str = 'whee!';
+While a few features of this plugin will work in older versions of Vim,
+Vim 7 is recommended for full functionality.
+MAPPINGS *surround-mappings*
+Delete surroundings is *ds* . The next character given determines the target
+to delete. The exact nature of the target is explained in |surround-targets|
+but essentially it is the last character of a |text-object|. This mapping
+deletes the difference between the "i"nner object and "a"n object. This is
+easiest to understand with some examples:
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ "Hello *world!" ds" Hello world!
+ (123+4*56)/2 ds) 123+456/2
+ <div>Yo!*</div> dst Yo!
+Change surroundings is *cs* . It takes two arguments, a target like with
+|ds|, and a replacement. Details about the second argument can be found
+below in |surround-replacements|. Once again, examples are in order.
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ "Hello *world!" cs"' 'Hello world!'
+ "Hello *world!" cs"<q> <q>Hello world!</q>
+ (123+4*56)/2 cs)] [123+456]/2
+ (123+4*56)/2 cs)[ [ 123+456 ]/2
+ <div>Yo!*</div> cst<p> <p>Yo!</p>
+*ys* takes a valid Vim motion or text object as the first object, and wraps
+it using the second argument as with |cs|. (It's a stretch, but a good
+mnemonic for "ys" is "you surround".)
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ Hello w*orld! ysiw) Hello (world)!
+As a special case, *yss* operates on the current line, ignoring leading
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ Hello w*orld! yssB {Hello world!}
+There is also *yS* and *ySS* which indent the surrounded text and place it
+on a line of its own.
+In visual mode, a simple "S" with an argument wraps the selection. This is
+referred to as the *vS* mapping, although ordinarily there will be
+additional keystrokes between the v and S. In linewise visual mode, the
+surroundings are placed on separate lines and indented. In blockwise visual
+mode, each line is surrounded.
+A "gS" in visual mode, known as *vgS* , behaves similarly. In linewise visual
+mode, the automatic indenting is suppressed. In blockwise visual mode, this
+enables surrounding past the end of the line with 'virtualedit' set (there
+seems to be no way in Vim Script to differentiate between a jagged end of line
+selection and a virtual block selected past the end of the line, so two maps
+were needed).
+ *i_CTRL-G_s* *i_CTRL-G_S*
+Finally, there is an experimental insert mode mapping on <C-G>s and <C-S>.
+Beware that the latter won't work on terminals with flow control (if you
+accidentally freeze your terminal, use <C-Q> to unfreeze it). The mapping
+inserts the specified surroundings and puts the cursor between them. If,
+immediately after the mapping and before the replacement, a second <C-S> or
+carriage return is pressed, the prefix, cursor, and suffix will be placed on
+three separate lines. <C-G>S (not <C-G>s) also exhibits this behavior.
+TARGETS *surround-targets*
+The |ds| and |cs| commands both take a target as their first argument. The
+possible targets are based closely on the |text-objects| provided by Vim.
+All targets are currently just one character.
+Eight punctuation marks, (, ), {, }, [, ], <, and >, represent themselves
+and their counterparts. If the opening mark is used, contained whitespace is
+also trimmed. The targets b, B, r, and a are aliases for ), }, ], and >
+(the first two mirror Vim; the second two are completely arbitrary and
+subject to change).
+Three quote marks, ', ", `, represent themselves, in pairs. They are only
+searched for on the current line.
+A t is a pair of HTML or XML tags. See |tag-blocks| for details. Remember
+that you can specify a numerical argument if you want to get to a tag other
+than the innermost one.
+The letters w, W, and s correspond to a |word|, a |WORD|, and a |sentence|,
+respectively. These are special in that they have nothing to delete, and
+used with |ds| they are a no-op. With |cs|, one could consider them a
+slight shortcut for ysi (cswb == ysiwb, more or less).
+A p represents a |paragraph|. This behaves similarly to w, W, and s above;
+however, newlines are sometimes added and/or removed.
+REPLACEMENTS *surround-replacements*
+A replacement argument is a single character, and is required by |cs|, |ys|,
+and |vS|. Undefined replacement characters (with the exception of alphabetic
+characters) default to placing themselves at the beginning and end of the
+destination, which can be useful for characters like / and |.
+If either ), }, ], or > is used, the text is wrapped in the appropriate pair
+of characters. Similar behavior can be found with (, {, and [ (but not <),
+which append an additional space to the inside. Like with the targets above,
+b, B, r, and a are aliases for ), }, ], and >. To fulfill the common need for
+code blocks in C-style languages, <C-}> (which is really <C-]>) adds braces on
+lines separate from the content.
+If t or < is used, Vim prompts for an HTML/XML tag to insert. You may specify
+attributes here and they will be stripped from the closing tag. End your
+input by pressing <CR> or >. If <C-T> is used, the tags will appear on lines
+by themselves.
+If s is used, a leading but not trailing space is added. This is useful for
+removing parentheses from a function call with csbs.
+CUSTOMIZING *surround-customizing*
+The following adds a potential replacement on "-" (ASCII 45) in PHP files.
+(To determine the ASCII code to use, :echo char2nr("-")). The carriage
+return will be replaced by the original text.
+ autocmd FileType php let b:surround_45 = "<?php \r ?>"
+This can be used in a PHP file as in the following example.
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ print "Hello *world!" yss- <?php print "Hello world!" ?>
+Additionally, one can use a global variable for globally available
+ let g:surround_45 = "<% \r %>"
+ let g:surround_61 = "<%= \r %>"
+Advanced, experimental, and subject to change: One can also prompt for
+replacement text. The syntax for this is to surround the replacement in pairs
+of low numbered control characters. If this sounds confusing, that's because
+it is (but it makes the parsing easy). Consider the following example for a
+LaTeX environment on the "l" replacement.
+ let g:surround_108 = "\\begin{\1environment: \1}\r\\end{\1\1}"
+When this replacement is used, the user is prompted with an "environment: "
+prompt for input. This input is inserted between each set of \1's.
+Additional inputs up to \7 can be used.
+Furthermore, one can specify a regular expression substitution to apply.
+ let g:surround_108 = "\\begin{\1environment: \1}\r\\end{\1\r}.*\r\1}"
+This will remove anything after the first } in the input when the text is
+placed within the \end{} slot. The first \r marks where the pattern begins,
+and the second where the replacement text begins.
+Here's a second example for creating an HTML <div>. The substitution cleverly
+prompts for an id, but only adds id="" if it is non-blank. You may have to
+read this one a few times slowly before you understand it.
+ let g:surround_{char2nr("d")} = "<div\1id: \r..*\r id=\"&\"\1>\r</div>"
+Inputting text replacements is a proof of concept at this point. The ugly,
+unintuitive interface and the brevity of the documentation reflect this.
+Finally, It is possible to always append a string to surroundings in insert
+mode (and only insert mode). This is useful with certain plugins and mappings
+that allow you to jump to such markings.
+ let g:surround_insert_tail = "<++>"
+ISSUES *surround-issues*
+Vim could potentially get confused when deleting/changing occurs at the very
+end of the line. Please report any repeatable instances of this.
+Do we need to use |inputsave()|/|inputrestore()| with the tag replacement?
+Indenting is handled haphazardly. Need to decide the most appropriate
+behavior and implement it. Right now one can do :let b:surround_indent = 1
+(or the global equivalent) to enable automatic re-indenting by Vim via |=|;
+should this be the default?
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
diff --git a/Editor/vim/doc/tags b/Editor/vim/doc/tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54ecdda
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+++ b/Editor/vim/doc/tags
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+cs surround.txt /*cs*
+drawit DrawIt.txt /*drawit*
+drawit-DIdbl DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DIdbl*
+drawit-DInrml DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DInrml*
+drawit-DIsngl DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DIsngl*
+drawit-DIstart DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DIstart*
+drawit-DrawIt DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DrawIt*
+drawit-\di DrawIt.txt /*drawit-\\di*
+drawit-a DrawIt.txt /*drawit-a*
+drawit-b DrawIt.txt /*drawit-b*
+drawit-brush DrawIt.txt /*drawit-brush*
+drawit-c DrawIt.txt /*drawit-c*
+drawit-contents DrawIt.txt /*drawit-contents*
+drawit-dbl DrawIt.txt /*drawit-dbl*
+drawit-drawing DrawIt.txt /*drawit-drawing*
+drawit-e DrawIt.txt /*drawit-e*
+drawit-erase DrawIt.txt /*drawit-erase*
+drawit-example DrawIt.txt /*drawit-example*
+drawit-f DrawIt.txt /*drawit-f*
+drawit-history DrawIt.txt /*drawit-history*
+drawit-l DrawIt.txt /*drawit-l*
+drawit-manual DrawIt.txt /*drawit-manual*
+drawit-modes DrawIt.txt /*drawit-modes*
+drawit-move DrawIt.txt /*drawit-move*
+drawit-moving DrawIt.txt /*drawit-moving*
+drawit-options DrawIt.txt /*drawit-options*
+drawit-protect DrawIt.txt /*drawit-protect*
+drawit-s DrawIt.txt /*drawit-s*
+drawit-setbrush DrawIt.txt /*drawit-setbrush*
+drawit-setdrawit DrawIt.txt /*drawit-setdrawit*
+drawit-sngl DrawIt.txt /*drawit-sngl*
+drawit-start DrawIt.txt /*drawit-start*
+drawit-stop DrawIt.txt /*drawit-stop*
+drawit-tip DrawIt.txt /*drawit-tip*
+drawit-unicode DrawIt.txt /*drawit-unicode*
+drawit-usage DrawIt.txt /*drawit-usage*
+drawit-utf16 DrawIt.txt /*drawit-utf16*
+drawit-utf8 DrawIt.txt /*drawit-utf8*
+drawit-visblock DrawIt.txt /*drawit-visblock*
+ds surround.txt /*ds*
+g:drawit_insertmode DrawIt.txt /*g:drawit_insertmode*
+i_CTRL-G_S surround.txt /*i_CTRL-G_S*
+i_CTRL-G_s surround.txt /*i_CTRL-G_s*
+surround surround.txt /*surround*
+surround-customizing surround.txt /*surround-customizing*
+surround-issues surround.txt /*surround-issues*
+surround-mappings surround.txt /*surround-mappings*
+surround-replacements surround.txt /*surround-replacements*
+surround-targets surround.txt /*surround-targets*
+surround.txt surround.txt /*surround.txt*
+vS surround.txt /*vS*
+vgS surround.txt /*vgS*
+yS surround.txt /*yS*
+ySS surround.txt /*ySS*
+ys surround.txt /*ys*
+yss surround.txt /*yss*
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..357aa24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/filetype.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+augroup filetypedetect
+ " Mail
+ autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *mutt-* setfiletype mail
+augroup END
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+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.py \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.pyc
Binary files differ
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new file mode 120000
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+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/brackets.vim \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/custommacros.vim \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/diacritics.vim \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 120000
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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index 0000000..311e7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/parallel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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index 0000000..4184d23
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 120000
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/schedule
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/times
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/tipa b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/tipa
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..8bf48c9
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ulem b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ulem
new file mode 120000
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ulem
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/url b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/url
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+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/url
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/verbatim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/verbatim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..a1abb9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/verbatim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/verbatim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/version b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/version
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..8c53044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/version
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/version \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/projecttemplate.vim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/projecttemplate.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..fdb6b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/projecttemplate.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/projecttemplate.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/pytools.py b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/pytools.py
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5c3d8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/pytools.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/pytools.py \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/smartspace.vim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/smartspace.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..a772f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/smartspace.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/smartspace.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates.vim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..8dcadde
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+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/IEEEtran.tex b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/IEEEtran.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..459ad65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/IEEEtran.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/IEEEtran.tex \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/article.tex b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/article.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..adc3398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/article.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/article.tex \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report.tex b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..980639e
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report.tex \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report_two_column.tex b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report_two_column.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..e95ddfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report_two_column.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report_two_column.tex \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..337c158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texproject.vim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texproject.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..9254715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texproject.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/texproject.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ebf927b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
index 0000000..e7c2963
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/version.vim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/version.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..53adfe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/version.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/version.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/wizardfuncs.vim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/wizardfuncs.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f32b74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/wizardfuncs.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/wizardfuncs.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/ftplugin/tex_latexSuite.vim b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/tex_latexSuite.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..e0a3109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/ftplugin/tex_latexSuite.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/tex_latexSuite.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/indent/tex.vim b/Editor/vim/indent/tex.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..551e3a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/indent/tex.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/indent/tex.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/plugin/DrawItPlugin.vim b/Editor/vim/plugin/DrawItPlugin.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84333ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/plugin/DrawItPlugin.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+" DrawItPlugin.vim: a simple way to draw things in Vim -- just put this file in
+" your plugin directory, use \di to start (\ds to stop), and
+" just move about using the cursor keys.
+" You may also use visual-block mode to select endpoints and
+" draw lines, arrows, and ellipses.
+" Date: Nov 28, 2012
+" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
+" Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Charles E. Campbell {{{1
+" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
+" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
+" notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
+" DrawIt.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty
+" of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this
+" plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
+" holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
+" of this software.
+" Required: this script requires Vim 7.0 (or later) {{{1
+" To Enable: simply put this plugin into your ~/.vim/plugin directory {{{2
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 40 1 :AutoInstall: DrawIt.vim
+" (Zeph 3:1,2 WEB) Woe to her who is rebellious and polluted, the {{{1
+" oppressing city! She didn't obey the voice. She didn't receive
+" correction. She didn't trust in Yahweh. She didn't draw near to her God.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load Once: {{{1
+if &cp || exists("g:loaded_DrawItPlugin")
+ finish
+let g:loaded_DrawItPlugin = "v13"
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Public Interface: {{{1
+" commands:
+com! -nargs=0 -bang DrawIt set lz|if <bang>0|call DrawIt#DrawItStop()|else|call DrawIt#DrawItStart()|endif|set nolz
+com! -nargs=? DIstart set lz|call DrawIt#DrawItStart(<q-args>)|set nolz
+com! -nargs=0 DIstop set lz|call DrawIt#DrawItStop()|set nolz
+" commands: available only when not pre-defined
+sil! com -nargs=0 DInrml call DrawIt#SetMode('N')
+sil! com -nargs=0 DIsngl call DrawIt#SetMode('S')
+sil! com -nargs=0 DIdbl call DrawIt#SetMode('D')
+" maps: users may override these maps by defining their own mappings in their .vimrc
+" to <Plug>DrawItStart and/or <Plug>DrawItStop. By default:
+" \di : start DrawIt
+" \ds : stop DrawIt
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>DrawItStart')
+ map <unique> <Leader>di <Plug>DrawItStart
+noremap <silent> <Plug>DrawItStart :set lz<cr>:call DrawIt#DrawItStart()<cr>:set nolz<cr>
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>DrawItStop')
+ map <unique> <Leader>ds <Plug>DrawItStop
+noremap <silent> <Plug>DrawItStop :set lz<cr>:call DrawIt#DrawItStop()<cr>:set nolz<cr>
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" DrChip Menu Support: {{{1
+if has("gui_running") && has("menu") && &go =~# 'm'
+ if !exists("g:DrChipTopLvlMenu")
+ let g:DrChipTopLvlMenu= "DrChip."
+ endif
+ exe 'menu '.g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.'DrawIt.Start\ DrawIt<tab>\\di <Leader>di'
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Cleanup And Modelines:
+" vim: fdm=marker
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
diff --git a/Editor/vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim b/Editor/vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6368bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/plugin/cecutil.vim b/Editor/vim/plugin/cecutil.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b720044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/plugin/cecutil.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+" cecutil.vim : save/restore window position
+" save/restore mark position
+" save/restore selected user maps
+" Author: Charles E. Campbell
+" Version: 18i NOT RELEASED
+" Date: Oct 21, 2013
+" Saving Restoring Destroying Marks: {{{1
+" call SaveMark(markname) let savemark= SaveMark(markname)
+" call RestoreMark(markname) call RestoreMark(savemark)
+" call DestroyMark(markname)
+" commands: SM RM DM
+" Saving Restoring Destroying Window Position: {{{1
+" call SaveWinPosn() let winposn= SaveWinPosn()
+" call RestoreWinPosn() call RestoreWinPosn(winposn)
+" \swp : save current window/buffer's position
+" \rwp : restore current window/buffer's previous position
+" commands: SWP RWP
+" Saving And Restoring User Maps: {{{1
+" call SaveUserMaps(mapmode,maplead,mapchx,suffix)
+" call RestoreUserMaps(suffix)
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1066 1 :AutoInstall: cecutil.vim
+" You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also {{{1
+" believe, and shudder. But do you want to know, vain man, that
+" faith apart from works is dead? (James 2:19,20 WEB)
+"redraw!|call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load Once: {{{1
+if &cp || exists("g:loaded_cecutil")
+ finish
+let g:loaded_cecutil = "v18h"
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" =======================
+" Public Interface: {{{1
+" =======================
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Map Interface: {{{2
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>SaveWinPosn')
+ map <unique> <Leader>swp <Plug>SaveWinPosn
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>RestoreWinPosn')
+ map <unique> <Leader>rwp <Plug>RestoreWinPosn
+nmap <silent> <Plug>SaveWinPosn :call SaveWinPosn()<CR>
+nmap <silent> <Plug>RestoreWinPosn :call RestoreWinPosn()<CR>
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Command Interface: {{{2
+com! -bar -nargs=0 SWP call SaveWinPosn()
+com! -bar -nargs=? RWP call RestoreWinPosn(<args>)
+com! -bar -nargs=1 SM call SaveMark(<q-args>)
+com! -bar -nargs=1 RM call RestoreMark(<q-args>)
+com! -bar -nargs=1 DM call DestroyMark(<q-args>)
+com! -bar -nargs=1 WLR call s:WinLineRestore(<q-args>)
+if v:version < 630
+ let s:modifier= "sil! "
+ let s:modifier= "sil! keepj "
+" ===============
+" Functions: {{{1
+" ===============
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" SaveWinPosn: {{{2
+" let winposn= SaveWinPosn() will save window position in winposn variable
+" call SaveWinPosn() will save window position in b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}
+" let winposn= SaveWinPosn(0) will *only* save window position in winposn variable (no stacking done)
+fun! SaveWinPosn(...)
+" echomsg "Decho: SaveWinPosn() a:0=".a:0
+ if line("$") == 1 && getline(1) == ""
+" echomsg "Decho: SaveWinPosn : empty buffer"
+ return ""
+ endif
+ let so_keep = &l:so
+ let siso_keep = &siso
+ let ss_keep = &l:ss
+ setlocal so=0 siso=0 ss=0
+ let swline = line(".") " save-window line in file
+ let swcol = col(".") " save-window column in file
+ if swcol >= col("$")
+ let swcol= swcol + virtcol(".") - virtcol("$") " adjust for virtual edit (cursor past end-of-line)
+ endif
+ let swwline = winline() - 1 " save-window window line
+ let swwcol = virtcol(".") - wincol() " save-window window column
+ let savedposn = ""
+" echomsg "Decho: sw[".swline.",".swcol."] sww[".swwline.",".swwcol."]"
+ let savedposn = "call GoWinbufnr(".winbufnr(0).")"
+ let savedposn = savedposn."|".s:modifier.swline
+ let savedposn = savedposn."|".s:modifier."norm! 0z\<cr>"
+ if swwline > 0
+ let savedposn= savedposn.":".s:modifier."call s:WinLineRestore(".(swwline+1).")\<cr>"
+ endif
+ if swwcol > 0
+ let savedposn= savedposn.":".s:modifier."norm! 0".swwcol."zl\<cr>"
+ endif
+ let savedposn = savedposn.":".s:modifier."call cursor(".swline.",".swcol.")\<cr>"
+ " save window position in
+ " b:cecutil_winposn_{iwinposn} (stack)
+ " only when SaveWinPosn() is used
+ if a:0 == 0
+ if !exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn")
+ let b:cecutil_iwinposn= 1
+ else
+ let b:cecutil_iwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn + 1
+ endif
+" echomsg "Decho: saving posn to SWP stack"
+ let b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}= savedposn
+ endif
+ let &l:so = so_keep
+ let &siso = siso_keep
+ let &l:ss = ss_keep
+" if exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn") " Decho
+" echomsg "Decho: b:cecutil_winpos{".b:cecutil_iwinposn."}[".b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}."]"
+" else " Decho
+" echomsg "Decho: b:cecutil_iwinposn doesn't exist"
+" endif " Decho
+" echomsg "Decho: SaveWinPosn [".savedposn."]"
+ return savedposn
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" RestoreWinPosn: {{{2
+" call RestoreWinPosn()
+" call RestoreWinPosn(winposn)
+fun! RestoreWinPosn(...)
+" echomsg "Decho: RestoreWinPosn() a:0=".a:0
+" echomsg "Decho: getline(1)<".getline(1).">"
+" echomsg "Decho: line(.)=".line(".")
+ if line("$") == 1 && getline(1) == ""
+" echomsg "Decho: RestoreWinPosn : empty buffer"
+ return ""
+ endif
+ let so_keep = &l:so
+ let siso_keep = &l:siso
+ let ss_keep = &l:ss
+ setlocal so=0 siso=0 ss=0
+ if a:0 == 0 || a:1 == ""
+ " use saved window position in b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn} if it exists
+ if exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn") && exists("b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}")
+" echomsg "Decho: using stack b:cecutil_winposn{".b:cecutil_iwinposn."}<".b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}.">"
+ try
+ exe s:modifier.b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E749/
+ " ignore empty buffer error messages
+ endtry
+ " normally drop top-of-stack by one
+ " but while new top-of-stack doesn't exist
+ " drop top-of-stack index by one again
+ if b:cecutil_iwinposn >= 1
+ unlet b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}
+ let b:cecutil_iwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn - 1
+ while b:cecutil_iwinposn >= 1 && !exists("b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}")
+ let b:cecutil_iwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn - 1
+ endwhile
+ if b:cecutil_iwinposn < 1
+ unlet b:cecutil_iwinposn
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg "***warning*** need to SaveWinPosn first!"
+ echohl None
+ endif
+ else " handle input argument
+" echomsg "Decho: using input a:1<".a:1.">"
+ " use window position passed to this function
+ exe a:1
+ " remove a:1 pattern from b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn} stack
+ if exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn")
+ let jwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn
+ while jwinposn >= 1 " search for a:1 in iwinposn..1
+ if exists("b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn}") " if it exists
+ if a:1 == b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn} " and the pattern matches
+ unlet b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn} " unlet it
+ if jwinposn == b:cecutil_iwinposn " if at top-of-stack
+ let b:cecutil_iwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn - 1 " drop stacktop by one
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ let jwinposn= jwinposn - 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Seems to be something odd: vertical motions after RWP
+ " cause jump to first column. The following fixes that.
+ " Note: was using wincol()>1, but with signs, a cursor
+ " at column 1 yields wincol()==3. Beeping ensued.
+ let vekeep= &ve
+ set ve=all
+ if virtcol('.') > 1
+ exe s:modifier."norm! hl"
+ elseif virtcol(".") < virtcol("$")
+ exe s:modifier."norm! lh"
+ endif
+ let &ve= vekeep
+ let &l:so = so_keep
+ let &l:siso = siso_keep
+ let &l:ss = ss_keep
+" echomsg "Decho: RestoreWinPosn"
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:WinLineRestore: {{{2
+fun! s:WinLineRestore(swwline)
+" echomsg "Decho: s:WinLineRestore(swwline=".a:swwline.")"
+ while winline() < a:swwline
+ let curwinline= winline()
+ exe s:modifier."norm! \<c-y>"
+ if curwinline == winline()
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+" echomsg "Decho: s:WinLineRestore"
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" GoWinbufnr: go to window holding given buffer (by number) {{{2
+" Prefers current window; if its buffer number doesn't match,
+" then will try from topleft to bottom right
+fun! GoWinbufnr(bufnum)
+" call Dfunc("GoWinbufnr(".a:bufnum.")")
+ if winbufnr(0) == a:bufnum
+" call Dret("GoWinbufnr : winbufnr(0)==a:bufnum")
+ return
+ endif
+ winc t
+ let first=1
+ while winbufnr(0) != a:bufnum && (first || winnr() != 1)
+ winc w
+ let first= 0
+ endwhile
+" call Dret("GoWinbufnr")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" SaveMark: sets up a string saving a mark position. {{{2
+" For example, SaveMark("a")
+" Also sets up a global variable, g:savemark_{markname}
+fun! SaveMark(markname)
+" call Dfunc("SaveMark(markname<".a:markname.">)")
+ let markname= a:markname
+ if strpart(markname,0,1) !~ '\a'
+ let markname= strpart(markname,1,1)
+ endif
+" call Decho("markname=".markname)
+ let lzkeep = &lz
+ set lz
+ if 1 <= line("'".markname) && line("'".markname) <= line("$")
+ let winposn = SaveWinPosn(0)
+ exe s:modifier."norm! `".markname
+ let savemark = SaveWinPosn(0)
+ let g:savemark_{markname} = savemark
+ let savemark = markname.savemark
+ call RestoreWinPosn(winposn)
+ else
+ let g:savemark_{markname} = ""
+ let savemark = ""
+ endif
+ let &lz= lzkeep
+" call Dret("SaveMark : savemark<".savemark.">")
+ return savemark
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" RestoreMark: {{{2
+" call RestoreMark("a") -or- call RestoreMark(savemark)
+fun! RestoreMark(markname)
+" call Dfunc("RestoreMark(markname<".a:markname.">)")
+ if strlen(a:markname) <= 0
+" call Dret("RestoreMark : no such mark")
+ return
+ endif
+ let markname= strpart(a:markname,0,1)
+ if markname !~ '\a'
+ " handles 'a -> a styles
+ let markname= strpart(a:markname,1,1)
+ endif
+" call Decho("markname=".markname." strlen(a:markname)=".strlen(a:markname))
+ let lzkeep = &lz
+ set lz
+ let winposn = SaveWinPosn(0)
+ if strlen(a:markname) <= 2
+ if exists("g:savemark_{markname}") && strlen(g:savemark_{markname}) != 0
+ " use global variable g:savemark_{markname}
+" call Decho("use savemark list")
+ call RestoreWinPosn(g:savemark_{markname})
+ exe "norm! m".markname
+ endif
+ else
+ " markname is a savemark command (string)
+" call Decho("use savemark command")
+ let markcmd= strpart(a:markname,1)
+ call RestoreWinPosn(markcmd)
+ exe "norm! m".markname
+ endif
+ call RestoreWinPosn(winposn)
+ let &lz = lzkeep
+" call Dret("RestoreMark")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" DestroyMark: {{{2
+" call DestroyMark("a") -- destroys mark
+fun! DestroyMark(markname)
+" call Dfunc("DestroyMark(markname<".a:markname.">)")
+ " save options and set to standard values
+ let reportkeep= &report
+ let lzkeep = &lz
+ set lz report=10000
+ let markname= strpart(a:markname,0,1)
+ if markname !~ '\a'
+ " handles 'a -> a styles
+ let markname= strpart(a:markname,1,1)
+ endif
+" call Decho("markname=".markname)
+ let curmod = &mod
+ let winposn = SaveWinPosn(0)
+ 1
+ let lineone = getline(".")
+ exe "k".markname
+ d
+ put! =lineone
+ let &mod = curmod
+ call RestoreWinPosn(winposn)
+ " restore options to user settings
+ let &report = reportkeep
+ let &lz = lzkeep
+" call Dret("DestroyMark")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" QArgSplitter: to avoid \ processing by <f-args>, <q-args> is needed. {{{2
+" However, <q-args> doesn't split at all, so this one returns a list
+" with splits at all whitespace (only!), plus a leading length-of-list.
+" The resulting list: qarglist[0] corresponds to a:0
+" qarglist[i] corresponds to a:{i}
+fun! QArgSplitter(qarg)
+" call Dfunc("QArgSplitter(qarg<".a:qarg.">)")
+ let qarglist = split(a:qarg)
+ let qarglistlen = len(qarglist)
+ let qarglist = insert(qarglist,qarglistlen)
+" call Dret("QArgSplitter ".string(qarglist))
+ return qarglist
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ListWinPosn: {{{2
+"fun! ListWinPosn() " Decho
+" if !exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn") || b:cecutil_iwinposn == 0 " Decho
+" call Decho("nothing on SWP stack") " Decho
+" else " Decho
+" let jwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn " Decho
+" while jwinposn >= 1 " Decho
+" if exists("b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn}") " Decho
+" call Decho("winposn{".jwinposn."}<".b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn}.">") " Decho
+" else " Decho
+" call Decho("winposn{".jwinposn."} -- doesn't exist") " Decho
+" endif " Decho
+" let jwinposn= jwinposn - 1 " Decho
+" endwhile " Decho
+" endif " Decho
+"endfun " Decho
+"com! -nargs=0 LWP call ListWinPosn() " Decho
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" SaveUserMaps: this function sets up a script-variable (s:restoremap) {{{2
+" which can be used to restore user maps later with
+" call RestoreUserMaps()
+" mapmode - see :help maparg for details (n v o i c l "")
+" ex. "n" = Normal
+" The letters "b" and "u" are optional prefixes;
+" The "u" means that the map will also be unmapped
+" The "b" means that the map has a <buffer> qualifier
+" ex. "un" = Normal + unmapping
+" ex. "bn" = Normal + <buffer>
+" ex. "bun" = Normal + <buffer> + unmapping
+" ex. "ubn" = Normal + <buffer> + unmapping
+" maplead - see mapchx
+" mapchx - "<something>" handled as a single map item.
+" ex. "<left>"
+" - "string" a string of single letters which are actually
+" multiple two-letter maps (using the maplead:
+" maplead . each_character_in_string)
+" ex. maplead="\" and mapchx="abc" saves user mappings for
+" \a, \b, and \c
+" Of course, if maplead is "", then for mapchx="abc",
+" mappings for a, b, and c are saved.
+" - :something handled as a single map item, w/o the ":"
+" ex. mapchx= ":abc" will save a mapping for "abc"
+" suffix - a string unique to your plugin
+" ex. suffix= "DrawIt"
+fun! SaveUserMaps(mapmode,maplead,mapchx,suffix)
+" call Dfunc("SaveUserMaps(mapmode<".a:mapmode."> maplead<".a:maplead."> mapchx<".a:mapchx."> suffix<".a:suffix.">)")
+ if !exists("s:restoremap_{a:suffix}")
+ " initialize restoremap_suffix to null string
+ let s:restoremap_{a:suffix}= ""
+ endif
+ " set up dounmap: if 1, then save and unmap (a:mapmode leads with a "u")
+ " if 0, save only
+ let mapmode = a:mapmode
+ let dounmap = 0
+ let dobuffer = ""
+ while mapmode =~ '^[bu]'
+ if mapmode =~ '^u'
+ let dounmap = 1
+ let mapmode = strpart(a:mapmode,1)
+ elseif mapmode =~ '^b'
+ let dobuffer = "<buffer> "
+ let mapmode = strpart(a:mapmode,1)
+ endif
+ endwhile
+" call Decho("dounmap=".dounmap." dobuffer<".dobuffer.">")
+ " save single map :...something...
+ if strpart(a:mapchx,0,1) == ':'
+" call Decho("save single map :...something...")
+ let amap= strpart(a:mapchx,1)
+ if amap == "|" || amap == "\<c-v>"
+ let amap= "\<c-v>".amap
+ endif
+ let amap = a:maplead.amap
+ let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|:sil! ".mapmode."unmap ".dobuffer.amap
+ if maparg(amap,mapmode) != ""
+ let maprhs = substitute(maparg(amap,mapmode),'|','<bar>','ge')
+ let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|:".mapmode."map ".dobuffer.amap." ".maprhs
+ endif
+ if dounmap
+ exe "sil! ".mapmode."unmap ".dobuffer.amap
+ endif
+ " save single map <something>
+ elseif strpart(a:mapchx,0,1) == '<'
+" call Decho("save single map <something>")
+ let amap = a:mapchx
+ if amap == "|" || amap == "\<c-v>"
+ let amap= "\<c-v>".amap
+" call Decho("amap[[".amap."]]")
+ endif
+ let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|sil! ".mapmode."unmap ".dobuffer.amap
+ if maparg(a:mapchx,mapmode) != ""
+ let maprhs = substitute(maparg(amap,mapmode),'|','<bar>','ge')
+ let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|".mapmode."map ".dobuffer.amap." ".maprhs
+ endif
+ if dounmap
+ exe "sil! ".mapmode."unmap ".dobuffer.amap
+ endif
+ " save multiple maps
+ else
+" call Decho("save multiple maps")
+ let i= 1
+ while i <= strlen(a:mapchx)
+ let amap= a:maplead.strpart(a:mapchx,i-1,1)
+ if amap == "|" || amap == "\<c-v>"
+ let amap= "\<c-v>".amap
+ endif
+ let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|sil! ".mapmode."unmap ".dobuffer.amap
+ if maparg(amap,mapmode) != ""
+ let maprhs = substitute(maparg(amap,mapmode),'|','<bar>','ge')
+ let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|".mapmode."map ".dobuffer.amap." ".maprhs
+ endif
+ if dounmap
+ exe "sil! ".mapmode."unmap ".dobuffer.amap
+ endif
+ let i= i + 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+" call Dret("SaveUserMaps : restoremap_".a:suffix.": ".s:restoremap_{a:suffix})
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" RestoreUserMaps: {{{2
+" Used to restore user maps saved by SaveUserMaps()
+fun! RestoreUserMaps(suffix)
+" call Dfunc("RestoreUserMaps(suffix<".a:suffix.">)")
+ if exists("s:restoremap_{a:suffix}")
+ let s:restoremap_{a:suffix}= substitute(s:restoremap_{a:suffix},'|\s*$','','e')
+ if s:restoremap_{a:suffix} != ""
+" call Decho("exe ".s:restoremap_{a:suffix})
+ exe "sil! ".s:restoremap_{a:suffix}
+ endif
+ unlet s:restoremap_{a:suffix}
+ endif
+" call Dret("RestoreUserMaps")
+" ==============
+" Restore: {{{1
+" ==============
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" ================
+" Modelines: {{{1
+" ================
+" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker
diff --git a/Editor/vim/plugin/filebrowser.vim b/Editor/vim/plugin/filebrowser.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..de8cea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/plugin/filebrowser.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/plugin/filebrowser.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/plugin/imaps.vim b/Editor/vim/plugin/imaps.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..078bfb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/plugin/imaps.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/plugin/imaps.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/plugin/libList.vim b/Editor/vim/plugin/libList.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..b9192da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/plugin/libList.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/plugin/libList.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/plugin/remoteOpen.vim b/Editor/vim/plugin/remoteOpen.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..3a06168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/plugin/remoteOpen.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/share/vim/addons/plugin/remoteOpen.vim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Editor/vim/plugin/surround.vim b/Editor/vim/plugin/surround.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05b1c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/plugin/surround.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+" surround.vim - Surroundings
+" Author: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
+" Version: 2.0
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1697 1 :AutoInstall: surround.vim
+if exists("g:loaded_surround") || &cp || v:version < 700
+ finish
+let g:loaded_surround = 1
+" Input functions {{{1
+function! s:getchar()
+ let c = getchar()
+ if c =~ '^\d\+$'
+ let c = nr2char(c)
+ endif
+ return c
+function! s:inputtarget()
+ let c = s:getchar()
+ while c =~ '^\d\+$'
+ let c .= s:getchar()
+ endwhile
+ if c == " "
+ let c .= s:getchar()
+ endif
+ if c =~ "\<Esc>\|\<C-C>\|\0"
+ return ""
+ else
+ return c
+ endif
+function! s:inputreplacement()
+ let c = s:getchar()
+ if c == " "
+ let c .= s:getchar()
+ endif
+ if c =~ "\<Esc>" || c =~ "\<C-C>"
+ return ""
+ else
+ return c
+ endif
+function! s:beep()
+ exe "norm! \<Esc>"
+ return ""
+function! s:redraw()
+ redraw
+ return ""
+" }}}1
+" Wrapping functions {{{1
+function! s:extractbefore(str)
+ if a:str =~ '\r'
+ return matchstr(a:str,'.*\ze\r')
+ else
+ return matchstr(a:str,'.*\ze\n')
+ endif
+function! s:extractafter(str)
+ if a:str =~ '\r'
+ return matchstr(a:str,'\r\zs.*')
+ else
+ return matchstr(a:str,'\n\zs.*')
+ endif
+function! s:fixindent(str,spc)
+ let str = substitute(a:str,'\t',repeat(' ',&sw),'g')
+ let spc = substitute(a:spc,'\t',repeat(' ',&sw),'g')
+ let str = substitute(str,'\(\n\|\%^\).\@=','\1'.spc,'g')
+ if ! &et
+ let str = substitute(str,'\s\{'.&ts.'\}',"\t",'g')
+ endif
+ return str
+function! s:process(string)
+ let i = 0
+ for i in range(7)
+ let repl_{i} = ''
+ let m = matchstr(a:string,nr2char(i).'.\{-\}\ze'.nr2char(i))
+ if m != ''
+ let m = substitute(strpart(m,1),'\r.*','','')
+ let repl_{i} = input(substitute(m,':\s*$','','').': ')
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let s = ""
+ let i = 0
+ while i < strlen(a:string)
+ let char = strpart(a:string,i,1)
+ if char2nr(char) < 8
+ let next = stridx(a:string,char,i+1)
+ if next == -1
+ let s .= char
+ else
+ let insertion = repl_{char2nr(char)}
+ let subs = strpart(a:string,i+1,next-i-1)
+ let subs = matchstr(subs,'\r.*')
+ while subs =~ '^\r.*\r'
+ let sub = matchstr(subs,"^\r\\zs[^\r]*\r[^\r]*")
+ let subs = strpart(subs,strlen(sub)+1)
+ let r = stridx(sub,"\r")
+ let insertion = substitute(insertion,strpart(sub,0,r),strpart(sub,r+1),'')
+ endwhile
+ let s .= insertion
+ let i = next
+ endif
+ else
+ let s .= char
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ return s
+function! s:wrap(string,char,type,...)
+ let keeper = a:string
+ let newchar = a:char
+ let s:tag = ""
+ let type = a:type
+ let linemode = type ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0
+ let special = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
+ let before = ""
+ let after = ""
+ if type ==# "V"
+ let initspaces = matchstr(keeper,'\%^\s*')
+ else
+ let initspaces = matchstr(getline('.'),'\%^\s*')
+ endif
+ let pairs = "b()B{}r[]a<>"
+ let extraspace = ""
+ if newchar =~ '^ '
+ let newchar = strpart(newchar,1)
+ let extraspace = ' '
+ endif
+ let idx = stridx(pairs,newchar)
+ if newchar == ' '
+ let before = ''
+ let after = ''
+ elseif exists("b:surround_".char2nr(newchar))
+ let all = s:process(b:surround_{char2nr(newchar)})
+ let before = s:extractbefore(all)
+ let after = s:extractafter(all)
+ elseif exists("g:surround_".char2nr(newchar))
+ let all = s:process(g:surround_{char2nr(newchar)})
+ let before = s:extractbefore(all)
+ let after = s:extractafter(all)
+ elseif newchar ==# "p"
+ let before = "\n"
+ let after = "\n\n"
+ elseif newchar ==# 's'
+ let before = ' '
+ let after = ''
+ elseif newchar ==# ':'
+ let before = ':'
+ let after = ''
+ elseif newchar =~# "[tT\<C-T><,]"
+ let dounmapp = 0
+ let dounmapb = 0
+ if !maparg(">","c")
+ let dounmapb = 1
+ " Hide from AsNeeded
+ exe "cn"."oremap > <CR>"
+ endif
+ let default = ""
+ if newchar ==# "T"
+ if !exists("s:lastdel")
+ let s:lastdel = ""
+ endif
+ let default = matchstr(s:lastdel,'<\zs.\{-\}\ze>')
+ endif
+ let tag = input("<",default)
+ echo "<".substitute(tag,'>*$','>','')
+ if dounmapb
+ silent! cunmap >
+ endif
+ let s:tag = tag
+ if tag != ""
+ let tag = substitute(tag,'>*$','','')
+ let s:tag = tag . '>'
+ let before = '<'.tag.'>'
+ if tag =~ '/$'
+ let after = ''
+ else
+ let after = '</'.substitute(tag,' .*','','').'>'
+ endif
+ if newchar == "\<C-T>" || newchar == ","
+ if type ==# "v" || type ==# "V"
+ let before .= "\n\t"
+ endif
+ if type ==# "v"
+ let after = "\n". after
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif newchar ==# 'l' || newchar == '\'
+ " LaTeX
+ let env = input('\begin{')
+ let env = '{' . env
+ let env .= s:closematch(env)
+ echo '\begin'.env
+ if env != ""
+ let before = '\begin'.env
+ let after = '\end'.matchstr(env,'[^}]*').'}'
+ endif
+ elseif newchar ==# 'f' || newchar ==# 'F'
+ let fnc = input('function: ')
+ if fnc != ""
+ let before = substitute(fnc,'($','','').'('
+ let after = ')'
+ if newchar ==# 'F'
+ let before .= ' '
+ let after = ' ' . after
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif newchar ==# "\<C-F>"
+ let fnc = input('function: ')
+ let before = '('.fnc.' '
+ let after = ')'
+ elseif idx >= 0
+ let spc = (idx % 3) == 1 ? " " : ""
+ let idx = idx / 3 * 3
+ let before = strpart(pairs,idx+1,1) . spc
+ let after = spc . strpart(pairs,idx+2,1)
+ elseif newchar == "\<C-[>" || newchar == "\<C-]>"
+ let before = "{\n\t"
+ let after = "\n}"
+ elseif newchar !~ '\a'
+ let before = newchar
+ let after = newchar
+ else
+ let before = ''
+ let after = ''
+ endif
+ let after = substitute(after ,'\n','\n'.initspaces,'g')
+ if type ==# 'V' || (special && type ==# "v")
+ let before = substitute(before,' \+$','','')
+ let after = substitute(after ,'^ \+','','')
+ if after !~ '^\n'
+ let after = initspaces.after
+ endif
+ if keeper !~ '\n$' && after !~ '^\n'
+ let keeper .= "\n"
+ elseif keeper =~ '\n$' && after =~ '^\n'
+ let after = strpart(after,1)
+ endif
+ if before !~ '\n\s*$'
+ let before .= "\n"
+ if special
+ let before .= "\t"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if type ==# 'V'
+ let before = initspaces.before
+ endif
+ if before =~ '\n\s*\%$'
+ if type ==# 'v'
+ let keeper = initspaces.keeper
+ endif
+ let padding = matchstr(before,'\n\zs\s\+\%$')
+ let before = substitute(before,'\n\s\+\%$','\n','')
+ let keeper = s:fixindent(keeper,padding)
+ endif
+ if type ==# 'V'
+ let keeper = before.keeper.after
+ elseif type =~ "^\<C-V>"
+ " Really we should be iterating over the buffer
+ let repl = substitute(before,'[\\~]','\\&','g').'\1'.substitute(after,'[\\~]','\\&','g')
+ let repl = substitute(repl,'\n',' ','g')
+ let keeper = substitute(keeper."\n",'\(.\{-\}\)\(\n\)',repl.'\n','g')
+ let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\n\%$','','')
+ else
+ let keeper = before.extraspace.keeper.extraspace.after
+ endif
+ return keeper
+function! s:wrapreg(reg,char,...)
+ let orig = getreg(a:reg)
+ let type = substitute(getregtype(a:reg),'\d\+$','','')
+ let special = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
+ let new = s:wrap(orig,a:char,type,special)
+ call setreg(a:reg,new,type)
+" }}}1
+function! s:insert(...) " {{{1
+ " Optional argument causes the result to appear on 3 lines, not 1
+ let linemode = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
+ let char = s:inputreplacement()
+ while char == "\<CR>" || char == "\<C-S>"
+ " TODO: use total count for additional blank lines
+ let linemode += 1
+ let char = s:inputreplacement()
+ endwhile
+ if char == ""
+ return ""
+ endif
+ let cb_save = &clipboard
+ set clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus
+ let reg_save = @@
+ call setreg('"',"\r",'v')
+ call s:wrapreg('"',char,linemode)
+ " If line mode is used and the surrounding consists solely of a suffix,
+ " remove the initial newline. This fits a use case of mine but is a
+ " little inconsistent. Is there anyone that would prefer the simpler
+ " behavior of just inserting the newline?
+ if linemode && match(getreg('"'),'^\n\s*\zs.*') == 0
+ call setreg('"',matchstr(getreg('"'),'^\n\s*\zs.*'),getregtype('"'))
+ endif
+ " This can be used to append a placeholder to the end
+ if exists("g:surround_insert_tail")
+ call setreg('"',g:surround_insert_tail,"a".getregtype('"'))
+ endif
+ if col('.') >= col('$')
+ norm! ""p
+ else
+ norm! ""P
+ endif
+ if linemode
+ call s:reindent()
+ endif
+ norm! `]
+ call search('\r','bW')
+ let @@ = reg_save
+ let &clipboard = cb_save
+ return "\<Del>"
+endfunction " }}}1
+function! s:reindent() " {{{1
+ if exists("b:surround_indent") ? b:surround_indent : (!exists("g:surround_indent") || g:surround_indent)
+ silent norm! '[=']
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}1
+function! s:dosurround(...) " {{{1
+ let scount = v:count1
+ let char = (a:0 ? a:1 : s:inputtarget())
+ let spc = ""
+ if char =~ '^\d\+'
+ let scount = scount * matchstr(char,'^\d\+')
+ let char = substitute(char,'^\d\+','','')
+ endif
+ if char =~ '^ '
+ let char = strpart(char,1)
+ let spc = 1
+ endif
+ if char == 'a'
+ let char = '>'
+ endif
+ if char == 'r'
+ let char = ']'
+ endif
+ let newchar = ""
+ if a:0 > 1
+ let newchar = a:2
+ if newchar == "\<Esc>" || newchar == "\<C-C>" || newchar == ""
+ return s:beep()
+ endif
+ endif
+ let cb_save = &clipboard
+ set clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus
+ let append = ""
+ let original = getreg('"')
+ let otype = getregtype('"')
+ call setreg('"',"")
+ let strcount = (scount == 1 ? "" : scount)
+ if char == '/'
+ exe 'norm! '.strcount.'[/d'.strcount.']/'
+ elseif char =~# '[[:punct:]]' && char !~# '[][(){}<>"''`]'
+ exe 'norm! T'.char
+ if getline('.')[col('.')-1] == char
+ exe 'norm! l'
+ endif
+ exe 'norm! dt'.char
+ else
+ exe 'norm! d'.strcount.'i'.char
+ endif
+ let keeper = getreg('"')
+ let okeeper = keeper " for reindent below
+ if keeper == ""
+ call setreg('"',original,otype)
+ let &clipboard = cb_save
+ return ""
+ endif
+ let oldline = getline('.')
+ let oldlnum = line('.')
+ if char ==# "p"
+ call setreg('"','','V')
+ elseif char ==# "s" || char ==# "w" || char ==# "W"
+ " Do nothing
+ call setreg('"','')
+ elseif char =~ "[\"'`]"
+ exe "norm! i \<Esc>d2i".char
+ call setreg('"',substitute(getreg('"'),' ','',''))
+ elseif char == '/'
+ norm! "_x
+ call setreg('"','/**/',"c")
+ let keeper = substitute(substitute(keeper,'^/\*\s\=','',''),'\s\=\*$','','')
+ elseif char =~# '[[:punct:]]' && char !~# '[][(){}<>]'
+ exe 'norm! F'.char
+ exe 'norm! df'.char
+ else
+ " One character backwards
+ call search('.','bW')
+ exe "norm! da".char
+ endif
+ let removed = getreg('"')
+ let rem2 = substitute(removed,'\n.*','','')
+ let oldhead = strpart(oldline,0,strlen(oldline)-strlen(rem2))
+ let oldtail = strpart(oldline, strlen(oldline)-strlen(rem2))
+ let regtype = getregtype('"')
+ if char =~# '[\[({<T]' || spc
+ let keeper = substitute(keeper,'^\s\+','','')
+ let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\s\+$','','')
+ endif
+ if col("']") == col("$") && col('.') + 1 == col('$')
+ if oldhead =~# '^\s*$' && a:0 < 2
+ let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\%^\n'.oldhead.'\(\s*.\{-\}\)\n\s*\%$','\1','')
+ endif
+ let pcmd = "p"
+ else
+ let pcmd = "P"
+ endif
+ if line('.') + 1 < oldlnum && regtype ==# "V"
+ let pcmd = "p"
+ endif
+ call setreg('"',keeper,regtype)
+ if newchar != ""
+ call s:wrapreg('"',newchar)
+ endif
+ silent exe 'norm! ""'.pcmd.'`['
+ if removed =~ '\n' || okeeper =~ '\n' || getreg('"') =~ '\n'
+ call s:reindent()
+ endif
+ if getline('.') =~ '^\s\+$' && keeper =~ '^\s*\n'
+ silent norm! cc
+ endif
+ call setreg('"',original,otype)
+ let s:lastdel = removed
+ let &clipboard = cb_save
+ if newchar == ""
+ silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>Dsurround".char,scount)
+ else
+ silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>Csurround".char.newchar.s:tag,scount)
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}1
+function! s:changesurround() " {{{1
+ let a = s:inputtarget()
+ if a == ""
+ return s:beep()
+ endif
+ let b = s:inputreplacement()
+ if b == ""
+ return s:beep()
+ endif
+ call s:dosurround(a,b)
+endfunction " }}}1
+function! s:opfunc(type,...) " {{{1
+ let char = s:inputreplacement()
+ if char == ""
+ return s:beep()
+ endif
+ let reg = '"'
+ let sel_save = &selection
+ let &selection = "inclusive"
+ let cb_save = &clipboard
+ set clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus
+ let reg_save = getreg(reg)
+ let reg_type = getregtype(reg)
+ let type = a:type
+ if a:type == "char"
+ silent exe 'norm! v`[o`]"'.reg.'y'
+ let type = 'v'
+ elseif a:type == "line"
+ silent exe 'norm! `[V`]"'.reg.'y'
+ let type = 'V'
+ elseif a:type ==# "v" || a:type ==# "V" || a:type ==# "\<C-V>"
+ let &selection = sel_save
+ let ve = &virtualedit
+ if !(a:0 && a:1)
+ set virtualedit=
+ endif
+ silent exe 'norm! gv"'.reg.'y'
+ let &virtualedit = ve
+ elseif a:type =~ '^\d\+$'
+ let type = 'v'
+ silent exe 'norm! ^v'.a:type.'$h"'.reg.'y'
+ if mode() ==# 'v'
+ norm! v
+ return s:beep()
+ endif
+ else
+ let &selection = sel_save
+ let &clipboard = cb_save
+ return s:beep()
+ endif
+ let keeper = getreg(reg)
+ if type ==# "v" && a:type !=# "v"
+ let append = matchstr(keeper,'\_s\@<!\s*$')
+ let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\_s\@<!\s*$','','')
+ endif
+ call setreg(reg,keeper,type)
+ call s:wrapreg(reg,char,a:0 && a:1)
+ if type ==# "v" && a:type !=# "v" && append != ""
+ call setreg(reg,append,"ac")
+ endif
+ silent exe 'norm! gv'.(reg == '"' ? '' : '"' . reg).'p`['
+ if type ==# 'V' || (getreg(reg) =~ '\n' && type ==# 'v')
+ call s:reindent()
+ endif
+ call setreg(reg,reg_save,reg_type)
+ let &selection = sel_save
+ let &clipboard = cb_save
+ if a:type =~ '^\d\+$'
+ silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>Y".(a:0 && a:1 ? "S" : "s")."surround".char.s:tag,a:type)
+ else
+ silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>SurroundRepeat".char.s:tag)
+ endif
+function! s:opfunc2(arg)
+ call s:opfunc(a:arg,1)
+endfunction " }}}1
+function! s:closematch(str) " {{{1
+ " Close an open (, {, [, or < on the command line.
+ let tail = matchstr(a:str,'.[^\[\](){}<>]*$')
+ if tail =~ '^\[.\+'
+ return "]"
+ elseif tail =~ '^(.\+'
+ return ")"
+ elseif tail =~ '^{.\+'
+ return "}"
+ elseif tail =~ '^<.+'
+ return ">"
+ else
+ return ""
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}1
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>SurroundRepeat .
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Dsurround :<C-U>call <SID>dosurround(<SID>inputtarget())<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Csurround :<C-U>call <SID>changesurround()<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Yssurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(v:count1)<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSsurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc2(v:count1)<CR>
+" <C-U> discards the numerical argument but there's not much we can do with it
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Ysurround :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>opfunc<CR>g@
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSurround :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>opfunc2<CR>g@
+vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0)<CR>
+vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VgSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 0 : 1)<CR>
+inoremap <silent> <Plug>Isurround <C-R>=<SID>insert()<CR>
+inoremap <silent> <Plug>ISurround <C-R>=<SID>insert(1)<CR>
+if !exists("g:surround_no_mappings") || ! g:surround_no_mappings
+ nmap ds <Plug>Dsurround
+ nmap cs <Plug>Csurround
+ nmap ys <Plug>Ysurround
+ nmap yS <Plug>YSurround
+ nmap yss <Plug>Yssurround
+ nmap ySs <Plug>YSsurround
+ nmap ySS <Plug>YSsurround
+ xmap S <Plug>VSurround
+ xmap gS <Plug>VgSurround
+ if !exists("g:surround_no_insert_mappings") || ! g:surround_no_insert_mappings
+ if !hasmapto("<Plug>Isurround","i") && "" == mapcheck("<C-S>","i")
+ imap <C-S> <Plug>Isurround
+ endif
+ imap <C-G>s <Plug>Isurround
+ imap <C-G>S <Plug>ISurround
+ endif
+" vim:set ft=vim sw=2 sts=2 et:
diff --git a/Editor/vim/vim b/Editor/vim/vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ee81e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor/vim/vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/home/vasko/dotfiles/Editor/vim \ No newline at end of file