path: root/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
diff options
authorVasil Zlatanov <vasil.zlatanov@gmail.com>2014-11-23 11:08:21 +0100
committerVasil Zlatanov <vasil.zlatanov@gmail.com>2014-11-23 11:08:21 +0100
commit6d6e0462eb2dd1d770653f5e22582e3571c63c8f (patch)
tree897c90f8ef0290fe974a9381eeec964545607904 /ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
parent8dee1d67a9e2caa3a3286b13c86880c0757fcd16 (diff)
big ratpoison update
Diffstat (limited to 'ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf b/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
index ce18f56..3b9fd89 100644
--- a/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
+++ b/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-# info: C=control, M=meta/alt, s=super, S=shift
+# info: C=control, M=meta/alt, s=super, S=shift, H = Hyper
+# xnest for testing
escape grave
definekey top s-grave meta
+definekey top Arabic_dammatan meta
-#Test windows
-set framesels '0123456789'
-#Palaver voice
-definekey top s-Home exec /home/vasko/downloads/Palaver-master/hotkey
+#unmanage Nautilus Desktop
+unmanage Desktop
+# set font with unicode support
+set font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#Style message box
set bgcolour #fdf6e3
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ bind Tab nextscreen
set wingravity center
# Use the name of the program rather than the title in the window list
-set winname class
+set winname title
#Pest control.
@@ -45,30 +46,26 @@ exec nitrogen --restore
#Border & Padding
alias showpadding set border 3
alias hidepadding set border 0
-barinpadding 1
+barinpadding 0
alias showborder set barpadding 0 0
alias hideborder set barpadding 0 0
set fwcolor #657b83
set bwcolor #839496
-# Use numpad to move the rat
-#source .ratpoison/numpad/ratnumpad.conf
-bind KP_Multiply source .ratpoison/numpad/ratnumpad.conf
-bind KP_Subtract source .ratpoison/numpad/ratnumund.conf
# Panel
-alias rpbar exec sleep 20 && rpbar
-alias rpbarsend exec rpbarsend
+alias rpbar exec sleep 21 && rpbar
+alias rpbarsend exec ~/.ratpoison/rpbarsend
# tell ratpoison to ignore rpbar
unmanage rpbar
# leave space for bars
# start rpbar
-alias panel exec xfce4-panel --disable-wm-check
+alias panel exec xfce4-panel --disable-wm-check && rpbar
@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ addhook newwindow rpbarsend
unmanage conky
unmanage xfce4-panel
unmanage ratbar.pl
-alias showpanel set padding 0 26 0 0
+alias showpanel set padding 0 27 0 0
alias hidepanel set padding 0 0 0 0
@@ -138,6 +135,21 @@ definekey top S-F10 exec rpws 22
definekey top S-F11 exec rpws 23
definekey top S-F12 exec rpws 24
+#definekey top s-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F1'
+#definekey top s-F2 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F2'
+#definekey top s-F3 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F3'
+#definekey top s-F4 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F4'
+#definekey top s-F5 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F5'
+#definekey top s-F6 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F6'
+#definekey top s-F7 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F7'
+#definekey top s-F8 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F8'
+#definekey top s-F9 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F9'
+#definekey top s-F10 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F10'
+#definekey top s-F11 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F11'
+#definekey top s-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'meta F12'
definekey top S-F12 exec rpws 13
definekey top M-S-F12 rpwsm13
@@ -160,27 +172,29 @@ bind K exchangeup
bind w window_menu
bind a title
bind t time
-definekey top s-l exec xscreensaver-command -lock
+definekey top s-l exec i3lock
+definekey top s-s exec ~/bin/sus
definekey top s-L redisplay
-bind c exec gksudo gnome-control-center
+bind c exec gnome-control-center
+bind C exec sudo gnome-control-center
bind v hsplit
bind V hsplit 2/3
bind s vsplit
bind S vsplit 2/3
bind d remove
bind space exec urxvt
-bind S-space exec gksu gnome-terminal
bind o only
bind semicolon colon
bind e exec
bind u undo
-bind I info
+bind i info
bind x delete
bind X kill
bind Escape abort
-exec a=123
-definekey top s-B exec ratpoison -c "echo `echo $a`"
+#Paste goodness
+bind g exec ~/bin/imgur
+bind P exec gist -P -p -t txt | perl -pe chomp | xclip
alias bordtoggle exec ~/.ratpoison/bordtoggle
alias bordscript exec ~/.ratpoison/borderscript
@@ -217,7 +231,12 @@ definekey top s-f exec firefox
definekey top s-m exec /home/vasko/.ratpoison/pentfocus
definekey top s-v exec vlc
definekey top s-g exec gvim
-definekey top s-l exec libreoffice
+#definekey top s-l exec libreoffice
+# Voice control
+definekey top KP_Enter exec ~/Dropbox/speech/run-duplex.sh
# Volume Control