diff options
-rw-r--r--Window_Manager/ratpoison/py/colorz.pycbin3064 -> 3185 bytes
10 files changed, 60 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/Browser/vimb/config b/Browser/vimb/config
index 3fa7ab2..7f16e24 100644
--- a/Browser/vimb/config
+++ b/Browser/vimb/config
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ nmap ) <C-N>
nmap S :set scripts=false<CR> r :shellcmd mpv --no-terminal "%s"<CR> :set scripts=true<CR>
-set status-color-bg=#201b19
-set status-color-fg=#c3c5c8
-set status-ssl-color-bg=#201b19
-set status-ssl-color-fg=#c3c5c8
-set completion-bg-active=#201b19
-set completion-bg-normal=#201b19
-set completion-fg-active=#a09c9b
-set completion-fg-normal=#c3c5c8
+set status-color-bg=#201418
+set status-color-fg=#8d5ac8
+set status-ssl-color-bg=#201418
+set status-ssl-color-fg=#8d5ac8
+set completion-bg-active=#201418
+set completion-bg-normal=#201418
+set completion-fg-active=#a06096
+set completion-fg-normal=#8d5ac8
diff --git a/Browser/vimb/history-search b/Browser/vimb/history-search
index 7d64248..a31e261 100755
--- a/Browser/vimb/history-search
+++ b/Browser/vimb/history-search
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
. ~/.colors
-vimb `tac $HOME/.config/vimb/history | dmenu -i -l 20 -sb $COLOR0 -nb $COLOR0 -nf $COLOR11 -sf $COLOR3 | awk '{print $1;}'`
+vimb `tac $HOME/.config/vimb/history | dmenu -i -l 12 -sb $COLOR0 -nb $COLOR0 -nf $COLOR11 -sf $COLOR3 | awk '{print $1;}'`
diff --git a/Editor/vimrc b/Editor/vimrc
index 6cfe291..0a080a0 100644
--- a/Editor/vimrc
+++ b/Editor/vimrc
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ filetype off " required
"call vundle#end() " required
filetype plugin indent on " required
-""Syntatic settings
-"let g:syntastic_enable_perl_checker = 1
-"let g:syntastic_perl_checkers = ['perl']
-"set statusline+=%#warningmsg#
-"set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}
-"set statusline+=%*
-"let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
-"let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1
-"let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
-"let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0
+""Syntastic settings
+let g:syntastic_enable_perl_checker = 1
+let g:syntastic_perl_checkers = ['perl']
+set statusline+=%#warningmsg#
+set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}
+set statusline+=%*
+let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
+let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1
+let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
+let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0
"" Ultisnips
@@ -125,33 +125,31 @@ nnoremap <Leader>w :w<CR>
" YouCompleteMe options
-" let g:ycm_register_as_syntastic_checker = 1 "default 1
-" let g:Show_diagnostics_ui = 1 "default 1
-" "will put icons in Vim's gutter on lines that have a diagnostic set.
-" "Turning this off will also turn off the YcmErrorLine and YcmWarningLine
-" "highlighting
-" let g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_signs = 1
-" let g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting = 0
-" let g:ycm_always_populate_location_list = 1 "default 0
-" let g:ycm_open_loclist_on_ycm_diags = 1 "default 1
-" let g:ycm_complete_in_strings = 1 "default 1
-" let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files = 0 "default 0
-" let g:ycm_path_to_python_interpreter = '' "default ''
-" let g:ycm_server_use_vim_stdout = 0 "default 0 (logging to console)
-" let g:ycm_server_log_level = 'info' "default info
-" let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '~/.ycm_extra_conf.py' "where to search for .ycm_extra_conf.py if not found
-" let g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf = 0
-" let g:ycm_goto_buffer_command = 'same-buffer' "[ 'same-buffer', 'horizontal-split', 'vertical-split', 'new-tab' ]
-" let g:ycm_filetype_whitelist = { '*': 1 }
-" let g:ycm_key_invoke_completion = '<C-Space>'
+ let g:ycm_register_as_syntastic_checker = 1 "default 1
+ let g:Show_diagnostics_ui = 1 "default 1
+ "will put icons in Vim's gutter on lines that have a diagnostic set.
+ "Turning this off will also turn off the YcmErrorLine and YcmWarningLine
+ "highlighting
+ let g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_signs = 1
+ let g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting = 0
+ let g:ycm_always_populate_location_list = 1 "default 0
+ let g:ycm_open_loclist_on_ycm_diags = 1 "default 1
+ let g:ycm_complete_in_strings = 1 "default 1
+ let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files = 0 "default 0
+ let g:ycm_path_to_python_interpreter = '' "default ''
+ let g:ycm_server_use_vim_stdout = 0 "default 0 (logging to console)
+ let g:ycm_server_log_level = 'info' "default info
+ let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '~/.ycm_extra_conf.py' "where to search for .ycm_extra_conf.py if not found
+ let g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf = 0
+ let g:ycm_goto_buffer_command = 'same-buffer' "[ 'same-buffer', 'horizontal-split', 'vertical-split', 'new-tab' ]
+ let g:ycm_filetype_whitelist = { '*': 1 }
+ let g:ycm_key_invoke_completion = '<C-Space>'
diff --git a/File_Manager/ranger/rifle.conf b/File_Manager/ranger/rifle.conf
index 6b911b6..9c19db3 100644
--- a/File_Manager/ranger/rifle.conf
+++ b/File_Manager/ranger/rifle.conf
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ ext x?html?, has w3m, terminal = w3m "$@"
# Misc
# Define the "editor" for text files as first action
-mime ^text, label editor = "urxvt -e vim" -- "$@"
+#mime ^text, label editor = "urxvt" -- "$@"
+mime ^text, label editor = urxvt -e vim "$1"
mime ^text, label pager = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
!mime ^text, label editor, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "vim" -- "$@"
!mime ^text, label pager, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ ext php = urxvt -e php -- "$1"
# Audio without X
-mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer = mpv -- "$@"
+mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mpv = mpv -- "$@"
mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer = mplayer -- "$@"
mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer2 = mplayer2 -- "$@"
ext midi?, terminal, has wildmidi = wildmidi -- "$@"
diff --git a/Shell/fish/aliases b/Shell/fish/aliases
index 1e8b28e..cdf8681 100644
--- a/Shell/fish/aliases
+++ b/Shell/fish/aliases
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function iso; dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom_image.iso; end
function tglxspheres; vblank_mode=0 optirun -vv /opt/VirtualGL/bin/glxspheres64; end
function pglxspheres; vblank_mode=0 primusrun /opt/VirtualGL/bin/glxspheres64; end
function httpserve; python -m SimpleHTTPServer; end
-function pi; ping google.com; end
+function pi; ping -4 google.com; end
function pl; ping; end
function def; sdcv; end
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function ftpumount; umount /home/vasko/ftp; end
function vimrc; vim ~/.vimrc; end
function uzblrc; vim ~/.config/uzbl/config; end
-function aliases; vim ~/.bash_aliases; end
+function aliases; vim ~/.config/fish/aliases; end
function solarize; ~/.solarized/solarize; end
function rat; vim ~/.tools/ratpoisonrc.conf; end
function sx; vim ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc; end
diff --git a/Shell/fish/config.fish b/Shell/fish/config.fish
index e60e419..555c09f 100644
--- a/Shell/fish/config.fish
+++ b/Shell/fish/config.fish
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
-#source ~/.bash_aliases
source ~/.config/fish/aliases
source ~/.config/fish/fish_prompt.fish
set PATH ~/bin $PATH
-#set EDITOR vim
+set -Ux EDITOR vim
diff --git a/Shell/fish/fishd.airon b/Shell/fish/fishd.airon
index 780a047..673c20e 100644
--- a/Shell/fish/fishd.airon
+++ b/Shell/fish/fishd.airon
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# This file is automatically generated by the fish.
# Do NOT edit it directly, your changes will be overwritten.
SET __fish_classic_git_prompt_initialized:\x1d
SET __fish_init_1_50_0:\x1d
SET fish_color_autosuggestion:969896
diff --git a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/py/colorz.pyc b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/py/colorz.pyc
index c31b558..20848e3 100644
--- a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/py/colorz.pyc
+++ b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/py/colorz.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/spotlight b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/spotlight
index 6abf67b..9a20e63 100755
--- a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/spotlight
+++ b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/spotlight
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
. ~/.colors
-bullet=`locate ~/ | dmenu -i -l 20 -sb $COLOR0 -nb $COLOR0 -nf $COLOR11 -sf $COLOR3`
-urxvt -e rifle -p0 "$bullet"
+bullet=`locate ~/ | dmenu -i -l 12 -sb $COLOR0 -nb $COLOR0 -nf $COLOR11 -sf $COLOR3`
+rifle -p0 "$bullet"
diff --git a/Xinit/xinitrc b/Xinit/xinitrc
index 8589a5b..08564d0 100755
--- a/Xinit/xinitrc
+++ b/Xinit/xinitrc
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ fi
# give cursor
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
+# Fix mouse
# Fix annoying blank java bug
wmname LG3D