diff options
7 files changed, 121 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/Browser/vimb/config.static b/Browser/vimb/config.static
index 5fed44f..dc06fba 100644
--- a/Browser/vimb/config.static
+++ b/Browser/vimb/config.static
@@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ nmap S :set scripts=false<CR> r :shellcmd mpv --no-terminal "%s"<CR> :set script
nmap J :set scripts=true
nmap D :set scripts=false
+au LoadFinished * sh! '~/dotfiles/Panel/lemonbar/windows'
diff --git a/Panel/lemonbar/panel b/Panel/lemonbar/panel
index 6926b75..cbf6301 100755
--- a/Panel/lemonbar/panel
+++ b/Panel/lemonbar/panel
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ mkfifo -m 777 "$PANEL_FIFO"
#bspc config top_padding $PANEL_HEIGHT
#bspc control --subscribe > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
./windows > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
-echo "D`rpws current`" > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
+#echo "D`rpws current`" > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
volume -f 'V%i' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
battery -i 60 -sf 'B%s %i' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
clock -i 60 -sf 'Z%d %a %H:%M' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
diff --git a/Panel/lemonbar/panel_bar b/Panel/lemonbar/panel_bar
index 620d223..3d29d4f 100755
--- a/Panel/lemonbar/panel_bar
+++ b/Panel/lemonbar/panel_bar
@@ -6,38 +6,38 @@ num_mon=$(bspc query -M | wc -l)
. ./icons
while read -r line ; do
case $line in
- Imail)
- mbsync -a > /dev/null
- if [ `rpws current` -eq 9 ];then
- mail=''
- else
- fi
- ;;
- Iface)
- if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
- face=''
- else
- fi
- ;;
- Ipub)
- if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
- pub=''
- else
- fi
- ;;
- Ipriv)
- if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
- priv=''
- else
- fi
- ;;
+# Imail)
+# mbsync -a > /dev/null
+# if [ `rpws current` -eq 9 ];then
+# mail=''
+# else
+# fi
+# ;;
+# Iface)
+# if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
+# face=''
+# else
+# fi
+# ;;
+# Ipub)
+# if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
+# pub=''
+# else
+# fi
+# ;;
+# Ipriv)
+# if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
+# priv=''
+# else
+# fi
+# ;;
diff --git a/Shell/zshrc b/Shell/zshrc
index 1c7bb47..8043d83 100644
--- a/Shell/zshrc
+++ b/Shell/zshrc
@@ -58,27 +58,27 @@ export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk
-#case $TERM in
-# (*rxvt*)
-# # Write some info to terminal title.
-# # This is seen when the shell prompts for input.
-# function precmd {
-#if pgrep "panel" > /dev/null
-# print -Pn "\e]0;%(1j,%j job%(2j|s|); ,)%1~\a"
-# ~/dotfiles/Panel/lemonbar/windows
-# }
-# # Write command and args to terminal title.
-# # This is seen while the shell waits for a command to complete.
-# function preexec {
-#if pgrep "panel" > /dev/null
-# printf "\033]0;%s\a" "$1"
-# ~/dotfiles/Panel/lemonbar/windows
-# }
-# ;;
+case $TERM in
+ (*rxvt*)
+ # Write some info to terminal title.
+ # This is seen when the shell prompts for input.
+ function precmd {
+if pgrep "panel" > /dev/null
+ print -Pn "\e]0;%(1j,%j job%(2j|s|); ,)%1~\a"
+ ~/dotfiles/Panel/lemonbar/windows
+ }
+ # Write command and args to terminal title.
+ # This is seen while the shell waits for a command to complete.
+ function preexec {
+if pgrep "panel" > /dev/null
+ printf "\033]0;%s\a" "$1"
+ ~/dotfiles/Panel/lemonbar/windows
+ }
+ ;;
diff --git a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
index 642d410..f47909c 100644
--- a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
+++ b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ escape grave
definekey top s-grave meta
definekey top Arabic_dammatan meta
-set quiet 1
+#set quiet 1
+set historyexpansion 1
#find files script
bind f exec ~/.config/ratpoison/spotlight
@@ -46,8 +49,7 @@ exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
#Border & Padding
alias showpanel set padding 0 24 0 0
alias hidepanel set padding 0 0 0 0
alias showborder set border 2
alias hideborder set border 0
@@ -67,10 +69,10 @@ unmanage stalonetray
# hooks
addhook switchwin barsend
-addhook deletewindow barsend
+#addhook deletewindow barsend
addhook switchframe barsend
addhook switchgroup barsend
-addhook titlechanged barsend
+#addhook titlechanged barsend
#addhook key barsend
unmanage conky
@@ -87,56 +89,56 @@ unmanage ratbar.pl
#Switching workspaces
-definekey top F1 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F2 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F3 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F4 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F5 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F6 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F7 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F8 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F9 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F10 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript & xset -led named "Scroll Lock"
-definekey top F11 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws11' && echo "D11" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top F12 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws12' && echo "D12" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-1 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-2 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-3 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-4 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-5 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-6 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-7 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-8 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-9 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
-definekey top s-0 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript & xset -led named "Scroll Lock"
-definekey top M-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F2 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F3 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F4 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F5 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F6 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F7 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F8 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F9 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F10 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo & xset -led named "Scroll Lock" && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F11 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm11' && echo "D11" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm12' && echo "D12" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-1 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-2 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-3 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-4 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-5 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-6 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-7 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-8 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-9 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top M-s-0 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo & xset -led named "Scroll Lock" && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws13' && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
-definekey top S-M-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm13' && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top F1 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F2 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F3 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F4 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F5 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F6 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F7 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F8 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F9 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F10 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript & xset -led named "Scroll Lock"
+definekey top F11 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 11' && echo "D11" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top F12 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 12' && echo "D12" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-1 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-2 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-3 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-4 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-5 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-6 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-7 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-8 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-9 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript
+definekey top s-0 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend && ratpoison -c bordscript & xset -led named "Scroll Lock"
+definekey top M-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F2 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F3 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F4 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F5 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F6 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F7 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F8 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F9 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F10 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo & xset -led named "Scroll Lock" && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F11 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 11' && echo "D11" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 12' && echo "D12" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-1 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-2 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-3 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-4 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-5 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-6 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-7 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-8 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-9 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top M-s-0 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo & xset -led named "Scroll Lock" && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top S-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 13' && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
+definekey top S-M-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 13' && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo && ratpoison -c barsend
@@ -155,8 +157,8 @@ definekey top S-M-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'rpwsm13' && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top S-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'rpws13'
-definekey top M-S-F12 'rpwsm13'
+definekey top S-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 13'
+definekey top M-S-F12 'vmove 13'
diff --git a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/wp b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/wp
index 048484d..ed3d0e3 100755
--- a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/wp
+++ b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/wp
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ Actions
#:: End function declaration, begin executing
main $*
-#pkill panel
-#~/bin/panel & disown
+pkill panel
+~/bin/panel & disown
source ~/.colors
#convert -font DejaVuSansB -pointsize 30 -stroke $COLOR0 -strokewidth 1 -fill $COLOR11 -draw 'text 70,60 "Vasil Zlatanov -> +46 723537981 vasil.zlatanov@gmail.com" ' $background ~/.wallpaper.png &
convert $background ~/.wallpaper.png &
diff --git a/Window_Manager/ratpoisonrc b/Window_Manager/ratpoisonrc
index 614b56c..74acc14 100644
--- a/Window_Manager/ratpoisonrc
+++ b/Window_Manager/ratpoisonrc
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-exec rpws init 12 -k
+set virtuals 24
alias config source .tools/ratpoisonrc.conf