diff options
9 files changed, 32 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/Editor/vimrc b/Editor/vimrc
index 16c42e9..571b9b5 100644
--- a/Editor/vimrc
+++ b/Editor/vimrc
@@ -6,13 +6,11 @@ call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'ervandew/supertab'
Plugin 'vim-scripts/DrawIt'
+Plugin 'takac/vim-hardtime'
+" tpope goodness
+Plugin 'tpope/vim-abolish'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-repeat'
-Plugin 'takac/vim-hardtime'
-Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
-Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips'
-Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets'
call vundle#end() " required
filetype plugin indent on " required
@@ -125,3 +123,13 @@ let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit='vertical'
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = '<tab>'
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger = '<tab>'
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger = '<s-tab>'
+for char in [ '_', '.', ':', ',', ';', '<bar>', '/', '<bslash>', '*', '+', '%', '-', '#' ]
+ execute 'xnoremap i' . char . ' :<C-u>normal! T' . char . 'vt' . char . '<CR>'
+ execute 'onoremap i' . char . ' :normal vi' . char . '<CR>'
+ execute 'xnoremap a' . char . ' :<C-u>normal! F' . char . 'vf' . char . '<CR>'
+ execute 'onoremap a' . char . ' :normal va' . char . '<CR>'
diff --git a/Panel/lemonbar/panel b/Panel/lemonbar/panel
index cbf6301..8058e56 100755
--- a/Panel/lemonbar/panel
+++ b/Panel/lemonbar/panel
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#! /bin/sh
-cd ~/.tools/panel
+cd ~/dotfiles/Panel/lemonbar
. ./profile
. ~/.colors
diff --git a/Panel/lemonbar/panel_bar b/Panel/lemonbar/panel_bar
index 6918969..40a2b27 100755
--- a/Panel/lemonbar/panel_bar
+++ b/Panel/lemonbar/panel_bar
@@ -10,38 +10,17 @@ while read -r line ; do
mbsync -a > /dev/null
-# Iface)
-# if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
-# face=''
-# else
-# fi
-# ;;
-# Ipub)
-# if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
-# pub=''
-# else
-# fi
-# ;;
-# Ipriv)
-# if [ `rpws current` -eq 10 ];then
-# priv=''
-# else
-# fi
-# ;;
- mail=''
- ;;
+ mail=''
+ ;;
+ M*)
+ notification="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
# C*)
# cpu="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} C:${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
# ;;
@@ -136,5 +115,5 @@ while read -r line ; do
# ;;
# printf "%s\n" "%{l}${wm_infos}${title}%{r}${playing}${paused}${cpu}${ram}${essid}${signal}${volume}${musicvol}${battery}${time_infos} "
- printf "%s\n" "%{l}${desktop}${wm_infos}%{r}${face}${priv}${pub}${mail}${playing}${paused}${cpu}${ram}${volume}${musicvol}${battery}${time_infos}"
+ printf "%s\n" "%{l}${desktop}${wm_infos}%{r}${notification}${face}${priv}${pub}${mail}${playing}${paused}${cpu}${ram}${volume}${musicvol}${battery}${time_infos}"
diff --git a/Shell/bash_aliases b/Shell/bash_aliases
index e54e7a7..e0ee239 100644
--- a/Shell/bash_aliases
+++ b/Shell/bash_aliases
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ alias radiorock="unbuffer mpv 'http://relay.181.fm:8028' |grep --line-buffered i
alias radio40="unbuffer mpv 'http://relay.181.fm:8070' |grep --line-buffered icy-title | sed -u 's/.*icy-title: /p/' > /tmp/panel-fifo"
alias radiolounge="unbuffer mpv 'http://sc-tcl.1.fm:8010/' |grep --line-buffered icy-title | sed -u 's/.*icy-title: /p/' > /tmp/panel-fifo"
alias irc='autossh -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 45" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 2" -p 55022 vasko@skozl.com'
-alias vps='mosh vasko@'
-alias desk='mosh -p 55101:55999 --ssh="ssh -p 55022" vsz@'
+alias vps='mosh vasko@ -- screen -rd'
+alias desk='mosh -p 55101:55999 --ssh="ssh -p 55022" vsz@ -- screen -rd'
alias sourcel='source ~/.bash_aliases'
alias ,.='fc -e -'
alias cd..='cd ..'
diff --git a/Shell/zshrc b/Shell/zshrc
index 78c6911..a11c16e 100644
--- a/Shell/zshrc
+++ b/Shell/zshrc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
+#> /dev/null Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ case $TERM in
# This is seen when the shell prompts for input.
function precmd {
print -Pn "\e]0;%(1j,%j job%(2j|s|); ,)%1~\a"
- timeout --signal=KILL 1s ~/dotfiles/Panel/lemonbar/windows
+ timeout --signal=KILL 1s ~/dotfiles/Panel/lemonbar/windows
# Write command and args to terminal title.
# This is seen while the shell waits for a command to complete.
diff --git a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/firesend b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/firesend
index 7ab8529..fb028b6 100755
--- a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/firesend
+++ b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/firesend
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-$HOME/.config/ratpoison/exec_to_workspace 2 vimb $@ > /dev/null 2>&1
+vimb $@ > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
index 0a940aa..f6f26e6 100644
--- a/Window_Manager/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
+++ b/Window_Manager/ratpoison/ratpoisonrc.conf
@@ -76,70 +76,6 @@ addhook switchgroup bordscript
#addhook titlechanged barsend
#addhook key barsend
-unmanage conky
-unmanage ratbar.pl
-# Workspaces
-# Switcher window
-#alias workspace_menu exec .config/ratpoison/workspace_menu
-#bind W workspace_menu
-#Switching workspaces
-definekey top F1 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F2 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F3 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F4 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F5 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F6 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F7 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F8 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F9 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F10 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F11 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 11' && echo "D11" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top F12 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 12' && echo "D12" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-1 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-2 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-3 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-4 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-5 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-6 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-7 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-8 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-9 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top s-0 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F2 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F3 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F4 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F5 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F6 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F7 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F8 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F9 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F10 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F11 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 11' && echo "D11" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-F12 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 12' && echo "D12" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-1 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 1' && echo "D1" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-2 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 2' && echo "D2" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-3 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 3' && echo "D3" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-4 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 4' && echo "D4" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-5 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 5' && echo "D5" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-6 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 6' && echo "D6" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-7 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 7' && echo "D7" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-8 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 8' && echo "D8" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-9 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 9' && printf "D9\nIxlear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top M-s-0 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 10' && printf "D10\nIclear\n" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top S-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'vselect 13' && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo
-definekey top S-M-F1 exec ratpoison -c 'vmove 13' && echo "D13" > /tmp/panel-fifo
@@ -223,6 +159,7 @@ definekey top s-x colon stop
definekey top s-f exec firefox
definekey top s-v exec vimb
+definekey top s-V exec mpv `xclip -o` --ytdl-format=22
definekey top s-h exec ~/.config/vimb/history-search
#definekey top s-g exec gvim
#definekey top s-l exec libreoffice
@@ -294,6 +231,8 @@ definekey top s-w exec mpc -h volume +5 #&& ratpoison -c "volinfo"
definekey top s-Down exec mpc -h volume -5 #&& ratpoison -c 'volinfo'
definekey top s-r exec mpc -h volume -5 #&& ratpoison -c "volinfo"
# Old cmus controls
#definekey top s-space exec cmus-remote -u && ratpoison -c "playinfo"
#definekey top s-Right exec cmus-remote -n && ratpoison -c "songinfo"
diff --git a/Window_Manager/ratpoisonrc b/Window_Manager/ratpoisonrc
index b669e98..754c580 100644
--- a/Window_Manager/ratpoisonrc
+++ b/Window_Manager/ratpoisonrc
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-set virtuals 12
alias config source .tools/ratpoisonrc.conf
diff --git a/Xinit/xinitrc b/Xinit/xinitrc
index e6544c3..5b69322 100755
--- a/Xinit/xinitrc
+++ b/Xinit/xinitrc
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ fi
# give cursor
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
+# An2linux
+~/bin/an2linux.py &
+statnot ~/dotfiles/Panel/statnot/config &
# Background
~/.tools/wp change &