path: root/config/uzbl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/uzbl')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/config/uzbl/config b/config/uzbl/config
index 6a36779..5a5c887 100644
--- a/config/uzbl/config
+++ b/config/uzbl/config
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ set ebind @mode_bind global,-insert
@cbind yu = spawn_sh 'echo -n "$UZBL_URI" | xclip'
@cbind yU = spawn_sh 'echo -n "$0" | xclip' '\@SELECTED_URI'
@cbind yy = spawn_sh 'echo -n "$UZBL_TITLE" | xclip'
-@cbind ys = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followSelection('returnuri') >\@ clipboard
+@cbind ys = spawn @config_home/scripts/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followSelection('returnuri') >\@ clipboard
# Selection bindings
@cbind <Ctrl>a = js (function () { var r = document.createRange(), s = window.getSelection(); r.selectNodeContents(document); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); })();
@@ -431,8 +431,8 @@ set follow_hint_keys 0123456789
# Fl -> open in a new window
# fL -> take the url and navigate directly to it
# FL -> copy the url to the clipboard
-@cbind f* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'click') >\@
-@cbind F* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'newwindow') >\@
+@cbind f* = spawn @config_home/scripts/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'click') >\@
+@cbind F* = spawn @config_home/scrpts/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'newwindow') >\@
#@cbind fL* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'returnuri') >\@ set
#@cbind FL* = spawn @scripts_dir/follow.sh \@< uzbl.follow.followLinks("\@follow_hint_keys", "%s", 'returnuri') >\@ clipboard
@cbind gi = spawn @scripts_dir/go_input.sh