path: root/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.vim
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1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.vim b/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..284232f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/boxdraw/boxdraw.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+" Box drawing module for Vim 6.0
+" (C) Andrew Nikitin, 2002
+" 2002-01-07 -- created by nsg
+" 2002-01-08 -- first box drawing (single only)
+" 2002-01-09 -- (00:42) fixed col(".") bug (note vim bug k"tylj does not retu)
+" 2002-01-09 -- optimize
+" 2002-01-10 -- double boxes
+" 2002-01-16 -- use script-local var and access function instead of global
+" 2002-01-30 -- ,a mapping (box->ascii conversion)
+" 2003-11-10 -- implemented MB avoiding "number Ctl-V"
+" 2004-06-18 -- fixed ToAscii so it replaces "─"; trace path (g+arrow)
+" 2004-06-23 -- merged single-byte and utf-8 support in one file
+" 2004-06-30 -- do not use shift+arrows unless in win32
+" 2008-12-17 -- special processing for line-block movements, changed cabbr for
+" perl
+let s:o_utf8='--0251--001459--50585a----------0202----0c1c----525e------------51--51--53--5f--54--60------------------------------------------00185c--003468------------------1024----2c3c--------------------56--62--65--6b--------------------------------------------------505b5d----------506769----------5561------------646a------------57--63----------66--6c------------------------------------------------------------------01'
+let s:i_utf8='44cc11------------------14------50------05------41------15--------------51--------------54--------------45--------------55--------------------------------------88221824289060a009060a81428219262a9162a29864a889468a9966aa14504105------40010410'
+let s:o_cp437='--b3ba--c4c0d3--cdd4c8----------b3b3----dac3----d5c6------------ba--ba--d6--c7--c9--cc------------------------------------------c4d9bd--c4c1d0------------------bfb4----c2c5--------------------b7--b6--d2--d7--------------------------------------------------cdbebc----------cdcfca----------b8b5------------d1d8------------bb--b9----------cb--ce'
+let s:i_cp437='----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------115191626090a222a08242815005455415445519260a288aa82a88aa894698640609182466994114'
+let s:scriptfile=expand("<sfile>:h")
+" Activate mode. Assigned to ,b macro.
+fu! <SID>S()
+ if has("gui_running")
+ " se enc=utf8
+ en
+ let s:ve=&ve
+ setl ve=all
+ " Note that typical terminal emulator program (Putty, in particular) does
+ " not support Shift arrows too good. You will, probably, have to redefines
+ " those to, say,
+ " ,<Up> etc.
+ if has("win32")
+ " Under Windows Shift+Arrows works quite smooth, unlike most terminals
+ nm <S-Up> :call <SID>M(1,'k')<CR>
+ nm <S-Down> :call <SID>M(16,'j')<CR>
+ nm <S-Left> :call <SID>M(64,'h')<CR>
+ nm <S-Right> :call <SID>M(4,'l')<CR>
+ nm g<Up> :call <SID>G(0)<CR>
+ nm g<Right> :call <SID>G(1)<CR>
+ nm g<Down> :call <SID>G(2)<CR>
+ nm g<Left> :call <SID>G(3)<CR>
+ vm <S-Up> <esc>:call <SID>MB('k')<CR>
+ vm <S-Down> <esc>:call <SID>MB('j')<CR>
+ vm <S-Left> <esc>:call <SID>MB('h')<CR>
+ vm <S-Right> <esc>:call <SID>MB('l')<CR>
+ else
+ nm <Up> :call <SID>M(1,'k')<CR>
+ nm <Down> :call <SID>M(16,'j')<CR>
+ nm <Left> :call <SID>M(64,'h')<CR>
+ nm <Right> :call <SID>M(4,'l')<CR>
+ nm g<Up> :call <SID>G(0)<CR>
+ nm g<Right> :call <SID>G(1)<CR>
+ nm g<Down> :call <SID>G(2)<CR>
+ nm g<Left> :call <SID>G(3)<CR>
+ vm <Up> <esc>:call <SID>MB('k')<CR>
+ vm <Down> <esc>:call <SID>MB('j')<CR>
+ vm <Left> <esc>:call <SID>MB('h')<CR>
+ vm <Right> <esc>:call <SID>MB('l')<CR>
+ en
+ vmap <Leader>a :ToAscii<cr>
+ nm <Leader>e :call <SID>E()<CR>
+ nm <Leader>s :call <SID>SetLT(1)<CR>
+ nm <Leader>d :call <SID>SetLT(2)<CR>
+ exec "cabbr <"."buffer> perl perl ".s:scriptfile
+ let s:bdlt=1
+ nm <Leader>b x
+ nun <Leader>b
+fu! s:SetLT(thickness)
+ let s:bdlt=a:thickness
+" Deactivate mode.
+" Unmap macros, restore &ve option
+fu! <SID>E()
+ if has("win32")
+ " Under Windows Shift+Arrows works quite smooth, unlike most terminals
+ nun <S-Up>
+ nun <S-Down>
+ nun <S-Left>
+ nun <S-Right>
+ nun g<Up>
+ nun g<Right>
+ nun g<Down>
+ nun g<Left>
+ vu <S-Up>
+ vu <S-Down>
+ vu <S-Left>
+ vu <S-Right>
+ else
+ nun <Up>
+ nun <Down>
+ nun <Left>
+ nun <Right>
+ nun g<Up>
+ nun g<Right>
+ nun g<Down>
+ nun g<Left>
+ vu <Up>
+ vu <Down>
+ vu <Left>
+ vu <Right>
+ en
+ nun <Leader>e
+ nm <buffer> <Leader>b :call <SID>S()<CR>
+ cuna <buffer> perl
+ let &ve=s:ve
+ unlet s:ve
+ "echo "Finished Boxdrawing mode"
+fu! s:GetBoxCode(char)
+ " check if symbol from unicode boxdrawing range
+ " E2=1110(0010)
+ " 25= 10(0101)xx
+ if 'utf-8'== &enc
+ if(0xE2==char2nr(a:char[0])&&0x25==char2nr(a:char[1])/4)
+ retu '0x'.strpart(s:i_utf8,2*(char2nr(a:char[1])%4*64+char2nr(a:char[2])%64),2)
+ en
+ else " Assume cp437 encoding
+ retu '0x'.strpart(s:i_cp437,2*char2nr(a:char),2)
+ en
+ retu 0
+" Try neihgbour in direction 'd' if c is true. Mask m for the direction
+" should also be supplied.
+" Function returns neighboring bit
+" Unicode entries are encoded in utf8 as
+" 7 bit : 0vvvvvvv
+" 11 bit : 110vvvvv 10vvvvvv
+" 16 bit : 1110vvvv 10vvvvvv 10vvvvvv
+fu! s:T(c,d,m)
+ if(a:c)
+ exe 'norm mt'.a:d.'"tyl`t'
+ let c=s:GetBoxCode(@t)
+ retu c%a:m*4/a:m
+ en
+ retu 0
+" 3*4^x, where x=0,1,2,3
+" fu! s:Mask(x)
+" retu ((6+a:x*(45+a:x*(-54+a:x*27)))/2)
+" endf
+" Move cursor (follow) in specified direction
+" Return new direction if new position is valid, -1 otherwise
+" dir: 'kljh'
+" ^>V<
+" 0123
+" mask: 3 12 48 192
+" let @x=3|echo (6+@x*(45+@x*(-54+@x*27)))/2
+fu! <SID>F(d)
+ exe 'norm '.('kljh'[a:d]).'"tyl'
+ let c=s:GetBoxCode(@t)
+ let i=0
+ let r=-1
+ while i<4
+ if 0!=c%4 && a:d!=(i+2)%4
+ if r<0
+ let r=i
+ else
+ retu -1
+ endif
+ endif
+ let c=c/4
+ let i=i+1
+ endw
+ retu r
+fu! <SID>G(d)
+ let y=line(".")
+ let x=virtcol(".")
+ let n=a:d
+ while n>=0
+ let n=s:F(n)
+ if y==line(".") && x==virtcol(".")
+ echo "Returned to same spot"
+ break
+ endif
+ endw
+" Move cursor in specified direction (d= h,j,k or l). Mask s for
+" the direction should also be supplied
+fu! <SID>M(s,d)
+ let t=@t
+ let x=s:T(1<col("."),'h',16)*64+s:T(line(".")<line("$"),'j',4)*16+s:T(1,'l',256)*4+s:T(1<line("."),'k',64)
+ let @t=t
+ let c=a:s*s:bdlt+x-x%(a:s*4)/a:s*a:s
+ "echo 'need c='.c.' x='.x
+ if 'utf-8'==&enc
+ let o=strpart(s:o_utf8,2*c,2)
+ if o!='--' && o!=''
+ exe "norm r\<C-V>u25".o.a:d
+ en
+ else
+ let o=strpart(s:o_cp437,2*c,2)
+ if o!='--' && o!=''
+ exe "norm r\<C-V>x".o.a:d
+ en
+ en
+" "echo "Boxdrawing mode"
+scriptencoding utf8
+command! -range ToAscii :silent <line1>,<line2>s/┌\|┬\|┐\|╓\|╥\|╖\|╒\|╤\|╕\|╔\|╦\|╗\|├\|┼\|┤\|╟\|╫\|╢\|╞\|╪\|╡\|╠\|╬\|╣\|└\|┴\|┘\|╙\|╨\|╜\|╘\|╧\|╛\|╚\|╩\|╝/+/ge|:silent <line1>,<line2>s/[│║]/\|/ge|:silent <line1>,<line2>s/[═─]/-/ge
+command! -range ToHorz :<line1>,<line2>s/─\|═/-/g
+command! -range ToHorz2 :<line1>,<line2>s/─/-/g
+" 0000000: 636f 6d6d 616e 6421 202d 7261 6e67 6520 command! -range
+" 0000010: 546f 486f 727a 203a 3c6c 696e 6531 3e2c ToHorz :<line1>,
+" 0000020: 3c6c 696e 6532 3e73 2fe2 9480 5c7c e295 <line2>s/...\|..
+" 0000030: 9029 2f6f 2f67 0d0a .)/o/g..
+command! -range ToVert :<line1>,<line2>s/│\|║/\|/g
+" Move block dispatch
+fu! s:MB(d)
+ if visualmode()=='' || visualmode()=='v'
+ call s:MRB(a:d)
+ elseif visualmode()=='V'
+ call s:MLB(a:d)
+ en
+" Move line block
+fu! s:MLB(d)
+ if a:d=='j' || a:d=='k'
+ let l:cmd= "norm gv\"yd".a:d."\"yP1V"
+ exe l:cmd
+ elseif a:d=='h'
+ normal gv
+ :'<,'>s/^.//
+ normal gv
+ elseif a:d=='l'
+ normal gv
+ :'<,'>s/^/ /
+ normal gv
+ en
+" Move Rectangular block
+" sideeffect: stores contents of a block in "y
+" 1<C-V> does not work good in 6.0 when multibyte characters are involved
+" gvp does not work good ...
+" gv also has some problems
+" See http://vim.sourceforge.net/tips/tip.php?tip_id=808 for different way to
+" paste
+fu! s:MRB(d)
+ " It seems that rectangular boxes and multibyte do not live together too
+ " good asof version 6.3
+ " Normally something like
+ " exe 'norm gv"yygvr '.a:d.'1<C-V>"ypgv'
+ " should have worked
+ let l:y1=line(".")
+ let l:x1=virtcol(".")
+ "echo l:x1."-".l:y1
+ normal gv"yygvo
+ let l:y2=line(".")
+ let l:x2=virtcol(".")
+ if l:x1>l:x2 | let l:t=l:x1 | let l:x1=l:x2 | let l:x2=l:t | endif
+ if l:y1>l:y2 | let l:t=l:y1 | let l:y1=l:y2 | let l:y2=l:t | endif
+ let l:pos=l:y1."G0"
+ if 1<l:x1 | let l:pos=l:pos.(l:x1-1)."l" | endif
+ let l:size=""
+ if 0<l:y2-l:y1 | let l:size=l:size.(l:y2-l:y1)."j" | endif
+ if 0<l:x2-l:x1 | let l:size=l:size.(l:x2-l:x1)."l" | endif
+ exe "normal gvr ".l:pos.a:d."".l:size."d\"yPgvjk"
+:nmap <buffer> ,b :call <SID>S()<CR>
+if has("win32")
+ " Under win32 activate boxdrwaing mode upon start.
+ " If undesirable, prepend with :nmap ,b
+ "
+ :normal ,b