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+DrawIt.txt* The DrawIt Tool Nov 25, 2013
+Authors: Charles E. Campbell <NdrchipO@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
+ Sylvain Viart <molo@multimania.com>
+ (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
+Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Charles E. Campbell
+ Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
+ with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
+ notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
+ DrawIt.vim and DrawItPlugin.vim are provided *as is*; it comes
+ with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. By
+ using this plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
+ holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this
+ software.
+1. Contents *drawit-contents* {{{1
+ 1. Contents......................: |drawit-contents|
+ 2. DrawIt Manual.................: |drawit|
+ 3. DrawIt Usage..................: |drawit-usage|
+ Starting....................: |drawit-start|
+ Stopping....................: |drawit-stop|
+ User Map Protection.........: |drawit-protect|
+ Drawing.....................: |drawit-drawing|
+ Tip.........................: |drawit-tip|
+ Changing Drawing Characters.: |drawit-setdrawit|
+ Moving......................: |drawit-moving|
+ Erasing.....................: |drawit-erase|
+ Example.....................: |drawit-example|
+ Visual Block Mode...........: |drawit-visblock|
+ Brushes.....................: |drawit-brush|
+ DrawIt Modes................: |drawit-modes|
+ 4. DrawIt History................: |drawit-history|
+2. DrawIt Manual *drawit* {{{1
+ *drawit-manual*
+ /===============+============================================================\
+ || Starting & | ||
+ || Stopping | Explanation ||
+ ++--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || \di | start DrawIt |drawit-start| ||
+ || \ds | stop DrawIt |drawit-stop| ||
+ || :DIstart | start DrawIt |drawit-start| ||
+ || :DIstart S | start DrawIt in single-bar mode |drawit-start| ||
+ || :DIstart D | start DrawIt in double-bar mode |drawit-start| ||
+ || :DIsngl | start DrawIt in single-bar mode |drawit-start| |drawit-sngl| ||
+ || :DIdbl | start DrawIt in double-bar mode |drawit-start| |drawit-dbl| ||
+ || :DIstop | stop DrawIt |drawit-stop| ||
+ || :DrawIt[!] | start/stop DrawIt |drawit-start| |drawit-stop| ||
+ || | ||
+ ++==============+===========================================================++
+ || Maps | Explanation ||
+ ++--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || | The DrawIt routines use a replace, move, and ||
+ || | replace/insert strategy. The package also lets one insert||
+ || | spaces, draw arrows by using the following characters or ||
+ || | keypad characters: ||
+ || +-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || <left> | move and draw left |drawit-drawing| ||
+ || <right> | move and draw right, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <up> | move and draw up, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <down> | move and draw down, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <s-left> | move cursor left |drawit-move| ||
+ || <s-right> | move cursor right, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <s-up> | move cursor up, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <s-down> | move cursor down, inserting lines/space as needed ||
+ || <space> | toggle into and out of erase mode ||
+ || > | insert a > and move right (draw -> arrow) ||
+ || < | insert a < and move left (draw <- arrow) ||
+ || ^ | insert a ^ and move up (draw ^ arrow) ||
+ || v | insert a v and move down (draw v arrow) ||
+ || <pgdn> | replace with a \, move down and right, and insert a \ ||
+ || <end> | replace with a /, move down and left, and insert a / ||
+ || <pgup> | replace with a /, move up and right, and insert a / ||
+ || <home> | replace with a \, move up and left, and insert a \ ||
+ || \> | insert a fat > and move right (draw -> arrow) ||
+ || \< | insert a fat < and move left (draw <- arrow) ||
+ || \^ | insert a fat ^ and move up (draw ^ arrow) ||
+ || \v | insert a fat v and move down (draw v arrow) ||
+ ||<s-leftmouse> | drag and draw with current brush |drawit-brush| ||
+ ||<c-leftmouse> | drag and move current brush |drawit-brush| ||
+ || | ||
+ ||==============+===========================================================++
+ ||Visual Cmds | Explanation ||
+ ||--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || | The drawing mode routines use visual-block mode to ||
+ || | select endpoints for lines, arrows, and ellipses. Bresen- ||
+ || | ham and Bresenham-like algorithms are used for this. ||
+ || | ||
+ || | These routines need a block of spaces, and so the canvas ||
+ || | routine must first be used to create such a block. The ||
+ || | canvas routine will query the user for the number of ||
+ || | lines to hold |'textwidth'| spaces. ||
+ || +-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || \a | draw arrow from corners of visual-block selected region || |drawit-a|
+ || \b | draw box on visual-block selected region || |drawit-b|
+ || \c | the canvas routine (will query user, see above) || |drawit-c|
+ || \e | draw an ellipse on visual-block selected region || |drawit-e|
+ || \f | flood figure with a character (you will be prompted) || |drawit-f|
+ || \l | draw line from corners of visual-block selected region || |drawit-l|
+ || \s | spacer: appends spaces up to the textwidth (default: 78) || |drawit-s|
+ || | ||
+ ++==============+===========================================================++
+ || Function and Explanation ||
+ ++--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------++
+ || :call SetDrawIt('vertical','horizontal','crossing','\','/','X','*') ||
+ || set drawing characters for motions for moving ||
+ || and for the ellipse drawing boundary |drawit-setdrawit| ||
+ || default motion ||
+ || | up/down, ||
+ || - left/right, ||
+ || + -| crossing, ||
+ || \ downright, ||
+ || / downleft, and ||
+ || X \/ crossing ||
+ ++=======================+==================================================++
+ || Commands | Explanation ||
+ ++-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------++
+ || :SetBrush a-z | sets brush (register) to given register ||
+ || :'<,'>SetBrush a-z | yanks visual block to brush |drawit-brush||| ||
+ || :DInrml | switch to normal mode |drawit-nrml| ||
+ || :DIsngl | switch to single-line mode |drawit-sngl| ||
+ || :DIdbl | switch to double-line mode |drawit-dbl| ||
+ \============================================================================/
+3. DrawIt Usage *drawit-usage* {{{1
+STARTING *drawit-start* {{{2
+\di (starts in normal drawing mode) *drawit-\di*
+:DrawIt (starts in normal drawing mode) *drawit-DrawIt*
+:DIstart (starts in normal drawing mode) *drawit-DIstart*
+:DIstart S (starts in single-bar drawing mode)
+:DIstart D (starts in double-bar drawing mode)
+:DInrml (starts in normal drawing mode) *drawit-DInrml*
+:DIsngl (starts in single-bar drawing mode) *drawit-DIsngl*
+:DIdbl (starts in double-bar drawing mode) *drawit-DIdbl*
+Typically one puts <drawit.vim> into the .vim/plugin directory
+(vimfiles\plugin for Windows) where it becomes always available. It uses a
+minimal interface (\di: you can think of it as *D*raw*I*t or *D*rawIt
+*I*nitialize) to start it and (\ds: *D*rawIt *S*top) to stop it. Instead of
+using "\" you may specify your own preference for a map leader (see
+With a trailing 'S', :DIstart will begin in single-bar mode (see |drawit-sngl|).
+With a trailing 'D', :DIstart will begin in double-bar mode (see |drawit-dbl|).
+Similarly, :DIsngl and :DIdbl will start DrawIt as well as begin in
+single-bar or double-bar mode, respectively.
+A message, "[DrawIt]", will appear on the message line.
+STOPPING *drawit-stop* {{{2
+When you are done with DrawIt, use \ds to stop DrawIt mode. Stopping DrawIt
+will restore your usual options and remove the maps DrawIt set up.
+A message, "[DrawIt off]", will appear on the message line.
+ *drawit-utf16*
+ *drawit-utf8* *drawit-unicode*
+NORMAL, SINGLE BAR, AND DOUBLE BAR MODES *drawit-sngl* *drawit-dbl*
+:DInrml :DIsngl :DIdbl
+One may use these commands to start up Drawit in normal, single-bar, or
+double-bar modes, respectively. When your |'encoding'| is utf-8 or utf-16,
+DrawIt supports drawing with special box characters (single-bar, double_bar).
+These commands are also used to switch to normal, single-bar, or double-bar
+USER MAP PROTECTION *drawit-protect* {{{2
+Starting DrawIt causes it to set up a number of maps which facilitate drawing.
+DrawIt accommodates users with conflicting maps by saving both maps and user
+options and before setting them to what DrawIt needs. When you stop DrawIt
+(|drawit-stop|), DrawIt will restore the user's maps and options as they were
+before DrawIt was started.
+OPTIONS *drawit-options* {{{2
+ *g:drawit_insertmode*
+g:drawit_insertmode : if this variable exists and is 1 then maps are
+ made which make cursor-control drawing available
+ while in insert mode, too. Otherwise, DrawIt's
+ maps only affect normal mode.
+DRAWING *drawit-drawing* {{{2
+After DrawIt is started, use the number pad or arrow keys to move the cursor
+about. As the cursor moves, DrawIt will then leave appropriate "line"
+characters behind as you move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and
+will transparently enlarge your file to accommodate your drawing as needed.
+The trail will consist of -, |, \, / characters (depending on which direction
+and SetDrawIt() changes), and + and X characters where line crossings occur.
+You may use h-j-k-l to move about your display and generally use editing
+commands as you wish even while in DrawIt mode.
+Another tool that may be used to convert Ascii-art into nice pictures is
+available at https://github.com/christiangoltz/shaape .
+CHANGING DRAWING CHARACTERS *drawit-setdrawit* {{{2
+The SetDrawIt() function is available for those who wish to change the
+characters that DrawIt uses. >
+ ex. :call SetDrawIt('*','*','*','*','*','*','*')
+ ex. :call SetDrawIt('-','|','-','\','/','/','*')
+The first example shows how to change all the DrawIt drawing characters to
+asterisks, and the second shows how to give crossing priority to - and /.
+The default setting is equivalent to: >
+ :call SetDrawIt('|','-','+','\','/','X','*')
+where SetDrawit()'s arguments refer, in order, to the >
+ vertical drawing character
+ horizontal drawing character
+ horizontal/vertical crossing drawing character
+ down right drawing character
+ down left drawing character
+ diagonal crossing drawing character
+ ellipse boundary drawing character
+TIP *drawit-tip*
+I have found that sometimes one or more of the <home>, <end>, <pageup>,
+and <pagedown> keys give unique sequences but are not interpreted
+properly by Vim. This problem impacts DrawIt as it uses those four
+keys to signify diagonal moves/drawing. One solution I use is to
+put into my <.vimrc> file mapings like:
+ map ^V... <home>
+where the ellipsis (...) is the actual character sequence produced by
+hitting the key. The way to generate such maps is to type "map ",
+followed by three control-v presses, press the associated key, then
+a space followed by the proper interpretation sequence (ie. <home>).
+MOVING *drawit-move* *drawit-moving* {{{2
+DrawIt supports shifting the arrow keys to cause motion of the cursor. The
+motion of the cursor will not modify what's below the cursor. The cursor
+will move and lines and/or spaces will be inserted to support the move as
+required. Your terminal may not support shifted arrow keys, however, or Vim
+may not catch them as such. For example, on the machine I use, shift-up
+(<s-up>) produced <Esc>[161q, but vim didn't know that sequence was a <s-up>.
+I merely made a nmap:
+ nmap <Esc>[161q <s-up>
+and vim thereafter recognized the <s-up> command.
+ERASING *drawit-erase* {{{2
+The <space> key will toggle DrawIt's erase mode/DrawIt mode. When in [DrawIt
+erase] mode, a message "[DrawIt erase]" will appear and the number pad will
+now cause spaces to be drawn instead of the usual drawing characters. The
+drawing behavior will be restored when the <space> key toggles DrawIt back
+to regular DrawIt mode.
+EXAMPLES *drawit-example* {{{2
+Needless to say, the square spirals which follow were done with DrawIt and
+a bit of block editing with Vim: >
+ +------------ -----------+ +------------ -----------+ +------------
+ |+----------+ +---------+| |+----------+ +---------+| |+----------+
+ ||+--------+| |+-------+|| ||+--------+| |+-------+|| ||+--------+|
+ |||-------+|| ||+------||| |||-------+|| ||+------||| |||-------+||
+ ||+-------+|| ||+------+|| ||+-------+|| ||+------+|| ||+-------+||
+ |+---------+| |+--------+| |+---------+| |+--------+| |+---------+|
+ +-----------+ +----------+ +-----------+ +----------+ +-----------+
+\a : draw arrow from corners of visual-block selected region *drawit-a*
+\b : draw box on visual-block selected region *drawit-b*
+\c : the canvas routine (will query user, see above) *drawit-c*
+\e : draw an ellipse on visual-block selected region *drawit-e*
+\f : flood figure with a character (you will be prompted) *drawit-f*
+\l : draw line from corners of visual-block selected region *drawit-l*
+\s : spacer: appends spaces up to the textwidth (default: 78) *drawit-s*
+The DrawIt package has been merged with Sylvain Viart's drawing package (by
+permission) which provides DrawIt with visual-block selection of
+starting/ending point drawing of arrows (\a), lines (\l), and boxes (\b).
+Additionally I wrote an ellipse drawing function using visual block
+specification (|drawit-e|).
+One may create a block of spaces for these maps to operate in; the "canvas"
+routine (\c) will help create such blocks. First, the s:Canvas() routine will
+query the user for the number of lines s/he wishes to have, and will then fill
+those lines with spaces out to the |'textwidth'| if user has specified it;
+otherwise, the display width will be used.
+Although most of the maps use visual-block selection, that isn't true of the
+\f map. Instead, it assume that you have already drawn some closed figure
+and want to fill it with some character.
+The Sylvain Viart functions and the ellipse drawing function depend
+upon using visual block mode. As a typical use: >
+ Example: * \h
+ DrawIt asks: how many lines under the cursor? 10
+ DrawIt then appends 10 lines filled with blanks
+ out to textwidth (if defined) or 78 columns.
+ * ctrl-v (move) \b
+ DrawIt then draws a box
+ * ctrl-v (move) \e
+ DrawIt then draws an ellipse
+Select the first endpoint with ctrl-v and then move to the other endpoint.
+One may then select \a for arrows, \b for boxes, \e for ellipses, or \l for
+lines. The internal s:AutoCanvas() will convert tabs to spaces and will
+extend with spaces as needed to support the visual block. Note that when
+DrawIt is enabled, virtualedit is also enabled (to "all").
+ Examples:
+ __ _ *************** +-------+
+ \_ _/ **** **** | |
+ \_ _/ ** ---------> ** | |
+ \_ _/ **** **** | |
+ \__/ <------- *************** +-------+
+ \l \a \e and \a \b
+ *drawit-setbrush*
+BRUSHES *drawit-brush* {{{2
+ :SetBrush [a-z]
+ Set the current brush to the selected brush register:
+ ex. :SetBrush b
+ :'<,'>SetBrush [a-z]
+ Select text for the brush by using visual-block mode: ctrl-v, move .
+ Then set the current text into the brush register: (default brush: a)
+ <leftmouse>
+ Select a visual-block region. One may use "ay, for example,
+ to yank selected text to register a.
+ <shift-leftmouse>
+ One may drag and draw with the current brush (default brush: a)
+ by holding down the shift key and the leftmouse button and moving
+ the mouse. Blanks in the brush are considered to be transparent.
+ <ctrl-leftmouse>
+ One may drag and move a selection with <ctrl-leftmouse>. First,
+ select the region using the <leftmouse>. Release the mouse button,
+ then press ctrl and the <leftmouse> button; while continuing to press
+ the button, move the mouse. The selected block of text will then
+ move along with the cursor.
+ \ra ... \rz
+ Replace text with the given register's contents (ie. the brush).
+ \pa ... \pz
+ Like \ra ... \rz, except that blanks are considered to be transparent.
+ Example: Draw the following >
+ \ \
+ o o
+ *
+ ---
+< Then use ctrl-v, move, "ay to grab a copy into register a.
+ By default, the current brush uses register a (change brush
+ with :SetBrush [reg]). Hold the <shift> and <leftbutton>
+ keys down and move the mouse; as you move, a copy of the
+ brush will be left behind.
+DRAWIT MODES *drawit-modes* {{{2
+ -[DrawIt] regular DrawIt mode (|drawit-start|)
+ -[DrawIt off] DrawIt is off (|drawit-stop| )
+ -[DrawIt erase] DrawIt will erase using the number pad (|drawit-erase|)
+ g:DrChipTopLvlMenu: by default its "DrChip"; you may set this to whatever
+ you like in your <.vimrc>. This variable controls where
+ DrawIt's menu items are placed.
+4. History *drawit-history* {{{1
+ 13 Sep 05, 2013 * improved s:Strlen() -- now uses |strdisplaywidth()|
+ if available.
+ Sep 13, 2013 * (Paul Wagland) found a case where lines were
+ being drawn with the wrong character. This
+ affected the Bresenham-algorithm based
+ drawing facility (ie. lines and arrows
+ specified by visual blocks;
+ |drawit-a|, |drawit-l|).
+ 12 Nov 16, 2012 * (Alexandre Viau) arrows weren't being drawn.
+ Fixed.
+ Nov 29, 2012 * (Kim Jang-hwan) reported that with
+ g:Align_xstrlen set to 3 that the cursor was
+ moved (linewise) after invocation. This
+ problem also afflicted DrawIt. Fixed.
+ 11 Jan 21, 2010 * (Evan Stern) several places were using
+ hardcoded drawing characters instead of
+ b:di_... equivalents.
+ Feb 22, 2011 * for menus, &go =~# used to insure correct case
+ Sep 22, 2011 * ctrl-leftmouse (see |drawit-brush|) now moves the
+ selected text entirely, no longer leaving a copy
+ of the text where it was initially.
+ Nov 07, 2011 * included support for utf-8 box drawing characters
+ Nov 16, 2011 * included support for utf-8 single-double characters
+ Nov 16, 2011 * included support for cp437 box drawing characters
+ Dec 06, 2011 * included support for box and line drawing (\b, \l)
+ support for utf-8 / cp437 box drawing characters
+ Dec 06, 2011 * fat arrows now use utf-8 characters when available
+ Jan 30, 2012 * \f supported when using utf-8/cp437 box drawing
+ characters as boundary characters
+ 10 Jun 12, 2008 * Fixed a bug with ctrl-leftmouse (which was leaving
+ a space in the original selected text)
+ Mar 24, 2009 * :DrawIt starts, :DrawIt! stops DrawIt mode.
+ Mar 24, 2009 * I've included <script> modifiers to the maps to
+ cause rhs remapping only with mappings local to
+ the script (see |:map-script|)
+ 9 Sep 14, 2007 * Johann-Guenter Simon fixed a bug with s:DrawErase();
+ it called SetDrawIt() and that call hadn't been
+ updated to account for the new b:di_ellipse
+ parameter.
+ 8 Feb 12, 2007 * fixed a bug which prevented multi-character user
+ maps from being restored properly
+ May 03, 2007 * Extended SetDrawIt() to handle b:di_ellipse, the
+ ellipse boundary drawing character
+ * Changed "Holer" to "Canvas", and wrote AutoCanvas(),
+ which allows one to use the visual-block drawing
+ maps without creating a canvas first.
+ * DrawIt implements using the ctrl-leftmouse to move
+ a visual-block selected region.
+ * Floods can now be done inside an ellipse
+ * DrawIt's maps are now all users of <buffer>
+ 7 Feb 16, 2005 * now checks that "m" is in &go before attempting to
+ use menus
+ Aug 17, 2005 * report option workaround
+ Nov 01, 2005 * converted DrawIt to use autoload feature of vim 7.0
+ Dec 28, 2005 * now uses cecutil to save/restore user maps
+ Jan 18, 2006 * cecutil now updated to use keepjumps
+ Jan 23, 2006 * :DIstart and :DIstop commands provided; thus users
+ using "set noremap" can still use DrawIt.
+ Jan 26, 2006 * DrawIt menu entry now keeps its place
+ Apr 10, 2006 * Brushes were implemented
+ 6 Feb 24, 2003 * The latest DrawIt now provides a fill function.
+ \f will ask for a character to fill the figure
+ surrounding the current cursor location. Plus
+ I suggest reading :he drawit-tip for those whose
+ home/pageup/pagedown/end keys aren't all working
+ properly with DrawIt.
+ 08/18/03 * \p[a-z] and \r[a-z] implemented
+ 08/04/03 * b:..keep variables renamed to b:di_..keep variables
+ StopDrawIt() now insures that erase mode is off
+ 03/11/03 * included g:drawit_insertmode handling
+ 02/21/03 * included flood function
+ 12/11/02 * deletes trailing whitespace only if holer used
+ 8/27/02 * fat arrowheads included
+ * shift-arrow keys move but don't modify
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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index 0000000..30a642a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/doc/surround.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+*surround.txt* Plugin for deleting, changing, and adding "surroundings"
+Author: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
+License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
+This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
+INTRODUCTION *surround*
+This plugin is a tool for dealing with pairs of "surroundings." Examples
+of surroundings include parentheses, quotes, and HTML tags. They are
+closely related to what Vim refers to as |text-objects|. Provided
+are mappings to allow for removing, changing, and adding surroundings.
+Details follow on the exact semantics, but first, consider the following
+examples. An asterisk (*) is used to denote the cursor position.
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ "Hello *world!" ds" Hello world!
+ [123+4*56]/2 cs]) (123+456)/2
+ "Look ma, I'm *HTML!" cs"<q> <q>Look ma, I'm HTML!</q>
+ if *x>3 { ysW( if ( x>3 ) {
+ my $str = *whee!; vllllS' my $str = 'whee!';
+While a few features of this plugin will work in older versions of Vim,
+Vim 7 is recommended for full functionality.
+MAPPINGS *surround-mappings*
+Delete surroundings is *ds* . The next character given determines the target
+to delete. The exact nature of the target is explained in |surround-targets|
+but essentially it is the last character of a |text-object|. This mapping
+deletes the difference between the "i"nner object and "a"n object. This is
+easiest to understand with some examples:
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ "Hello *world!" ds" Hello world!
+ (123+4*56)/2 ds) 123+456/2
+ <div>Yo!*</div> dst Yo!
+Change surroundings is *cs* . It takes two arguments, a target like with
+|ds|, and a replacement. Details about the second argument can be found
+below in |surround-replacements|. Once again, examples are in order.
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ "Hello *world!" cs"' 'Hello world!'
+ "Hello *world!" cs"<q> <q>Hello world!</q>
+ (123+4*56)/2 cs)] [123+456]/2
+ (123+4*56)/2 cs)[ [ 123+456 ]/2
+ <div>Yo!*</div> cst<p> <p>Yo!</p>
+*ys* takes a valid Vim motion or text object as the first object, and wraps
+it using the second argument as with |cs|. (It's a stretch, but a good
+mnemonic for "ys" is "you surround".)
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ Hello w*orld! ysiw) Hello (world)!
+As a special case, *yss* operates on the current line, ignoring leading
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ Hello w*orld! yssB {Hello world!}
+There is also *yS* and *ySS* which indent the surrounded text and place it
+on a line of its own.
+In visual mode, a simple "S" with an argument wraps the selection. This is
+referred to as the *vS* mapping, although ordinarily there will be
+additional keystrokes between the v and S. In linewise visual mode, the
+surroundings are placed on separate lines and indented. In blockwise visual
+mode, each line is surrounded.
+A "gS" in visual mode, known as *vgS* , behaves similarly. In linewise visual
+mode, the automatic indenting is suppressed. In blockwise visual mode, this
+enables surrounding past the end of the line with 'virtualedit' set (there
+seems to be no way in Vim Script to differentiate between a jagged end of line
+selection and a virtual block selected past the end of the line, so two maps
+were needed).
+ *i_CTRL-G_s* *i_CTRL-G_S*
+Finally, there is an experimental insert mode mapping on <C-G>s and <C-S>.
+Beware that the latter won't work on terminals with flow control (if you
+accidentally freeze your terminal, use <C-Q> to unfreeze it). The mapping
+inserts the specified surroundings and puts the cursor between them. If,
+immediately after the mapping and before the replacement, a second <C-S> or
+carriage return is pressed, the prefix, cursor, and suffix will be placed on
+three separate lines. <C-G>S (not <C-G>s) also exhibits this behavior.
+TARGETS *surround-targets*
+The |ds| and |cs| commands both take a target as their first argument. The
+possible targets are based closely on the |text-objects| provided by Vim.
+All targets are currently just one character.
+Eight punctuation marks, (, ), {, }, [, ], <, and >, represent themselves
+and their counterparts. If the opening mark is used, contained whitespace is
+also trimmed. The targets b, B, r, and a are aliases for ), }, ], and >
+(the first two mirror Vim; the second two are completely arbitrary and
+subject to change).
+Three quote marks, ', ", `, represent themselves, in pairs. They are only
+searched for on the current line.
+A t is a pair of HTML or XML tags. See |tag-blocks| for details. Remember
+that you can specify a numerical argument if you want to get to a tag other
+than the innermost one.
+The letters w, W, and s correspond to a |word|, a |WORD|, and a |sentence|,
+respectively. These are special in that they have nothing to delete, and
+used with |ds| they are a no-op. With |cs|, one could consider them a
+slight shortcut for ysi (cswb == ysiwb, more or less).
+A p represents a |paragraph|. This behaves similarly to w, W, and s above;
+however, newlines are sometimes added and/or removed.
+REPLACEMENTS *surround-replacements*
+A replacement argument is a single character, and is required by |cs|, |ys|,
+and |vS|. Undefined replacement characters (with the exception of alphabetic
+characters) default to placing themselves at the beginning and end of the
+destination, which can be useful for characters like / and |.
+If either ), }, ], or > is used, the text is wrapped in the appropriate pair
+of characters. Similar behavior can be found with (, {, and [ (but not <),
+which append an additional space to the inside. Like with the targets above,
+b, B, r, and a are aliases for ), }, ], and >. To fulfill the common need for
+code blocks in C-style languages, <C-}> (which is really <C-]>) adds braces on
+lines separate from the content.
+If t or < is used, Vim prompts for an HTML/XML tag to insert. You may specify
+attributes here and they will be stripped from the closing tag. End your
+input by pressing <CR> or >. If <C-T> is used, the tags will appear on lines
+by themselves.
+If s is used, a leading but not trailing space is added. This is useful for
+removing parentheses from a function call with csbs.
+CUSTOMIZING *surround-customizing*
+The following adds a potential replacement on "-" (ASCII 45) in PHP files.
+(To determine the ASCII code to use, :echo char2nr("-")). The carriage
+return will be replaced by the original text.
+ autocmd FileType php let b:surround_45 = "<?php \r ?>"
+This can be used in a PHP file as in the following example.
+ Old text Command New text ~
+ print "Hello *world!" yss- <?php print "Hello world!" ?>
+Additionally, one can use a global variable for globally available
+ let g:surround_45 = "<% \r %>"
+ let g:surround_61 = "<%= \r %>"
+Advanced, experimental, and subject to change: One can also prompt for
+replacement text. The syntax for this is to surround the replacement in pairs
+of low numbered control characters. If this sounds confusing, that's because
+it is (but it makes the parsing easy). Consider the following example for a
+LaTeX environment on the "l" replacement.
+ let g:surround_108 = "\\begin{\1environment: \1}\r\\end{\1\1}"
+When this replacement is used, the user is prompted with an "environment: "
+prompt for input. This input is inserted between each set of \1's.
+Additional inputs up to \7 can be used.
+Furthermore, one can specify a regular expression substitution to apply.
+ let g:surround_108 = "\\begin{\1environment: \1}\r\\end{\1\r}.*\r\1}"
+This will remove anything after the first } in the input when the text is
+placed within the \end{} slot. The first \r marks where the pattern begins,
+and the second where the replacement text begins.
+Here's a second example for creating an HTML <div>. The substitution cleverly
+prompts for an id, but only adds id="" if it is non-blank. You may have to
+read this one a few times slowly before you understand it.
+ let g:surround_{char2nr("d")} = "<div\1id: \r..*\r id=\"&\"\1>\r</div>"
+Inputting text replacements is a proof of concept at this point. The ugly,
+unintuitive interface and the brevity of the documentation reflect this.
+Finally, It is possible to always append a string to surroundings in insert
+mode (and only insert mode). This is useful with certain plugins and mappings
+that allow you to jump to such markings.
+ let g:surround_insert_tail = "<++>"
+ISSUES *surround-issues*
+Vim could potentially get confused when deleting/changing occurs at the very
+end of the line. Please report any repeatable instances of this.
+Do we need to use |inputsave()|/|inputrestore()| with the tag replacement?
+Indenting is handled haphazardly. Need to decide the most appropriate
+behavior and implement it. Right now one can do :let b:surround_indent = 1
+(or the global equivalent) to enable automatic re-indenting by Vim via |=|;
+should this be the default?
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
diff --git a/vim/doc/tags b/vim/doc/tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54ecdda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/doc/tags
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+cs surround.txt /*cs*
+drawit DrawIt.txt /*drawit*
+drawit-DIdbl DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DIdbl*
+drawit-DInrml DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DInrml*
+drawit-DIsngl DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DIsngl*
+drawit-DIstart DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DIstart*
+drawit-DrawIt DrawIt.txt /*drawit-DrawIt*
+drawit-\di DrawIt.txt /*drawit-\\di*
+drawit-a DrawIt.txt /*drawit-a*
+drawit-b DrawIt.txt /*drawit-b*
+drawit-brush DrawIt.txt /*drawit-brush*
+drawit-c DrawIt.txt /*drawit-c*
+drawit-contents DrawIt.txt /*drawit-contents*
+drawit-dbl DrawIt.txt /*drawit-dbl*
+drawit-drawing DrawIt.txt /*drawit-drawing*
+drawit-e DrawIt.txt /*drawit-e*
+drawit-erase DrawIt.txt /*drawit-erase*
+drawit-example DrawIt.txt /*drawit-example*
+drawit-f DrawIt.txt /*drawit-f*
+drawit-history DrawIt.txt /*drawit-history*
+drawit-l DrawIt.txt /*drawit-l*
+drawit-manual DrawIt.txt /*drawit-manual*
+drawit-modes DrawIt.txt /*drawit-modes*
+drawit-move DrawIt.txt /*drawit-move*
+drawit-moving DrawIt.txt /*drawit-moving*
+drawit-options DrawIt.txt /*drawit-options*
+drawit-protect DrawIt.txt /*drawit-protect*
+drawit-s DrawIt.txt /*drawit-s*
+drawit-setbrush DrawIt.txt /*drawit-setbrush*
+drawit-setdrawit DrawIt.txt /*drawit-setdrawit*
+drawit-sngl DrawIt.txt /*drawit-sngl*
+drawit-start DrawIt.txt /*drawit-start*
+drawit-stop DrawIt.txt /*drawit-stop*
+drawit-tip DrawIt.txt /*drawit-tip*
+drawit-unicode DrawIt.txt /*drawit-unicode*
+drawit-usage DrawIt.txt /*drawit-usage*
+drawit-utf16 DrawIt.txt /*drawit-utf16*
+drawit-utf8 DrawIt.txt /*drawit-utf8*
+drawit-visblock DrawIt.txt /*drawit-visblock*
+ds surround.txt /*ds*
+g:drawit_insertmode DrawIt.txt /*g:drawit_insertmode*
+i_CTRL-G_S surround.txt /*i_CTRL-G_S*
+i_CTRL-G_s surround.txt /*i_CTRL-G_s*
+surround surround.txt /*surround*
+surround-customizing surround.txt /*surround-customizing*
+surround-issues surround.txt /*surround-issues*
+surround-mappings surround.txt /*surround-mappings*
+surround-replacements surround.txt /*surround-replacements*
+surround-targets surround.txt /*surround-targets*
+surround.txt surround.txt /*surround.txt*
+vS surround.txt /*vS*
+vgS surround.txt /*vgS*
+yS surround.txt /*yS*
+ySS surround.txt /*ySS*
+ys surround.txt /*ys*
+yss surround.txt /*yss*