path: root/xinitrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xinitrc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/xinitrc b/xinitrc
deleted file mode 100755
index 18b7844..0000000
--- a/xinitrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-# Inspiration:
-# http://www.desertsol.com/~kevin/ratpoison/
-xtoolwait="timeout --signal=KILL 5 $tools_dir/xtoolwait -noprop"
-term="/usr/bin/urxvt -e"
-# If this script is run with no arguments, tools and all workspaces are loaded.
-# If a workspace number is given as the argument, only that workspace is initialized.
-# Launch config files
-if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
- for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
- [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
- done
- unset f
-# Make C-v always insert selection (disabled due to too much cpu wakepus)
-#autocutsel -fork &
-#autocutsel -selection PRIMARY -fork &
-# give cursor
-xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
-# Fix annoying blank java bug
-wmname LG3D
-# Background
-~/.tools/wp change &
-# Init clipboard
-~/.tools/clipboard init
-#Run dropbox
-#dropboxd &
-# Allow user to edit brightness
-sudo /usr/bin/brightchown
-# Custom
-#Keyboard Bindings
-setxkbmap us -variant colemak
-xcape -t 300 -e 'Shift_L=parenleft;Shift_R=parenright;Hyper_L=Shift_L|exclam;Hyper_R=Shift_L|question' &
-xset r 64
-xset r rate 170 60
-xset m 0 0
-xset -b
-# Launch locking program
-xautolock -detectsleep -locker '~/.tools/lock' -time 11 -corners 0-00 &
-# Load xterm colors
-xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
-xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
-# Start some programs
-#dropbox start
-~/bin/offline-run &
-#xflux -z 24531 -l 56 -g 13
-#nm-applet &
-#Disable annoying point tap
-synclient PalmDetect=1
-synclient TapButton1=1
-synclient TapButton2=3
-synclient TapButton3=2
-synclient TapAndDragGesture=0
-synclient VertEdgeScroll=0 RTCornerButton=0 RBCornerButton=0 LTCornerButton=0 LBCornerButton=0 FingerHigh=37 FingerLow=35 FingerPress=100
-#Natural Scrolling
-xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 5 4 7 6 8 9 10 11 12"
-# Detect secondary monitor and automatically adjust
-#if [ `xrandr| grep -c HDMI1` -gt 0 ]; then
-# xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode `xrandr | awk 'NR==9 {print $1}'` --right-of LVDS1
-# xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of LVDS1
-if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- # if no arguments given, run everything
- run_everything=true
- run_workspace=all
- # if 1 argument given, run that workspace
- run_everything=false
- run_workspace=$1
-# Startup the window manager
-if [ $run_everything = true ]; then
- ratpoison 2>&1 &
-# ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
-# compton &
- wmpid=$!
- sleep 1 &
-# I create a section for each workspace so that individual workspaces
-# can be reloaded without reloading tools, which doesn't work so well.
-# workspace 0 : volume workspace
-# window 1: volume
-#if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then
-# $workspace 0
-# $xtoolwait $term alsamixer
-# number_and_title 0 "volume"
-# workspace 1 : Ranger workspace
-# window 1+: Ranger
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 1 ]; then
- $workspace 1
- $xtoolwait $term ranger
-# workspace 2 is at the end (pentadactyl) slowing down
-# workspace 3 : newsbeuter
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 3 ]; then
- $workspace 3
- $xtoolwait $term newsbeuter
-# workspace 4 : admin workspace
-# window 1: screen (see screenrc.admin for the screen config)
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 4 ]; then
- $workspace 4
-# $xtoolwait $term $screen_run admin
-# workspace 5 : School
-# windows 1: screen notebok
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 5 ]; then
- $workspace 5
- cd $HOME/Sync/notes
-# $xtoolwait $term $screen_run school
-## workspace 7 : kde workspace (VNC session)
-#if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 7 ]; then
-# $workspace ^7
-# $xtoolwait vncviewer nerd:1
-# number_and_title 0 "kde"
-# workspace 7 : skype workspace
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 7 ]; then
- $workspace 7
-# skype &
-# number_and_title 0 "skype"
- sleep 6
-## workspace 8 : windows workspace (VMware session)
-#if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 8 ]; then
-# $workspace ^8
-# #$xtoolwait gnomesu -c /stor/vmware/bin/vmware
-# #number_and_title 0 "windows xp"
-# workspace 9 : email workspace
-# window 1: mutt
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then
- $workspace 8
- $xtoolwait $term mutt
-# workspace 10 : irc workspace
-# window 1: irc
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then
- $workspace 10
- $xtoolwait $term $screen_run irssi
-# $xtoolwait $term irssi
-# workspace 11 : wifi workspace
-# window 1: wicd
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then
- $workspace ^10
- $xtoolwait $term sudo /usr/bin/safeconnect
-# workspace 12 : music workspace
-# window 1: music
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then
- $workspace 12
- mpd &
- $xtoolwait $term ncmpcpp
-# workspace 13 : volume workspace
-# window 1: volume
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then
- $workspace 13
- $xtoolwait $term alsamixer
-# workspace 2 : Vimb workspace
-if [ $run_everything = true -o $run_workspace = 2 ]; then
- $workspace 2
- vimb &
-# Default workspace: 1(ranger)
-# $workspace ^1
-~/.tools/panel/panel &
-#sleep 2 && rpbar
-sleep 1
-if [ $run_everything = true ]; then
- wait $wmpid